Hod Haran’s Folly Docks Voidbreaker II Recreational Level One Week Prior
Mune analyzed the data displayed on their datapad. The inspection of the newly installed mats for the ship’s dojo was wrapping up on schedule.
The Shistavanen was made Captain of the Voidbreaker II a few months before and it still surprised them at times how much maintenance the ship required regularly. Zig’s capable team of engineers handled most of it readily. There were things, however, that required the exchange of credits and an outside contractor. Mune was glad for the benefit of Hod Haran’s Folly and Port Ol’val for meeting those needs when necessary. It was what found them docked at Hod Haran’s Folly now, with workers completing minor projects on the Recreational Deck.
“That conservatory is impressive. Whoever designed the water reclamation system in there knows their stuff,” a Human worker commented as they approached.
“Kaliska and her team know what they’re doing,” Mune exclaimed without looking up.
“Clearly,” the Human extended another datapad to the Captain.
The Shistavanen took the device and skimmed its contents, “Charge these to the master account. I will review them in full from there.”
“Of course, Captain.”
The Kushiban inspecting the final installation of the newest Dojo equipment made his way over, adding to the datapads Mune was juggling. “I do hope the mats are to your satisfaction…”
Mune detected the unsaid, this time in his tone. The Shistavanen studied the screen for only a moment before walking past both men to inspect the mats themself. They could not even say what had bothered them about the previous two installations. They needed replacing, sure, but they needed proper replacing, not some sad attempt. The crew deserved something quality to work with.
The Kushiban audibly sighed but otherwise remained silent.
“The materials are exactly as specified. Straw base, rush cover and brocade edged. We made sure all measurements were likewise adhered to,” the Human explained in earnest.
“Of course,” Mune stepped onto the surface, gauging its suitability for their purposes.
“Captain?” The Human prompted.
“Passable,” Mune finally answered, walking towards the center of the Dojo.
The two men glanced at each other, the Kushiban looking mildly annoyed. “Will that be all then, Captain?”
“That concludes our business, I believe. Thank you, gentlemen, the services of you and your teams are appreciated. I will be certain to file the appropriate paperwork to have all balances paid as soon as possible.”
Mune handed the datapads back to the men and watched them leave. The Captain had arrangements to make.
Hod Haran’s Folly Docks Voidbreaker II Recreational Level Present
Mune exited the lift. By their side strode their younger brother. The invitation went out to all crew members and members of House Qel-Droma. The Captain even made certain the invitation to participate was sent to members of Galeres.
The Shistavanen had their regime. They knew some of the other crew members did as well. The thought had crossed Mune’s mind that perhaps it would be good to have crew jointly use the facilities at their disposal, however. They hypothesized that it could only boost the crew’s team dynamic when, (not if), they found themselves in combat situations. They also thought it best to begin with combat skills, something they knew, over ship combat operations to begin with. Do remember to schedule ship combat operations simulations, though… Mune had a lot to learn when it came to ship-on-ship combat.
“Your new armour looks sick,” Carr commented.
“You are not wiggling out of this,” Mune muttered.
“Oh, come on! Noga and Leda are supposed to come by!”
“They can watch,” Mune countered.
“Watch me get my tail beat?” Carr huffed.
“Yes. Why should they go without such entertainment?”
“I hate you,” Carr grumped.
“Love you, too,” Mune grinned.
Together they entered the training hall, only steps from the lift, coming to stand within the freshly renovated recreational space that invited the use of all crew members. On their right, the lap pool recessed up against one wall. On their left, the dojo and gym, both well-equipped to service numerous exercise routines and fighting styles. It was a large space that took up nearly the entire level on its own. Beyond its expanse was the leisure pool, and beyond that the conservatory.
It was all a little strange if it were a mere military vessel. The Voidbreaker II was no military vessel, however. It was their home. It just so happened to be armed. One had to defend their home at times, after all.
“–ars is not better at hand to hand than Cosmic. He’s over a thousand years old. He’s had way more practice.”
“Yeah, doing other stuff! Fury’s whole focus is her martial arts, she does it every day, she actually fights, she’s way better than Cosmic’s theory. He got all into the magic.”
The accented Mirialan of an ongoing ‘discussion’ could be heard as the lyft doors opened and two verdant humanoids walked out. Noga and Leda Tenbriss Ya-ir, son and daughter of the former Proconsuls and frequent arbiters in various events on their parents’ behalves, were growing into their adulthood, tall teenagers now, particularly the brother. They were dressed casually in their respective styles, and looked a little surprised to see not only Mune present on the deck, but Carr in workout gear.
Nonetheless, the noble manners Cora had managed to instill in them had them greeting quickly.
“Hey there, Mister Cinteroph,” Leda said politely, her large earrings shifting as she lifted a hand to wave a bit. Noga gave his little two-fingered salute like their Papi did.
“Yo, sir. Hey, Carr. What’s goin’ on?”
Evidently this wasn’t exactly the hang out they’d been anticipating planned with the younger Shistavanen. Leda was carrying a bag she discreetly tucked a little bit more behind her back, pale olive cheeks ruddying.
Armored boots clanked as a similarly armored Zygerrian padded into the training hall. As First Mate, she had of course been briefed, but realized she probably should have asked some follow up questions. She kept her helmet tucked under one arm, and Guilty Spark floated to her side. She typically kept the Ascdenent Drone in reserve
“Captain, how are ya’ now?” she greeted the white-furred Shista first, then smiled down at her favorite understudy. “Carr,” she added cooly.
Both Shistavanen turned, Mune smiling, Carr grinning.
“Leda, Noga, hello and welcome. It is wonderful to see you both well.” Mune rested a hand between their brother’s shoulders before giving a light push in their direction.
Carr stumbled forward, “H… heyas! Uh… so. My dumb sibling says I need to participate in crew combat exercises.”
“Last I checked, it was not dumb to want your family to be safe.”
Carr blushed but had no response to that, not without looking like an absolute tool. He knew very well that Mune meant more than just Carr or their mother. The younger Shistavanen glanced up at his two friends, in the peripheral, Mune’s smile widening some as though they knew their little brother got what they meant. “Fine. I get it,” Carr huffed. “So yeah… combat training. Want to watch me get my tail whooped?”
Mune snorted and shook their head until Zig’s voice drew their attention. “I am well, Miss Kaliska,” They sounded so unsure of what to title people. “You know you can just say my name, right? That way I can avoid titles too and not sound bad at this.” The Shistavanen smile turned sheepish.
“Hey Zig! Lookin’ sharp!” Carr exclaimed.
Zig ruffled the shorter Shistas hair with affection. “Tis how I roll.”
At the far end of the dojo, Alex sat on a small cushion placed on the mats. He was garbed in a set of black hakama patterned with silver mythosaur skulls, an admiral blue silk kimono tucked into it. The black kataginu worn over the kimono was emblazoned with the emblem of House Qel-Droma just above the breast on either side. His left leg was tucked beneath him while his right was firmly planted with foot on the floor and a hand clutching his knee. In his other hand he loosely held a folded fan, currently being used to scratch at the back of his neck.
When he had seen the announcement of combat exercises taking place aboard the Voidbreaker II - especially while it was docked for upgrades and repairs at his station Hod Haran’s Folly - he saw no reason why he shouldn’t attend and oversee things…maybe even take part in a match or two if the urge struck him. He had headed down the back routes of the station to the dock, entered the ship using his Quaestor access code, and been waiting here for nearly an hour now before the assigned time of the training to begin, just to see who might show up.
The two Mirialan teens had tensed up at the mention of combat exercises, grimaces and pinched expressions on their faces, eyes flashing to one another and then back. Their demeanor visibly fell from when they’d walked in, despite Carr’s attempt at levity.
Instead of saying not really though or going on a harsh rant, they both seemed to think better of it, and Noga was the first to clap Carr encouragingly on the shoulder and then fully throw the arm around him. He bodily shook the Shistavanen like he would one of his huttball teammates. “Ay, ay, ay, none that talk! You got this! Dontcha?”
“Yeah, what he said,” Leda took the cue, managing a short smile for their friend. “You’re amazing. You’ll do awesome. It’s not like it’s, like, all out, right?”
Her navy eyes judged Mune and the whole room, as if trying to determine if they’d actually be doing insane Force power and explosives stuff in here.
Zig observed carr with the siblings and quirked and then, not subtly, wiggled her eyebrows at Mune.
She turned and noticed Alex sitting like some kind of sophisticated cartel boss.
“Ahoy, boss. How are ya now?” she called out.
Mune eyed the two Mirialans before speaking softly, “Carr, can you double-check that the training weapons are properly calibrated, please?”
The younger Shistavanen looked confused, but, he nodded and hesitantly, smiling to Noga, slipped free from his arm. “I’ll be right back.”
When their sibling was out of earshot… tricky with the size of their ears, Mune, knowing Zig was still near, addressed the two. They pitched their voice low and their eyes were sympathetic, knowing what Ruka had put himself through, they had an idea of how the two felt about combat and fighting. They were too perceptive to miss the discomfort both teenagers felt at the mention of combat. They took a breath, “I need Carr to learn these things. It discomfits me as well. More than once, however, he has put himself in harm’s way to protect the ones he loves. I know for a fact, that he would step in front of you both, in front of Zig, in front of me… to protect us.”
Mune met Leda’s eyes, then gazed up to meet Noga’s eyes. Gods, he was tall. They turned their head to watch Carr checking over the equipment on the other side of the Dojo. “I am terrified that, in so doing, I will lose him. I cannot even begin to judge him, either, for it. I would do the same for those I consider my pack, my family. For him. For my crew. For the two of you.” They swallowed, obviously pushing down some emotion or another. “I need him to come back to me, to our mother, to the two of you, when he does something stupid… that I would do too. Please, do not judge me harshly for asking this of him.”
The Shistavanen finished as if knowing Carr had reentered earshot and was returning to them.
“All equipment is in working order, Captain.” Carr grinned wide as he said his sibling’s title, eliciting an extreme rolling of the eyes and heavy sigh from the older Shista.
Zig listened and nodded at Mune, following along with their thinking and agreeing silently.
An impossibly wide grin split across Alex’s face as he rolled back a little bit on his cushion, nearly knocking into the racked daisho behind him. With a resounding snap the fan he held sprung open as he began to lazily wave it toward his face.
“I bear well, Zig. Eager to see what the VB crew and other associated folks are capable of - I am quite afraid my tenure as the Captain was a little too short for me to put them through their paces.” The lights continued to glint off his teeth, lips curled back in a way that for anyone unfamiliar with Alex’s general laid-back nature could easily be read as predatory. There was an audible creaking noise, low but noticeable, as he pressed down heavily on the mat with his planted foot - not an attempt to rise or even to move, but just an expression of eager energy.
Zig’s face went uncharacteristically flat as she simply said, “Mhm…”
The siblings didn’t have a chance to respond with Carr reappearing, and doing so would require explaining their concerns… But Mune had clearly cut to the bone with their words. Leda’s eyes were steely and shone with tears unshed, and Noga’s jaw had locked around a swallow holding back strong emotion. They nodded to the older Shistavanen, dipping their chins in a silent sort of apology.
“So what are you gonna do?” Leda suddenly asked Carr, her voice cracking. It gave Noga the moment to be able to speak again.
“Ay, you gonna pick up a lightsaber finally? Embrace your,” he wiggled his fingers like Qyriea once had, “great power and responsibility.”
Mune offered a genuine smile to the three before leaving them be and walking onto the mats.
Carr shrugged. “Great power and responsibility? Oh… the Force stuff. Mune keeps reminding me that the only responsibility I should be embracing is school, studying and being a kid. They also said some cheese last week about power being in our bonds with the ones we love and care about.”
The young Shistavanen frowned some, “They’re a little weird, you know?”
A practice saber bounced off the back of his head making him yip and rub the sore spot. “Hey!”
“Work on your awareness,” Mune shouted, their grin wide and impish.
Mune turned their attention towards Alex and Zig, “Alas, we shall see who else attends over time. Shall we begin?”
Zig grinned. “Bring. It. On.”
She moved to take up one of the training swords.
“Hey, I think that they’re right, not cheesy,” Leda pointed out, lightly elbowing Carr with a somewhat forced smile. She then reached up to pet his ears, gentle around where he’d been hit. Noga bent to pick up the training saber, turning it over in his hands, a look on his face.
“Have you used one of these before?” he asked.
“I helped design the limiters on this training equipment. It’s safe,” Zig said offhandedly. “And while I can’t do any space magic, I’ve learned a lot in my time here.”
She glanced that the Ya'ir’s. “It’s okay to not want to fight. But I can tell you from experience…no matter how hard you work for peace, something or someone will come along and try to take it away. So. I train. Every day. My body, my mind, my spirit. Many are better, but I made a promise to myself that I would never be defenseless.”
She absently twirled the training sword around her wrist in deliberate circles.
Leda’s face reddened again as Zig talked and twirled the sword. She muttered something unintelligible and touched her hair before focusing back on Carr almost frantically.
Carr eyed the weapon then gave a firm nod. “Yes. I since have gotten my own but… have never used it or trained with it. When I got it, Mune seemed upset and didn’t talk to me for a week. Now they want me to learn how to use it.”
Mune tested the weight of one of the training swords, “One fights for what is important to them. It is not right to fight for the sake of fighting, alone. Nor should one take joy in doing it.” They turned their ruby eyes towards the kids, alight with warmth for the people around them, for those they considered their family. “One learns the skills they need to do everything they can to hold onto what is precious.”
The Techweaver muttered under their breath, “I want to learn, at least something, so I can protect the both of you as much as you two protect me… so we can protect each other. You know?”
Mune turned towards Zig, their empty hand twitched and called a second practice sword to it. They gave them a spin then held them ready in a reversed grip.
Carr remained focused on the two Mirialans, uncertain. He did not want them beating themselves up over all of this. He did not like fighting either but, understood at least some of the reason why he had to learn, especially the wanting to protect something dear to him… or someone(s) dear to him.
The two Mirialans both looked at their friend(fornow) with scrunched brows and soft eyes, theno exchanged glances with each other, as if to say, he is so precious, are you seeing this? Yeah, yeah I am, he is.
Leda moved first, throwing both arms around Carr’s shoulders to hug his lanky, lithe form, the bag she carried rustling. She made a little room after a moment, pulling back to let Noga take one of the Shistavanen’s hands in his own free one and squeeze it.
“Yeah, ay, I get it. We get it,” he added, and, perhaps impulsively, lifted the hand he was holding to press his mouth to Carr’s knuckles like his parents did. It just felt right, since Leda was holding on to him already. “S'okay, ay? I almost asked Qyreia once to teach me to shoot…I still think about it. It’s just. Hard. A lot.” He shook his head, a sure sign of talking about it later, but only if Carr actually remembered to ask – the siblings got around a lot of things, that way.
“Maybe we can help somehow?” Leda suggested, leaning back a bit. Her thick brows furrowed. “Or, I dunno. Be cheerleaders, I guess.”
The insides of Carr’s ears blushed crimson. Their tail wagged. Between Leda and Noga, he was a blushing, stuttering mess. When he could finally form a coherent sentence, he coughed lightly and grinned goofily. “Y.. .yea. Cheerleading would be awesome. I’d appreciate that! You two are the best.”
Mune grinned from ear to ear, arching a brow and shooting Zig a look.
“Let us get this show on the road before our esteemed Lord Draconis decides to say something that makes us roll our eyes so hard we never recover.”
They would let Carr join them when they were ready, let the teens have their moment.
The curled lips softened into a more bemused smile as the instruction began.
”Nor should one take joy in doing it, eh?” He thought back to his own training during his childhood, the places he had been, the battles he had fought. If there were no joy in it then for years there would have been no joy in his life at all. “I think it is fine to take joy in it, as long as it is necessary and for the right reasons…”
“How different the philosophies of battle can be, based on culture, upbringing, and…I suppose general outlook on life,” Alex leaned forward a bit bringing his folded leg up so he was crouched on the balls of both feet. “Absolutely fascinating.”
“Well then…” Leda looked down at her outfit, lips pursed. “I’m not exactly dressed for it, buuuut…” She looked around the room, then snapped her fingers. “Ay, ay, ay, be right back, hjvmenti.”
The girl hurried off, and Noga was left to slide an arm around Carr’s shoulders, those blushing ears at eye level, raising a brow. He held the training saber forward in front of them, hand wrapped around the hilt and thumb stroking the metal.
“So…wanna show me what to do with this while we wait for them?” He jerked his chin at the ‘adults.’
Carr watched Leda run off, a little confused but his attention was drawn to the arm that slide around his shoulders. He smiled sheepishly, reaching out to take the training saber. He was more than happy to impart what he knew, little though it was when it came to lightsabers. He probably knew more about the engineering of the weapon than how to use it to its full effectiveness.
“Okay, so…” he took the hilt from the Mirialan. “This one is a training saber, but, like nearly all lightsabers, it is toggled off and on with a switch.”
Carr activated the weapon, careful the to make sure the blade did not come into contact with either of them. “Mune tells me it is different from wielding an actual sword… but I’ve never learned how to use an actual sword like they have so… meh.”
“Still pretty cool,” Noga remarked, looking at the humming blade as it cast light over their features, now in Carr’s hand. “I’ve seen Papi and Dad…” his voice tightened, “with theirs, yanno, but never…we don’t touch ‘em. What’s it feel like?”
Carr made sure to put some space between them. They looked a little uncertain, but, taking a breath they tried to center themself as he’s seen Mune do. He wondered how their sibling managed to be so calm holding a laser sword that could take off a limb if they messed up… He reminded himself this was a training saber.
He gave the weapon a quick spin, getting the balance of it dialed in before steeling himself and initiating a chain of maneuvers. He was not as clumsy as one would have expected of a beginner. They strung their attacks together rapidly, and more notably, aggressively.
Mune’s attention shifted towards the teens and he took pause to watch the display. Their eyes slightly widened. “Now when did you go practicing that…?” he muttered, Zig likely able to hear due to her proximity. They recognized the style.
The teenager was not as athletic as their sibling, but they were stronger, his strikes looking like they were intended to be powerful blows against an opponent. After a few chains, Carr stopped and deactivated the weapon. What did it feel like? Carr thought about it. “I’m not sure what to compare it to… to be honest. I can tell you what I feel, using it.” He met Noga’s eyes, “Scared. Scared that I’ll have no choice but to use it, eventually.”
Mune visibly flinched and turned back towards Zig before anyone could register the look in their eyes. “Okay Zig, uh… you do not require instruction from me, you know how to kick some major tail already.”
Mune got into a ready stance.
Dark eyes meeting paler gem ones, Noga’s brows creased, holding the stare. He walked over to join Carr on the mat after a second wondering if he was allowed to with shoes on or not before deciding he didn’t much care. He cupped his friend’s furry jaw and spoke lowly, grateful his deepening voice didn’t crack for once.
“That’s why you’re brave,” he murmured, expression tight. “I know what that like, bein’ scared like that. And it…it doesn’t feel good. Hurtin’ somebody. Maybe a little, a lot, in the moment, right, when you so angry you feel it in you– in your teeth. But, after…” He scritched, soothing. “You a really good person, Carrmi. You’ll only do it when you do have no choice. We ain’t never gonna judge you for it. We gonna be right beside you.”
Meanwhile, over at the bar – her nose wrinkled in a look of disgust and disdain – Leda had let herself behind the counter and had found a pack of flimsi napkins. She had an idea, she just had to execute it.
But despite looking around for something to tie them together with, she came up empty, and even the hairband on her wrist wasn’t really working. She huffed over the failed makeshift pom-poms, muttering to herself in her own tongue. Well, fine. It would just be really lame cheerleading. She at least snatched some water bottles while she was there from a fridge. Carr would need to stay hydrated if he was training.
The young woman moved to return to her fellow teenagers, nothing the moment they seemed to be having and holding back a second to give them the space to do so.
“Ohhhh ‘Cappy,” Zig called out as she suddenly darted forward towards the older Cinteroph.
“You wanted a tilly, well he’s one coming at ya’” she drawled as she spun the training sword and lunged in low for the Shistavanen’s kneecaps.
Carr was blushing all over again, unable to shake the sheepish grin. Sheepish was not generally something the teen ever got. Impish. Teasing. Or wicked… those were grins he wore often… sheepish, not so much. He cleared his throat, hearing the adults begin behind him. “T… thanks.”
Mune narrowly avoided the Zygerian’s attack. The white-furred Shistavanen reflexively shifting their position. Their eyes followed the arc of the woman’s sword. She may not have been a Force-user, but she was damned good in their opinion, Mune thought with a grin. She could teach them a few things about sword play.
The Captain, swords still in their reversed grip, swept wide with both weapon, giving Zig something to worry about from both sides.
Revs stepped through the sliding doors as they opened to the dojo., shaking a bottle of pre workout. Seeing people wearing armor he quickly realized he had misunderstood the entire point of this training session as he looked down at his gym clothes.
Oh well too late now he thought as he stepped up to the spectators at the side of the mat.
“How’s it going?” he asked.
Zig zagged out of the way of the counter swing with a strafe, deftly recoiling her training sword and then twisting the “blade” just in time to intercept Mune’s second follow up strike, batting it aside.
She did not retreat, as would likely be wise for most facing a saber-wielding opponent. She had trained for this, and training or the real-deal, there was no fear in her heart or mind. Her fangs showed as she grinned with feral delight.
The sound of steel on steel rang through the Dojo. Sword against sword. The modified weapons ground against one another. Shista and Zygerian held firm, feet planted, leg bent for leverage. The sound drew the gazes of nearby crewmen that had been making use of the gym equipment. It seemed they were starting to draw attention.
The ancient Mandalorian sprang up to a standing position with a spryness uncharacteristic of someone even his apparent age, let alone the millenia he claimed to have under his belt. His left arm reached across to grab and apply pressure at his right shoulder as he slowly rotated his right arm, loosening up. A steady stride carried him forward, each footfall impacting the mats far heavier than their motion would seem to indicate should be. Small bits of dust, previously trapped within the weave, kicked up with each step as he moved toward the gathered teens. He held back for a moment, so as to not interrupt what was clearly a very personal moment, but as soon as attention diverted just a bit from the conversation he covered the last remaining distance.
“Your form is good, young one. Easy to see that you have done some practice,” arms swung in practiced patterns as he spoke, shadow boxing while still maintaining a conversation. “I did not mean to eavesdrop, but could not help but overhear the slight philosophical quandary you find yourself in. While I do not dispute the right of each individual to establish their own comfort level with violence, it is clear you also acknowledge that some day - especially in the life we lead around these parts - it may become unfortunately unavoidably necessary.”
A soft yet still quite serious look shone behind Alex’s eye as he looked to Carr. The weight of lives he had carried - and sometimes lost - bore clear in his stance and his manner as he continued.
“More than practicing the forms, more than feeling the fear, there is one thing I can help you practice.” Alex pulled the kataginu vest off from his shoulders and carelessly tossed it against a wall of the dojo. The stark blue kimono underneath had loosened up a bit as he moved, but still stretched and strained as he planted his feet firmly and stood square-shouldered to the young Shistavanen. “If and when that unfortunate moment comes, you need to be able to strike. No worry, no hesitation. If you let even the briefest moment pass and your opponent does not, then all the form practice in the world will not save you.” Alex pointed to the hilt of the training saber still clutched in Carr’s hand. “Carr, I want you to hit me.”
Carr perked his ears and listened intently to the Human. He remember the man from Zig’s store opening… Alex Draconis! His sheepish grin shifted back to something more his usual, more him. He remember the last time an older man invited him to show them what he could do… he also remember breaking a few of that man’s ribs. He wondered how the stuck up old Emperor was doing. Apparently he was some Justicar or something now?
The Shistavanen shot Noga another smile before turning towards the Quaestor and moving away from the Mirialan. They ensured there was plenty of space before the reignited the training saber.
They centered themself again then moved. They again moved surprising well for someone still learning the basic. They closed the distance and brought the lightsaber around in a low arc, the green plasma a brilliant slash of motion through the air.
The arc of the plasma blade’s travel completed its swing, Alex not even so much as flinching slightly as it struck him cleanly across his chest. He clenched his muscles tensely as he felt the silk of his kimono burn and tear away, and the heat of the blade washed across his skin. As it swept over and then past him, the bits of mildly-charred cloth fell away to the floor. A breathless moment passed as the older man stood stock still, his eyes shining like the embers of two small, burning coals.
And then the silence was shattered as a bark of boisterous laughter ripped forth from deep in Alex’s belly. He broke stance and clapped a hand down on Carr’s shoulder.
“Excellent! Amazing! Not a moment’s hesitation!” He smiled as he leaned down to pick up the fragments of his clothing from the floor, tossing them atop his discarded kitaginu and making a mental note to have a new kimono made later. “I have nothing but the greatest confidence now that, when the moment comes, you will be the one left standing to return to your loved ones!”
Carr looked so confused… good thing that was a training saber… who just stands and takes a saber blow?! The Shista was a bit dumbfounded. He kept his thoughts to himself though. Old people… He accepted the praise/compliments for what they were though. “Thank you… Sir.”
As a reward for not retreating and staying in striking distance, Zig managed to lash out with her training sword in a slash towards Mune’s neck. As if predicting the attack before it happened, the white-furred Shistavanen was already moving to effortlessly evade the strike.
Predict this…
Zig acted on instinct- not thought - and twisted her body into a sudden corkscrew. Her trailing leg circled with her as her trailing boot struck out at Mune’s hip in a roundhouse kick.
The Oracle grunted, momentum sending them forward. Mune was quick though. They moved with the momentum and tucked down into a roll. Their hip would be bruised for a minute or two, so they paid it little mind. Coming up from the roll, they pivoted on a foot into a low horizontal slash to force Zig off balance.
Zig balanced on the balls of her feet, bent her knees, and grounded herself as she maneuvered her sword to catch Mune’s slash and then push it away from her.
“Sick moves, ‘Cappy,” she growled playfully, pulse quickening with the flow of adrenaline provided by the competition. Her anxieties were melting away, problems for another time, her focus soley on her body, its movements. Better than just lifting weight or running.
“Hey, none of that ‘sir’ shit. Makes me feel old,” Alex laughed once again as he turned around and started heading for where Revs had taken up position., “and I am barely past 4000! Anyway, I will let you young folk get back to your pursuits now, or observe the ongoing fight. Might even learn something.”
Returning to a squatted position at the edge of the mats, he smiled jovially at the Miraluka. Then his brow furrowed as he was struck with the question as to whether or not Miraluka actually “saw” facial expressions the same way - not a thing he had ever really had pause to think about before.
“Good day, Revs! Come to do some training, eh?!” <@490928122544259102>
Mune chuckles and twitches his tail, slowly rising from one knee back into a crouch. One their primary sword rested in a regular grip now with the offhand weapon remaining in a reversed grip to defend. “Thanks, I may not be as proficient with a weapon as some, but I have speed and acrobatics to compensate when necessary. What say we swap in one of our other trainees, hmm?”
They glanced in Revs’ direction, perhaps he wanted to get in on some combat? Or perhaps even Alex? They could always throw Carr to the coyotes. Mune grinned, “Or do we see who lands the next hit?”
Zig took a hop-skip backward and wiped a thin sheen of sweat from her bangs with the back of her gauntlet. “Fair ‘nuff,” she agreed, shifting to her own version of a lazy-parade rest.
Noga and Leda had retreated to watch the bizzare Human coach Carr and then invite him to hit him. Even seeing the blow land – with two sharp intakes of breath for their friend – and Alex’s lack of response to it didn’t seem to make him make anymore sense; his comments just made him seem crazier.
“I don’t like him,” Noga muttered suddenly, lowly, narrow eyed as he watched the Human laugh and strut, encouraging Carr.
“‘Cause he crazy or 'cause he lyin’?” his sister muttered back, resisting picking at her nails in nerves for the ongoing combat around them.
Leda hummed, but clearly wasn’t keen either. Something about the Human was just grating. His wastefulness, maybe. The way he treated his clothes was just offensive.
Their small exchange quieted as Alex dismissed Carr suddenly after that strike and the Shista rejoined them.
“That was great, Carrze!” Leda cheered as peppily as she could, which admittedly she wasn’t very good at, too awkward and flat, but she tried to put some oomph into it, like the spirit squad at Noga’s huttball games. She’d been too scared to try out. “You really hit him hard.”
“Yeah, ay.”
Revs looked down at the older man and smiled back. “Absolutely Mr. Alex. I was expecting the throw some weights around with y'all but I won’t turn down a chance to fight without ending up in stun cuffs either.” He laughed. “That was an impressive blow to just take to the chest.‘
Carr watched the Human move further away before he turned his attention full to the two. “You think he’s nuts too, right?”
The Shistavanen did grin wide at the encouragement from the two. “Thanks!” The cheering warmed him and made him smile grin a little wider, ears standing taill and tail wagging.
“Yep,” both chorused at once, agreeing, then smiled back at their smiling friend and his wagging tail. “Now what?” Noga asked, while Leda pet his ears again.
Thumping his chest solidly with his left fist, he let out a small chuckle.
“Training sabers barely tickle. The hard part is learning to not flinch when one swings at you,” a lopsided grin broke through. “The real ones? Those hurt like hell, but are not nearly as deadly as everyone has come to believe if your beskar’gam is in good shape. Too many Jedi get overconfident that all they need to do is land one good hit. They assume you are through, go to do some ridiculous flippy-spinny bullshit to move on, and catch two blaster bolts in the spine.” Alex pantomimed a gun with each of his hands to emphasize his point. “They never learned to not count your opponent out until you see the spark of life actually leave them.“
Revs took a few swigs from his pre workout as he thought about what Alex said.
“I agree with you not counting your opponent out until you know for a fact they are done. But willingly taking a blow, even from a training saber is an unnecessary risk.”
Revs pointed out Alex’s current outfit. “As we can see you won’t always be wearing beskar, and a patient enough enemy will wait until you are most vulnerable. Even with the armor there are weakpoints such as the armpits and groin to target. There is still risk of getting hit there.”
Mune turned to face the assembled group. Exercises meant they had to do some sort of talking, they were sure. “Of the many lessons one will learn in combat, avoiding a potentially devastating blow is important… very few of us can take a lightsaber blow and laugh it off. Anyone participating, please retrieve a training weapon of your choosing.” They indicated the racks of modified weapons against the wall. “I am your designated healer if you so happen to be injured.”
Carr smiled at the two Mirialans. He was definitely feeling more confident. An ear swiveled to listen to Mune.
“Zig. If you would be so kind,” Mune grinned. “First exercise, dodging a skilled opponent’s attacks. Can you avoid her sword strikes?”
Mune glanced towards Revs, “Revs, if you have finished your pre workout, please join Zigs on the mats. Any particilar training weapon you’d care to use?”
Revs downed the last bit of his drink, and then walked over to the weapons rack and grabbed two training sabers then proceeded to the face zig on the mat.
“Remember now I’m just a poor blind delicate flower.” Revs teased Zig as he saluted her.
Noga and Leda elected to sort of just loiter near Carr until he got called up again, obviously a bit out of place.
Zig looked around, then pointed to herself, and realizing no one else was on either side of her. “Oh. OH! Yeah, sure Cappy,” she replied and rolled her shoulder.
She squared up with the Miriluka and snorted at his comment but saluted as well. “Yeah, okay,” she chirped. “Delicate my ass, but lets see how pre-work out helps with the actual thing!”
She darted forward and feinted to the right, probing at Rev’s “blind” side- which technically was every side, she realized - as she swung for each of his hips in an alternating strike.
Revs lowered his saber to blocking the first blow, then pivoted to his left to block the second.
“The go go juice makes ya more twitchy!” He laughed and he pulled the saber in his right hand over the top of his head to strike at the off side of Zigs head. Pivoting back with his right foot the assassin followed up with a slash to Zigs hip with his other saber.
The large frame of Fenrir listened to Mune silently, slowing taking in the information. Was he supposed to use weapons? But he never uses weapons! In other words, he thought as he puffed up his chest in pride, he needs no weapons. He already has all the weapons he needs.
“Fenrir no uses weapons. Fenrir can use claws, teeth and strength?” He asks as he beats his chest in self-pride?
Mune glanced towards Fenrir, “You may use strength in hand-to-hand, I would ask that you do avoid ripping and tearing into your fellow crew members, however. You would not want to get on the Captain’s bad side after all,” they warned, ruby eyes gleaming.
“Not bad,” Zig barked as she moved her head only as much as was required to slip past the first saber strike, letting the training blade woosh through the empty space she had occupied moments prior. As the second attack came, she was already moving, and despite her armored figure managed to flip backwards and away from the second saber.
She landed in a sprinters crouch, one hand out the side for balance and her training sword extended to the other.
Totally Ninja.
In the same flowing motion as her boots touched down, she lurched forward, and dove for the Miraluka’s lower body. As she went to arc her sword across his kneecaps, the training weapon slipped from her grip.
So instead, she was left empty handed in a half-crouch just inside of Rev’s reach. She looked up at his blindfolded face and offered an akward grin.
“Eheheh…karkme,” she grumbled.
Revs swung his saber down at Zigs face but stopped before the blow landed.
“I’m not that big a prick to do that to someone during training.”
He paused to think for just a second. “Ok I’m a bit of a prick” he laughed as he flicked the tip of the blade at his opponents four head.
The white-furred Shistavanen glanced towards the two and, grinning from ear to ear, called out, “Zig, you know you’re supposed to hold onto your weapon, right?” His tone was lightly teasing.
“You can hold deeze nu–” Zig started to snap a childish retort on reflex, but cut herself off with a yelp as the saber came towards her forehead.
Yes, it was just training, but she had faced down Jedi and Sith and Crystal monsters with plasma weapons. She had withered the whip of Alaisy–Aphotis–in practice and play. There was no fear in her eyes or heart.
Yes, it was training and she was wearing the armor she has forged herself and worn as a second skin to always be ready to protect her friends.
Zig’s forearms shot up in a x cross, the beskar gauntlets parrying the blow from Revs saber and giving her enough time to recover.
Instead of reaching for her fallen sword, she instead started to bounce on the balls of her feet in place as she slowly raised her balled fists up in front of her face and hunched forward in a boxers guard.
“That the best you got, Peaky Blind-er?”
“You didnt have to go through all of this if you just wanted to roll around with me.” Revs teased as he tossed both of his sabers down to the mat.
He started bouncing on the balls of his feet and moved his hands out in front of him with his palms open, ready to spring forward like a wildcat.
Years of training and fighting from the shadows had taught him that the match had went on for too long, but it was training and he was actually having today.
Revs side stepped to zigs left and threw a swift kick to the back of her knees.
Zig tried to shuffle step away, but misjudged the space and took the kick. Her knee buckled and she stumbled.
She recovered, gritting her teeth, and remained hunched over and turned it into a power squat of a crouch. Sweat matted her bangs as they veiled sand-yellow eyes that burned like the twin suns of her homeworld.
She unfurled with sinuous speed, shooting upward and leading her momentum with a ball fist aimed at the Miriluka’s chin.
Fenrir walked over to the white-furred Shistavanen, the one called Captain and asked him, “*You want fight me? For training? <@114916641581563913> *” He obseved that some had already paired up and had started training in a flurry or kicks, punches and swings.
Mune smiled, ruby eyes sharp as they studied the hybrid. After a moment they nodded. “Of course,” they motioned to an open space on the large stretch of mats. “I would be most happy to train with you.”
They made sure to scan the dojo quickly to make sure everyone was doing well without instruction, watching Zig in her impressive maneuver. Carr was of course hanging out with his friends, and Mune found they were rather unbothered by their sibling just enjoying the time with his friends. Training could wait for now, let Carr be a proper teenager.
Once in position, Mune turned toward the hybrid. “Okay, Fenrir.”
The Oracle let the rest of the dojo recede for the time being, becoming background noise. With a slow exhale, they were centered, calm, the Force thrumming through their being. Tail and ears stilled. There was only their opponent and the others faded into the periphery of their awareness.
The teens watched the goings on with a certain intensity, obviously shooting the one called Fenrir some wary expressions from the way he moved and his sheet bulk. If they both moved to stand more in front of Carr, then, well.
Nobody needed to examine that too closely.
Noga turned back to their friend, gesturing at another side of the mats. “Do you wanna run some drills or somethin’? Like we do for games?” He was well into his fourth year of huttball here on Selen, and on the advanced team. It wasn’t combat, but it sure kept them in shape.
Revs tried to pull his head back to avoid the hit but was too slow. Zig’s fist landed square on his chin causing his head to snap back. He stumbled back and went down to his knees as his legs started to shake. The unique view of the world that was the Miralukas vision flickered in and out.
“Ohhh….right on the button” he grunted through a clinched jaw. “Give me a minute…..I actually can’t see you at the moment.”
Zig hopped back, still light on her toes. “…can…can Miraluka be dazed…?” She tilted her head, curious.
“I know it’s a first for me too” Revs laughed. His vision slowly quit throbbing. The outline of Zigs aura coming into focus on front of him.
He pushed himself up and steadied his legs. “Alright. I think I’m good..I’m good. Let’s go.” He waved to Zig to start again as he took a more defensive stance.
Revs stepped in cautiously before spinning to the left, chopping at Zigs throàt.
Zig tried to sidestep it, but felt the slice of flattened hand pop her in jaw, causing her to reel backward. When her head turned back to face the Miraluka–though he couldn’t see it–she flashed a feral grin with canine incisors showing. “Hey now that’s what I’m talking about.”
There would be a bruise later, and could feel the lingering tingle of the strike. She did not back down though.
Perhaps still a bit off from the hit landing, the two alternating kicks that she snapped off towards Revs missed their mark.
Carr blinked. He did not really do sports, nor did he do training. He had only just started using the gym facilities over the last year. “Drills? Umm… what kind of drills? I’m sure if you show me.”
Revs reached out to grab Zigs leg for a takedown but she was to quick causing him to miss the grapple.
Noga grinned at him, looking confident, while behind Carr, out of his view, Leda rolled her eyes subtly. The Mirialan male squared his admittedly muscular shoulders and gestured for Carr to follow him onto the mats, his sure walk slightly undone by the fact that his footing was unsure on the extremely customized material Zig and Alex had had installed three times combined with his currently non-athletic shoes. Once they had a bit of space away from the others training actively, Noga stopped them and turned back.
“Okay, ay, so,” he began, crouching. “We do like, drills, right? Shooting, passing, goals, body control and footwork, stuff like that! Figure it can’t be that different from like dodging and stuff, ay? So, like, there’s this one called the Reverse Pivot Jab Rip Attack. And you go like–”
In demonstration, Noga chambered one elbow and whirled around at the middle, driving his arm back towards an imaginary offensive, not unlike a classic Mandalorian Core strike. He stayed on the balls of his feet, and moved lightly yet firmly as he danced forward and moved towards an equally imaginary target with his stolen imaginary ball.
But as he did so, his foot caught and twisted, and he fumbled over.
Carr followed his friend and watched while the Mirialan explained the different maneuvers. They definitely sounded like what one would call attack moves in one of those comic books the three of them enjoyed so much. Reverse Pivot? Jab Rip Attack? The Shistavanen nodded, ears canted forward to catch every word of his friend’s explanation.
Perhaps because he was watching so closely. Maybe because he glimpsed it coming. He was nowhere near his sibling’s level of foresight. But. He was there when Noga’s foot caught and twisted. When the Mirialan went over, instead of finding the mats, there were the furred arms of the Shistavanen and a wide-eyed look of concern staring down.
“Are you okay?!” Carr asked a little quickly, his worry overriding the awkwardness of quite literally holding one of his closest friends in his arms.
Whether from embarrassment at his slip or the proximity, Noga’s peridot skin reddened muddily under his proud geometric tattoos. He made a little sound in his throat, Carr’s snout nearly brushing his nose, bright concerned eyes close.
This really didn’t feel anything like when he and his teammates helped each other up, or even tackled one another.
“Uh,” came out, and then, “uh, ay, yeah! Yeah, fine.”
He had his feet under him fine, and tensed his abdomen to lean up, but Carr was still holding on.
“Uh, you can…let, ay, let go of me now.”
Nearby, Leda quietly had her datapad out, snapping a holo.
“You want to wras-tle? Hah!” Zig chirped as she slid off of the grapple attempt. “Let me show ya’.”
Carr’s grey eyes blinked, confused, then, like a light clicking on realized what he meant. He let go quickly, permitting Noga to stand on his own feet again. The Shistavanen had to turn his head to hit how very red the inside of his ears were blushing. A claw scratching absently at a spot on his left cheek.
“U.. uhm… sorry. Yea. So long as you’re good. Right.” He cleared his throat, “So… moves. Yes. Drills!”
Zig went to do her own grapple, attempting to get her hands around either side of Revs neck in what could have been an embrace to a slow dance. But instead of a dance she’d lock her hands behind his neck, pull his head down, and usually attack in tight with elbows and knees.
Of course that only worked if she got a hold of him. Slippery blind boy…
As Res slipped out of Zigs graps he grabbed her wrist with both hand and twisted, moving to pull her arm behind her back.
“Not so fast…” Zig grunted as she resisted the lock, breaking free with a flex of her forearm muscles, honed from hours of mechanical work. She then retreated a safe distance and resumed her stance. “Not bad blindy.”
“Your pretty impressive yourself. Iis been awhile since I’ve had a fight this good.” Revs rubbed his still sore jaw. “I can keep doing this all day”
He lunged in trying to sweep zigs legs.
“Yeah! Yeah, drills.” The awkward was infectious, as if some outside force had overtaken the pair of teenage boys. Noga shifted his stance to something a little more planted, sus of his own feet at the moment, and instead lifted his hands as a focus.
“Okay, so, let’s try this instead, blocking, right, where you–” he thrust out a hand as if to, well, block, except as he wasn’t really looking at Carr he didn’t have a good handle on where exactly his hand was going and his palm encountered nothing but fluff and fabric and–
If it was possible for someone green to turn red then Noga was trying. He yelped and reeled back, waving both hands now as he stuttered apologies, tripping face first into his mother tongue.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, didn’t mean that!”
“Oh, my God,” Leda muttered to herself, amazed she had caught Noga accidentally smacking Carr in the tail on camera.
“You have to yell ‘good game!’ otherwise it makes things awkward,” Alex half-shouted half-laughed out from across the room, having been keeping an eye on the teens since the rest of the practicing folks seemed to have things well in-hand.
Zig timer the sweep of the leg and hopped back over it, bobbing in place. “Nice.” She darted forward and tried a feint to the left, then following through with a right cross.
Revs ducked, he could feel his hair get pushed back from Zigs fist.
“Thank the Force I moved” s laughed as he stepped in, jamming four fingers toward Zigs exposed armpit.
The hit struck and, was so unexpected, that Zig let out a startled, probably unnecessary yelp and retreated back, hugging herself and rocking back and forth in place. “Ow! What was that??”
“Soft spots” Revs panted. “As I was telling Alex earlier. Armor can’t protect every area of the body. There are always spots that are sensitive, and hard to cover.”
Revs completely dropped his guard and stared pacing the mat. “You ok?”
Carr’s tail fluffed right up and his eyes widened in surprise. He opened his muzzle to say something, anything, but there were no words. His mouth opened and closed, trying to form some kind of coherent word… he knew a few languages… he had plenty of words to choose from.
The Shistavanen’s ears swiveled toward Alex at his shout and the sound of his laughter. His brain was stalled along with his mouth.
Say something.
Carr was shocked out of his confusion by the sound of his sibling’s voice in his head. Damn you and telepathy! the younger Shistavanen thought at his brother.
“I… uh… d… didn’t… mind?” Carr managed to squeak out.
Mune actually muzzle palmed.
Well, that was something, Mune chimed in Carr’s head again.
Oh… gods… he thought in terror.
“I mean! It’s okay! All good! No harm no foul!” Carr quickly corrected.
“Yeah, just i don’t know, felt weird. Good play, though.” She held out her hand towards him.
Revs eyed Zig cautiously, ever wary of a trap. “Yea good fight.” He said as he reached out for her hand.
She shook it in earnest and grinned at the Miraluka.
Unbeknownst to her, her aura in the Force flared and projected the feeling of acceptance fun and respect through the Force, especially visible to one who saw through it.
“A proper ‘tilly,” she agreed.
“Oh my God,” Leda repeated, at the same time Noga’s dark eyes widened while he and Carr stared at one another, growing still redder.
“You– didn’t mind?!” Noga squawked back, seemingly on the verge of something, like a realization, maybe, before the Shistavanen’s hasty correction had him backtracking. Physically and orally. “Ay, I mean. Right. RIGHT. GOTCHA. GOOD GAME.”
“Oh my God.”
“Let’s just. Yeah. Foul. No. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, ay. I’ll be. Right back,” Noga managed to string together, and then pivoted smoothly this time and went all but sprinting towards the refreshers/pool locker room/spa combo the insane ship seemed to house.
The Tenbriss Ya-ir sister finally stopped recording in favor of a little fraternal support, darting over to cover Noga’s retreat as she popped up in front of Carr.
“Heeeeey, ay, so, punching things, that’s cool, right?” She redirected towards Zig and Revs’ finished match.
Carr stood frozen, staring at the spot Noga only just retreated from. His stomach twisted and he couldn’t swallow past a growing lump in his throat. “Good game…” he whispered to to himself and the tears that threatened to spill form his eyes.
You moron… he thought to himself. He almost wanted Mune in his head calling him a moron just to know someone agreed with him.
Carr realized belatedly that Leda stood in front of him. He unceremoniously scrubbed at his eyes, trying to appear as normal as he ever was (which was never very.) “H… hey. Yea. Zig is good at punching things. She teaches me Corellian kickboxing when we both have time.”
“Noga’s… okay… r… right?”
Fenrir pondered on what to do. He knew it was a training area and outright harming was not allowed, sadly. On top of that, it is the Captain that accepted his challenge, so that’s another problem. If you start mauling Captains every now and then, where would be? From his peripheral vision, he observed a set of twins eying him warily. To them he grinned an evil grin and focussed back to the Captain. He started with a simple lunge and a swing of his paw, no claws visible. For now he merely wanted to play around and test Mune. Besides, disembowlling is messy. <@114916641581563913> <@244244163002892288>
Mune, distracted by the trainwreck that was their little brother, did not notice that Fenrir was ready to get started, nor that the hybrid had made a move. The white-furred Shistavanen’s attention certainly snapped back to their opponent quickly when they made their move however. They recognized a test swipe when they saw it and grinned some.
“Apologies, I will pay better attention.”
Mune dropped both training swords to the mat, switching to Martial Arts. They had to admit, they were never good at hand-to-hand. The Oracle moved into Fenrir’s guard and went for an open palm thrust to Fenrir’s abdomen.
They could feel the hybrid already in motion, recognizing well enough a fellow Force-user reacting to the warnings of an incoming attack.
With the Force acting as his trusy vanguard, Fenrir had no problem dodging the initial attack, a palm-trust as harmless as his own swing prior to that. But with his long experience in dealting with Force-users and mundanes alike, he knew that even such seemingly harmless attacks can be deceptive. One cannot guage the strength or power put behind a punch or thrust until it is too late. Lucily this time, he was able to dodge the palm-thrust and was already wondering what to do next. Well, he did what he knew best from years of dealing with wild animals: grapple. Fenrir this time grapped Mune’s shoulder and waist and tried grappling his opponent on the gound for a submission win via tap-out. Unfortunately, there was no referee to do a three-count.
Mune was quick.
Fenrir went for the grab. The white-furred Shista had a feeling that if the hybrid managed to get a hold of him, it would not be so easy to wiggle free. The male even appeared physically stronger.
The Oracle twisted out of the hybrid’s grasp and struck low, aiming the blow at their opponent’s left hip.
They could already feel their blood pumping. Their heart picking up speed. Their vision narrowed until it only saw Fenrir. They were focused now. They would not be so easily distracted.
Things were happening faster now. The world around them appeared as if both slowed down and turning around on a top-wheel, either of the two. It’s one of the two that happens when one is focussing intnesely through the supernatural thing mundanes call the Force. Fenrir noticed the kick coming up, and moved his bulky, hairy black body out the the way just in time and attempt to grab Mune’s legs in another grapple takedown. <@114916641581563913>
Mune’s eyes perceived the potential attacks within milliseconds. Their mind parsing every possibility. They were moving before the hybrid even began moving to grapple. They twisted, Fenrir finding nothing but empty air where their leg should have been.
The white-furred Shistavanen pivoted on their right foot, carrying their momentum around to kick at Fenrir’s back.
Leda’s expression immediately transformed from a forced and somewhat sickly grin into one of worry and horror. “Oh, Carrmi, oh, no no no, don’t cry, it’s okay!” she rushed, grabbing him by the arms and towing him off the mats in a rustle of her short bouncy skirts. Safely on the sidelines from that other monster of a Shista radiating Murder Vibes that Mune was fighting, she squeezed his hands and then reached to pet his ears down. “Carr, hey, Noga is fine, ay, ay. He’s just like–” well it wasn’t her place to say having a little bi-crisis in the bathroom or something so she went with, “embarrassed, you know? Tryna show off for you and looked silly instead. Nothing to cry about, zpndrico, I promise.”
She paused, her face turning more serious, and she leant closer, lowering her tone.
“Unless this tears is ‘bout the touch, ay? It’s okay to tell us, Carr, it’s okay if that was bad. Ay, you look at me, is okay not to be okay with that, mistake or no you only get touch how you want touch. We tell our parents, we handle it. Noga will apologize like hell and nobody be mad and it never happens again.”
Reav shook her hand. “Great fight. I’m definitely looking forward to it again.”
“For sure,” she grinned.
Carr cleared his throat and put on a brave face. “I wasn’t crying.”
He huffed out an exasperated breath. Emotions and hormones were stupid, he was frustrated and not sure at all what words to put together in what order. Computers and droids were not this difficult. The Shistavanen’s thoughts tumbled one over the other, clumzy and discombobulated.
“I… didn’t… dislike…” he mumbled, “…it.”
Why were feelings so awkward?! He wanted to bury his head under a pillow.
“I mean… I’m not mad! I don’t know how to talk about this stuff!” he said the second half in Shistavanen out of frustration. “This is so stupid! I don’t know how to do this stuff!” this time in Mirialian.
He needed something he could deal with. Some physics question. A computer problem. A droid to work on. Something that was easy. Emotions were not easy and he was beginning to panic. Was Noga okay? Did he do something wrong? Did Noga do something wrong? What did he feel? Oh gods, what must Leda think?! What must the people around them think?! Did he screw this up?! Did he hurt one of his closest friends? Hurting one meant hurting the other, didn’t it? Oh gods, did he hurt them both?!
He was suddenly very tired. Carr dropped his gaze, grey eyes staring fixedly at the floor because it was easier then meeting the gaze of his friend.
“Ayyyyy, Carrmi,” Leda bid, knowing him well enough to know he was freaking out internally when he got quiet like that. Carr never shut up. She gently tweaked one ear, still petting. “It’s okay! Okay? You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll go drag Noga out to tell you hisself. Your job is to go get some waters for everyone. Got it?”
“Water? Yes… water. I can do water. Water for everyone. Us three? Okay.” The words were coming out too fast and were a jumble but he was quickly running off to complete the task.
Alex grunted just slightly as he pushed himself back to a standing position, adjusting his hakama back to a comfortable hang as he did so.
“I daresay I could use some refreshment to accompany the entertainment,” he loudly declared - impossible to tell how much of it was performative and how much was just his usual bombastic nature - as he strode toward the pool area and the bar. He deftly slid behind the station and retrieved a glass and some ice cubes, not even looking at the young Shista who was somewhat fumblingly retrieving water bottles from the cooler.
“I can provide advice, if you are willing to hear it, young one,” Alex said in a quiet tone, just above a whisper so that only Carr could hear him…probably. “I know it does not seem like my usual to ask for an okay before providing my insights, but as this pertains to a more personal relations nature than something potentially life-threatening, it is more in line with my philosophy that there be a conversation rather than a lecture.”
Zig was one with the ship, and the ship was with her. She was the master of ships, of Cultivation and Observation. For a different kind of science…of the heart.
Zig observed casually, masking her attention by talking idly with Revs or working on some of the equipment around the training area. But she was always listening.
Carr’s attention snapped up to the adult, eyes widening some. “Oh gods… d… did everyone hear that?!”
He stared in open horror. His voice squeaked some on his next words, “A… advice? Advice on what? Nothing happened. I mean… something happened. I mean… I don’t know what happened.” He actually muzzled palmed and groaned. He was getting frustrated all over again. The Shistavanen took a deep breath and released it all in a flustered whoosh of air.
“Advice. Okay… shoot.” He may as well hear it.
“At the risk of sounding like one of those do-nothing Jedi,” the word sounded off somehow when he said it, but it was difficult to pinpoint how, “you cannot let your emotions get the better of you. I understand that in the moment it can be very intense and hard to overcome, but you are a clever one. You navigate complicated processes every day. No reason you should change your approach just because it is the heart rather than an engine, yeah?”
As he spoke, Alex was deftly mixing himself a cocktail in a tall glass, still not looking directly at Carr so as to not make it obvious he was talking to him. The boy was embarrassed enough, no sense adding the burden of being caught with the old man guiding him to add to it.
“How do you approach it when you build or fix something? You lay it all out, you make a plan, you take it step by step. With all of this, even I can tell you are trying to figure everything else out all at once. ‘How do I feel?’ ‘How do they feel?’ ‘What do I want?’ ‘What do they want?’ ‘What do I do if what I feel and want does not match what they feel and want?’ You have got to take these one at a time, son. First step, figure out which of those questions is most important to you, and focus on that one until you have the answer. I personally recommend looking to yourself first, but that is your call to make.”
A sprig of some fragrant herb was tossed in the drink and a long sip taken. “If you ever want to talk it out with anyone, my personal comms frequency is in the ship’s records. Feel free to call.”
Carr listened intently, probably the most still or quiet he has been other than when he was out of his mind with confusion just a few minutes ago or so. His ears were perked forward to capture every work the man spoke… and… they were good words. The Shistavanen was good at technical stuff, he could match his professors when talking about reactors and theoretical physics.
He could figure this out.
How did he feel?
Carr nodded slowly. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate the advice.”
“What did I say about that ‘sir’ shit, Carr?” Alex smiled showing he wasn’t even remotely serious as he tipped his glass toward Carr in a salute before heading off back toward the dojo to continue observing the combat pratice, drink now firmly grasped.
“The professors keep trying to drill politeness into my skull, thanks old man.” He carried the bottled water back to where he had parted ways with Leda to wait patiently.
Carr analyzed the entire interaction between he and Noga, turning it around every-which-way. How did he feel… or… really… how does he feel. Anxious, for one. Why did he feel anxious? Was it because he hadn’t had any real friends until he met Leda and Noga, then Ro'ki?
Ro'ki would likely be snickering up a storm right about now.
Anxious because he was not so good at the whole social thing to begin with? His small group of friends were really all his friends. He could count their sibling, they supposed, as a friend. One where it was a contest as to who had the most neurosis. (Mune was winning.) Mune had far more endurance for social situations though. Was that something they learned?
Carr put the anxiety aside and analyzed the next one… fear. Why fear? He decided it likely had the same route as the anxiety. He was afraid of losing his friends. He knew that losing one would cost him the other. Was that true though? Noga and Leda were very close, so he only assumed it would be the case.
Next. Move on. What had he felt at the exact moment. Surprise. Definitely surprise. He hadn’t expected the touch. Accidental or not. Had he liked it? That one was interesting. He had not disliked it, he was a hundred percent certain of that.
What would Mune say to do? What would Ro'ki say to do? Zig? Hell… the old man… Alex? He knew Mune would say to do what he felt was right. Ro'ki would tell him to stop overthinking and just go for it. Zig would probably quote something she heard here or there (and it would be darned amusing as always.) Alex… well… Alex already had him analyzing as he was.
Fenrir had a bad feeling about this up-close-and-personal fight. Mune was obviously skilled at unarmed combat. All his blows fell on empty air, although the same was true on the other side. Time to turn on the heat, the black-furred hybrid decided. He sidestepped the kick to his back and blasted out a blast of Force Lightening at Mune.
The instant the black-furredhybrid unleashed his power, the Force was there to receive the blast. Mune slowly rose from their crouch. Instinct forged the Force into their shield, lightning dancing across its flickering surface. It danced and jittered across the translucent bubble, power rippling harmlessly, dispersing across the invible obstacle. The white-furred Shistavanen arched a brow, “Force Lightning in a friendly spar?”
Mune did not seem to be concentrating on maintaining the Barrier either, like their talent at healing and their affinity with seeing the future, the power came to them easily. Only when the blast of electricity finally faded from the space between them did the Barrier ripple and fade.
Thinking that Mune would be either too shaken or distracted to counter his next move in time, he threw a haymaker punch amplified in speed and power by an unseen force, hoping that this one would connect.
Mune shifted their weight. Not so easily shaken, they sensed the attack coming and reacted accordingly. They felt how Fenrir was directing the Force, surmising that the other furred fighter may have been buffing his physical attributes. This may be getting out of hand, Mune thought to themself.
The white-furred Shistavanen growled low in their throat, a sound of warning to their opponent. The Force flowed through them, and through them, thrust forward with the subtlest motion of their hand. Fenrir’s own momentum and Mune’s telekinesis had the black-furred hybrid face planting into the mats unless he recovered quick enough to not find himself prone before his opponent.
While the siblings had their conversation (that the author would totally do for a particular currently running comp yup) and Carr sought his own counsel, the pair eventually emerged, just in time to see lightning explode into existence and dissipate into the corona of Mune’s barrier. Leda gasped loudly, rearing back, and Noga catching her like Carr had caught him was all that kept her upright when she twisted on her rather cute backless shoes. Both watched with obvious tension, a mixture of horror and…anger? Awe? on their faces. Though they knew of the Force intimately, exposed by both their parents, their Papi had never displayed lightning in front of them. Spoken of it, though: only for enemies. Never to be used. Like the blasters and pistols some carried, but worse. It could only hurt.
And here was this massive stranger using it on Mune? When he had already given off such dangerous vibes?
Was Carr okay?!
Not seeing their friend immediately, since he’d gone to the bar, it was hard to say which of the Tenbriss Ya-ir knightlings yelled out just before Mune dealt their swift telekinetic blow: “AY, AY! LEAVE MISTER CINTEROPH ALONE!”
Mune’s right ear angled, hearing the two teens. Their ruby eyes looked down upon Fenrir, prone on the mats. “You did well, perhaps… no throwing lightning around with other standers-by, in the future?” They said light-heartedly, though loud enough to try and calm the kids.
Carr was coming up on his friends, hearing them and glancing toward Mune. Of course, the white-furred Shistavanen had it handled, surprising the younger Cinteroph very little.
Mune glanced in their direction, offering the three teens a reassuring smile before speaking to the assembled crewman. “Thank you everyone for joining. Refreshments will be available for everyone to enjoy in the luxury area. Carr. No alcohol.”
Carr nearly pouted but caught himself. He cleared his throat and handed Leda a bottle of water. He held out another bottle to Noga. When the Mirialan reached for it, Carr stepped in close, steeling himself mentally. Was this what he wanted to do? Right here? Now? When his friends had just been shaken by the display of Force Lightning? His heart hammered against his ribs, threatening to punch a hole in his chest.
When Noga’s hand brushed his reaching for the water bottle, Carr closed the gap. Their lips brushed subtly in the gentlest of stolen kisses. As quickly as the Shista had stolen the kiss, he had withdrawn, ears back to hide his blush.
“I… I brought you water,” he said, just for the sake of saying ANYTHING, as if it would dispel any awkwardness.
Fenrir had landed face-first on the floor. He had charged head-first and Mune used his own momentum against him. Now he was getting up gingerly with an angry snarl, but was content to have learnt the lesson to not be overly aggressive all the time.
Mune turned their ruby eyes back on the hybrid. They extended a hand, offering Fenrir a hand back to his feet, “You are some fighter. Going all out, you must be something fierce. Thank you for the match.”
“Thank ye.” Head smarting from the fall, Fenrir blinked at the extended hand. Should he grab it and haul it to the floor? Hmm no. That’s the Captain, and they were'nt alone yet either. You can’t haul Captains, really. Best shake hands now. He grabbed the extended hand and got up. “You is great fighter too. It’s been an honor and a lesson.”
“If it were a competition of strength, you would have had me, no contest,” Mune said plainly. “Get some discipline under your belt, some martial arts specifically and you would be that much more frightening in a fight.”
They help the hybrid to his feet, “I may have speed and foresight on my side. You have power… you do not lack for speed either mind you.”
Mune recognized well enough a fellow Shistavanen closer to feral than not.
Mune’s light-heartedness had the opposite effect of calming, if anything. Much like their Papi, they had almost zero tolerance for what they saw as excessive violence, and seemed rather geared up to fightsomebody argue or lecture about it. But before either could get words together, Carr was coming up and stealing them completely.
Much like Carr stole a kiss.
Noga froze at both the brush of their hands and the brush of thin, warm lips, a cupid’s bow, the impression of Carr’s muzzle. The smallest tickle of whiskers. Warmth. There then gone. And just staring back at him, ears folded.
He was hyper aware of everything and yet couldn’t focus on any of it, thoughts racing. He and Leda had just– they’d just decided– they…
His wide-eyed gaze darted over, catching the expression on his little sister’s face, the same surprise flashing with hurt that imploded and crumbled and sprung tears in her eyes that she quickly masked. They were good at that, their little broken, put back together family. Pretending they were fine.
She smiled at him, biting her lip in a wobbly way, and her elbow jabbed him, so kriffing familiar. Go on, stupid, she was saying.
Noga looked back to Carr, gulping, then lifted his chin a bit. He gripped the water bottle for courage and felt something settle in him, this constant anxiety and nebulous something finally having an answer, finally having something to do.
“Thanks,” he ground out. Then, a little stronger, clearer. “I liked it too, ay, just sayin’. Getting hands on you. If you wanna. Ay. Uh. Do that again sometime. Go out? Together?”
“Smooth,” Leda whisper-teased, backing slowly away, both to give them space and to give herself room to breathe.
Done soothing Fenrir’s hackles, they started toward the teens only to slow at the scene unfolding. Carr was oblivious, Mune, however, was not. Watching Leda give space, the white-furred Shistavanen continued forward, joining the Mirialan.
“Care to walk with me, Leda? The Conservatory is just yonder,” they spoke softly, not letting on that they glimpsed the brief emotions that flashed across her features.
Carr’s attention, right then, was completely on Noga’s question. The younger Shista gave a quick nod and one of his impish grins, nervous though it was around the edges. “Yeah… okay. Sure. Yea,” Carr stumbled through his words, just as smooth in his response.
“Uhm,” Leda balked, having planned to go hide in the bathroom where neither her brother nor Carr would follow. It wasn’t like she knew anyone else here, really. But brushing Mune off would be rude and aaaaaaaaaa– “ay, s-uuure.”
She was desperately holding on to her composure, just wishing she didn’t have to be seen at all. If she could only disappear. That would be so great. Please.
Kriff kriff kriff kriff kriff kriff do not cry don’t cry stop.
Noga, meanwhile, grinned back at Carr, his face lighting up in a way that was rarer on the Mirialans of the Tenbriss Ya-ir family as a whole. It was a young, vulnerable thing, nervous and giddy. “Yeah? Sure? Ay, vagraci tjveholimi sanos prvycas. Do, uh, are you busy now, still? With–” he waved his free hand at the Folly’s rec and training deck around them.
Mune motioned in the direction of the luxury pool and the conservatory beyond. Together they walked from the bustling gym and into the deep quiet of the conservatory’s gardens. The atmosphere was calming. The ceiling high above was of super durable glass, reinforced to withstand external impacts… because space and stuff. Mune slowed their pace and motioned to a bench, indicating that she should sit. They pulled a kerchief from one of their small satchels at their belt before speaking.
“Leda, it is safe here,” Mune spoke softly, offering the kerchief. “It is okay to cry.”
As far as they were concerned, she did not need permission to feel or to let the tears go, but she was holding them back. Mune hoped she understood, that she was allowed to feel her feelings.
“I hope you know, Carr loves you both, very much. By no means does this mean he cares for you any less.”
“Umm… well…” Carr glanced around, seeing Mune guiding Leda away. What was that about? He glanced back at Noga, “I guess things are done here. I am all freed up!”
Noga’s smile stayed as he hopped in place a bit from foot to foot, a sort of excited tick reminiscent of when he was playing with his huttball team. “Yeah? Okay then. Lemme just tell…” he trailed off, noticing his sister had walked away with Mune without even signalling him. They always signalled. Always.
Well…mostly always.
And she had elbowed him.
And said not five minutes ago–
–he shook himself and looked back down at Carr.
“Ay, uh, lemme message my family. I know our parents don’t want us just goin’ around kriffin’ Ol'Val, so…uh…you know anywhere here? Or we could–”
He stumbled over his words, face reddening. Suddenly the idea of their usual hanging out in one of their three rooms, sprawled on the beds or floors reading comics and playing games, seemed a lot different and way too fast???
Meanwhile, Leda furiously shook her head, her tight curls of emerald hair bouncing in their afro and her earrings along with them. She grabbed blindly at the offered kerchief and turned her face away from Mune as she wiped at it.
“Istepi. Zhravi na. I know. I known he love us both. That the point.” She stared firmly away, blinking tears past and admiring the upgraded garden. It was even better than when they’d first brought Melissa to the Voidbreaker to see what a party was like, and she’d made some grass hats while they did grass bracelets. “Stupid boys. I known forever. Longer than neither them did. Noga busy figuring out he even like a boy too today. And Carr–” her voice cracked. She wiped her nose, then sighed, and turned a wobbly smile on the Shistavanen. “Well he was gon have to pick one of us, ay, if he did anythin’ at all. Had to be him, yanno? And– i didn’t want him to pick me.”
Her voice grew very small.
“…I mean, like. A little bit. But also not. Cause I wanted Noga to be happy too! Ay, ay, ay. It’s complicated. So just. I’m fine. Okay? I know already. It just hurts a lil righ’ now is all, ay.”
Mune nodded slowly, listening… as much as they were not the best listener at times, they listened close, ears turned toward her to capture every word. It was complicated, the Mirialan was spot on with that statement. Ultimately, though, they were just older sibling with gaps in their memory a speeder could pass through still. They were a healer and a protector at their core. Except… the girl had no wounds to heal, her hurts were emotional and they had nothing but words and empathy in their arsenal to help with those wounds.
“Complicated, indeed.” Mune kept their voice soft. “Leda.”
Did Carr pick? He kind of had, hadn’t he. Mune sat on the ground, tail carefully resting against their hip with their back against the bench. They glanced up through the branches to the star shining through the dome beyond.
“He is only figuring out his heart now… and, you know Carr, feelings are not easy for him.” Mune turned their head to offer her an encouraging smile. “You both hold a significant piece of his heart, even if he does not realize it yet, himself. Just… give yourself, him, and your brother some time. Especially yourself. For now, enjoy the garden, let yourself feel your feelings, and when you are calm, we will return to the others. Message your brother and take all the time you need.”
“I am here if you need to talk, or you can simply enjoy the silence and the view.”
If she chose to talk, Mune would listen. The Shistavanen shifted their gaze back to the starry dome above. Kids, Mune thought.