Session export: Marick and Revs

Arcona Citadel - Courtyard

Marick Tyris Arconae had come full circle in his visits to the Citadel. Where once he was an upcoming leader, then Shadow Scion, followed by Shadow Lord. From hero, to pariah, and then the long road towards redemption after great sacrifice.

It was as fitting a place as any to reconnect with an old student. He knew he had many, some to different degrees of success and happiness, but he never quite felt like he was a the right kind of mentor for them. He was trying, however, as his most recent students seemed to keep pushing him.

And while Marick had put the life of a Shadow behind him, few knew the nuances better.

“Revs,” Marick spoke calmly, addressing the Miraluka. “It’s good to see you again.”

The Hapan immediately realized the vision-based comment, and honestly should have known better. He was married to a Miraluka, after all, and his daughter was half.

Revs smiled hearing his old masters voice. Revs could make out Marick’s all to familiar Aura through the Force. After years of change it seemed to be a little lighter or softer than it had used to be. Revs recalled the training the sessions Marick had put him through in this very court yard. A simpler time before all the wars and murders that had weighed heavy on Revs now.

“Long time no see boss.” The Miraluka chuckled. “How’s the wife and kid now days?”

Marick offered a very faint smile. It was still hard to read, but perhaps the Miraluka could sense it. “Kirra. You would like her. I might be biased, but she’s something special. She’s everything. We also welcomed a newborn, Weyne. Atyiru is…Atyiru,” he made a vague gesture. He almost reached for his datapad, but realized that showing pictures wouldn’t do much. He’d need to remember to introduce Revs to her, though.

“Kirra has one blue eye, and one cloudy white one. She sees in both Miraluka and the Human spectrum. Weyne seems to have skipped any Miraluka or Force presence. I…will introuce you to them. If you think you’ll be sticking around for a bit?”

He let the question linger as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned back against a tree trunk. It was as relaxed of a position as Marick ever settled into. A sign of respect in that he trusted the Miraluka Shadow.

The Miraluka could feel Hapan relax, and sat down under the tree in response. Leaning back on one arm Revs sighed. “Yea I think I will be around for awhile. Had an under the table job I picked up took an unexpected turn, so I figured I’ll stick it out here for awhile. I still have that old apartment over the garage up on Ol’val, so I’ll settle in there for a bit.” Revs turned his head and chuckled.”Is this how life is now?” He asked. “I get to meet the kids, we barbecue, have a few drinks and reminisce about old times while Atyriu complains we stayed up to late?”

The Assassin pondered the thought for a second. “I’m cool with that as long as I don’t have to get a nine to five.”

Marick nodded along. “We’re still in the apartment above the apothecary. But, at this rate…we’ll need a bigger place. I’m actually getting close to being able to open the orphanage here on Selen…”

“I don’t think nine-to-gives exist for people like us, Revs,” Marick continued. “And I doubt we’ll ever truly know peace and quiet. But I have learned to find the small moments, and to enjoy them while we can.”

Revs listened to the wind moving through the trees as he thought about how things were changing.

“Yea you are right on that. What’s with this orphanage? You need help with it? My sister has gotten deep into the medical side of the Force since all that business with the Collective, and she loves kids. I’m sure she would be willing to lend a hand.”

“It’s…been a work in progress. But after all the loss and suffering in Dajorra as a result of…our presence,” he gestured to the Citadel itself, the symbol of Arcona and the Shadesworn looming overhead, “I feel it’s the least I can do. We will need staffing, of course, but, I’ve covered all the financial backend of things. But any help would be grateful, yes.”

“Yea I can agree that’s it’s definitely time to give back after all the damage we have done.” Revs sighed.

Revs slowly reached into the inner pocket of his jacket. “Boss do you remember the number one lesson you taught me?” Revs watched as Marick shifted his weight to his other foot, watching to Miraluka hand.

The Assassin pulled out a metal flask and popped open the top. “The good whiskey doesn’t come in bottles that bounce.”

“There were more than a few lessons, but that’s a solid one,” Marick nodded. It had been years, actually, since he drank. His body was so used to filtering out poisons, even when he had tried a glass of wine it had no impact.

He held up a hand to politely pass, but did enjoy the quiet of the breeze and just sitting. “So, tell me more about what you’ve run into in your travels.”

Taking a long swig of the whiskey Revs laughed. “Well I’m a professional Reek rider now. They have a whole Rodeo circuit on Saleucami. I was gathering intel on some greasy business man out there, under the alias Sonny Pepper and then a few drinks later I was hanging on the back of this Reek, trying not to get my head stomped. Apparently one of the teams thought I took straight too it. Next thing I knew I was locked into a years contract.”

Marick frowned at that. “You could have…reached out. I have contracts…then and now…” he made a vague gesture..

Revs could feel the disappointment coming off of Marick. “You know boss when you say it like that, I think you almost missed me.” The Miraluka laughed.

“You could say that,” he replied easily. “I understand though it’s hard. Hopefully, you know you can rely on us if you need that kind of support.”

Revs stood up and dusted off his pants. “I know boss. That’s why I always come back. I guess it’s time for me to stay home for good this time.” The Assassin smiled. Now come on. I don’t think Atyriu will be to mad I kept you out if I buy the whole family dinner.”

“Agreed,” the Hapan nodded, showing the faintest of smiles.