Session export: Somber Respite 6.14 - 7.14

Wulfram sighed over a late night caf, tilted back in his chair as he looked up to the ceiling of the Galley. The cool recycled air of the ship blowing down against his exposed neck as he let his Envoy vestments fall open. The news he had received of a position within Galeres worried him, but, perhaps it could serve him and his family well.

The almost silent pitter-patter of bare feet made it’s way over to where Wulfram was sitting. Gently placing a plate carrying a snack on the table nearest the Mandalorian, Lillian sighed softly. She was out of the armor, for once, and wearing some sort of leggings and a tank top. Her hair was loose and not in it’s normal crown of braids.

“If you don’t eat on top of all of this caf, Wolsha, you’ll rip a hole in your stomach.”

“Morning!” shouted Sagitta as she walked in. A bright smile as she approached Lillian first and kissed her on the check, “Hi Buir.” Then leaned and kissed Wulfram on the cheek too, “Hey!” Then she placed a bag on the table.

“Got us some more fruits! I hope I didn’t forget anything. The market was very busy today. Speaking of which, I saw the -“ She stopped talking and looked around.

“Where’s my sisters?”

Arden settled herself comfortably in the ship’s cockpit, a self-granted privilege that defied the unspoken rules. With an air of quiet determination, she claimed the captain’s seat as her own, relishing in the freedom to choose her perch without constraint. Her boots, weathered and worn from countless journeys, found their place upon the console, as if declaring her rightful occupancy of the revered position. It was an act of personal agency, a small rebellion against the notions of hierarchy and tradition.

There she sat, one leg crossed elegantly over the other, her foot tapping out a rhythm that resonated with the beat of her own heart. Her hands rested gently at her sides, emanating an aura of tranquility amidst the flickering lights of the control panels. Her gaze, focused and unwavering, peered out into the vast expanse of space.

Arden’s mind, unburdened by constraints, wandered freely from thought to thought, exploring the intricacies of her imagination. With each passing moment, she found solace and a deep sense of contentment in her chosen position.

The door to the lounge sliding open, Erin yawns and walks to the table, her hair a disheveled mess. She had obviously just thrown on her tank-top, it and her underwear being just enough to greet her family without being too impolite. “Some people are trying to sleep, Sagi. Keep it down, will you?” Her bare feet making little sound as she walked, Erin took a seat across from Wulfram and placed her head in her arms on the table, the result of not having slept for a few days in favor of her work.

The cool air would cease to flow for a moment before a voice would be heard. “Morning” came a sound from the vents above, the grates shifted allowing the voice to emerge, Asani dropped down onto Wulfram from above, hugging him before hopping onto the table. She was wearing what appeared to be a borrowed shirt, courtesy of Sagitta’s wardrobe. It looked more like a night gown than a regular shirt on her. She snuck a fruit from the bag on the table before hopping onto her chair.

The cool air resumed to filter in once its small intruder managed to drop down. “Buir survives on caf and violence you know that” the lagomorph commented to Lillian stretching her legs. Using the force to move the grate back to its proper spot once she was comfortably settled.

Wulfram gave a rare smirk, even rarer these days, as he took the small pastry from the plate that Lillian offered him, he switched it to his right hand and placed his left on hers. His head cocked sideways, he listened to the slight whine the vents above them before the air stopped and he sighed, holding his snack off to the side as a ball of fur in an oversized shirt fell into his chest and was met with a stiff hug as he greeted his eldest daughter, doing his best to keep his treat out of her fur.

“Its like you wait for me to get back before you actually go to sleep. I promise you’ll be the third person to know when I die.” He said through a wheeze as she hopped off of his chest and made her way to get fruit from the side of the table.

“Thank you for waiting up, Lill. I was hoping we could talk in peace, but these…” The noise of their most precocious child arriving at near midnight declaring it morning startled Wulfram, who dropped his pastry and turned to face her, glaring over the back of his chair, before she was followed up by young Erin.

“By these younglings who seem to know me better than myself. Maybe I do just survive on Caf and Spite these days, and that’s why I’ve been chosen for this position?” He said as he pulled out a leatherbound officer’s badge and threw it down on the table in front of him.

The children had startled her too, causing her to flinch slightly. She hadn’t expected them to all be up and about.

Lillian bit back the cuss that threatened to slip out when Wulfram’s hand moved from hers and the children swarmed. How infuriating it ways that she was both upset and overjoyed at the interruption.

The redhead shrugged at Asani’s comment and moved off to the side, leaning against one of the counters and crossing her scar-covered arms. Tired emerald eyes watched the family mill about. She hadn’t slept for a few days, not that she had been sleeping much anyways.

She still saw her father when she closed her eyes.

“You got the position because, besides being a kark-up some times, you’re a good leader. The Brotherhood seems to have seen that too,” she mumbled, then quickly added, “Hello Asani, Sagitta, Erin. Vaar'tur.”

Her right arm reached back for her own cup of caf and brought it to her lips to take a sip. Maybe it would chase away her grumpiness— it wasn’t the girls’ fault anyways.

Her arms resting on the table, Erin tilted her head up, leaning her chin on her forarms. “Oh, you got promoted? Congratulations, Papa.” Leaning back in her chair, she stretched her arms and legs, yawning again yet fully aware she wasn’t going to be sleeping any time soon. Her eyes barely open, they wandered to the dropped pastry. Sliding her chair back, she’d start picking up crumbs from the floor, mumbling to herself. “(C'mon, I just cleaned this.)”

“I’ll be the first to know, I’ll accept nothing less.” she commented taking a bite of the fruit. “And yes I wait! If you need help we should be ready to help you.” She protested. She seemed to be concerned for everyones safety at all times, even his. The leather bound badge caught her eye, she moved up and held it in her fruit free hand for a bit turning it in every direction as if she were committing to memory the most important thing in the galaxy.

She returned it to it’s spot on the table then. “Congratulations Buir!” she smiled wide her cheer evident in her tone. Then seeing Erin’s movement toward the floor she noticed the now floor bound pastry. Picking it up with the force after seeing Erin far too concerned with the cleanliness of the floor she began to shake it in order to get more crumbs in every surface possible. She smiled maybe a little too gleefully, her tail flicking around a little.

“Anything you need to talk about I’m sure we could be impartial witnesses.” She reassured them. They weren’t children, well she and Sagitta weren’t. Erin may need to be removed from the area for her well being.

“Whoever kills me will be the first to know.” Wulfram chuckled, as he picked on his eldest’s insistence.

She furrowed her brow at him, spitting seeds in his direction in hopes of hitting him in some way for his teasing. “Anyone ever hurts you, there isn’t a spot in the galaxy that’ll hide them from me.” she said, she was serious about it. Perhaps inheriting his strong defensive ideals over family a little too well and taking them too close to heart.

Resigning to the idea that people were slobs, Erin dusted what she had picked up into the trash, and found her way to the couch. Resting her legs on one cushion and her head on another, she was too tired to deal with anythinng complicated at the moment, instead opting to enjoy what little bits of rest she could get before working on her next project.

“You’ll have to get there before Lillian. She’s gonna be the second person to know. Her armor has my Deadman protocol linked in.” He said with a shrug.

“Just so I can find him and bring his dumb ass back from the dead,” she interjected somewhat bitterly. If anyone was ever gonna kill this stupid, hardheaded man it would be her with her bare hands. “Plus, the force would probably warn me before he ever knew, so…”

She wasn’t going to mention that she had been doing training to control her force lightning to work like makeshift defibrillator pads. She had talked to her brother’s medic crush about it, getting guidance from the Chiss about what would be too much or too little voltage. It was hard to control the dark side like that, but she would manage it some day.

Sagitta rubbed her face against Erin as she hugged her quickly. “Come on, waking up isn’t so bad! It means you’re alive!” She then hugged Asani and snugged her cheek as well. It was Sagitta’s way of showing affection and she’s only done it to her family. No one else. After being kidnapped, she requested to go home which wasn’t hard cause Wulfram and Lillian were searching for her.

And Asani.

She’ll never forget the news she got when Asani was taken too. She fought, hard, to go find her despite everyone saying she needed to ‘rest’.

The badge landed on the table as she gently frees Asani. Her brows furrowed for a moment. Everyone in the room had given their congratulations but the Mirialan. Sagitta has been working hard to know the ins and out of the planet ever since she moved out. She went into too many things blind and it hurt her.

And this badge made her feel indifferent. Her eyelids closed as she smiled towards her family, ‘Roll it off.’

“Oh! That reminds me, there’s something I forgot in my room! I’m going to go get it now because we all know if I don’t, I’ll forget. Be rrrrrrrright back!” With that she zoomed off to her room.

Emerald eyes opened and the elder Mandalorian turned to face Lillian once everyone had shuffled around. His shoulders slumped and he sighed, before he turned his seat to stand and walked to Lillian’s side.

“When do you think would be a good time to tell them? There’s a while ceremony… Party… Celebratory drinking competition, isn’t there?” He asked in a hushed whisper as he rested his head against hers, exhausted after the last day of filing paperwork and dealing with officers from the AAF and House Galeres regarding his promotion.

Lillian couldn’t stop the soft smile that graced her lips at Wulfram’s question. She reached up and tapped his cheek softly. There was indeed a ceremony, but she had a feeling that information might be… a little disruptive.

“Yes, riduur,” she whispered back through her grin, “As for… timing. I’ll leave that to you. You know the girls now better than I.”

“Its impolite to whisper” Asani commented after her snuggles with Sagitta. Her sister seemed to vanish. She could continue to bully Erin though so she would. Rubbing fruit juice all over her face, hands and chest fur she walked to Erins resting location and jumped her sibling rubbing her face and hands all over her. “Come on Erin, don’t you want to spend time cuddling with your big sis~” she said in a singsong voice.

The hustle and bustle seemed to calm down as Sagitta left the room, eager to find something to bring back. Erin laid on the couch, glad to finally have some peace and quiet again……or at least that’s what she thought. A barrage of sticky fur hit her like a truck, making her flinch a little bit. “Cuddling? I’ll show you cuddling, you demon!” With a smirk and a sudden motion, Erin would grab at Asani, attempting to hold her close to her chest.

Wulfram smirked as he looked to the two wrestling in fruit juices on the couch and shook his head. These two were not going to be the ones to throw the marriage celebration for two stone-headed Mandalorians, when they couldn’t even keep their own impulses under control at midnight.

“You presume too much of me, cyare. The children respect you much more than me, and the ship has been an ever more chaotic mess since you stormed off. But, if I had to pick one of them to handle and to tell first? Gitta. And I leave that, to you. Because as you saw, she’s still not really talking to me, riduur. Won’t even recognize that now I’m the Director of the Dajorran Marshals, and if she gets busted on another sideways job in-system, it may be my people that have to come and get her.” He said in a pointed tone down the hall towards her bunk.

“Have fun. I’m going to go put on some real clothes, instead of these… Vestments.” He said before he marched past Gitta’s bunk towards his own.

Lillian sighed and watched her riduur walk off, pinching the bridge of her nose. Most respected? She was sure if she even mentioned their marriage to Asani, the Kushiban would kill her in her sleep.

Regardless, she nodded to her two daughters left in the room and made her way to Sagitta’s. She hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door.

“Ad’ika? Do you have a moment?”

Sagitta grumbled under her breath as she was opening everything and tried to find it. Her room was almost spotless so why was it missing? With a frustrated sigh, she heard a knock. “Of course, Buir! Come in.” Her hand was sliding into an opened cabinet to feel around. “I’m just trying to find one of my books. Maybe I’ll just have to double-check the boxes when I get home. Hmm. Well, at least Erin won’t complain about my messy room anymore, all my clutter is at the other home.” Sagitta would smile at Lillian before closing that small cabinet door and moved on to the next one.

A soft smile filled her face as she watched Sagitta. She leaned against the wall by the door, crossing her arms again.

“You’re the only one who still calls me that,” she commented softly, “Buir. I didn’t know how much it warmed my heart in til it was gone.”

The redhead seemed nervous which was not a normal trait of hers to say the least. Emerald eyes were cast downwards as she adjusted her stance. There was only a moments pause before she continued.

“Me and Wulfram are riduurok. There’s supposed to be some sort of celebration, and neither of us are… party kinds of people,” she winced, seemingly thinking of how bare the celebration would be if she planned it.

“‘Gitta, you are our nau'ul… would you help us?”

“Well, yea! I mean, you were in our lives for a short time, but you have given me a mother’s love. One that I was never given as a child. I only remember one word from my biological mother and it wasn’t out of love.” Sagitta sighed as she couldn’t reach the back of the cabinet so she grasped the bar and lifted herself up.

‘Me and Wulfram are riduurok’


Sagitta landed flat on her ass, as she quickly spun around. Her expression was of shock but then she smiled. Hopped onto her feet quickly she embraced Lillian into a hug. But then she froze and pull away slightly, her hands on Lillian’s arm.

“I’m… not a party planner? Are you sure you two want me to do this? I got drunk at Kote Ky'ram. I don’t remember anything about that actually.” She grimaced as her brows furrowed. She had been few events and they were… interesting. But her? Planning a party? This was not her forte. But she wanted to do this. Things had been rough for the family as she sighed softly. She wanted to be more involved with the family ever since she had been kidnapped. With a soft nod, “I’ll try.”

Asani would do her best to avoid being trapped in her siblings grip. Her fur quite sticky would end getting Erin covered in a sticky goopy mix of purple juice, fruit bits and white fur that had turned a lighter shade of purple from the fruit staining it. She heard the footsteps receding and saw everyone take their leave. “Guess everyones going back to bed.” she mumbled, escaping Erins grip and smirking. Sticking her tongue out at her baby sister she moved the vent covers, jumped back up to the vent system and stuck her head out one final time. “See you later messy” she said replacing the cover. The sound of her feet pattering in the vents gently receding.

As Wulfram heard the vent cover rattling he shouted upwards.

“Asani Armis, get your karkin’ ass out of the sanitary ducts unless you’re doing the whole system service at oh-six-hundred.”

Asani moved closer to where her father had shouted, removing the vent cover she stuck her head out “Buir, what makes you think I’m NOT doing a whole system service at oh-six-hundred?” she asked, her face still gently dripping some juice, fruit and seed visible on her cheeks, her fur was dyed a reddish purple color that likely wouldn’t wash off for a while.

“Because I know you, and I know you normally pawn any chores you can off on the youngest. First it was off onto Gitta, then off onto Arden. Now it’s off onto Erin. And I’m sticking this one onto you, this isn’t The Armistice, we’re sharing this ship with expanded staff, and I expect you to behave.” He chided as he looked up at the girl, throwing his undershirt as her as she stood there in just his pants.

“And I’m going to be installing privacy gates on the the vents, I swear. I’m already frustrated enough the vessel has large enough vents for children to crawl in.”

“I did that ONCE as a LESSON. Call it provisional training.” she protested, rolling her eyes she grabbed the vent cover and hopped downward, letting go as soon as she had hopped down in order to avoid having her weight bend the vent, it clattered for some time before finally stopping. She landed maybe not as gracefully as she could have considering the shirt she was wearing, looking up at him she protested “Fine, no vents, the vents in comms need cleaning and the ones in the laundry need reinforcing thought. Very easy to open. And can you blame me? The halls are long, I’m not about to walk all the way when I can just run the vents faster.” she looked at him with puppy eyes. She was trying to get out of trouble, or at least out of being caught.

“Of course I do, ad’ika,” Lillian gripped back at Sagitta’s arms, a soft frown on her features, “You are our light, our sunshine. I couldn’t think of anyone better. You don’t even have to worry about all the cultural stuff— I’ll help, and Wolsha will likely roll his eyes through most of it.”

She halted for a moment, realizing she could be forcing her Mirialan daughter into something she didn’t want to do. The elder Mandalorian offered Sagitta a soft and reassuring smile.

“You can decline, ‘Gitta. We won’t be angry or upset. I know things have been difficult for us all,” she finished with a sigh, remembering the frantic search for her and Asani. Their family was… a rough terrain to maneuver, for sure.

“Yes, yes I can blame you. Having freedom of movement is better than restriction. Your short-self can bob and weave in these industrial sized halls, with no problems. I’m not going to have you arguing that the vents, which service everyone and give you leave to stare into everyone’s personal business, are your personal hallways. I didn’t mind on our private ship, but this is a warship, little heart.” He sighed as he flicked his daughter’s ear and pulled a tanktop from his dresser.

“And since you found the issues, file the damages in the crew log and the repair costs too.” He said, pulling the shit on before shooing her to the door.

“Fine…” she tried and failed to convince him, having her ear flicked she would stick her tongue out and rub it gently. She would at least get the paperwork done within the confines of what she could consider ‘her room’. “And hey, I don’t stare into everyone’s business…that’s what the telepathy is for” she joked, she had learned a lesson about doing that already and had sworn she never would use it again for such a thing. Being shooed from the room she took what she considered the long way, only stopping to file the damages. “Karkin’ hallways being karkin’ huge…” she mumbled while she walked.

As Asani escaped Erin’s grasp she pushed herself up, sitting upright in the now-sticky booth. Sticking her tongue out back at her departing sister, Erin pulled herself to her feet. “Ah damn.” She said, stretching. “I’m not gonna be able to get to sleep now.” Finding her way to the sink, Erin started cleaning up, grabbing some supplies and toweling the juice off her clothes and the couch. Once passably clean, she’d grab the bag Sagitta had left on the table and stowed everything in their proper places before leaving the room and heading towards her room.

Shutting the door to her room, Erin sighed as she removed her minimal clothing and replaced it with slightly cleaner clothing, this time making sure she put on some shorts. Clasping her tool belt around her waist, she took a look at the crew log for potential jobs, a few popping up a few seconds after she starts skimming through. Picking a few jobs, she would make her way towards the Tech Workshop for supplies, logging it and returning her datapad to her desk beforehand.

Arden’s finger danced across the datapad’s panel, navigating the ship’s deck plans with deftness and precision. Each swipe and scroll revealed a tapestry of rooms, meticulously inspected and deemed satisfactory. The morning rush had subsided, leaving a temporary lull in the ceaseless chaos. A weary yawn escaped Arden’s lips, her navy-bagged eyes begging for respite. She trudged through the ship’s dim corridors, fatigue tugging at her every step.

As she entered the dining area, Arden’s movements took on an almost automatic quality. With a lackadaisical air, she scoured the cabinets and drawers, cobbling together a breakfast that barely merited the name. A motley assemblage of instant fare and dehydrated rations piled unceremoniously in her bowl, a culinary eyesore. With her unappetizing creation in hand, she took a seat at the table, her thoughts already drifting back to her research.

Flipping open her datapad, Arden delved into the labyrinth of her research notes from the previous night. The screen’s glow cast an ethereal hue on her fatigued features, accentuating the deepening shadows beneath her eyes. The hours of sleep had been sparse, sacrificed in the relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Her mind, fueled by a blend of caffeine and determination, forged ahead despite the toll it exacted on her body.

The ship’s ambiance enveloped her, a subtle symphony of muted hums and distant echoes. Arden’s mind became a fortress, impenetrable to distractions, as she delved into the depths of her research. Bite by absent-minded bite, her meal vanished, serving only as sustenance for her focused intellect. Her eyes scanned the datapad’s screen, the lines of text blurring together at times, as weariness gnawed at her resolve.

Her lack of sleep was a constant companion, an unyielding adversary that tested her endurance. Yet, in the face of exhaustion, she found a peculiar solace. There was a certain clarity that emerged when the world slumbered, a stillness that allowed her thoughts to roam freely. Ideas and connections flourished in the silent hours, weaving a tapestry of understanding that eluded her in the daylight.

As Arden’s gaze flickered across the pages of her research, a mix of excitement and weariness danced in her eyes. She knew that this relentless pursuit of knowledge came at a cost, that her body yearned for respite. But she also knew that her dedication and sacrifice would yield invaluable insights, unlocking the secrets that lay hidden within the data.

Wulfram finished changing after Asani left the room, pulling himself into what were essentially a pair of indigo sweatpants, before he walked back towards the galley. He eyed Lillian and Gitta in passing as they discussed the wedding, but his stomach growled and he knew it was too true that he needed something to eat.

Seeing Arden entrenched in her studies as he entered gave him a momentary pause. She was like her uncle, nose buried in datapads, research, or dreams of the stars.

“Mornin’ kiddo. Grinding the gears already?”

Sagitta smiled as a faint muddy red crept on her cheeks from the compliments. “I try.”

She let out a small snort about Buir rolling his eyes throughout the entire thing. That wasn’t wrong at all.

“Oh no!” She frowned, “I don’t want to decline! It just caught me off guard.” She nodded and gave Buir a reassuring smile, “I’ll do the best I can! And, yes, I would love your help!” She pulled Lillian into another hug before pulling away. “This is so exciting! I went to this one thing for an operation and they had mead baths, what do you think about that?” She tapped a finger on her chin and seemed to be in deep thought.

Arden’s hand trembled slightly as she raised another forkful of food to her lips, her makeshift meal a haphazard assortment of flavors hastily assembled on her plate. The exhaustion of her endeavors weighed heavily upon her, etching lines of weariness upon her face. With a heavy sigh, she paused, setting her utensil down and rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hand, as if seeking solace in the darkness behind her eyelids.

Her father’s voice interrupted her thoughts, pulling her attention away from the screen and back into the present moment. Arden’s eyes met his, a mixture of love and fatigue shimmering within their depths. The lines etched upon her face softened momentarily, betraying the weight she carried upon her shoulders.

“That would imply I ever stopped,” she replied, her voice carrying a trace of weary determination.

Emerald eyes slowly blinked at Sagitta’s suggestion, really taking it in for a moment. Mead baths? Baths in alcohol? Her eyes narrowed for a second as she thought further on it,

“Mead… baths. Huh. We’ll uh.. bounce the idea around a bit,” she replied, her face softening up, “I’m glad you’ve accepted, ad’ika. We’ll tell all of the other girls soon, but we thought you were the best to tell first.”

Wulfram’s eyebrow quirked as he looked worryingly at his daughter. An all too knowing sigh passed through his lips as he stepped forward and placed his hand over the screen of her datapad before pushing it off gently to the side.

“Child, you’re too much like your uncle. He’s an ardent scholar and forever lonely surveyor of the stars, and too many nights I’ve had to tell him to get rest, just I fear I must remind you. Please, find your way to rest. The studies and the collegium will be there come morrow, and I’ll talk to Dyr and see if we cannot find a good scholastic program for you.” The elder human Mandalorian spoke with a soft voice as he knelt down near his smaller Pantoran foundling.

“Candles burnt at both ends, burn out twice as fast. And you have a life left to live, vibrant and full. Don’t burn out on me so soon, young one.”

“Of course! I could make a list of different things and we could discuss it more!.” Sagitta slightly cringed at hearing that she was the first one to know. “Ah. So Asani doesn’t know yet…?” While she was upbeat, she wasn’t a damn fool. Things had been tense ever since after the Kote Ky'ram and the sudden burst of kidnappings has brought them slightly together but put them all in a room for more than 15 minutes and you could cut the tension with an academy lightsaber.


Arden’s brow twitched involuntarily as her father abruptly pushed aside the tablet, interrupting her train of thought. A mix of irritation and weariness washed over her, and she took a moment to steady herself with a few steadying breaths. She understood his intentions, his desire to guide and protect her, but there were times when even the best of intentions grated against her independent spirit. The frustration of being interrupted gnawed at her, regardless of who it was that dared to disrupt her flow.

Turning to face her father, Arden blinked away the last vestiges of exhaustion, her eyes locking onto his. There was a flicker of defiance in her gaze, a spark that refused to be extinguished. “True, but they always burn brightest,” she retorted, her words laced with a quick wit and a touch of defiance. It was her way of reminding him, and herself, that sometimes it was the unyielding flames of determination and rebellion that propelled one towards greatness. “You dont need to worry.

“As full of piss and vinegar as Alexandyr too.” Wulfram sighed as he relented and let Arden’s defiance triumph.

“But promise me, little flame, that you won’t let your ambitions destroy you and hollow you out like Alexandyr perpetually does. If ever you need respite, you have the ability to rest, either aboard the ship, or at our home on Selen.” He cautioned, knowing too well the pressures of academic burnout from his Clan Brother.

With gentle words aside he would ruffle his foundling’s hair should she let him, before he’d step away.

There was the slight edge, the crack in the happiness of the conversation.

Lillian sighed heavily, running a hand through her loose curls. The other of the eldest foundlings did not know, as far as she was aware– although the Kushiban did have a habit of finding things out that she wasn’t supposed to. Her and Wulfram hadn’t been… avoiding telling Asani, per se, but discussion between Lillian and her had been nearly non-existent.

They had never been particularly close, but were especially estranged now that Lillian had “turned her back on the family”.

“No,” the Mandalorian stated somewhat bluntly, “No she doesn’t know yet. We weren’t sure how to tell any of you after everything-” Lillian made a sweeping gesture “-that has happened, let alone her. I’m not… her favorite person right now.”

That might be a bit of an understatement.

“She’ll be told. I’m going to leave that to Wulfram, though, if I’m being honest.”

Sagitta’s lips curved into a slight frown before going in for a hug as she tightly held Lillian.

“Don’t worry, Buir. Asani hated me at first too. Demanded Buir to take me back.” A soft laugh from the Mirialan as she pulled back. The confident smile returned before chuckling. “I agree, I think it’s best to leave Buir with her. They get along more. Which is odd.” Her brows furrowed in realization, “you two have a lot in common.”