Session export: Sunny Day In The Arborium

It was a particularly cold day in the partially constructed settlement of Kaal when the grand arboretum opened its doors for the harshest days of the season. Completed early on, the structure was made in cooperation with the Ithorians and the Wookie survivors of New Tython. Large trees, like smaller versions of the mighty wroshyr, reached to the top of the structure two hundred feet above the ground. Tree homes were still in contruction as long wooded bridges reached across from tree to tree. In between the trees were a series of hexagonal fields, growing plants from across the galaxy.

The Wookies had offered refuge to the members of Hoth, but have yet to make an appearance as you all arrive without the governor. The sun blazes in the sky, heating the arboretum through the transparisteel. A feast seems to have been set out for you, and behind the feast a bunch of hammocks that have not yet been set up.

Eris hadn’t been to any public gatherings since joining House Hoth. While she didn’t mind people per se large social functions outside of her home Okami clan were a necessary evil. Her partner Jael had encouraged her to go out and “meet people, make some new friends”. Easier said than done.

As Eris strolled through the grand arboretum she found herself admiring the superior design and construction techniques of the large structure over the majesty of the trees. Having been raised in the rustic environment of the Okami clan she certainly appreciated the wonders of the natural world but to her it was a system like any other. Her eyes wandered up to the tree homes and bridges under construction. She began mentally working through how, even using natural materials, the stability of the bridges could be improved.

Mihoshi stepped through the entrance of the arboretum, shaking the thickly fallen snow from her shoulders with a soft smile. The rather diminutive Proconsul was always happy to make these little appearances and, it seemed, the Governor of Kaal liked to throw them. At least this time there wasn’t a gaping hole in the wall and hopefully less attempted poisonings of government officials. Removing her cloak and handing it to someone standing near the entrance, she stepped further into the arboretum looking around to see who had arrived already.

With people arriving, several Wookies in red robes started to make their way down from their homes. While it seemed like the Governor was late to this party, the festivities would not wait for him. Shi-shock fruits began to be passed around and offered to those who had shown up. Crystaline structures lit up across the area, adding a mix of bright reds greens and yellows to the orangish light of the sun coming through the green house.

Standing before a table that held an array of roughly scrawled architectural renderings and documents containing the scripts of completed negotiation plans, was the Zeltron female known as Syrena Valkar. She couldn’t recall just how much time she’d spent within the greenhouse before the gathering… Whether it was a few hours, or several days, it had all blended together seamlessly. She let out a deep breath, hurriedly putting away her work. What Syrena needed was a break, and that she intended to give herself.

She emerged into the central region of the arboretum, her cascade of pale pink hair woven into an ornate braid with various white flowers within it. She wore a form fitting emerald green dress that contrasted against the natural rosy hues of her skin, with shimmering vines and fauna embellished into the fabric.

“Greetings, everyone!” Syrena called, before eagerly sinking her teeth eagerly into one of the shi-shock fruits. Having been so focused on her work, Syrena couldn’t recall the last time she’d taken a break to sit for a meal. “Delicious. The produce here has certainly been improved upon,” Syrena couldn’t help but remark with a sense of relief in her voice, glad to see that things were going well.

As his cargo hauler jumped out of hyperspace and into the atmosphere of the planet Kaal, Frenek glanced to his right, half-expecting to see his usual passenger, Syrena Valkar, sitting in the seat beside him. What he found instead—of course—was the stack of pizza boxes he was in the process of delivering. Keeping one hand on the steering controls, he lifted up the corner of the top box. Ah, yes. Even though they came all the way from Coruscant, the pizzas were still warm and steaming. Frenek grinned, licking his lips. The lower tiers of Coruscant had all the best pizza joints, if you knew where to look—and how to keep a low profile.

As his ship emerged through a bank of clouds, the arboretum materialized below him. Landing, Frenek reached for the air freshener he always kept tucked into the passenger side glove box. As he sprayed the air freshener generously, an earthy scent filled the cockpit. He looked at the product—“Kashyyk Chic.” Fitting, Frenek thought with a smile. He sniffed once more, just to be sure there was no detectable pizza smell lingering. He would be meeting Syrena in the arboretum, and in case she decided to leave with him, he needed the cargo hauler as fresh as possible.

Peering around the stack of pizza boxes in his arms, Frenek navigated inside the arboretum. He had nearly stumbled into a flower bed when a young man approached him, arms outstretched. “Here, sir. Allow me.” He took the top half of the stack of pizza boxes out of Frenek’s arms before the delivery man could protest. “I would have been here sooner,” the male continued, “but I had to find a coat rack for the Proconsul’s cloak.”

With his load lightened, Frenek took a look at his new helper. The young human had his long brown hair greased back, and wore a black suit like a butler, but scuffed. “Name’s Grafan, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Grafan. I’m Frenek Mausma—Mausmatic Deliveries. I’m looking for a Zeltron lady with long, wavy hair. She’s probably scrutinizing something intensely or making herself acquainted with the nearest underserved population, which I suppose would in this case be the Wookies.”

Grafan frowned as if trying to keep up. Then, his eyes flickering with recognition, he turned and pointed toward a picnic table on the other side of another bed of flowers. “That her?” he asked.

The female Zeltron was packing up some papers from the table. “Yes indeed,” Frenek said, “And lookee there, a table!”

The duo reached the table just as Syrena turned to accept some fruit from the wookies. Frenek motioned for Grafan to place his stack of plain cheese pizza boxes on the newly vacant tabletop. Frenek placed the boxes he was holding, each decorated with a rainbow streak, in an adjacent stack. “What’s the difference?” Grafan asked, reaching for one of the rainbow boxes.

“Don’t touch those!” Frenek said quickly, inching his stack further from the other. “These rainbow boxes are a special treat—fantazi mushrooms on top…” Frenek watched as the wookies made the rounds, distributing their fruit. He hoped they would appreciate his gesture.

Syrena gazed up, seeing a recognizable rainbow box resting on a nearby table. The box was all too familiar to her… Could it be? Although Syrena had no desire to return to Coruscant unless on business given the unpleasantness of her time spent on the planet, it did have one thing that she missed, and that was the vast array of cuisine options.

“No way! Tanton’s Cheese Circles? I haven’t had that in years,” She couldn’t help but say. After countless hours spent working, a good meal of delectable crust with warm Eopie cheese and the sweet acidity of tomato sauce was just what she needed. Syrena instinctively opened the box, fetching herself a slice. “And it even has mushrooms on it! My favorite,” She happily sighed. Not questioning anything, Syrena began to take a few bites from the pizza, savoring the earthy flavor that the mushrooms added.

After finishing her slice, Syrena looked up thankfully at Frenek. Though she was tempted to get herself a second slice, she held off, knowing that diplomatically speaking the best course of action would be to let the Wookies have their fill. “So thoughtful of you to bring these,” She said with a smile. In the years that Syrena had known Frenek, he had always been very resourceful, oftentimes picking up any job as long as it happened to include deliveries.

Shifting her attention elsewhere, she began to gaze at the beauty of the greenhouse, admiring the vibrant green hues of the various plant life. She found a strange, almost overwhelming wave of serenity beginning to sweep across her mind. Syrena took a seat, her silver eyes softening as she watched the plants for a long time within a meditative state.

“Frenek, that pizza… Those weren’t Fantazi mushrooms, were they?” She finally asked after what felt like a long while, her voice calm as she spoke as the thought occurred to her.

Edgar, arriving fashionably late to the party, was taken back by the Wookie’s handy work. They told him of their plans for the arboretum but the initial plans pale in comparison to the almost complete work that was accomplished so far. “They always say always be mindful of Wookies once they get something in their head they don’t go small.”, he thought.

Making his way down to the mingling people he noticed the Knight Commander and a few other familiar faces. Having a small bite to eat Edgar spent time talking with the Head wookies designers to compliment them on their work so far and offered whatever help he could provide transporting People or materials from Soliyat to help them finish their work.

As he walked around on his tour Edgar passed a few hammocks along the way and had to resist the urge to spend the rest of the night relaxing rather than socializing,

“Ugh, why did I ever decide to come out of semi-retirement?”

Jedi Elyon de Neverse learned of this small celebration by chance but decided to join in. She brought with her a sacred tree, which had been given to her for this purpose by the Gungans.

It was supposed to be a little piece of Naboo for the collection. Well, a little piece in quotes. This little crumb will grow up in many years and will demonstrate the beauty of the Naboo landscape.

Once she stepped inside and presented the gift of Naboo’s people for the arboretum, she went to inspect the specimens. It was a beautiful composition, and Elyon was enchanted. She had never seen anything like it before and therefore admired the greenhouse with her mouth slightly open.

Once she finished her tour, she returned to the tables filled with all kinds of delicacies. She mingled with the guests and greeted familiar faces. She exchanged a few words with Edgar, but also with her new battle leader, Syrena Valkar.

Due to her nature as a Zeltron, thankfully Syrena found the overall effects of the mushrooms to be a bit more subdued. Instead, it simply resulted in bringing an overall sense of harmonious calm to her overall mindset.

A smile came to her lips as she spotted more familiar faces within the greenhouse. Syrena cast a friendly wave and made sure to exchange greetings with her fellow Knights, Elyon and Edgar. Spotting another woman within the greenhouse, she was able to recognize her as Eris… Someone whom she had not yet met in person, and whose name and face was only familiar to her thanks to her datapad. She cast a friendly wave towards the female in a greeting.

Syrena paused, leaping atop the branch of a tree within the greenhouse. She perched herself there, sitting in a relaxed manner with one leg crossed over the other, and grabbed hold of her seven-string hallikset known as Lightweaver from where she’d stashed it leaned against the tree. Syrena carefully tuned the instrument, before delicately plucking the first few notes. She began to play a harmonious melody, the strings of the hallikset faintly glowing white as she did so.