Almost a week had passed since Tiexsema’s defeat. Most of the allied clan’s who’d come to aid in the battle had left, only a few with ties on Selen remaining these extra days.
Zuza sat in a window, looking out on over Estle, the city sprawling out over the mountain. The meeting room was a small one and low in the Citadel, easier to get to than most though still had the benefit of Qyreia’s protections being installed. With so many attacks from within, making as many meeting rooms as possible safe to speak within was karking important.
This one didn’t have the security details at least. Anymore.
Zuza looked.. fine. Pale in the cheeks, perhaps, but that was the only sign of the migraine she’d had since she woke up originally. It was still there, burning at the back of her mind, but quieter now. She could think again and that was a karkin’ blessing. She checked her data pad, she’d arrived an hour early for the sake of some peace and quiet before working out whatever the kark had gone off with Anders.
The message she’d recieved had been worrisome at best, and while it seemed he hadn’t acted on it, Zuza was keen to work out exactly what happened. It was still a little early, ten or fifteen minutes left until the time, so she leaned her head back against the edge of the window and closed her eyes.
A few minutes would be fine…
A few minutes that, unfortunately for Lady Zuza Lottson Tyris, Shadow Lady of Arcona, she would not receive. Anders was always punctual. He found it rude to keep others waiting, especially when they held an important position of power.
The High Inquisitor and Vice-Chancellor of the Taldryan Republic that he was prided himself on always knowing what to say. When push came to shove, he always had a mouthful of words to unleash upon whatever unsuspecting fool deserved them.
Now? Zuza didn’t deserve them. She didn’t deserve them then and she didn’t deserve them now. Anders owned up to his mistakes when he made them, or so he liked to believe.
Therefore, with a deep intake of air through his nostrils, he tapped his knuckles lightly against the door.
He heard a sudden rush of movement accompanied with an unusually loud thud, before a few moments passed and the door opened.
She stepped aside so he could enter, closing the door behind him and getting settled in one of the seats that had sunlight warming it.
With sunlight warming her features, Anders got a good look at Zuza’s more weathered features. She was pale, well, she was already pale, but her skin seemed to be moreso now than any other time that he’d seen her. Likely a byproduct of the stresses of leadership combined with war.
“Shadow Lady.”
A flick of a wrist gently pulled the chair opposite Zuza out so he can sit in it. He chose to address her by her position, as was appropriate.
“Stars- Please don’t.” Zuza laughed ever so slightly. She still wasn’t used to being addressed like that. Accurate or not, being Lady Zuza to Anderson was weird enough, Shadow Lady was just too much.
“Zuza is fine, always has been. That hasn’t changed.”
Anders made himself comfortable in his seat, crossing one leg over the other whilst clasping his hands together.
“You should not underestimate your status, Lady Zuza. You have thousands upon thousands of individuals who see you for your position, rather than the person sitting in it. They will be looking to you for guidance. You may not change, and indeed, I hope you have not, but your role in galactic proceedings certainly has.”
For however much it was possible for Zuza to get much paler, it seemed to occur as Anders spoke. It still hadn’t really set in fully yet, blasting from a political nightmare that was what landed her into the position anyway and then the reports of movement coming in straight after, there hadn’t been time to consider the full consequences of… this.
She let out a slow breath, tucking her hair behind her ear, “I.. would rather that those who don’t just see me for my position don’t feel like they have to call me that. Though, to say all of that, uh, that message you sent was…”
Zuza hesistated, wanting to use a rather gnarly swear and instead landing on a wavery, “Interesting.”
For once getting back on topic was a handy way of avoiding a far more uncomfortable conversation.
Anders didn’t budge. He took note of the change in topic, though he understood it perfectly well, given the context. Zuza had refrained from using foul language in front of him which was both impressive and somewhat… concerning.
“Indeed,” the Taldryan Vice-Chancellor shifted in his seat, settling into position. “Where would you like me to start?”
“With why it was sent, preferably. I was preparing an assault, on the ground in the reserve when I received it. Some context woulda been nice.”
She spoke more carefully than usual. But then even Zuza knew how volatile of a message it was, and she was simply glad she hadn’t shared it around to get someone else to try and find out what was going on all things considered now.
From the beginning, then.
Anders took another moment to gather his thoughts. The message was, after all, completely and utterly hostile, as was intended.
“After the Port Kasiya blizzard, it was decided by the Supreme Chancellor that when Arcona needed aid, Taldryan would provide it. That would be in whatever form was necessary. Soldiers, supplies, rations, and more. When the call came, I was confronted by my young protégé, Jedi Draca Zul. I understand that you know of him?”
“We’ve met yeah, he’s a good guy.” Zuza nodded, remembering very easily getting swept off her feet multiple times by the lad.
“I was trying to help you track him down back before the war.”
Anders nodded. Good. Draca was a polite young man and he wanted everyone to see what he saw in him, what Anders had specifically taught in him.
“He, for whatever reason, wanted to go personally to aid in the war effort. Perhaps it was because of his relationship to young Miss Luxor, or perhaps his general disposition and need to be the change the galaxy needs? Maybe it’s both? Regardless, he convinced me, although I was admittedly reluctant to let him go.”
“Right, he was one of the first to arrive from Taldryan.” Zuza nodded, remembering it vaguely among the mass of others who came.
“So you stayed behind originally.”
“Originally yes,” Anders shifted in his seat, his gaze unending. He maintained the straightened, dignified poise of an aristocrat.
“I received news from Evelyn Wyvern regarding the condition of Draca after certain events had transpired on Selen. I was reassured by Miss. Wyvern that he was in good health and i was willing to accept that until I received a report from the front lines as to how Draca had sustained his injuries.”
The Chiss’ eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Song, or no song. Draca had attempted to neutralise whilst others had attempted to kill him. I am not foolish, Zuza. I am aware there are those in Arcona who despise me for who I am, what I am, what I can do, and what I represent. I do not put it past certain individuals to strike at those close to me in order to damage me indirectly. I felt lied too, betrayed, and furious.”
A small chuckle escaped his lips.
“I suppose, in some small way, I still am.”
Zuza frowned. Shed never heard about…
Well. Why would she have? Any reports like that would have been handled by those over whoever harmed Draca. Unless it was unresolved it never would have made it up to her.
Shed have never known about this without Anders sending that message. It was insight to the next few years of her life that wasn’t pleasant. She wasn’t expecting pleasant but… to miss information like that?
The Consul shifted uneasily in her chair, reminded of the events and lack of being told things that led to her kidnapping. To her Battleteam’s kidnapping…
Still she replier, in a softer tone while doing her best to maintain eye contact, “That.. explains a lot.”
Anders merely gave the Arconan Consul a small nod.
“I will not lie to you. That message I sent? I intended to see it through fully, even if it killed me, even if I failed. Justice demanded it. Luckily for all parties involved, my mind was changed.”
He would have been killed most likely. That is not how they handled things here. Especially considering the fact the people responsible were probably under control by caxqettes.
“I’m glad it was. If the person was under the effect of the Caxquettes song, then it just wasn’t their fault. We’d have to investigate, to make sure it was actually what happened, we had more than one kisthead who decided to pretend for a free pass but…”
She paused, “Why did you change your mind?”
“Evelyn asked.”
That was all he said, and he spoke bluntly too. Did he need to elaborate? Probably. Was he going to do so without being prompted? Absolutely not.
The Caxquettes, yes, had intended to control the minds and ensnare the senses of those around them. Yet, Draca had aimed to neutralise, and they had attempted to kill him. Intention was the root cause of injustice.
Zuza blinked. Oh. Was that it?
A beat passed, “…how?”
How indeed.
If Anders were completely honest with himself, and he always was, he was rather fond of Evelyn. He could count with the fingers on one hand the amount of people he would be willing to ignore his sense of justice for.
Draca was one of them.
Evelyn was now another.
“Contrary to popular belief, Lady Zuza, I am not a monster. I can be persuaded to alter my intended course of action under the right circumstances.”
“No- I didn’t mean that. Just, you’re… I’ve never seen you change your mind on something serious before.” Zuza sighed, a bit flustered by him presuming her thoughts like that.
“I know what you do Anders. I’m on the lower ranks of the Inquisitors but I’m not that stupid that I don’t know what interrogations actually are. I also don’t think you’re a monster.”
She shook her head, “I know you two are married still, I mean.. me and Cass are too thanks to the kark on Nancora but I didn’t think you really even knew each other?”
Zuza didn’t want to know what interrogations are. They were a sight untainted eyes and ears should not see or hear.
“We have gotten to know each other significantly better over recent events,” he chose his words carefully.
Something was up here. Zuza knows people. She couldn’t pin her finger on what, but there was more to this.
“Mhm..? That’s good to hear. You’ve been spending time together, then?” Zuza prodded gently, attempting to reach some information.
Who in the name of the seven Corellian Hells did Zuza think she was trying to interrogate? It was actually quite amusing to him, evident perhaps by the small snort he released. Anders was an Inquisitor. An Inquisitor.
Anders practically wrote the book on interrogation within the Inquisitorious. Zuza would have to try harder than that to get anything out of him.
“We’ve gotten closer over the course of the war here on Selen. We reached a mutual understanding. That is all.”
Zuza narrowed her eyes but there was nothing to gleam. Shed ask Evelyn at some point. It’d be nice to have something to ask about for once rather than being questioned when it came to Evelyn.
“Well, thats good if it’s stopped you from going rampant on someone who might not have deserved it. I.. will make sure it’s looked into now I’m aware of it, we’ve been doing our best to get reports from everyone in but.. well. You saw.”
Even if Anders had never met a Caxqette, he still saw what Tiexsema did. He knew that much.
“Indeed I did. That self-proclaimed Old God was the reason that my ship crashed and killed my pilot. I will have a rather… unfortunate message to deliver to his family upon my return to Kasiya.”
Death happened. It was a natural part of life. Sometimes, death happened to those who didn’t deserve it, and sometimes, it affected those around them the most.
The Force truly did work in mysterious ways.
“Speaking of unintended betrothals, have you informed your partner of your marriage?”
Zuza grimaced. Many had died like that. Pilots had been at such a risk… the topic moved on. She wouldn’t linger if Anders didn’t decide to either.
She sighed ever so slightly, nodding, “Yeah she knows. Once the shock wore off she thought it was funny, it’s not like me and Cass did anything. Kark, I didn’t think those venues were real.” Her voice trailed off in a bare grumble before meeting Anders’ gaze again, “What did Draca think?”
Anders quirked a curious brow. “What did Draca think of what?”
The marriages? The events on Selen? That was a rather open question.
“You getting married.”
Anders had to laugh. Truly, it really was the most ridiculous of circumstances.
“Confused, shocked, perplexed, anxious. Draca is a fine young man, though sudden changes to his routine unnerved him in many ways. He is a creature of habit. He likes his familiarity and whilst he never said it out loud, I suspect he felt that was threatened. Draca is… one of the few people who will see me in a higher regard than others. He does not think it impossible I could potentially rind a suitor, bit rather that it happened out of seemingly nowhere was what caught him by surprise.”
“It definitely wasn’t typical for ya.” Zuza commented, smiling. It was rare to hear the Chiss laugh.
“Would’ve been less shocking for me if it was before Zig, kark, I might’ve even seen where it led but…” She shook her head, chuckling “I’m just surprised it wasn’t Atyiru who got there first marrying me to someone. We have a whole karking cabinet of divorces and annulments that have been made because of her. Selen is a strange place to be sometimes.”
“I am honestly surprised that those are legal. Then again, given our unique circumstances, it appears anyone can be married to anyone. You may be interested to know that I was able to find a way to divorce through contacts in the Nar Shaddaa underground. Evelyn and I never decided to use it, but perhaps you and Cassandra will have some use of it?”
Anders silently wondered just how Atyiru got away with marrying people as much as she did. A part of him secretly suspected she had a hand in all the shenanigans that had taken place that day.
“It’s.. a law that got written in. I’m fairly sure all the Arconae can marry people together as long as they’re in the Dajorra system. Or… well. At least Atyiru.” Zuza waved a hand, shaking her head with a slightly stressed sigh.
“I’d appreciate that. As funny as it is, and as much as Cass is enjoyin’ pissing off folk with it, I want to be available for Zig.”
She paused for a moment, thinking. It was odd that Anders and Evelyn were okay with remaining married together. Really karkin’ odd. But whatever was going on there would come out or whatever at some other point.
After a beat, she added on, “Thank you, for agreeing to talk through all this with me. The, message stuff. Is Draca okay now?”
“I was going to speak with Draca until I was draggedchere on the orders of your messenger. He… how close are you with Miss. Luxor?”
He had to ask. This was, after all, confidential information.
“I know of her, met in passing. Ruka found her a year or so ago, seems a good kid. She and Draca are dating, right? I feel like Ru’s mentioned her going off to meet with him sometimes.” Zuza answered, tilting her head slightly.
“I see.”
Zuza didn’t know. How could she? Anders wasn’t positive if even Melissa knew, or perhaps the young woman was oblivious herself after years if living in the woods like a hermit. For all Melissa knew, Draca’s behaviour was nothing abnormal.
The big question was could he trusted Zuza with such sensitive information?
“Yes, they are dating and she seems to lighten his life, if that were anymore possible,” Anders allowed himself a small chuckle at that. Then he remembered more vital information.
Zuza knew Draca. In fact, she’d been, what had been reported? Scooped off of her feet by him on more than one occasion?
“Tell me, what do you think of Draca?”
“Hes a good kid. A friend. Bit headstrong from what I’ve seen but he’s kind, honest. Powerful, for his age. I know I’m not in a great place to judge power considerin’ I’m not.. exactly good at all the Force stuff but, well.” Zuza gestured, wondering exactly where this was going. “In the.. kark nearly 4 years I’ve been in Arcona, the Caxqettes have been an issue. In four years, I’ve never heard of anyone being able to resist the song like he did. You’re either in it, frozen or you’re free. Middle ground isnt.. really a thing. He’s different. Why?”
“Different is one word to describe him…” Andefs muttered the words before he realised he had spoken them out loud.
“The boy is abnormally powerful, yes, hence, perhaps, why the Caxqettes influence over him was not as final as it was with your fellow Arconans. He has a relationship with the Force I cannot truly explain and yet, he does not realise it himself. He is gifted, but that gift comes with challenges most would not perhaps perceive.”
Zuza hadn’t held what he’d said to her against him. Perhaps he could at least trust her with this.
“If I inform you of what challenges he faces on a daily basis, you must swear never to tell a soul. I mean it, Zuza. This is personal information.”
Zuza frowned lightly but nodded. This was unexpected, but she’d helped him with Draca before. She considered them both friends.
“I swear it.”
Usually, the Human would add some flair situations. Some grin, or quip but here… her expression was serious. The exhaustion was there but it didn’t sap away the intention behind her eyes. Just as before, where she hadn’t told anyone Draca was missing nor being looked for, shed keep this secret as long as it was asked of her.
Zuza had kept secrets for him before. That should have been enough. Still, Anders was concerned just because it was Draca. As bloody and cold-hearted as many might say he is, Draca was practically his son, even if he never said it out loud. He wantedchis young protégé to have his independence, but alas, Anders could not help but concern himself with the moments he was not there to aid Draca, as few and far between as those were.
“He is on the spectrum for autism. Sudden, permanent changes to his environment can overwhelm him and leave him withdrawn.”
There. He’d said it.
Zuza was quiet for a few moments, considering it. It wasn’t something she.. necessarily knew much about. It wasn’t an entirely foreign word. Still, if it meant sudden changes could cause upset… Then his bother over Evelyn being married to Anders was a lot bigger of an issue.
“That- I see.” She answered as it all clicked together, nodding slightly to herself, “Is… Evelyn going to be a permanent change though?”
It seemed strange to leave it an active problem if there wasn’t more there. This leaned her in favour of that being true. Still, she tempered any excitement in lieu of letting Anders actually respond.
“Evelyn and I…” How should he respond here? He wanted to be respectful of Evelyn’s boundaries. Truthfully, she was very much as private an individual as Anders was. It was eerie how similar the two of them were together, and yet, different at the same time. “Will be seeing more of each other. That is all I will say on the matter.”
Zuza smiled. Oh she was absolutely talking to Evelyn. Only a little, just enough to see if she was also in agreement to this. It was strange for them to connect over getting married, but… well. Anyway, plotting aside.
“Yeah ‘course. I don’t wanna pry, just get curious about my friends.” She chuckled, glancing toward the window. For how much she could see from up here, all the little details were fuzzy, flitting by without her notice. “How much longer do you think you an Draca are hanging around on Selen?”
“Long enough to see the forces we send here return and then we will be on our way. I doubt our presence here is very much desired longer than necessary.”
By our presence what he really meant was his presence. He was under no illusion there were some who would be downright hostile to him if he overstayed his welcome.
“By some, yeah. Same folk who weren’t really happy when I asked all of ya to come in the first place.” Zuza commented, crossing one leg over the other.
“They probably will be happy to see me gone whenever it comes. Cause I don’t really care what they think. Time changes stuff, its not like enemies becoming allies is a new thing to the galaxy.” She smiled slightly. Anders had been so suspicious of her, why she was there, that first mission they shared together rooting out old Taldryan forces that had defected.
Your legacy will be the people you save. The people you inspire. Marick’s words echoed in her head.
“I just need a heads up with a bit more context if there’s ever a next time that you feel like kist has gone wrong.” Hopefully he’d be able to trust her to at least try and fix things.
“Understood. For what it is worth, Zuza. I do apologise. My actions should have been directed at certain individuals rather than an entire planet and the people upon it.”
Anders let his apology hang in the air for a few moments.
“If we are done here, I should return to my ship. I would rather not leave Draca unattended for longer than necessary.”
She had smiled at the apology. Relief was visible still but… genuine appreciation shone through. The last thing she wanted was to have issues with a friend. After a moment she nodded, shifting to stand up, “Yeah that’s everythin’. I probably have something else to be doing.”
Once stood, she nudged the chair beside her and a short grumble followed. Frond’s maroon snout appeared first, looking up and backwards to see his master with bleary golden eyes.
He recieved a scritch under the chin, and seemingly satisified with that the far too large to have been comfortable on the chair Cythraul ungracefully removed himself from the chair, his ears visible over the top of the table as he shook himself off.
Zuza flashed a smile at Anders, letting him exit the room first but commenting to the Chiss, “Hopefully we’ll see each other soon without the kark goin’ on.”
Anders bit back his retort to Zuza’s unfortunate use of language. What was wrong with using a more expanded vocabulary?
“Preferably, but you know the Brotherhood. There is always something happening somewhere.”
With that, he left Zuza to her, no doubt, very important Shadow Lady business, slightly amused at Frond’s behaviour at the end of their little meeting.