Session export: Envoy RP: Hyperspace Storm 1

Space around Planet Ryloth Providence Class Destroyer “Moonfall” Hector Von Ricmore

The Kiffar waited patiently on the bridge of the Vizsla vessel. A single destroyer was a lot of firepower. But not enough to cause a planet to cry invasion. It was for this reason that the “Moonfall” was chosen. The Envoy society had arranged for a shipment of food, water, and medical supplies to be sent to the planet Ryloth. A recent earthquake had devastated the surface of the planet, leaving many Twi'leks in dire straights. He had requested the assistance of several Envoys to aid him with the task; sending his personal Vizsla Summit shuttle to pick up the beings from their respective homes. But little did Hector know, that shuttle would never arrive.

A chance happening, perhaps one in a billion, had occured. During a conflict between Chiss Ascendancy and Grysk infiltrator ships, a hyperdrive was destroyed mid jump. For most of the galaxy this had little effect. But to the Envoy’s riding in the Vizsla shuttle it meant everything. They were passing through the area, moving at lightspeed. The explosion warped gravity for a scant few moments, throwing the ship completely off course. The Envoys crashed onto an unidentified planet, one not on any conventional starmaps. They had survived the crash and it would be up to their skill and ingenuity to survive.

The crashed ship was surrounded by greenery. The air was hot and humid. The atmosphere safe to breathe for most species. Tall trees surrounding the impact point and continued off into the distance. A variety of grasses, plants, and tropical fruits sat within the area. A single black orchid contrasted the green and yellow grasses.

As the party awoke they could neither see nor hear any wild life in the immediate area. They now had the opportunity to begin examining their surroundings and decide on their next course of action.

Lulaire groaned softly as pushed herself up from the floor. She felt hot breath at the back of her neck. Slightly sore, the Jedi turned to see Bafforr sniffing at her hair as she pushed the Narglatch’s face away.

“Stop it now or ya gonna sleep on dat rotten hay tonight, alright?” Her voice sounded hoarse. The Jedi was totally screaming earlier when they were crashing into the planet. Bafforr snorted in displeasure as it stepped to outside towards the greenery and sniffed in the air. Lulaire got herself up as she started to stretch and groaned at her achy body that was already slowly fading. Being a Firrerreo had it’s perks. Her fingers combed through her two-toned hair as she started to pull it into a high ponytail so she could feel like she could breath in this thick humidity.

Lulaire started to walk towards the opening, careful not to step on anyone on the way out. Would be good to have a quick check of the area before she goes to help whoever needs it.

“Alrighty, who be not dead yet? Sound off. Oh, that is purdy.” Lulaire’s tangerine hues caught the single black orchid. She stilled her mind and started to use the Force to help her sense their surroundings. She cannot help but to feel drawn to the orchid.

She couldn’t tell if it’s light or dark. She stayed quiet while staring at the black beauty.

“Not gonna lie. That was a rougher landing than expected.” Vynn stated as he looked around and assessed the situation. It appeared the pilot was dead. The inside of the shuttle was a mess of wreckage and people. Thankfully he was uninjured other being bruised from the impact with the wall when the shuttle hit the top soil.

A quick check of his gear showed everything was still there. Not that he carried much really. His lightsabers and armor was the majority of it. He believed in simplicity when gearing up for missions and this one was no exception. A tool kit, comm link and data spike were all he usually carried. He queued up the Artificial Intelligence that Zxyl had built into his armor and it began running diagnostics on his armor to make sure everything there was still functioning.

“Pilot is a goner, for sure. But I am still in one piece.” He relied to the Firrerreo.

Tisto blinked at the area they found themselves in as he laid at a weird angle. “I have been in…” The former gang leader thought for a moment. “I can’t say a crash worse than this. But its very similar to being near explosions.”

Tisto looked down at his hands, satisfied to see his gloves. He brushed his hair out of his eyes, and was shocked to see fruit in the area. “I don’t know about the rest of you,” he smiled. “But I don’t know how long I was out for and that fruit looks delicious.”

Hot wet sandpaper scraped across her cheek, the slender blue Twi’lek jolted awake batting away what turned out to be the tongue of some kind of boar/dog thing. She sat up and instantly regretted it. Pain radiated from her torso where the crash webbing had tried to crush the life out of her during impact.

“Where the kark are we?” she sniffed the air as she slowly stood and carefully picked her way out of the wreckage. “This is not Ryloth. It smells…off” Free of the wreckage, she focused on her surroundings. “Ok, we need to get organized. What food do we have? Is there water and shelter near–“ she stopped mid sentence as something dripped in her eye. Wiping it away she realized her forehead was bleeding. “Well, frotz.” She sat down on a nearby log and focused her energy on healing her forehead. Leaving the organizing to her companions.

With a hefty kick, Vance pushed the large metallic piece of the craft off his chest and painfully lifted himself up off the ground. He dusted himself off, moved his hair back off his long pink ears, also putting it up into a ponytail and looked about. “Well,uh I am here and alive. Definitely not the most spectacular crash, but eh give it a seven out of ten for most interesting. Certainly could have been worse, but hey at least I am not alone. So right, uh..” He spotted the Twi'lek sitting down on a log. “Guess we better figure out first what we got in terms of food and where we can build a shelter.” He then looks over towards Tisto eying the fruit. “Do we know if that is edible or not? I unfortunately am not as skilled in biology of planets and edible fruits, but if it is, wouldnt hurt to gather some up to add to the food. Anyone know how our immediate water supply is doing?”

Pilot was dead. They were hungry. Her bright eyes tore away from the orchid for a moment to look at the fruits they were talking about. She wasn’t sure if it was safe or not, considering she had never been on this planet. It was best to see if bugs or animals eat it. Then she glanced back to the orchid.

It was uncomfortable. It wanted a connection and Lulaire had heard stories from the past Jedis to always be careful with objects that beckons.

Then she heard a loud yelp. Her head snapped towards the direction as she sees Takka, her boar-wolf, emerging from the wreck and limping. Takka, however, did not limp towards Lulaire, instead it went to the nearest person which was Vynn and whined, holding up it’s paw-

“Oh, will ya stop that! This ain’t the time for attention ya brat!” Takka then glared at Lulaire, let out an angry snort, and placed down the seemingly injured paw onto the ground as it sat down in annoyance.

“Well, I don’t know if any of ya be in tune with the Force, but that flower over there is sure wanting my attention. If I turn into a jeepers creepers Sith, please put me down.” Lulaire asked as she squatted down by the black orchid and gently touched it with her fingertips.

“Hello!” A cheerful voice bubbled up in Lulaire’s thoughts. “I’m the Murakami Orchid! Welcome to my planet. It’s been so many rotations since we had visitors here. Not since the creatures with white armor and black cloaks came.”

Lulaire yelped as she pulled back.


There was still noise ringing in his ear as Kaled came to his senses. The ship crashing sent him tumbling all around, hitting his head in the process of “safe landing”. As he tried to sit upright, Miraluka felt a sting in his left arm. It seemed like it was nothing serious, but worth checking out once he was at a safer location.

He tried to sense his surroundings and get a bearing on what condition the crew was in, but there were only faint glimpses of the auras not far from him. Kaled remembered there being a few more people as he boarded, hopefully, they were doing better than he did at the moment.

“Hello?” Arcanist said with a raised voice, hoping to get someone’s attention as he stood up. “Blind person in need of assistance. Good thing I wasn’t controlling the ship or the landing would be much worse….”

Vance’s pink Sephi ears picked up the sound of someone calling for help. He instinctively turned toward the call and made his way over.

“A talking plant? Or is it a telepathic plant?” Sinya asked from the log as the Force slowly caused her body to stitch up the cut on her head. She was only half paying attention and ignored the man calling for help. And the fruit? Well, she was no stranger to hunger and was willing to let someone else test them first.

Not being much of a healer Vynn reached down and patted the animal seeking his attention. It seemed friendly enough but no doubt like Vynn that friendly facade could be gone in an instant when needed. The paw it held up was not badly injured that he could tell but he would let someone more adept at these things take a look when he could.

Instead, he went back into the ship to see if there was anything they could salvage. Like most transports it held some emergency provisions but not enough to feed them all for very long. A day or two at the most if they were careful with how it was divided up. Figuring out where they were was a more pressing need.

“Telepathic! Nope. Noooooooo siree bobbo, I’m out. I ain’t talking to no talking-telepathic plant thing. Have at it if ya want, Sinya.” Lulaire turned to find the male that was calling out for help but it seemed that someone else was on the way. What was his name- Oh right. Vance. Okay.

Tisto looked at his companions, somewhat bored by the idea of a talking plant. He lifted his right arm above his head, bending at the elbow so it dropped behind his back. With his left he grabbed his right hand and pulled his arm softly. “Alright so we got talking plants and some food on the horizon. We are on a planet I don’t know. Has anyone seen my bike?”

The diminutive Twi’lek seemed satisfied with the slight scratch left on her head. She. Could finish it later. She looked around at her companions, and up at the fruit, finally taking the time to process what the others had said.

“Hey weren’t we on a mercy mission? Did we not have supplies to deliver to Ryloth?” She looked at the shuttle wondering who would waste a trip just to pick up envoys without taking the opportunity to bring fresh supplies…

Tisto points to the fruit. “Why would we eat supplies ment for a mercy mission when there is food right there?”

“Hey, I’m a Rylothian. I’m in need of aide. And it’s not like we’d be able to get it to Ryloth now. That shuttle, like our mission, is done for.”

Tisto smiles at the small Twi’lek. “I think we might have left those supplies on the high shelves anyway.”

He turned back to the others. “So are we eating the telepathic flower or not?”

Takka panted happily as Vynn was giving it the best pets ever! Then it whined as he walked away. With an annoyed snort, Takka made his way towards Lulaire and sat down by her, looking rather disappointed with ears flat.

“We are not eating the flower, oh my- Ashla- Bantha Hooves - Orbak Horns! Just- fine.” Since no one else would be willing to talk to a flower, Lulaire squatted down, reached out to it and-

Squealed as she got up and starting to shake her arms and hands.

“No. It’s fine. I got this, dontcha worries fellas.” Her voice was teeming with sarcasm. She squatted once more, took in a deep breath, held it, and touched the flower.

Uh. Hi.


“Hi hi! Hope you are enjoying the planet so far. It’s a fantastic place as long as you avoid the sickness yup yup.”

Lulaire could feel goosebumps all over her body.

She just wants to stomp on the flower.

But maybe it would be useful?

What sickness?

The Orchid could feel the fear from the sentient it was connected with. And read her thoughts as well. “The sickness. The one the white armor black cloak people brought. They brought machines that covered the air with smoke. And all the animals started acting strange.”

Sinya’ni reached out with her senses and surveyed her surroundings. It’s time they thought about shelter. And to get away from the crash site. It was bound to attract predators.

All the animals? Strange how? How do we get rid of the sickness?

“I hide. Stay hidden. The sickness is no longer in the air now. Has not been for many, many rotations.” The Orchid replied

The party could hear a loud noise from behind them, the sound of metal scraping on metal.

Ignoring the droid tearing itself free of the cockpit, the non typical Nightsister narrowed her focus to the ancient plant. “Any luck communicating with it, Lula?”

Tisto looked towards the sound, shifting his right foot behind his left. He tucked his elbows towards his chest as he brought his hands up. “Company?”

Lulaire pulled away from the sudden noise of the metal scratching, cringing at the same time. She had sensitive ears so that hurt. Then someone finally asked her about the planet as she stared at the Twi'lek in disbleif. Did she not hear the scraping of the metal!?

“Uh, it was talking about sickness, buncha animals got infected, white armor black cloaks brought the machine that the said sickness-”

At least someone was preparing himself for possible company.

“What kind of sickness. Should we be wearing masks? Are the Imperials still here?” Sinya’ni continued to ignore the droid and reached out to the orchid for more information. “And what planet is this? Do you have a name? What about family?” She tried to sense if the flower was the whole entity or if it was just a small part of something bigger.

When he stood, Kaled noticed a small scent of iron in the air. He could taste it on his lips as Miraluka tried to wipe the dust off his face.

Blood was coming down his lip, probably a small cut caused by the landing. He sensed a small presence approaching him as the Arcanist took two careful steps forward.

“Hello, hi!” He said with excitement and a smile thankful that there were other people who were bored. “Could…you help me out? Everything is still a bit fuzzy. I can’t tell which way is forward or backwards.”

Vance saw the Arcanist’s bloody lip and sort of smiled as he carefully moved to the left beside him and allowed Kaled to take his right arm. “Well other than a slight busted lip, maybe a little shock and some dust you don’t seem to be too worse for wear. Not to worry Kaled right? I remember meeting you before we had crashed.”

Lula gave Sinya a blank stare before going back to the orchid.

Hey uh- there purdy flower, would there be a way telepath with all of us for now so ya do not have to repeat yaself?


He gladly took the extended arm and leaned in closer to Sephi, careful to not lean with his full weight. “Yes! Thats me. Oh but you can call me Kal, most people do, to be honest. Vance right? Are others safe? Any casualties?” His tone shifted with each question. From joyful to serious as he asked about others. Moving slowly, letting Sephi guide his every step. Completely ignoring his own injuries. Ashla only knows he endured worse and had scares to prove it.

“Kal, okay I will try to remember that. And Yep, good old Vance. Well the other envoys for Rlyoth seem to have survived and made it, unfortunately our poor pilot did not survive. As for injuries most seem okay or are already taking care of their wounds. A couple are currently trying to figure out where we are and taking some stock of our supplies. So for right now I am just bringing you up to where most of us are. Sinya seems to be asking questions to a flower on this planet and Lulu is helping by being able to communicate with it. Tisto is like off a little ways admiring some fruit that apparently looks good to eat. And then there is just us.” He chuckled as he walked carefully making sure he didnt go too fast as he brough Kaled back up near the others. “As for places you can stand if you like, sit on the ground, or next to Sinya is a nice log.”

Kaled’s smile disappeared at the news of the pilot dying, but he felt relieved that the others were fine. He deemed it a bit bothersome that the location they were in was unknown, but others could probably find it out eventually. “Thank you for the assistance.” Miralukas smile resurfaced once again. He let go of Vance’s arm and stepped a few steps to the side. “Hopefully others will find out where we are. I could…try to sense the area for any dangers?” He ponders for a moment. “Maybe thats a good idea?”

“Yeah wouldn’t hurt, I for one would like to know if there is anything dangerous and if so, can help figure out if it it needs taken care of. Sometimes I wish I had that force stuff that a bunch of you have, but at least even if I don’t nice to have an ally at least that does.” He smiled as he checked his pistol he had on his belt. “I got a nice pistol and rifle. I can watch your back in case something goes wonky.”

As the group conferred a single droid stepped out of the wreckage. It followed its programming in the event of a crash. The droid began to move debris. Its left arm housed a multi tool containing devices including a welder and hydrospanner. Devices it would use to begin repairing the vessel once the debris was clear.

“I was kind of born into it.” Kaled smiled, waving his cybernetic hand over his face. “The Force only helps us in different ways, you know? Some can live without it and some are dependent on it. I would like to actually not have it. Try to see the world like others do. Use a blaster, have a gir-” Suddenly his senses twisted the vision. He could feel the chills running down his spine and a cold sweat coming down his forehead. There was something wrong with this planet. The living Force was…wrong! This place made him uneasy, and he wanted to step back away, but where?

“We…should leave. Like, now. Post haste. Something…this planet…we must go. Now!” His face expressed fear and concern that only a few people had seen before. Miraluka was only hoping that they would find a way off this planet before someone got really hurt.

Vance’s face shifted to serious frown as he put a gentle hand on the Miraluka to calm him down a bit. “Whoa there, you are saying the entire planet is a hazard?"He thinks a moment. "Well I am sure, once we get everything figured out we can all come up with some way to get off. Till then I will do my best to make sure nobody gets hurt further. Unfortunately we all are kind of stuck right now.”

Miralukas head shifted from left to right, seemingly trying to find a way to make a run for it. But word of encouragement from Vance made him a bit calmer.

“Not hazard in a normal sense of the word, it is just…Wrong. But we better look after others, if something happens we will need to act quickly. I’ll try to heal to the best of my abilities but…Let’s try to keep the group together first and move carefully once everyone is done with… whatever they are doing?”

The Orchid considered the request asked of it. Doable for a being of its power. It reached out, establishing a mental connection with the entire party. “Why Hello! I’m the Murakami Orchid! Nice to meet you all!”

Still inside the wrecked shuttle searching for anything useful Vynn heard the strange voice in his head. Having trained with the Jedi of Odan-Urr he was not unfamiliar with the feeling of telepathic speech. He could even do it himself but generally chose not to unless absolutely necessary. There was an uneasy feeling this time that he couldn’t place. It wasn’t as if the voice meant any harm directly but it was more of an uneasy feeling in his gut.

Trying to block the link to the orchid Vynn settled himself but it did little good. Whatever the Orchid is or was had too much power. At least he could try to figure out what it wanted. As nothing was free in this universe backwater planets included.

Lula grimaced but then thanked the Orchid.

“Mind telling everyone what we were talkin’ about earlier? About them white armors with black coats and all?”

“ Yeah Kal I agree on staying together-Grey gerabaldi’s ghost! What the hell is in my head?” Vance shook his head hearing the Orchid in his mind, he really didn’t like this one bit.

Kaled stopped moving his head for a moment, to stunned by the voice to speak. But once he heard Vance he turned to him. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Looking at Kaled he nodded also not sure of what to say to the Orchid either. “So do I…”

“So the sickness. The sickness came when the people with the white armor and black cloaks brought their machines. The machines put smoke into the air. And everyone started getting sick. The air is clear now, it has been for many rotations. But the sickness still remains.” The orchid repeated through a telepathic message.

“Well since it had been several uh- rotations as ya said, will any of us be getting sick?”

“Not from the air, nope nope. Any creatures that have it I can’t say. I might be able to shield you from the infection because of our connection but you all need to go away. I can’t defend myself from any creatures that come. I have to stay hidden yup yup.”

“I can safely say we want to leave as quickly as you want us to be gone.” Vynn sent back to the Orchid. “We will need supplies for repairs. You mentioned machines and people. I see none of that around here. Where did they go? or did they have a settlement near here we can scavenge parts from?


“I am a flower. I have not been moved from this location in many cycles. But different people and creatures inhabit this planet. There was the white armor and black cloaks. The beings that had armored with patterns like the forest. And those wearing black and brown who wielded blades of colored light. I am sure that at least one of them built a place to stay yes yes.”

Reaching for his belt Vynn ignited one of his lightsabers. It sprang to life with the familiar snap-hiss and the dull hum. It’s silvery white blade pointed down at the ground in a non threatning manner. “Blades like this?”

“Yes yes. Many, many cycles ago. They wielded blades of light and conjured storms from their hands.”

That was not what Vynn was hoping to hear. Storms from their hands generally meant trouble. Though Vynn could do it, and did on occassion, most who put on a show of ‘storms from their hands’ were not the freindly type of force user. He really wanted off this planet now. The Orchid was of little help in getting them off the planet it seemed. He felt it best to leave it alone and focus on something more productive.

“I will leave the flower creature to the rest of you. It is taking up valuable time and it will be dark soon.” he said outloud to his companions. “I am going to see if i can get the droid to focus on the long range comms so we can try to get word to Hector or Socorra for a lift.”

A metallic voice chimed in from behind the group. “Currently in process of repairs. I have discovered that the emergency crate has survived the crash. Perhaps it contains supplies that can be of use?” The droid addressed the group.

“Oh thank Ashla! Anything to get me away from the flower!” Lulaire made a dash to the crate.

Takka let out a loud snort and started to sniff at the flower before licking it.

Within the crate sat 4 custom E-11 blaster rifles. The barrels were suppressed and the weapons had been designed to withstand more damage before breaking. A bayonet mount was attached to the bottom of the weapons. 4 single use combat med kits sat alongside them and 4 pouches containing a week worth of food and water. A single pair of infrared vision goggles, 2 survival knives, 4 stun grenades, and 2 flare guns made up the rest of the cargo.

3 other pairs of infrared googles and 2 survival knives lay in pieces, obliterated by the crash.

Sinya’ni studied the flower for a moment. “Are there others like you? Can you communicate with them?”

The flower fell silent at that question. Ominously silent.

“There were once. Before the sickness. Any others are now dead. Or wishing they were.” The Orchid stated devoid of its usual cheer.

“Did you also get sick?”

“Can you tell me what happened? I really need to know more about what killed your kind.” Sinya’ni asked sending concern and empathy through the telepathic link.

“No. No I would rather not talk about it.” The flower despondently muttered.

“Oh? But you do want to talk about it. Who else are you going to tell your species story to? You want others to know who you were and how you died.” Sinya’ni formed her plea with the subtle but powerful nudge of the Force.

The attempt was powerful. And subtle. So subtle that the flower did not pick up on it. But the Orchid was ancient. It’s mind and Force presence so very different to most organics in the galaxy. One could refer to it as strange or alien. The flower did not pick up on the mind trick, nor was it affected by it.

Tisto sighed as it seemed things were not getting violent yet. He walked over to the droid. “Need anything moved?”

“I appreciate the offer. But no assistance is necessary. I recommend checking the supply box. It will take some time to make the ship flight ready.”

“Well, thank you for the information. I shall leave you be for now. If there is any way we can help you, just let us know.” Sinya left the orchid be, though she still had questions. How old was it, how did it think and communicate with out a brain, how did it communicate in our own languages, did the sickness only affect plants, who were the Sith that were there before, were they Plaguians? So many questions…but there were more pressing matters at hand. Time to seek out water.

“I’m going to look for a source of water.” She said aloud before starting her search.

Vance had helped move Kaled to a place he could sit where Lulaire and Tisto were helping the droid. “I am going to go help Sinya look for some water, but wanted to be sure you were near some of the others in case you needed assistance.” He then looks at the two helping the droid. “Hey, I am leaving Kal here in your hands and helping Sinya find some water, he is blind mind you so if he needs to move somewhere please let him know and assist him.” With that Vance then trotted over to Sinya. “Wait for me, should'nt go searching alone, buddy system is usually a good thing on a strange planet.” He gave a lopsided grin. “Besides be nice to stretch my legs a bit and I do have a pistol and rifle just in case it’s needed.”

“Teaming up is always a good idea. We will keep an eye on things here. Hopefully we can get the long range comms and scanners up soon. It will help us either get off this rock or at least find better shelter if we can get a good scan.” Vynn stated as the two headed off in search of water.

Turning his attention back to the shuttle he could actually do little in the way of repairs. Working on his lightsabers was one thing. There was no way he could figure out this mess.

Lulaire glanced over to Takka and tilted her head towards the two. Takka let out a loud snort that was very deep and bass and went to follow Sinya and Vance.

“I guess huntin’ animals would be a bad idea considerin’ we sure as heck don’t know what kind of sickness that flower was talkin’ about.” Bafforr came up to Lulaire and nudged her with her massive head as Lulaire nearly fell over.

“Stop that-” She pushed Bafforr’s face away as she made her way towards the supply box. And started to organize.

“At least this thing has food and water- Wait-” Her eyes glanced up to the pair that had already left as she facepalmed.

The group approaching the water witnessed a single solitary creature, the Amphibian Fambaa, immersed in the waters of the river. Its flesh had a sickly grey pallor, and it did not appear to move under its own power. It slowly drifted, propelled by the force of the river.

As the Twi’lek and her companion neared the water she stopped and watched the Fambaa. “Well, that certainly answered one question, the sickness is not limited to plants, and this water is not potable.”

Takka sniffed her nose in the air and behold! Something was decaying! Strayed from the pair a little bit, she went searching for the decease smell.


The scent led the creature to the river, specifically to the Fambaa floating closer and closer to the group.

As the group approached they witnessed the last signs of life leave the creature’s eyes. The Fambaa had passed. Its corpse continued to float down the river, propelled by the water.

Takka wagged her tail and grabbed fambaa by the crane of it’s neck and chomped on it as she dragged it onto the land. Once she was done, she squealed in happiness.

<@361376035444490240> <@277745193527279626>

“What in the nine hells…uh good pull?” He looked at Takka. “Unfortunately, I don’t know how safe this water is and seein that creature just die like that.” He wrinkled his nose at the ripe smell from the putrid carcass of the beast. “Whew, as wonderful as that retrieval was, this creature is not good for eating.” He covered his mouth with the cloth of his hood as he tried to look at the dead beast before turning to the squealing Takka. “I really hope you don’t get sick. Cause if this thing has the sickness. It could spread to you. Please don’t try to eat it, okay.”

Lulaire glanced at the group who are still gathering themselves.

“Snap to it y'all. Gotta have ya wits with ya here.” She gestured to the weapons and the portions of food and water that she divided up evenly for all of them.

“Come get ya food and water. As for the weapons, well take what ya need, ya know? Imma go get the pilots body and at least wrap it up and put it in bag so we can give them a proper burial with their family.” She headed back inside the ship and started looking around for those black bags that they put deceased bodies in.

Tisto rolled his eyes, and offered up a chuckle. “This is how those cheaply made zombie holovids start. I’ll help you make it so he can’t get us later.”

The boxer kicked at the body before following her.

Lulaire stared at Tisto with her orange hues.

“Can you please at least, show some respect to the body?”

The corpse lay on the ground. A few seconds after the impact it twitched twice before laying still.

Tisto shrugged. “He is dead. He doesn’t care anymore.”

He adjusted his shockboxing gloves carefully so his hands wouldn’t be exposed to the body. “Now let’s get this thing into a bag.”

Lulaire scoffed as she got the black bag and shook it out. Once she opened the flap, she squatted down by his shoulders and gently slipped her hands underneath the deceased pilot’s armpits.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Their Ghosts are always be hanging around.” Her eyes flickered to behind Tisto before back to him.

“This really is a cheap holovid,” Tisto laughed. “Well if I die here kill my ghost. Should we expect zombies? Guys in cheap masks? Or is this one of those alternate history ones where the empire comes back from the dead all at once?”

Tisto grabbed the pilot by his shirt and lifted up. “Oh? Am I going to get possessed by his ghost for being disrespectful? I didn’t know the guy so there is nothing to pay respects to. Besides of this does turn inti a horror holovid, my swoop should be around here somewhere.“

Sinya watched the animal drag the carcass out of the water. “Well, that’s unfortunate. That won’t end well.” She dug into her pack and donned her breath mask before checking out the fambaa. She used the Force to move it around so she wouldn’t have to touch the decomposing mess.

Moving around the pilot Vynn reached down and grabbed the pilot by his ankles so the three of them could place him in the body bag. He would be given a proper send off if they made it off this planet at the Graveyard of the Honored Hunters. “Lets get this done so we can concentrate on us surviving to see him home.”

“Well…that is interesting. It seems this creature was bitten by something. I wonder if the black cloaks inadvertently brought an apex predator here.” She studied the bites for a bit trying to determine size of mouth and length of teeth.

Lulaire had nothing else to say to Tisto as they got the body into the body bag. Lulaire gently placed the arms to the side as she zipped the bag and started to drag it out of the way.


“I am not sure. Far as I know this is just one crazy planet that we just need to get the hell off soon."Vance observed Sinya for a bit analyzing the creature before once again keeping an eye on the surroundings. He pulled his pistol out, keeping it at the ready as he walked about in a short square watching the perimeter. He never liked being caught off guard and his time being a slave always taught him to stay alert wherever he was staying.

“Well, it certainly is strange. I’m curious about this sickness and what has bitten this poor creature. I think we should investigate a little more. We wouldn’t want to accidentally bring something contagious back with us to Ryloth.” After finishing her inspection of the creature, she stood and stowed her equipment. “Let’s head back to camp. Looks like we should be digging a well if we need more water. I wouldn’t trust any of the flowing water in this area.”

With the body taken care of Tisto went about trying to find his bike. The wreckage didn’t bode well for its condition, but he wasn’t one to give up hope that quickly.

The grey skinned creature twitched on the ground. It twitched a second time. The twitches continued as it slowly began to rise to a standing position. It let out an ear piercing screech.

The dead had awoken.

As the group of Envoy’s were dividing up the rations and gear a loud piercing cry echoed across the plain. Instantly Vynn drew both his lightsabers from his hips. Still not ignited he held them at the ready. The voice from the black orchid suddenly sounded in his brain again. “The sickness is coming.”

From the southernly direction a lone Fambaa emerged from the tree line. It didn’t take an expert to see something was very wrong with it. Its skin was gray and it had a chunk missing from its underside. As it spotted the group it picked up speed into a lumbering but surprisingly fast pace for a beast of its size.

Placing himself directly in the creature’s path Vynn ignited both lightsabers. They sprang to life as he steadied himself with the ground shaking beneath the massive footsteps. The silvery white blades hummed as he brought himself into a wide stance ready to attack.

As the beast charged him Vynn rolled to his left barely missing getting trampled under foot. He lashed out with both of his lightsabers, their white blades making deep gashes in the Fambaas leg. The animal, or what was one, slowed and bellowed a roar that was not quite pain. It began a slow turn as it tried to make another charge. Vynn popped back up into his feet readying himself for another attack.

It was obvious after Korvis’s attack, that this was going to take some time. Lulaire glanced over to Bafforr who was watching from afar. Good. Then she whistled as Takka responded with a squeal.

“Distract.” Takka started barking, squealing, running underneath it and making forward and back lunge snap attacks in the air.

While the beast was distracted by Takka, Lulaire attempted to slice at the neck, leaving only a burn mark but it slowed down.

A little.

Lulaire moved back to stay out of the way as it directed it’s attention to her now.

“Well now, that sure gonna take a while, won’t it?”

Sinya’ni watched as the dead beast started to move, which was impossible. She had just inspected it and it was very clearly dead. But against all scientific logic, it regained its feet and charged in a random direction through the woods. “Well, at least it didn’t attack u–“ WWAUGH!! the beast’s bellow and the familiar sound of lightsabers interrupted her as the fight broke out back at the crash site. “Or not. Let’s get back and help them out,” the twilek said as she sprinted back toward the downed shuttle.

She got there just as Lula hacked at its neck with their lightsaber. The disgusting undead hippo shifted its gaze from the pet to the lightsabers and Sinya did the only thing she could at this distance. She focused on the bloated, waterlogged creature and lifted with the Force. She underestimated the weight of the extra water and watched as the creature appeared lighter for a second but clearly still on the ground. If anything she had made it faster and lighter on its feet, so she dropped it. The flabby feet sinking deeper into the mud as it continued its attack.

What in Ashla’s name-

“Should we just skedaddle?!”

Vance had followed and his eyes widened. “Kark! What sort of crazed planet is this!”

The boxer rushed forward and hit the body with a right handed haymaker. blue sparks flashed from the hit as the creature fell over, a leg dislodging from the blow. Tisto couldn’t help but smile as he watched it go down. “This cheap film nonsense isn’t going to–”

Tisto bliked and shut up as the thing got back up from the bunch. He took a look at his gloves to make sure they were functioning correctly. He took a few steps back from whatever this was. The boxer frowned. “So. Whats the plan?”

The creature let out an ominous ear piercing shriek.


It began to slowly limp forward towards Tisto, teeth gnashing as it swung its head in a chaotic manner.

A transparent shimmer of light interrupted the attempt, as Tisto defended himself with a barrier forged through the Force.

The party could hear a distant noise coming closer and closer.


Miraluka quickly stood up as the fight broke out.

He froze for a moment, debating on what to do as the rest had already started fighting the creature. Then the idea came to his mind. If he could just distract the creature long enough…

Running over towards the creature, Arcanist let the force flow through him and jumped into the and hitting his intended mark!

“This was a bad ideaaa-” Kaled screamed as he barely managed to hold onto the creature.

“” Miraluka tried hitting it a few times just before the creature moved again, trying to get rid of him.

“Ah Karking nine hells no!” Vance replied pulling his Blaster Rifle out. He aimed it at the creature and fired a few shots at the beast.

The bolts tore through the head of the creature. It gave a keening wail before it fell over. It did not rise again.

“Eeeeeeeee!” The earlier screech had grown even closer, it came from nearby.

Two grey skinned humanoids dressed in partial stormtrooper armor shambled out of the undergrowth. More of the undead had arrived!

“Aww, Come on! We don’t need more of you!"He replied in frustration as he readied for another volley of shots at whichever one decided to get closer.

Bafforr growled as she spun around, her tail slamming to the stormtropper. The stormtropper body moved like ‘jelly’ and was struggling in a spot.

Lulaire tried to use her saber to behead the deceased stormtropper. Instead there was sickening squelching noises and Lulaire held steady. She had heard worse considering she grew up in a farm. Lulaire took a few steps back.

Sensing that the creature was dead for good this time, Miraluka groaned as another monster appeared.

“Working on it!” He responded to Tiso as he jumped off the slayed monster.

Assessing the situation and noticing that one of the team members almost took a hit from the giant thing, Kaled taking a deep breath called on the force once again with a single word resonating in his mind. Protection. A shimmer appeared all around him and enveloped him like a cocoon. Miraluka took a few steps closer towards the Sinya'ni, hoping to stop another devastating attack.

Vance nodded to tisto. “Aye villains indeed."He turned towards Sinya’s direction, making his way closer with his rifle ready. "Zombies.."he mutters. "It had to be zombies on this wretched planet. You would think we were the main stars on some awful horror holovid.” he chuckled.

He takes a few shots at the trooper but the armor seems to have absorbed most the hit. “How wonderful. Anyone got a can opener?”

The undead turned to the source of its pain. It let out a shriek and sprinting towards it, throwing itself at Vance in a lunge.

“Oh no you don’t!” Miraluka jumped in front of the attack of the creature, hoping to protect his new ally.

Standing between the monster and Vance, Kaled raised his left hand, releasing the barrier that he prepared just moments before.

“Back off!”

“Kal you magnificent man, I could kiss you."He grinned and hoped the barrier would hold up against the beast. "Seems I forgot my normal gear this time around, guess I was thinking this mission was just gonna be a simple walk in the park.”

Watching as the undead creature bounced off the barrier thrown up by Kaled. It had no doubt saved Vance from a serious injury or worse. Using the force to grab the former stormtrooper Vynn held it up in the air its feet dangling just above the ground.

Spinning around in a fuild but strong motion Vynns sabers bisected the creature just above the waist. Its lower half falling to the ground with a thud. Releasing his force induced grip on the upper half it too hit the ground. But instead of dying again. It started to pull itself towards Vance on the ground.

“Why won’t you just die?” Vynn yelled.

Bafforr let out a rather loud squeal as she stomp onto the crawling zombie’s head. There was a sickening crunching sound along with a squirt as dried blood pooled around the ground. Then Bafforr growled as it tried to wipe it’s paw on the grass.

Lulaire huffed as it seemed like lightsabers weren’t working on this.

“Well then-” She deactivated her saber and clipped it back to her belt. With steady breaths, she ripped a tree from it’s foundation and threw it to the zombie as it was crushed underneth the tree but still alive.

“Huh. Slap me with some butter and call me a biscuit. Someone betta make sure to take care of them heads before they holla for their besties!”

Sinya walked over to the one pinned under the tree. She used one of her sabers to burn a hole through its eye socket while it struggled to reach her. The smell of seared flesh hit her olfactory nerves bringing unbidden memories to the surface. She shook them away and started examining the body.

Vance sat down a moment on a rock next to Kaled. “Might as well take a breather for a moment Kal. You can sit down next to me while they take a gander at the corpses.” He checked out his blaster rifle making sure it was good to go.“I really should have thought my clothes out better. Guess if we make it out, I will make sure to be prepared next time. But yeah thanks for saving my hide out there. Not too often I get someone just so willing to throw himself in front of danger to save me.” He smiled,shaking his head while picking up a stone and threw it out towards the dead creature.

“You are welcome Vance.” Miraluka said as he deactivated his lightsaber and lowered his guard. The barrier slowly disappeared into thin air, creating small sparkles as it vanished.

“Well, there is a lesson to be learn here. Always bring your gear with you, even if mission is a milk run. Other wise the giant dead monster will eat you.” He finally cracked a smile, his face turned twords Vance. “I will accept hugs as a form of thank you. Kissing not my thing though. Hehehe.”

Vance gave a lopsided grin and came over giving the Miraluka a nice friendly hug. “Sure, hugs are great. But yeah definitely next time bringing everything. So anything on these creatures, yet.” He looked towards Sinya before turning back to Kaled. “I am just gonna be here for now with Kal. Probably for the best for me anyhow.” He laughed.

Tisto just blinked at the group before sitting down in the wreckage. “Well only a matter of time before more come.”

The boxer did not look comfortable.

“I am sure we will eventually be able to get off this rock. We can get through it.” he tried to reassure tisto. “We just keep trying to find a way off.”

“Yea well, slight hitch in the plans, that would be-” She gestured to the ship. Bafforr was still trying to wipe the disgusting pieces off of her paw. Takka was now laying down and resting.

“At least the droid is repairing it. I see no reason to skedaddle far from here so we can be here when the ship is done.”

“Staying here is my plan,” Tisto offered a shrug. “I refuse to be a casualty to a terrible holovid by wandering off.”

The boxer looked at the group. “The ship should be repaired in.. a few hours? Days? We should find our own stores of water.”

“Well, good news and bad news?” Sinya’ni addressed the other survivors. “The good news is the sickness isn’t a virus. Bad news…it’s a plant based parasite and we don’t know how they were infested. Could be airborne spores or water or in the food.”

“Oh good, just what I need to know. That I may have inhaled, ate or drank a zombie parasite.”The Mercenary sat down on the rock next to Kaled. “And I don’t suppose we have any idea yet how we can purify the water here. So yeah question would be what food and water do we have then?”

Tisto looked at the mercenary. “Well in that case you better start doing everything manually. No more putting things to chance you need to know exactly what you are doing.”

The boxer grinned. “I suggest you start with manual breathing.”

Vance chuckled. “Yeah think I will see what we have and probably see what we can do to make this place a little more ready in case we get a zombie army after us.” He then stands up and goes over to check out the supplies from the ship.

Lulaire facepalmed.

“Yall deafer than- well. That ain’t fair to the animal. Anyhoo, I already separated the food and water to ration between all of us evenly-“ she gestured to an area where she did that. Awhile ago.


“I’ll admit I was a bit too busy calling this whole thing a terrible holofilm,” the boxer lounged lazily. “I suppose that makes things easier.”

“Well that’s good. I just got into this supply box here and we could definitely makes some traps for defense. Looking through it, i’d say with a little bit of tinkering we could make a few stun grenade trip wire traps, couple survival knife traps, and a couple of flare gun trip wire traps with this equipment. Up to you guys what you want to do. There was also some blasters rifles, medkit, and some infrared goggles.” He replied as he looked through the crate.

“I think a couple stun and knife traps wouldn’t be too bad to set up in my opinion.” He added as he stroked his goatee a moment.

“I question the effectiveness of any of these traps in regard to the current enemy.” Sinya’ni mused aloud. “But the sound would alert us, so maybe it’s worth rigging up. How long til the ship is repaired?” She dug in her pack and donned a breath mask, hoping that she hadn’t already been exposed to spores.

“At the current pace the ship will be capable of atmospheric flight within several days. The hyperdrive was heavily damaged. I can not give an estimate at this time.” The droid repairing the ship replied.

“How about long range communication? I am perfectly happy calling in a ride and leaving this ship here to rot.” Vynn said.

“Short range communications have been fixed. Longer range communications will be repaired in the next few hours barring any complications.” The droid mechanically replied.

“So…No communication with the outside.. Perfect.” Miraluka raised his hands in defeat, letting out a sigh as he stood back up. “At least we can comm each other, if we decide to go exploring or make a security parameter. Just in case if dead decide to rise again.” Kaled paused for a moment, turning twords direction Vance went. “You know, you were right. This really sounds like some holovid drama.”

Vance laughed. “Well not taking credit for the zombie holovid idea that was Tisto who first said it. I just definitely agree with it.” He then walked back to Kaled. “Well seein as we are gonna be stuck on this lovely planet,second question is do we have anything like blankets, a lean to and sleepin bags something for shelter if we wind up havin to camp a few days? I mean we at least got food and something to set up defense.”

“Then please focus on the communications first. Thank you.” Sinya’ni responded to the droid. “The sooner we can call for extraction, the better.”

“Orders registered. Prioritizing fixing communications.” The droid shifted from its current position, moving to the cockpit of the vessel where it began to fiddle with various electronic appliances.

Turns to Kaled.“Hey so I got this crazy idea. Since we do need shelter and defenses. I can start working on building one and if others want to help me we can maybe get this done faster. I am gonna go see if I can harvest some wood and find cloth to make a big shelter for us.”

“Good thinking!” Kaled smiled. “I can lift heavy stuff if you need assistance.”

“Perfect!you want to lift some crates? We can harvest some of them to start this shelter and they are around here so you wouldn’t be going too far away from our spot.”

With a little help, Vance guiding him and the aid from the Force, Arcanist managed to move the crates around. It was not as fast as he would like it to be, but it would have to do for now.

“I’m going to scout the area. If you need me, I’ll have my comlink.” She took a deep breath and focused on blending with the environment as she walked off.

“Stay safe, Sinya. Stay close.” Vynn responded.

He knew better than to talk them out of it. Truth be told they needed more Intel of the area around them. Then knew nothing of the planet they were all stranded on currently. We’ll save from what a talking flower told them. Vynn still wasn’t sure what to make of it. His force abilities while considerable were geared more towards fighting then investigation.

While the team made preparations for some defenses Vynn himself walked a short distance away out of view of his teammates. Raising his helmet just a little he took a sip of his water ration and a small bite of the high calorie bar that came from the survival crate. He didn’t follow the more extreme views of home of his Mandalorians, however due to his genetic disorder he didn’t like exposing himself to those he didn’t know well.

Vance wiped the sweat from his brow. In a couple hours, he and Kaled had made a nice dent stacking up the crates and forming their fortress. “let’s see crates we got, let me see if I can find some kind of cloth for it as well. Want to make it really nice.” He hunts about the place, scrounging around for any kind of cloth that would fit for their fort. “You know Kal,after we get this erected, you should test it out first, see how well keeps out the elements.”

As the group continued constructing their defenses time began to pass. After several hours they heard the droid cry out. “Ah ha! The long range communication systems have been fixed. Would any of you like to contact someone?”

“Not a bad idea.” Kaled nodded his head. Taking a moment to closely observe his work. Satisfied with what he has done, an idea came to Miraluka’s head turning his attention back to Vance. “I’ll float some rocks over just in case for… extra defense. In the meantime try to connect someone off world. If there are any Arcona members in the system, just give them my ID number.”

The hard working droid had made it known that the long range communications had been repaired. Vynn had been debating on who to get a hold of as the mission clearly hadn’t gone to plan and honestly he had no idea where they actually were. They could be almost anywhere along the path to Ryloth. Then it came to him, Zxyl would know where to find them. It was not known publicly that Zxyl built in trackers to the armor he forged. Used only to retrieve the previous beskar Vynn knew the Regent would be able to locate them, well at least Vynn.

Queuing up the Communications Vynn tried to get a hold of the Regent. It wasn’t answered so he recorded a message to let Zxyl know they were stranded on a dangerous unknown planet, to track the communication coordinates and to send help.

Tisto looks around as the work is being done. This backwater planet had nothing that Tisto was used to. He found himself longing for the familiarity of alley ways where he could have this crew living like kings in a matter of hours.

“So,” Tisto sits down. “These things don’t seem to got much in the way of brains. But they take hits like it’s nobodies business. Im thinking we need some trenches or holes to lure them into. And we shouldn’t fight them one on one. Hit them hard together. None of that I’m a hero stuff. Any luck on reaching out?”

“ I was unable to reach Zxyl. I left a message. But you guys are free to try someone else.”

Sinya suddenly appeared near where she disappeared. “Nothing out there that I can see. And when I say nothing…I mean NOTHING. Not an animal, bird, insect…nothing. Just the trees and plants. Did you guys get the radio working?”

“Droid has communications up.” Vance replied. “As for trenches I am sure we could make some,we do also have some grenades that we can do a few trip traps as well as some blades for a knife trip trap, if you are looking to set up more for defense. Kal and I have just been working on the finishing touches of our nice little shelter.”

The sound echoed through the forest, containing a variety of different pitches and tones. And it was growing closer and closer by the minute.

“Oh, what fresh hell is this…” Sinya’ni sighed as she reached out with feelings to sense what was coming and also to see what the orchid was feeling.

“Well, there are at least four of them now. Like the others. We should hide and see how they react.” Sinya’ni looked at the trees and surrounding area for suitable hiding places. “How are they finding us? Is someone…or something calling them?” She eyes the orchid suspiciously.

“Everyone be still like ya about to get stung. I got our hinds covered!” Lulaire slowed her breathing and she could feel her body come ‘alive’ and with a soft burst of energy, everyone got hidden with Force Cloak. Even Takka and Bafforr were barely breathing. Lulaire closed her eyelids and started to mediate to keep it up. The Force was so beautiful, like a sweet lullaby on a hot summer day while laying under the shade with sweet tea in hand and a cool breeze went through.

Vance immediately stopped what he was doing and stayed put trying his best to not breathe so loud. “This is why we don’t have nice things.” He thought as he focused on being a rock.

A horde of creatures began to shamble out of the woods, coming from the direction of the river to the North. Figures garbed in camoflage rebellion armor and others in Stormtrooper white. Some wore the black garb of the Imperial army. A few of these shambling corspes carried blasters. And carried them in such a manner that it appeared they knew how to wield them.

Sinya did not move. She stood perfectly still.

At the instance the force cloak went up Vynn did his best to not even breathe deeply. He stood like a statue with his feet firmly planted. His hands rested just over each of his lightsabers. Ready to strike if needed. Like always though as soon as he couldn’t move the familiar itch in his nose appeared.

It appeared that the party had mastered the art of sitting so incredibly still that they became invisible to the eye. Oh, and the Force Cloak helped too. Two dozen undead shambled past their location, moving off in search of life they could consume. The party was once again safe…for now.

“Well, they move fast. There was no sign of them just a bit ago. How long before the ship is space worthy? We should not hang out here longer than we have to.”

“The ship still requires many repairs, I focused on the communications as instructed.” The droid replied. “However, weapons systems will be available soon to aid against other hostile life forms.”

“Very good. Thanks. You are doing quite well.”

Lula exhaled sharply. That… was exhausting.

And it worked.

Her hand went to Bafforr’s head as she gently pet it.

Vance sat down next to Kal letting out a relieved sigh. “Well guess pretending you are just a small invisible rock paid off. Please tell me that we got help on that radio. Cause nine hells, I don’t want to do that again. Dad, can we turn off the holovid now, it’s getting too scary."He chuckled slightly.

“If it pleases you sir, I am proud to inform you that I have successfully repaired one of the ships weapons. A laser turret is now online and capable of being fired by any of you. With further time I can automate the system if desired.” The droid reported to the group.

Kal giggled a little at Vance’s joke. “Oh come now…” Miraluka added. “It’s not really a good holovid. Remember, after small creatures come and present the atmosphere of dread, a giant one comes and presents a real horror that is to come. Like a "final boss”. Did I use that one right?“

“Like a champ, well let me get on the turrets at least I know how to use them.” He smiled patting his shoulder as he stood up. “Least till they arw automated.”

Far away from the planet a certain capital ship traced the signal of the failed communication. Alongside the semi functioning tracker, the crew of the Moonfall had enough info to locate the envoy party. Hector Von Ricmore was on his way, but only time would tell if the party would survive long enough for the journey to conclude.

Tisto sighed as he realized there was very little he could do. “If this is a holovid I would prefer a bit more action.”

He offered the group a shrug. “Unless we want to get into a fight I am afraid I’m not much use. This whole hiding thing isn’t exactly my purpose but those things weren’t exactly going down easy. And I don’t want to get whatever they got.”

Vance leaned back a bit in the turret cockpit with his arms folded looking down at the land in front of him. “Well sometimes ya got a sit and wait till you get the perfect opportunity. Based on what I’ve seen here, probably won’t be long and our wonderful undead ‘friends’ will be back. I would say keep watching cause never know they could be back in minutes or hours.”

Sit and wait the party did. Hours passed as the droid continued to repair the ship. The second laser canon was repaired and an automated system was installed. The walls of the ship were repaired and fortified, offering additional protection to the party. As they began to grow bored of waiting they received a holocommuications transmission. Someone was calling their ship.

Vance dropped down and flipped the communications switch. “Hi, this Vance our ship went down on some god forsaken ppanet run by some rather frightening locals and my friends and I would like to go home now. I hope you have come to pick us up.”

A holographic image of a hooded figure appeared. The figure paused as it listened to the story.

“Vance? Yes the name sounds familiar. I am Hector Von Ricmore, and you appear to be in what remains of my shuttle. I am indeed traveling to your location but it will be a few hours before I arrive. What are these frightening locals you speak of?”

The dialogue was interrupted by a shrill call echoing through the forest.


The undead had learned from their previous encounters. And they had found the group once again. The horde stretched out into the horizon, a mixture of humanoid and animal bodies sloughing forward.


“Shite, that gotta go please get here quickly.” He then dashed back up to the turret and got back in place. “Gonna get ugly really quick.”

“I assume these are the hostile locals. The rescue ship is still a few hours away. But if you can keep this holocommunication going I can provide you Telekinetic assistance through the Force. We’ll be there as quick as we can.” Hector replied

“I can certainly try cause we will need all the help we can get. I will patch the holo com at least to turret station so it stays.” As he talked, he worked the commpad near him so the message would feed through. “All right, we have like this giant horde of undead stuff both humans and animals coming for us so if you can slow em down, kill a bit that would be very much appreciated.”

The haunting cry from the horde woke Vynn from his fitful slumber. The group had been taking turns trying to rest and keep watch. He felt some better after a few hours of sleep and the welcome news that Hector Von Ricmore was on his way. Now they just had to hold out.

Tisto merely sighed and stood up as he heard the cry. It was good to have a purpose again, even if that purpose was punching things that did not want to stay dead.

Lulaire grumbled, “Sun ain’t up yet, farm can wait a moment ‘ore-”

Takka bit her foot causing Lulaire to yelp as she sat up and swatted at Takka who then back up and wiggled it’s butt at Lulaire. Lulaire stared at Takka and groaned. Her two-toned hair all over the place, with sticks and leaves.

’seriously? How do they keep finding us?’ The dour Twi’lek sighed heavily as she settled into a comfortable vantage point. She checked her equipment. “This is going to be a long battle if they are as hard to destroy as the last ones.” Both lightsabers were in good condition, her Mandalorian vambraces were locked and loaded, breath mask in place. She retrieved her Revenant A-12 blaster checking power level and thermal scope. ’Ok, I’m ready…’ “Kark!” She exclaimed…’I forgot food’ she peeked over at the approaching horde. “Echuta pisua! They’re too close. No time to grab more. I’m stuck with just this one ration pack. Guess I’ll just have to die hungry.” She sighed again as she lined up her first shot.

Miraluka stood upwards as he heard the undead come forward once again. A bit shaken up, Kaled removed the lightsaber from his belt. Deep inside hoping that they could keep the undead creatures busy until the shuttle arrived.

“Time to look alive I guess?” Miraluka said as he ignited his lightsaber. He took a lower stance taking one step forward while holding his saber above his head. “Hope the aid comes quick…”

“Yes indeed,we got company but we can do it! I have our rescuer on the line gonna try to help us out here and I’m on a turret.” Vance shouted down. “Gonna try to keep em back so we can get of this damned rock.”

The horde let out another shriek, an undertone of excitement present at located their prey. They began to shuffle forward, picking up speed as decayed and destroyed limbs were forced to their breaking point. One of the forest trees was uprooted and slammed into the horde, crushing a sizeable number of them. The dead scrambled over half crushed bodies, using one another as stepping stones to climb the tree and continue forward.

The battle had begun.

“It’s show time, lets see what this baby can do!"Vance taps on the console as he looks from the cockpit, turning the turrets onto the horde and opens fire. "Yeehaw, let’s slay some undead!”

Body after body was mowed down by the laser fire. The weapon meant to obliterate starships quickly turned the undead into chunks. Even the unnatural vitality provided by the plague was unable to force them to rise again and move.

But the horde was massive. For each creature slain, another 3 rushed forward. And they began to grow closer, approaching the outer defenses constructed by the party.

Tisto waited on the safe side of the defenses, readying himself to fight whatever got close.

Watching as Vance fired volley after volley of red turret fire at the Horde of incoming enemies, Vynn ignited both of his lightsaber. The bodies and ground exploded as the massive blasts made impact. Yet, they still pressed onward. A red bolt of laser fire flashed beside Vynn’s head and Vance got a little to close as he swept side to side with the turret.

“Let’s keep the friendly fire to a minimum.”

“Aye Aye, Captain!” He waved as he concentrated his focus and kept aware of surroundings. “Hey uh, now might be great for some Telekentic stuff.” He stated to the console beside him. “Getting pretty ugly out here.”

Takka, couldn’t do much, bless her wittle heart but she was able to trip them and pull them by the ankles when they had gotten a bit close. Bafforr on the other hand, was massive enough and using her tail to plummet them down.

Lulaire kept an eye on her friends and the surroundings, she couldn’t help that much with the fact that they were seemingly, lightsaber resistant.

“I’ve already tried.” The Kiffar replied. “The tree I uprooted seemed to do little. I have another potential solution, but I won’t be able to assist for several minutes. You need to hold on without me until then.”

The horde continued to close the distance. The traps set by the party slowed their charge greatly, but it did not stop. And now the first creatures were arriving in melee range. Above the battle the sky began to darken and clouds began to condense.

The rescue ships were less than an hour away. Would the party survive until then?

Tisto smiled, meeting the first of the horde head on, trails of electric sparks following his hands.

Miraluka stood in silence as he heard the approaching horde. His hands trembling as the sound was coming closer and closer to their position. Was it even possible for them to hold them off?

In his mind, Kaled was desperately trying to come up with some sort of solution. And then, Miraluka remembered something master Marick said.

He extended his hand forward, focusing on the living Force around him. The rock’s he had gathered previously were not that big, but the damage they would do would probably be enough to slow the hords advance.

Not heavy, light as a feather. He repeated in his head, remembering how soft and light the feather was in his hand. Suddenly few of the rocks lifted off the ground, circling above him. “Vance! Let’s see if you can hit these. Shoot at the rocks!” With a quick motion of his hand forward, the rock’s launched forward above the incoming horde.

“You got it buddy!” Vance angled his turret towards the rocks flying above the horde and began to shoot at them all, turning them into a hailstorm of earthen fury upon the rushing undead. Several bodies were instantly crushed under the weight of the snaller,but still heavier rocks. After shooting all the rocks into smaller deadly pieces, he continued his barrage of blaster bolts against the rest of the horde. “Come on Hector, we need you.”

The clouds continued to unnaturally condense above the battlefield.

“You have called. And I will answer. Let them face the storm.”

A lightning bolt split the sky, slamming into the horde. Bodies were thrown back, some caught aflame. The flames spread along the grass, providing a barrier against the undead. They rushed through it anyway, dying and collapsing into piles.

Hector’s brow was scrunched in concentration. Maintaining a storm from such a distance was not a ritual he would be able to maintain for long.

Bolt after bolt slammed into the ground, creating wildfires where they landed. The dead rushed mindlessly forward. Electricity jumped from one undead to another, taking out groups at a time. The horde stopped at the edge of the fire having learned how deadly it is.

“I…Can’t keep this up for long” The Kiffar bit out through heavy breaths. “Regroup, and prepare to face the horde that makes it through.”

Lulaire was glad the rescue was almost here. She winced at the destruction of nature that the Kiffar was doing but she understood there was no choice.

Lulaire hopped onto Bafforr’s back as it groaned softly.

“Easy there, ol’ girl. Your tail still works on them. My lightsaber doesn’t…” Lulaire felt bad for being in the back but at least if the horde gets too close, she can use her defender abilities to protect her team as much as she possibly could.

The small Rylothian nightsister set her blaster down as the horde started to overtake her position. She remained seated and closed her eyes. Stretching out with her feelings, she looked for the orchid. It didn’t give off any presence in the Force. She opened an eye to peek out. It still sat there motionless…

She shifted her focus on the horde. She picked out a mountain of a dark trooper. Bringing her thoughts to bear on him, she bent his will to her own. The trooper turned on his companions and began firing and smashing into the other undead with wanton abandon.

Having given up on trying to kill the creatures outright Vynn instead targeted their limbs. Slowing them down was seemingly his best option as he regrouped a bit after the lightning storm. “Neat trick.” He said into his comm unit, “you will have to teach that to me if we survive this.”

He jumped back into the fray as the creatures began advancing as the fires died out a bit. His dual sabers were a whirl of motion. Severed limbs and torsos followed in his wake as he carved a path of destruction. The creatures had no defense for his blades but they still refused to stop moving. Even when they could no longer walk they began crawling and grasping at the ground to pull themselves forward.

A loud wail split the air. The sound of powerful engines, growing closer. From the sky descended a variety of vehicles. LAAT gunships. Mandalorian Kom’rk. Corellian shuttles. A mixture of Clan Vizsla and Iron Legion troops disembarked, rushing forward to assist the party. Their evacuation had arrived.

A comm system began to play a message. “All Envoy forces please proceed to the nearest ship. All Envoy forces please proceed to the nearest ship.”

“Wooo, about Time!"Vance quickly leaped down from the turret and ran to Kal. "Calvary has arrived and it’s time for all of us to get out of this frackin hellscape. I can help you to the ship, Kal” He smiled. “Man this is gonna be a hell of a tale to tell later.”

Watching as the members of his team made his way to the shuttle Vynn did his best to give them time. Using the force he bounced from one area to another striking and slashing. Eventually ending up near the ramp.

“Let’s get the frack out of here.” He said as he headed up the ramp.

Sinya was focusing on her meat puppet, slaughtering all the flora-controlled minions around it. She almost didn’t notice the craft landing nearby. But Vynn’s voice cut through the din of zombies. She ended the mind domination and looked up. They were good and overrun now and the path to the shuttle was starting to close up with the plant’s puppets. She did what she did best, disappeared completely and dashed to the ship. “Let’s go!” She yelled at the pilot. “We have to go now!”

The adventurers made their way to extraction ships, safely leaving the planet. After a bit of time in medical and decontamination they were free to return to their clans and destinations, their pockets heavier with credits for their trouble. But was this the last they would hear of the mysterious Orchid? Only time would tell.