The Flitz: Eos City is one of a series of luxury hotels that have been constructed around Brotherhood space. Each location features an identical build, open to any members of the Brotherhood’s various societies that are passing through the Arx System. Liaisons for the Inquisitorius, Grand Master’s Royal Guard, Shroud Syndicate are often stationed there, with full service concierge and amenities available to guests.
Facilities include: full service concierge, bar, dining lounge, rooms and lodgings, executive offices, a tailor (armorer), a sommelier (medic), and a bathhouse for relaxation in the basement.
As the Brotherhood’s newest initiative kicks off, dignitaries from the Brotherhood’s allies such as the Severian Principate can often be found. This has opened an opportunity for members of the Brotherhood to not only meet Principate personnel, but to also interact with savvy informants from across the galaxy can typical find their way in.
While security is indeed tight, you can never rule out the possibility that spies are among you.
For all of that, always remember the rules of The Flitz:
(Message deleted)
The Flitz: Eos City 43 ABY
Charron Reddick idly ran his hands across the freshly polished desk. There was no dirt or smudges to be seen. Excellent. The Concierge adjusted the sleeves of his suit jacket, and cleared his throat. He adjusted the glasses that were more for looks. His vision was still sharp as ever.
The lobby was quiet, but a few visitors and staffers milled about. The staffers all wore finely tailor clothing, even those simply cleaning and straightening and emptying the rubbish collectors. A few protocol and utility droids clanked about, but none appeared to be armed. While weapons were of course allowed, violence on hotel grounds was frowned upon.
Besides, the real security lie in the buildings retractable, hidden pannels lined with precision turrets.
Representatives from the Severian Principate were becoming more apparent, which had brought a sea of new faces and background checks. So far, everyone had checked out. Still, Charron knew he had to be vigilant. The Exarch had trusted him, and him alone, to take control of The Flitz initiative, and he was resolved not just to follow through, but succeed.
At his side, a faint chuff drew his attention. He glanced around the counter to see his charhound, Kerberos, scratching a pointed ear with his hind paw.
“The night is still young, my friend. Give it time,” he told the charhound.
Glancing up, he saw the first Brotherhood members enter…
Brelon Kinrolf stepped through the doors and took a moment to glance around the place before moving further into the lobby. His master, Rasilvenaira Stormraven, hated places like this so of course when there was a task to be done, she sent him. He was there to gather information, casually of course, no need to make people suspicious. The redhead had a ready, charming smile that usually won him an in to most conversations. He was charismatic enough to play the game, while his master said she was too old to play games anymore. He didn’t mind, such places could be fun, as long as he was careful.
“` The statue at the center of the lobby was golden and sleek and smooth. Very new. The water around it was clear. Eerily clear, so clear that the obsidian stone construction seemed almost glass-like.
Beside it, a man and a woman seemed to be talking casually- both Human, at least at first glance. The first had dark skin, a short, slicked up hairdo, gray sporty jacket and despite being indoors was wearing what appeared to be sunglasses. There was a blaster on his hip, but no other weapons.
Across from him was a woman with pale skin and a dark hair combed over one side of her face with the rest pulled behind her in a tail. She wore a clean, off-white sweater that stretched all the way down to below her knees. She wore a sleek looking backpack over her shoulders and did not show any weapons on her person.
Both took notice of the redhead, but neither stopped talking or changed their postures. Relaxed.
Off to the side, by what appeared to be a sitting area and data-screen window, was a short Aleena wearing a white tunic, brown trousers, high kneed boots, and a wide brimmed sun hat. He was talking to a similarly dressed Human, but they wore a jacket and backpack. They had short brown hair and a pair of large spectacles.
Both had a broach with the Aurora Collegium of Sciences emblem. ”`
Brelon took note of the people around him, none seemed particularly threatening, and he was told strictly to not make a scene unless someone attacked him first. So he dismissed them for now, and headed toward the front desk to get checked in. He was dressed in black pants over black boots, a white shirt and black leather vest. He carried a small traveling bag, always being one to travel lightly. He carried his lightsaber but it was hidden in a pocket where he could get to it if he needed it, but he didn’t want it visible in case that might sway people’s desire to talk to him. Reaching the front desk, he gave a nod of greeting to the man standing there.
“I’d like to check in, I believe I have a reservation, Brelon Kinrolf,” he said with a smile. His tone was warm and pleasant.
“Of course, Mr. Kinrolf. Your rooms are of course ready,” Charron replied easily, his voice calm and steady.
The Concierge rummaged under the desk and pulled out a golden keycard with a number etched into the metal finish. In aurabesh it read: 405
He slid the card to Brelon, no judgement as he did a cursory study of the redhead. “Do you have any luggage you need brought up? Also please feel free to grab a complimentary drink at the bar. Courtesy of the Brotherhood.”
Brelon nodded, flashing another of his charming smiles as he took the keycard, “Thank you, very much. I’ll do that.”
He shook his head the last question, “No, I travel light, I’ve got it.”
He lifted his back up to show the man, then turned to head toward the elevators. He’d check out his room and then probably end up in the bar for a drink or two. Bars were always good places to hear thing without people realizing it.
On reaching and stepping into his room, he let out a low whistle. The room was bigger than his apartment on Seraph. He laughed to himself and set his bag on the table beside the bed. He did a cursory check around the entire room for anything out of the ordinary, but didn’t find anything worth noting. So he decided to go check out the bar. He left his room, making sure the keycard was safely tucked in his pocket, then headed for the elevators again.
A service droid carefully swerved around the redheaded Human, twittering to itself as it used its spindly appendages to check the hallway walls for dust.
Brelon stepped out of the elevator and glanced around the lobby again. Seeing the same people still engrossed in their own conversations, he headed to the bar. The bar was a little more populated and he scanned the room with a critical eye, being a former thief and pickpocket, gave him a different perspective of people in general. He noticed a few that would be easy marks, if he were still in that line of work, of course.
He walked over and settled on one of the very comfortable bar stools and waved to the bartender. “Corellian whiskey if you have it, please.”
The bartender wore a black vest over a white button down shirt tucked into pleated pants. His hair was an inky black, slicked back in waves. He had bright green eyes and fair skin, the only truly notable stand out feature the pointed, bushy mustache flanking the sides of his long, pointed nose.
“Right away, sir,” the bartender nodded, hands already working towards the bottle of Corellian Whiskey on the middle shelf.
The bartender grabbed the bottle, grabbed a highball glass, and placed both down on the counter. He grabbed an ice cube, square, but then deftly made a showing of shaving it down into a sphere. He dropped the ice ball into the highpall then deftly poured the whiskey to cover it.
He carfefully extended the drink towards the patron. “Enjoy. First one is on the house,” he bowed.
His accent was hard to place. Possibly outer rim, possibly Courscanti…hard to tell.
Brelon offered the man a bright smile when his drink was prepared. The extra flourishes and fancy ice cube amused him. He took the drink when it was ready and took a slow sip, appreciating the whiskey. Slowly, he shifted on his stool to glance around the room again, this time taking his time studying people a bit more closely. His fingers itched at knowing such easy marks were sitting around but he’d promised his master that he would behave himself while here. Still, even though he couldn’t go thieving for the fun of it, at least the whiskey was good, and the atmosphere was pleasant enough.
“Do you ever get live bands in or is it always just piped music?” he asked the bartender.
The bartender made his hands busy cleaning some glasses. Even though the glasses looked…brand new or pristine as it was. “Indeed, sir. Often there will be singers or performers from local systems. Usually musicians or more conventional singers. The Concierge knows how to adapt to expected guests…and the unexpected.”
Esen enters through the front doors, walking tall with proper posture, carrying a dark green medical bag. Arriving in a white T-shirt tucked firmly into a pair of dark green tactical pants. Though she keeps her head facing straight ahead, she takes in the view of the foyer. Admiring the beautiful onyx statue as she passes. She breaks her proper posture as she peers down into the crystal clear water, seeing her reflection peering back at her. Exhaustion lined her features. Her hair that normally had too much, yet not enough gel, still held it’s classic low military style bun, though a few strands of her bangs had popped out.
Sighing to herself at the sight of her unruly hair, she closes her eyes, taking a second before returning to her walk. Observing the many people, committing their faces to memory. Trying not to think too much about how out of the element she was here.
She approaches the concierge desk, the heels of her boots click together, as she plants her feet firmly in line with each other. “Esen Dulle, sent by Lieutenant Nathan Breeze to receive a package. Arrangements should have also been made for one overnight stay.”
“Of course Miss Dulle,” Charron replied with a friendly smile. He was tall behind the counter and his build suggested he was more athletic than the suit and tie he wore suggested. There were creases around his eyes and a smile line as he spoke towards the Zeltron. “I will have a runner retrieve the package for you. You can wait over by the gallery,” he pointed behind Esen towards where two Collegium members were talking. “Or feel free to wait at the bar or one of the lounge chairs.” He bowed his head.
A charhound padded up towards the Zeltron and tilted his head. He had black, sleek fur, long paws, pointed ears, and a stretched out snoot. He sat on his haunches and looked up at her, tilting his head curiously.
Brelon nodded, “Maybe I’ll catch one next time I’m in here. Thank you.”
He slowly sipped his drink, listening to the people around him. He didn’t hear anything exciting so he finished his drink. He considered getting another, but decided to pace himself. He would come back down to the bar later in the evening when more people might be around. Since his first drink had been free, he simply left the glass on the bar as he got up to leave. He figured he would go back up to his room to rest a little before the night time crowd became active. Heading back out toward the elevators, he took a closer look at the people still in the lobby, but neither pair struck him as immediately interesting so he went ahead and got on the elevator. returning to his room, he kicked off his boots and stretched out on the bed. He focused on the Force, letting it flow around him as he meditated rather than actually sleeping.
Thane entered the facilities and he wondered if it was for the first time. After all, he didn’t have any memories of it. That could be explained away with alcohol consumption, but he wasn’t one for excess. No, it was almost entirely certain that this was the first time the Deputy Grand Master was there.
Why was he there?
Right, someone had slipped something into his approval queue and now he had a calendar appointment for the Flitz. Something about ‘monitoring the events’. Sounded boring. He could think of no less than twenty other things he would rather be doing than standing there, in that place, in that moment.
Yet there he stood.
Well, he might as well make the best of it. His black-gold eyes scanned over the room and took in everything he could see. There were quite a few people there already. He didn’t know them, of course. He didn’t want to know them either, he suspected. Oh well. It was probably going to happen. The Firrerreo didn’t exactly scream “you can’t see me”, tall as he was. The whole brooding look he had perfected over a lifetime of suffering and consternation probably added to his presence.
“` A cleaning droid sweeping at the floor seemed to lose its sense of spacial awareness. They bumped into the tall, brooding Firrerreo.
"Ap-p-pologies, my lord,” the droids communication box seemed to have a stutter. “`
She peered down through her bottom lashes at the charhound. Still facing the concierge, although her attention was now fixed upon the curious pup. She held out her hand, palm down, for the charhound to sniff. A silent request to see if he were comfortable with her petting him. Amusement twinkled in her eyes as a pleasant smile made it’s way onto her face. She tilted down to look at his collar,
“Ah yes, thank you very much Mr.-” she took a moment peering around his desk and shirt for a name tag. “Thank you very much Mr. Charron.” She states with a slight bow, and turns to leave… before turning right back around.
“Oh and the room?”
Her cheeks and tips of her ears turning darker as she spoke. Nathan was not much more of a people person than her, yet she felt this place too elegant, too clean. Whilst they were taught to keep things, very clean in the military, this was… different. In the military there was gruff words being spewn around. In here, she felt as if she had to watch what she said and did. Very much out of her comfort zone. Though Kerberos’ appearance did help to settle her nerves.
Kerberos studied the hand, then glanced back up at the Zeltron, back down at the hand, and then did not bother to sniff it but nudged her palm with his snoot to turn it over, palm now face up. The charhound then rested his chin on the open palm and looked up, tail flicking back and forth behind him.
“Kerberos is a good judge of character, Miss Dulle. I’d take that as a compliment.”
He seemed to look off to the side, listening for something. He wore no headset that was visible, but he did seem to be listening for something. Perhaps an implant of some kind?
“The package will be by shortly. Feel free to make yourself comfortable.” He bowed his head.
Kerberos’ tail swished expectantly.
The slow turn of Thane’s head to look down at the Droid was so slow it almost creaked. The Droid was flustered. Clearly a failure in coding at some fundamental level. The nearly imperceptible scratches on its metallic surface denoted a level of care that should prevent such things. Alas. He took a deep breath, which pushed his chest up and added to its scale, before letting it out in a long and sustained suspiration.
Thane needed a drink.
He scanned the room once more and spotted the concierge. That would do. His footfalls came heavy with the finality of an airlock vacuum sealing as he made his way in as straight a line as possible towards Charron.
Regal, measured tippy taps echoed across the pristine, dark marbles flooring of The Flitz’s lobby. They heralded a statuesque figure, dressed impressively in a finely-cut and custom-tailored tuxedo jacket, completely with tails and cumberband. A sash of station crossed their chest, pinned with the golden broach of the Envoys.
Alk, a Mott, clopped along on his three??four-toed feeties, followed by his person on his bipedal five-toed feeties, equally bare and making not a whisper across the cold art of the flooring. Saffron eyes were wide in awe – and surely some degree of fright – while the tall, willowy man of colors like an iridescent, living sunrise moved into the hotel, beholding all it had to offer. A waterfall of intricately braided metallic hair gleamed and sparkled in the Flitz’s subtle, expert lighting, pinned with flowers at every loop of locks made into a bouquet all their own. The man wore a simple white dress, demure next to his stalwart quadrupedal companion, and carried a basket of carefully selected flowers in the crook of his amputated arm. His other fiddled nervously, drifting between playing with earrings and gnawing on knuckles, only the occasional touch and murmur of Shirrywook necessary to direct Alk.
The pair approached the desk, the strange hybrid quickly almost flinching into a bow at every person he noted or passed, eyes dropping in deference. He recognized as another, bearing the air of a Master’s power, if not their demeanor, went ahead first. Rue pulled back, lingering with spine bent and head lowered, tail tight to his body and the tip swishing. Alk did stompies and snorted, clearly eager to get to his duties, but waited with his friend.
Envoy Corps Headquarters Arx Minor
The Exarch checked one of the many vidscreens of the monitoring station. His glacial eyes focused momentarily on one, a security stream isolating a droid bumping into Thane.
The Deputy Grand Master did not seem react, or overreact, at that, to the droid.
Marick nodded and idly tapped a few keys on her terminal.
The Flitz: Eos City “Renatus,” Charron bowed his head respectfully towards the Deputy Grand Master. “Always a pleasure to have you on company grounds. What can I do for you today?”
The Concierge also kept an eye on the interaction between Esen and his charhound, but Kerberos seemed to be enjoying himself.
The same bartender greeted the redhead, then, in the same exact process as the first, grabbed a high ball glass, chopped the ice chunk down into a more round sphere, dropped it into the glass while pouring the whiskey and then sliding the drink to Brelon.
“Would you care to open a tab, sir, or charge to the room?”
The Concierge also noted the distinguished gentleman wearing the Envoy sash. His calm facial expressions gave away nothing- no sign of annoyance at the creature treading on his polished floors.
The Exarch had said that pets and companions were allowed on hotel property. If that would change with future leaders, Charron was unsure, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips at the though of anyone having issues with the policy and drawing Master Tyris’ ire.
He idly noted Rue, and while he had no file on them, he was of course aware of their status and presnse.
As the charhound laid his head on her palm, Esen melted. Her shoulders went slack, and her head tilted slightly to the side. Her grin deepened, eyes crinkling at the corners. She nodded politely to Charron, and stepped off to the side of the concierge desk, out of the line, to allow others to be served.
Once there, she kneeled down, squishing Kerberos’ cheeks, and giving him gentle affectionate pats on top of his head. She stood up, whispering a goodbye to Kerberos, before turning to make her way to the gallery. She wasn’t very skilled in making art, but occasionally liked to observe. To see the symbolism portrayed. It was soothing.
“` Kerberos’s ears remained pointed and alert. His long, straight tail swished, and tilted his head as he watched his new friend go. Hopefully they’d be back.
His nose twitched and he snapped his attention sidelong to the new guest. Primal instinct said: intruder on turf, but scent and training and temperance allowed the charhound to analyze, instead, the newcomer.
Was he…wearing a sash? Why didn’t Kerberos have a sash? He filed it away in his memory to let his master know that he required something akin to it.
He sat primly and politely. ”`
Thane offered a nod in return to Charron’s.
“It would seem I’m to oversee some sort of mingling here,” he explained. “Where would I be best stationed?” With access to drinks, he completed the thought to himself.
Once more, his steady gaze worked across the others in the lobby.
Brelon gratefully accepted his drink with a bright smile. “Thank you and go ahead and charge it to the room, please.”
Might as well let his master pay for his drinks, since she sent him here. He took a sip of his whiskey and then shifted down the bar a little before settling on a stool. From there he could see most of the room and it gave him a chance to study those who were around him. He could also see some of what was going on in the lobby and couldn’t help but be a little surprised when the unusual creature and its equally unusual and colorful companion. They were a very interesting sight. Then his gaze drifted over the other man standing at the desk, clearly someone important. He made mental notes and then returned his attention to the bar.
Charron nodded faintly, then gestured. “Straight through and you’ll find the lounge with full service bar. I believe we have a sole guest so far as well as some visitors expected.” He then bowed his head politely in deference to knowing only the Deputy Grand Master would go where he needed to.
“Surprise me, something sweet but thatll still leave an impression.”
The bar tender raised an eyebrow at Kerissa but nodded, exchanging credits and receipts before stepping to craft something up.
Kerissa leant against the bar on her elbows, one leg crossed over the other. She was in mostly a dark gray bodysuit, gold trim matching the golden bow that was wrapped to the end of her tail. It was rare for Kerissa to have it out, but being in public in the Brotherhood was different to the usual day. She shifted, pushing one of the shoulder capes back so it was out of the way of her arms and settled back.
It had been a long trip and the Kessurian-Ryn was ready for a good drink.
The Bartender continued to make a showing of exaggerated flourishes and bartending techniques. Spiced Rum, Ruby Port Wine, Ginger liquer. A splash of ginger beer. Lime wedge garnish.
The tall glass spun slightly in place, sworling the ingreients to make what looked like a red, cloudy storm.
The Bartender slid the drink to the Kessurian-Ryn. “Sweet and impressionable, ma'am,” he said with a faint, mustache-lined smirk.
As the powerful Master moved to do the mingling with the bar full of service, Rue waited several heartbeats, keen hearing fixed for footsteps to be certain of full clearance of the area – being too near to a Master or Mistress uncommanded was a sin – before he approached the desk. At that moment, his senses caught on a familiar presence like the faint hint of a childhood scent on the breeze, though familiar was too small a word.
There were not enough words. Too many words. Too many, crammed up behind his teeth, choked down and swallowed in small, thick gags, over and over, with tears and acid bile burning. He’d searched, oh he’d searched. He’d found an entire section of books on the topic of grief and various interpretations of it. Ones for self help, and set steps, with soothing pictures of misty, vague landscapes washed out on the front. None of them helped. They all discussed the dying of a person. Rue knew death better than almost anything. Death was his fate, his purpose, his and all his litluns. Death simply was.
This once, just this once, they both lived. Where was the book for that?
What were the words for when your friend who said that they loved you and said that you were friends and said that you were important also did not want you? Where were the words for when they showed you how to send them messages, and but did not want to talk about their lives? When they invited you to their new home for tea, and then stopped inviting you, and did not accept invitations, and did not tell you things, only that they were ‘fine’ when they had dark smudges under their eyes and moved as if in pain and did not talk and.
He had so many words. He could have said: I think of you every day still even though I don’t mean to. I learned how to make your tea how you like it, with the sugar. I learned how to buy groceries, and I bought sugar, for your tea, and it rotted unused, and so we had to throw it out, and you are never going to have tea with me again but I still think every time we go into the city: I need to get sugar, we have none. I showed Sulla a flower today that I think you would like too. Lektra is standing now and she stands on my feet while we dance like you did when you were small. I saw a dress in your favorite color– is it still your favorite color? You always had that same one, except once, when it changed to yellow, after one of the times they took your memories and remade you. Then it went back the next time. I always selfishly horribly wondered if it was because you remembered me a little bit, that time. But I think you still would have liked this dress. And I did not get it but I like them now, I have things I like and that is a thing and I cannot tell you about it. I cannot tell you about anything. And no books are helpful. And Hunyi tried but she did not have an answer that made it hurt any less when I asked her what people do when the ones they love do not want to be around them since I am supposed to be people now and I don’t know so I just keep seeing you in my dreams and I keep thinking of you every day even and I am always going to love you and I cannot tell you that you living well is the reason I and your ancestors are proud or that life is more colorful with you in it or that I hope you’re warm and happy and have tea made right.
A tongue and lips closed around his tail, pulling. Rue gasped slightly, breaking from his reverie, finding his face wet. He wiped at it, juggling his flowers, and looked frantically around to ensure he had not been in anyone’s way, oh no.
“This one is sorry!” he stuttered to no one, only the Master at the counter and the fiery canine like Savi’s staring at them. “Um. S-sir.”
He bowed. But before he rose, Alk seemed to take it upon himself and into his own…umfuck uh hooves. No. Paws? NO NO NOT HANDS clawsthings to make diplomottcy happen. With Rue’s tail still in his mouth, he trotted onward, choosing a direction and a person.
There! That person smelled of the other animal, which indicated friendliness! And also, they had food on their feet. Most excellent, yes.
Ignoring the noises Rue was making as he was inevitably guided along, Alk made his approach and bestowed a greeting kiss upon the boots of the new person, beginning to chew their laces (and at least releasing Rue’s tail in the process.)
“Alk….” Rue warned, long suffering. He almost almost sighed in Shiirywook, “No, no eating that!” And tried in vain to nudge the Mott away without rumpling his tuxedo.
Brelon slowly sipped his drink while watching people moving around. Finishing it, he turned to the bartender to ask for another. Then he notice someone new coming up to the bar. He flashed her one of his most charming smiles. He was an incorrigible flirt after all.
“Hello there, waiting for someone? How’s the drink? It looks interesting.”
He studied her for a moment, then not wanting to seem too rude, he turned his gaze to the rest of the room as someone else came into the lounge. The man had a commanding presence, and Brelon made a note to keep an eye on him.
Esen slowly made her way around the gallery, taking a few minutes to look at each piece, observing the messages and symbolism each portrayed. The particular piece she was observing was of a peaceful looking Tauntaun, as it lay next to a rock on the planet Hoth. Lost in her thoughts… until she felt a snag on her bootstraps. Peering down, her laces had promptly disappeared… into the mouth of the adorable Mott she came face to face with.
She slightly bent her knees, and put her hands on her thighs, and In a rather high pitched tone, as if she were talking to a young child, she spoke, “Oh hello there!”
As she took in the entirety of the situation, her expression and body language changed slightly, realizing the Mott was not alone. She stood up straighter, and turned to Rue, smiling politely, though not as deeply as she had a moment before.
“Hello! I think your mott likes my bootstraps.” She gives a slight huff of a genuine laugh.
“I’m two for two today. There’s a rather adorable charhound in the lobby, his name is Kerberos. What’s your mott’s name?”
She once again placed out her hand palm down, to allow Alk to sniff if he should please. She made no effort to shaking the mott off from chewing her laces. They were simple enough to replace if they got damaged.
“Not particularly.” Kerissa answered, sipping the drink. It was red and indeed sweet, but it had a spice to it that gave it a bite distracting from the alcohol. She smiled, returning the welcoming gesture to the man.
“Its sweet, spicy and strong. A perfect mix, really. How’s yours?”
The words were accentuated with a tilt of the now less riskily full glass toward the bartender.
Brelon kept a smile on his face, his tone was warm and steady. “Mine’s just straight whiskey, but its good. Bartender has some talent, to be sure. I haven’t tried anything fancier yet, though I might just for fun.”
He decided to take the gamble and moved to the seat next to her, since she didn’t say she was waiting for anyone in particular. “So what brings a lovely lady like yourself here? Business, pleasure, or both?”
He finished off his drink and then motioned to the bartender, “How about you surprise me this time with something different.”
Rue bowed quickly, his gauzy white skirt and flashing hair fluttering, mindful not to slam his head into the Zeltron who was standing up from an (appropriate) immediate crouch to pet Alk. Said Mott happily took the attention of being allowed (mostly) to chew laces and sniff and kiss her hand, giving it lots of licks and snorts of love. Very diplomottic.
“Greetings, Mistress, apologies for this!” Rue said to their feet, both of which had been slobbered on at some point (his were just dry by now). “He is not mine, though he is my dearest friend. His name is Alk. This one will remember also that the char hound is Kerberos. It has a wonderful friend that also has one such canine companion, and their name is Xoltol.”
“Oh! No need to apologize!” Standing to her full height now, gazing to Rue. She extends her left , clean hand, for him to shake. “I’m Esen. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” She gazes down to Alk, her eyebrows scrunch inward slightly, a face of confusion and worry.
“Though my bootstraps are not very nutritious, I’m afraid.” Pausing for a moment,
“Shall we see if the Flitz might have some food to offer him? I’m waiting on a package, though I’m sure they could find me around here somewhere. Perhaps the dinning hall?” She said upbeat and chipper.
“Nothing wrong with the classics.” Kerissa chuckled, watching him approach. This was the Brotherhood afterall. For every friendly face she’d met, there were plenty that were simply hiding their fangs.
Not that that dimmed her smile, “Business, primarily. When they tell you there’ll be plenty of important people all in one place, it tends to be on the smarter side of things to be there. Knowing the right faces can make a galaxy of difference. Though, names can help too.”
She held her hand out, “Mine is Kerissa.”
The hybrid readjusted his hold on the basket he carried in his half arm, squeezing tighter, and let go of Alk in order to take the hand. He had practiced this, many times, under Elly (and Sulla’s) careful instruction. The shaking of the hands was a typical greeting in the Outside, and he ‘needed to get more comfortable with it.’
Even if for him to touch others still felt so wrong, his shoulders tight, expecting the sensations of rebuttal and punishment for his sin.
“They are not good food,” he agreed softly, voice lilting. “He is well-fed, but he eats very much all the time.” A small, shy smile peeked fangs at the Zeltron, saffron gaze warm on the Mott. “If Mistress wishes, certainly we can attend the dining hall while she waits. Um. I am Rue. Ah…”
He remembered his lines.
Pausing to eye her, he selected a flower from the boquet and offered it up, mindful to hold it high enough for someone not to eat.
“If Mistress would do us the honor, Alk and this one thank the Envoys and she herself.”
The bloom had a long stalk with many bell-like, open flowers of a bright crimson, yellow stamens bringing out the orange in the petals. Each one looked an awful lot like a dragon’s mouth opening and closing.
Her eyebrows furrowed at his feeling of uncomfortableness,
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Rue.” She says sweetly.
“I am sure he is well-fed. He is very happy.” She said with a certainty, returning a satisfied grin to him, a twinkling in her eyes.
Struggling with social queues,
“We don’t need to go to the dining room if you don’t think he needs- ah, I’m sorry. I’m really bad at this.” She rubs the part where her shoulders meet her neck for a moment, staring at the distant ground. Her eyes jolt up focusing on Rue’s hand movements, of him offering the flower to her.
“Ah, thank you!” Her face lit up at the sight of the gesture. Nobody had given her something as delicate and as lovely before. Taking it in the same hand that rubbed her neck moments before. She examines it, admiring it’s beauty, before she brings it to her face, sniffing its wonderful scent.
“It’s lovely. Thank you.” She gave Rue a content soft smile, before her face turns solemn.
“I- uh, please forgive me if I continue to make you uncomfortable. Having just met me, you don’t need to ah… You seem burdened by sadness, maybe… grief?” She contemplates for a moment.
“Talking about issues and emotions, tend to help many others, whereas some, it does the opposite. You are your best judge for things, but if you would like to get anything off your chest, I am here. I do not judge, I have seen and heard plenty.” Again that same, soft, empathetic, smile lined her features.
Rue’s face lit with a smile when Esen accepted the flower, especially at her sniffing it and compliments. His skin briefly shimmered gold in joy for the job well done. But as she went on, his smile fell, and his eyes dropped too, just like hers had (these two awkward turtle doves). They lifted again, though, at her explanation. His own gaze was kindly, the grief bald there, but a tired thing, very old and worn. He smiled back at her.
“Mistress Esen is most kind,” he replied softly, blinking away tears. He sniffed and smiled. “I wish you did not know the ‘plenty.’ I wish Esen knew only happiness. But you are very generous to offer such knowing. This one also knows…plenty.”
He looked off, in the direction of the bar, where his heart pulled, and then tore his eyes away, back to the ground. Alk was there. He reached down to pet him, smiling again, a hiccup, a sigh.
“Mistress Esen need not apologize. Many things make this one uncomfortable; but she did not. I think Alk would love snacks. He always does. It would be very nice to share snacks with you. And if you wish to speak of grief, we may.”
Nodding intently, still smiling.
“Excellent. Let’s go see about some snacks for all of us then, hm?”
She bends down nudging the Mott off her shoe, to hopefully help steer him in the direction of the dining area.
“Come along Alk, we are going to find you proper snackies.”
The Bartender did not react to the compliment. His bright green eyes did dance a bit under the accented lighting of the lounge, creasing faintly at the edges, but his facial features remained poised and professional as he bowed his head.
He then went about making a new drink for the redhead. He took a high glass and, moving as if on programmed scripting, every motion “sold” as if focus created percision. Lime juice. Orange juice. An imported syrup. Blue curacao. Then he added the Tequila, a splash of water, and then shook it all up.
The Bartender poured over a few small cubes of ice, tipping off the glass, and then garnished with a sprig of rosemary.
He left the drink quietly by Brelon’s said, hoping not to interrupt the interaction with the Kessurian-hybrid.
Brelon smiled brightly and nodded, glad to see he hadn’t completely lost his charm. Since she hadn’t told him to get lost, that was always a pleasant sign.
“Very true, can’t go wrong with a classic, you always know what you’re getting. But it is fun to try new things now and again.”
He reached out to take the offered hand, “I’m Brelon, a pleasure to meet you.”
Then he noticed the drink appearing at his side and reached over to pick it up and take a sip. “Well it’s got a nice little bite, tastes good. Thank you.” He offered a nod of thanks to the bartender, appreciating his professionalism.
“This is a nice place,” he continued to Kerissa. “I suppose you could say I’m here on business too, running an errand for someone.”
The Bartender bowed his head and moved back to cleaning the bar, even though it was perfectly clean.
“` While the two new friends were introduced, another pair of patrons entered and meandered towards the bar.
A man and a woman seemed to be talking casually- both Human, at least at first glance. The first had dark skin, a short, slicked up hairdo, gray sporty jacket and despite being indoors was wearing what appeared to be sunglasses. There was a blaster on his hip, but no other weapons.
Next to him was a woman with pale skin and a dark hair combed over one side of her face with the rest pulled behind her in a tail. She wore a clean, off-white sweater that stretched all the way down to below her knees. She wore a sleek looking backpack over her shoulders and did not show any weapons on her person.
They both moved with casual ease, but bore no logos of signets relating to any of the Brotherhood systems.
They passed the redhead and the Kessurian-hybrid.
They exchanged a few quiet words with the Bartender, who went to fill them both highballs with amber liquor in them. He bowed his head politely. ”`
“Come,” Rue growled in the Wookiee tongue, and Alk tossed his head happily at the command. He trot-trotted majestically alongside Rue and Esen as the medic and hybrid made their way to the dining hall, beholding the sights all the while.
When they passed the front desk, Rue quickly scurried over to leave a flower from his basket on the desk, dipping a bow to the Concierge. He meekly murmured, “Thank you for your service, Sir.” A beat, and a second flower joined it, mindfully selected. “And for Kerberos’ service. Do not let him have yours, it will cause toxicity in animals.”
Then he scurried back and rejoined his companions.
Charron bowed his head politely and offered a faint smile as he accepted both the flower and the compliment.
Kerberos sniffed up towards the passing hybrid, and his eyes followed the trailing Alk with healthy caution but no action. When he saw Esen passing as well, his tail began to beat a rhyhtm against the polished floor.
As they passed the front desk and Rue dropped off his flowers, Esen produced a small wave to Kerberos. Stopping a few feet away approaching slowly as she now had Alk’s scent on her, and didn’t want to overwhelm him.
“This is Kerberos, the charhound I was telling you about. He’s a very good boy. A sweetie pie too.” She smiles, giving him more head pats. Giving Rue time to drop off his flowers.
Whispering her goodbyes once more to Kerberos with another small wave. They head into the dinning room.
She finds a booth and slides into it, motioning for Rue to do the same before asking,
“Anything specific for you and Alk? I can go order for us if you like.”
Kerberos closed his eyes and nuzzled back against Esen’s hand, then watched his new friend go off to the dining hall. He, unfortunately, had a duty to remain vigilant and assist his master with greeting the guests.
As Esen sat, she noticed a serving droid seem to notice her. It looked humanoid, with long spindly limbs, rounded head, and soft-yellow eyes that glowed. It padded over towards her and set down a glass of water, then stepped back, bowed, and waited for the other guest to find their seat.
“` "I wonder where they got all the credits,” the woman mused as she swirled the liquid in her glass around. She spoke softly, but seemed to be fully aware they were in a mutual area.“
"I’ve learned it’s best not to ask. Our…gracious hosts are forthcoming with many things, but shadowed about others. Which is fair, mind you. The Triumvir of Steel has been delighted with the progress so far from the trade agreements, at least.”
“You reckon that’s why ol’ Colonel Rendeshi sent us?”
He scoffed very slightly over a sip of his drink. “Should have picked some lot from the Triumvir of Words, but, here we are. I wonder if any of them are prithe to who and what has been making off with Principate goods…” “`
Brelon finished off his latest drink, then got that little tingling sense in the back of his mind that told him to stop with the alcohol before he made a fool of himself. He glanced over at the other couple sitting at the other end of the bar.
He couldn’t make out every single word of their hushed voices, but still caught enough to be of interest. He tucked those tidbits away in his mind for later. Still, he was curious what else he might hear if he were closer, without being conspicuous.
He flashed a smile at Kerissa. “I’m starting to get a little hungry, are you? We could move over to one of thee tables there.” He pointed at the center one, closest to the other couple. “It’s fine if you don’t want to join me though, no pressure. But if you do, it’ll be my treat.”
He motioned to the bartender, “Could I get a glass of water, and a dinner menu please? I’m going to be moving to that table there.”
Rue watched Kerberos receive loves and Charron smile before he followed and took the seat opposite Esen as directed by her wave. He arranged his basket of flowers on the length of bench beside him while Alk got on his hindquarters and attempted to hop up onto the bench beside Esen. After all, he was dressed in his tux today. Sitting underneath the table as he typically did ✨ simply wouldn’t do✨ .
“Um. This one does not know what is served here. But typically Alk consumes several pounds of leafy greens, fruits, vegetation, fungi…so does this one. I do not eat the meats. Um. Cocoa is a Good Thing. If they have any of that. Please.”
While he spoke, the serving droid approached Esen. Rue bowed back to it, selecting a flower and extending it with his tail.
“Hello, Sir. Thank you for your service.”
He offered the single, bright red poppy to the tall golem.
The Flitz. Home of the Envoys on Arx. Somehow, the Emissary had never found her way to the place before. She’d gotten information from here, of course, and even had the odd holocall with the Flitz’d staff. It was one of those holocalls that had prompted her to visit in person—and to arrange for company, though said company didn’t know it yet.
Erinyes took a moment to appreciate the beautifully-appointed lobby as she strode through, wearing one of the gowns she normally reserved for high-class nights on the town. She flashed the concierge a smile as she approached the front desk. “You must be Charron. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person.”
The Bartender nodded and almost before she finished asking, had a glass of water poured and slid towards him. A dinner menu tablet was also passed to him.
“` The droid’s photo receptors blinked out then back on, and then it stifly bowed back.
"Thank you. Patron.”
It waited for input from the Zeltron while already having recorded the request for a large salad. “`
The Concierge bowed his head politely. “Of course, Lady Emissary, we had been awaiting your arrival. How may I may best be of service?”
“I’m here to meet Lord Renatus, if you could direct me to him.” She bent down to scritch the charhound’s head. “And give this sweetheart one of their preferred treats.”
“Of course,” he nodded with a smile. “Renatus is just through to the Dining Hall and Lounge I believe.”
Brelon took the glass of water and menu pad and turned to Kerissa, if you care to join me I’ll be over there. But it’s all good if you have other plans. He walked over to the table and set down his glass and the pad. Then he glanced over and saw the unexpected sight of a very cute Mott wearing a tuxedo. Well, he had to say something and see if he could pet the Mott.
He walked over, stopping a respectful distance away, not wanting to barge into their conversation. He offered a warm smile.
“I hate to interrupt, but your Mott is so cute, and so strikingly dressed, would it be alright if I pet them?”
As the service droid approached and set down the water for her, bowing, with all the mannerism, she was dumbfounded. She had seen service droids usually behind stations in the mess hall. Where those who were hungry, would snake their way through the lines, being served a portion before moving onto the next station.
“Thank you very much,” she said waiting for Rue and Alk to take their seats. She scooched over inside the booth, sliding her glass of water with her. Making way for Alk, who looked very dapper in his tux.
After Rue ordered for both Alk and himself, she considered her meal as well.
“A salad with chicken for me please, oh- and three hot cocoa for dessert?” She decided, hoping she wouldn’t make them uncomfortable with ordering meat, but, after all, she did need the extra protein.
Kerissa had considered the request of joining him but shook her head with a warm smile, “I may join you later Brelon. It was good to meet you, friendly faces are worth a krayt pearl.”
She was rather interested in the conversation but didn’t need to move closer. It was easier to stay out of the crowd that was slowly filing in and utilise her heightened hearing for that. The Principate had been being robbed, that was a privvy piece of information. She sipped her cocktail, remaining leaned at the bar and mostly keeping to herself for now. IT was good to meet and greet along the way.
Rue beamed suddenly at the promise of possible cocoa. Though, Alk could surely not have any, the fact Esen was ordering for them all made it so much more special.
Unless she meant to have two herself. Which was also sensible. Cocoa was worth having two of.
Or all three for herself? He’d presumed one would be for him. How disgraceful–
Before that self-flagellation spiral could plummet further, a new voice and face arrived behind the lovely Sir Droid.
Rue shied slightly, but this was a day of diplomacy, and so he said, “Hello, Master. He is named Alk, and if he wishes for pets, you may.”
Alk, standing on his seat, looked at Brelon and tossed his head in greeting.
<@267489687902486530> <@142754576863330304>
Brelon smiled brightly, having excused himself from Kerissa, leaving her to her own devices. He stepped a little closer and offered the mott his hand to sniff.
“Hello, Alk, and Alk’s friends. I’m Brelon. Alk, would you like me to pet you?”
He’d lift his gaze from Alk, to offer a warm smile to the two with the mott. “A pleasure to meet you all. Those are a lovely collection of flowers you have.” He’d noted the basket of flowers beside Rue.
“Have you been here before or is it your first time? First time I’ve been here, it’s quite a place.”
“Thank you.” With a final pat for the charhound, Erinyes took her leave, and went through the dining hall into the lounge area. She was surprised to spot a few familiar faces on her way through, first making note of Alk and Rue—and Alk had a sash!—and then waving at Kerissa as she passed by.
Unfortunately, with Renatus’ patience for social events, she didn’t have time to stop just yet. She stayed on course for the Deputy Grand Master, keeping her voice low once she was in earshot. “Glad you could make it.”
“` The droid nodded, filing away the orders.
"Not a problem, patron.” it replied cooly.
It then shifted its focus to the redhead. “For you, dear patron?” “`
Brelon canted his head to look up at the droid and smiled. “I’ve got my water, to eat, I’d like a side salad with a creamy dressing. Then I’d also like a nerf steak medium, with a baked potato. Thank you.
The Droid bobbed its head in a nod. The order was already being sent over the local network, so it simply bowed stiffly at the waste and moved away to wait by the kitchen for the orders.
The diplomott danced forward and butted into Brelon’s hand with his snout and horn, rubbing cheek. He gave a happy chuff and slobber of greeting, as was proper.
Meanwhile, Rue looked down demurely, smiling at the compliment to his flowers.
“Thank you, Sir,” he murmured. “This one has not been here before, but comes to represent and thank the Envoys with Alk. He has garnered a reputation.” He glanced at Esen, curious if she knew more.
“Thank you.” Esen said to the service droid before it scurried away.
Fixing her attention to now Alk standing in his seat, and the chap who approached. Amused at Alk’s greeting.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Brelon. I’m Esen. I haven’t been here before. Or realistically never anywhere near as elegant.” She gave a slight smile.
More of her bangs had popped out of her gel filled hair. She groomed the tufts back with her hand, attempting to make it blend in with the rest.
“How are you enjoying your stay so far? The gallery is lovely.”
Brelon happily knelt down to give Alk many pets and scritches around his ears and horn. “So handsome in your tuxedo, it really suits you Alk.”
After a few moments spoiling the mott with attention, he stood up to greet the two. “Well, Esen, it’s lovely to meet you and your friend. This is my first time here too, and I’ll have to take a look at the gallery, haven’t explored much of the place yet.”
He grinned and looked back to Alk, “And thank you for allowing me to pet you, truly a wonderful mott.”
Returning his attention to the people with Alk, he chuckled softly, “And thank you for not being upset at me for barging right into your conversation, I’m sure you’ll want to get back to it. I’m sure we’ll see each other again. Until then, be well, and I’m going to go sit down and wait for my dinner.”
Alk gave a huff of approval over the compliments to his dress, as well as the attention. As Brelon excused himself, Rue was quiet once more, shyly watching Esen and his brief interaction. When the new person quickly excused himself just as fast as he’d come, the hybrid frowned slightly, having not had a chance to observe better or offer even a token flower.
Well. Perhaps later.
It was then that Alk smelled a familiar scent– a friend! He gave a bleat, a stompie, and hopped right back off the bench, ✨ zooming✨ over towards the bar. For a moment, Rue stiffened in absolute dismay, terrified Alk was about to bother Kerissa, when she didn’t want them arou–.
No. That wasn’t true. She didn’t want to see Rue. Alk…Alk was wonderful. Not broken, not disgusting or wrong or sinful or burdensome. He would be most welcome anywhere.
But then, Alk veered, and went instead to a pink woman, another Zeltron. Perhaps he had favorites, after all. Rue was fairly certain he’d seen this one before, though, at one festival or another.
Instead of leaping up to try and catch the Mott, at this point, Rue just slumped in place, resigned to defeat. He knew far too well just how many circles Alk could run around him. The little diplomat ran so much.
His saffron gaze returned to Esen, watching her smooth crunchy, stiff pieces of hair back into her bun. He peered curiously from under his lashes, lifting a finger to chew on it.
“Pardon, Miss Esen…does Miss have some gene producing feathers, perhaps, like Shani? Or even grasses, such as a Neti? Her hair is very different in texture.”
Meanwhile, Alk trotty trot trotted right up to Erinyes, rump wagging as he pawed at her leg, saying hullo.
“` Once Brelon settled at the table near enough to the bar where he wouldn’t be TOO suspicious, his food seemed to track him and arrive on a plate.
A fresh, creamy salad was placed down, then a second plate with a finely cooked nerf steak with potatos.
The Butler droid bowed politely, and hovered to make sure the order was correct.
This, of course, gave a bit of obfuscation to Brelon’s eavesdropping. ”`
The dark skinned man swirled his drink around, having now moved onto his second. The pale skinned woman was still nursing hers slowly, it seemed, and she seemed to be the more reserved of the two as they spoke.
“Hey Bray'ami,” the man spoke. “Is that who I think it is that just entered?”
The woman tilted her head, trying to casually not be too overt in staring at the Zeltron with long flowing hair that strolled in to the lounge. “Oh. I do believe it is!” she said with a bit of excitement. “Nekora, that has to be the Emissary. I saw her meeting with the Triumvir of Words…hard to forget her.” Bray'ami seemed to be smitten both intellectually and…otherwise with the Emissary.
Brelon settled into his seat with his back to the couple, feigning disinterest the best he could. Hearing the woman’s words, he took a slow, casual glance around the room. Spotting the woman that had to be the Emissary, he was impressed. She definitely looked the part of someone important. But who was this Triumvir of Words? He’d caught them mentioning another Triumvir before as well which he’d filed away.
Maybe he’d be able to hear more as the pair drank and talked. In the mean time he was slowly enjoying and savoring his delicious meal. The food had been prepared perfectly, so he had no desire to rush through it.
He took a sip of his water, being as casual as he could, not wanting to give anything away. Though he had to admit, with his flaming red hair, it was harder for him to be as stealthy as his master. She could literally disappear into a shadow without even using the Force. And in a bar full of people, he definitely didn’t dare to use the Force, unless it became an emergency. It was also the reason he kept his lightsaber well hidden. No need to start a panic in people.
Kerissa returned the wave to Erinyes with a warm smile. The Emissary was on a mission however, it seemed, so she didn’t bother getting up. They could always catch up to chat properly later, it had been a while since they’d last met up outside of holo-calls for business.
Unsurprisingly, species inclusive clothing had been a hit and between advertising, negotiation with clientele and producers, was going pretty damn well.
She knocked back the last dredge’s of her drink, placing the glass within easy reach of the barkeep and continuing her covert attentiveness to the Principate pair. Though she had to stop herself from giggling at the adoration. It wasn’t badly placed but wow.
The Bartender took the glass and almost immediately had it replaced with a water. “Another, or something else, miss?”
Renatus was already on his way to the lounge and bar when he heard Erinyes’s words. They weren’t unwelcome, though he made no reaction one way or the other. He continued on his path but slowed enough for Erin to keep up, if so desired.
“Your doing?” the Firrerreo inquired, referring to the invite in his calendar.
“Another would be lovely.” Kerissa answered, sipping the water delicately. She probably shouldn’t drink too much, even as the itch rose. This was not the place to indulge like that afterall.
It was probably not a good thing she had to keep repeating that to herself. Kerissa sighed softly, straightening her stance .
The Bartender went to work, red liquid swirling as he chopped the ice, spun the glass, and slid it over to the woman. He bowed his head politely.
Remalia walks slowly, her cane clicking on the tile floors of the entryway. Head scanning side to side, she pays no heed to either the strangers standing around or the smear of grease she had failed to notice on her face. Checking doorways and windows on the way, she moves to the concierge desk before focusing on him and speaking with a small bow. “Good day. I am looking for someone who came in a while ago, a Zeltron woman named Esen. Have you seen her anywhere?” She puts both hands on her cane in front of her, looking almost like an aristocrat, if she didn’t just crawl out of an engine compartment.
The Concierge bowed his head in greeting to the newcomer. “Of course, Miss Manvar,” Charron replied calmly. “You will find Miss Dulle is inside the dining and lounge area.” He kept his posture relaxed, hands folded in front of him on the pristine, polished desk. “Are there any other services you will be needing during your visit?”
The charhound off to the side tilted his head at the Echani, curious.
“No, I don’t think so. As far as I am aware, we are visiting. Thank you for your assistance.” Remy steps past, entering the dining room and stepping past a woman in the doorway. She begins to scan the room with the same slow meticulousness as she had the lobby taking note of the apparent class of the place.
The Concierge and his charhound bow their heads politely in unison as she passes.
“Absolutely no worries at all Mr. Brelon. Enjoy your dinner.” She nods slightly wishing him a good bye.
Esen huffed a slight laugh, not to Rue or his question but more the subject of the matter.
“No my dear Rue, my hair is as normal as it can be, despite being its own creature to control.” She states trying to slick more hair back into line with the others.
“What makes it look so different is the gel. It’s supposed to hold the hair in position all day. However, no matter how much gel I use, some strands of hair manage to escape.” She sighs slightly frustrated.
She peers around the room as many others had moved around, just keeping a tally of who enter who leave. She spotted Remalia in the entry way, and waved her arm in the air, to beckon her over.
“Oh Rue, this is my friend Ramalia. Ramalia this is Rue and somewhere around here is Alk.” She states peering around the room looking and listening for Alk’s tippy taps.
“Remy, we already ordered, and I wasn’t sure what to get you for a meal, but I ordered you a hot chocolate for dessert. Rue said he likes cocoa, so I figured we could all enjoy one.” She smiled.
“` As if on cue, the Butler droid returned with a large tray they balanced on the and additional mechanical limp that sprouted from its back.
A plate with a mixed of different kind of lettuces, vegetables, fruit, and chicken slices was presented for Esen, tossed in a light dressing.
It then plated a less fancy, more durable, duracrete like bowl on the floor for Alk. It was a medley of leave, fruits, vegetables and some mushrooms harvested from the marshes of Uskill.
For the colorful one, the droid placed down a contianer with an assortment of small, different shaped choclates.
It regarded Esen. "Would the Patron prefer the three drinking choclates now, or after the meal?”
Seeming to notice the new lifeform, its photoreceptors blinked.
“Patron. Would you like to place an order?” the droid turned its glowing yellow eyes to the Echani. “`
Eyes sliding over to the corner behind her, Remy picks up her cane and takes the two last steps to stand to the side of the table. Stepping to the side for the droid, she shakes her head with a quiet “no, thank you.” She gives a small bow to the one Esen referred to as Rue, her formality and flat expression unchanging. “Well met, Rue. I am Esens pilot and… companion for this venture. Am I interrupting something private?”
“After the meal, please and thank you.” She said directed to the droid.
She turned to Remalia patting the seat next to her, left vacant as Alk has left for the moment.
“Nope feel free. Rue and I were just talking and decided to grab something to eat.”
She gives Rue a little wink, implying a, ‘we can talk more later or he is free to talk if he’s comfortable’.
Remy closes her eyes for a second before sitting and leaning her cane against the table. “I should have expected you would get distracted, even with something so simple. I hope you aren’t keeping anyone waiting.” Finally, she notices the grease on her face and takes a rag out of her pocket to begin rubbing it off, using a spoon as a mirror.
“Nope, in fact, I am waiting on the package for Lieutenant Breeze. Did I forget to mention that on the way here? Oh, I must have forgotten to also mention that Lieutenant Breeze arranged a room for us here.” Her face affixed in a sly grin. She in fact did not forget, she just hadn’t told Remalia.
“Looks like we get to enjoy the night and all the luxuries. Whatever will we do?” She places the back of her hand on her forehead, leaning slightly back, as if a damsel in distress, her tone dripping with sarcasm as she pokes a little fun at her friend.
Back and forth, back and forth went Rue’s head as he tried to follow the new conversation, the new person. He did not have a chance to answer Esen or ask further about ‘gel,’ and was unsure if he could thank the droid for the mysterious chocolates. It solved whom the third cocoa was for, at least.
“U-um,” he squeaked, barely a whisper. Saffron eyes looked down. Remalia was Esen’s friend, and another guest. He needed to make a good impression.
-# “H-hello, Mistress Remalia.”
Remys eyes don’t change, but seemingly take on the quality of an auger, boring twin holes through Esens skull. After a moment, she sighs and rubs her forehead. “I knew something had to be up when you insisted I specifically fly you here. I suppose I owe you more than this, anyway,” She raises her eyes to look Rue up and down, her blank face motionless. “So, Rue, are you another of Esens friends or a another stranger she has decided she will keep company?”
-# “This one would never presume to be a Master or Mistress’ friend, Mistress. This one is blessed by Mistress Esen’s kindnesses.”
He did not reach for salad or chocolate, barely glancing up to gauge when Esen would start eating and if Remalia would sit. He tried to make his voice stronger.
“ᴵᶠ ᴹᶦˢᵗʳᵉˢˢ ᵖᵉʳᵐᶦᵗˢ, ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵒⁿᵉ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʰᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳ ʰᵉʳ ˢᵉʳᵛᶦᶜᵉ. ᴵᵗ ʰᵃˢ ᶠˡᵒʷᵉʳˢ.”
Her eyes narrow by a fraction, noting the slave-speak. Remy does her best to relax, which unfortunately only results in a slight release of tension and putting an elbow on the table. “Well luckily for you, neither of us is a ‘mistress’ of anything, unless Esen has a few promotions i haven’t heard about. I have less authority now than I did as a lone wanderer in wild space, although I can’t complain about the opportunities I have been afforded in recent months.” She removes her gloves and moves them too a pocket, really stretching her brain on ways not to seem too overbearing or formal. “As for service… I can’t recall anything I’ve done for you, but I will accept a flower.”
Rue shook his head quickly, making his waterfall rose braid swish and the metallic strands of hair glint.
“Not necessarily for this one, Misst– Miss Remilia. However, the Envoys here have done much service. And also, surely you have done service to many, and are Miss Esen’s friend, which is surely a wonderful thing to be, and also, you are kind to me. For all this, this one thanks you.”
He glanced at her directly for a moment, then selected a flower from the basket and held it out. The bloom was very short of stem, but heavy and thick, with wide, way septal petals of white curving slightly from a brusting center of yellow and pink stamens, long, oval leaves bracketing it.
“Aww, hi Alk.” She reached down to scritch the mott’s head, but couldn’t stop for long, not when Thane had longer legs and shorter patience. I’ll be back in a minute, okay?“
Then, finally, to business.
"Is there someone else who could get away with putting a meeting at a bar in your calendar? If we’d stayed at the office, Kamjin and Thran would’ve come sniffing around for more bacon-wrapped scallops.” She walked to the bar with her Deputy Boss, and waved to the bartender. “Derryl here has some privileged information on… recent events. I thought you’d like to get it from the source, instead of having it filtered.”
<@185936112441622529> <@189568236201705472>
Derryl Wint glanced up from the already very clean glass he was buffing with a pristine looking cloth rag. His emerald eyes didn’t flash or change as his face remained a calm, neutral expression. He did bow his head politely. “Councilors,” he greeted. “Could I interest you in the reserved vintage we have today?” the Bartender put careful interest on the code phrase.
Alk, having no concept of caldestine or privileged meetings, just trotted along after Erinyes. Thane’s cloak looked very tasty, after all.
Remy takes the flower, her skin almost pale enough to match the petals. She idly twirls it by its stem, studying it as she speaks. “Not so much. So far I have studied by myself or trained under Master Sulvir. I imagine this lax lifestyle will not be tolerated much longer, but I have made strides thus far and will be content while it lasts.” Remy pulls one of the petals off of the flower and puts it in her mouth, chewing slowly. “Many cultures ascribe meaning, a language to flowers. Does this one have a meaning to it?”
“Master Sulvir…” Rue muttered to himself. So that was the Master here, not Remalia or Esen. He was recalled from his musings by Remilia pulling a petal off, and hurt splashed across his features before it turned to surprise at her motion and then delight. Suddenly, he sat up straight, no longer shrinking back, radiating a beaming if still shy smile. “Yes! Oh! Does Miss Remalia know flowers also? Is this how she knew the magnolia was safely edible? Yes, yes, Miss. They all have meanings.”
A small chirrup of excitement left him, clicking his fangs together.
“Magnolia species are chiefly symbolic of endurance, longevity and perseverance, but can also represent dignity and nobility. Also, feminine sweetness, innocence, purity and beauty, but at the same time power and pride. This one has not known Miss more than a moment and could be dearly incorrect, of course, but it seems to this one that Miss Remalia carries herself with such qualities of dignified strength and stalwartness, and that her eyes have seen much to be endured. Also that she is beautiful.” He turned to Esen then, smiling at her too. “Miss Esen’s flower is Antirrhinum, or also called snapdragon. It speaks of grace, benevolence, strength and protection. As Miss was very kind to this one right away and admits to having seen and heard much, a quality this one recognizes, I thought it fitting. And also matching.”
Remy raises an eyebrow at Rue before setting the flower down in front of her. “Not things I have been called before, but you don’t seem the type for sycophantic flattery. I… thank you for your words, and the flower. But I don’t know flowers myself, there wasn’t any where I came from, and most of my time in travelling has been spent delving ruins and shipwrecks. I have been trying to learn about much in these last months. I have learned that a balanced mind, learned in as much as possible, is best for pursuing my goals. As such I also thank you for sharing your own knowledge.”
Rue inclined his head, then unearthed a satchel from underneath the flowers in his basket and pulled it out. From it he drew a pile of journals and pens, holding one up to show the women.
“This one has been learning much as well. The Outside is extremely different, from where I was. There the rules were all very clear and this one knew every one. But now they are all wrong. And here there are new rules everywhere. Always changing. It has been a lot, as they say. This one is very studied from the subjects it was permitted to learn, but the world is impossibly large. I make lists and take notes. Like today. I have learned from Miss Esen that there is a ‘gel’ that one may use to sculpt the hair back if so wished, and it looks like this.” He nodded at Esen, even as his tail took up a pen, passed it to his hand, and then held down his page as he wrote down: Gel for hair.
Other neat, tight looping scrawl on the page said things such as:
One must not use a urinal next to another. Distance is required, or one is ‘not cool.’ Caf is brewed over ground caf beans, not whole beans. Caramel is delicious but also dangerous to the teeth. Sulla may not have it on apples yet, in case one is pulled out.
And similar such things.
“This one finds the most important notes are to keep track of good things. This makes the difficult times easier, even if only for a moment. Like hot cocoa, and sunlight, and sleeping cuddled with ones who love you, and having your hair brushed, and clothes that are just to have because you like them.”
Saffron eyes were suddenly very serious as he met Remalia’s red.
“It is important to have more than one pair of underpants. Even if you wash them every day. It is a rule.”
“Oh” Esen nods enthusiastically,
“Yes, just Esen. I am no mistress. I did introduce myself as just Esen, no? While Remy’s Master is Mr. Sulvir, I report to Lieutenant Breeze, as he is mine. Matter of fact, you don’t need to call me “Miss” either! You and I are equals. Two people getting to know each other as friends. Though most friends don’t use prefixes for each other. But if you would like, I can call you Mr. Rue?”
“As far as hair gel goes I can attempt to answer any of your questions. If you have any that is. It’s quite simple, you apply it with your hands and can use a brush to get the desired slick back effect, though some people use it to curl. It starts out as a gel, but dries with time. It gets rather stiff to hold the shape. Here you can feel if you like. Some have fragrances.” She taps the top of her head and angles it towards him.
“See, it’s stiff.” Her hair smelling faintly of floral.
“You say you write these down as the outside is very different from where you’re from? Any other questions I can help answer? No judgement here… and yes multiple pairs of underwear are very important.” She suppresses an amused laugh.
Remy nods slowly, putting things together in her head slowly. “I… have had to learn similar lessons, occasionally. My education was very directed and… intense, but it taught things that let me navigate most situations much more simply. For instance, uniforms. I have ten different uniforms, seven for everyday use, including battle, and three dress uniforms for more formal locations. Between them, I need only ever replace or repair damaged ones and wash them when they get to three soiled and I never have to buy clothes or think about what to wear. It is a universal solution.” She waves a hand in the air dismissively. “Of course it isn’t perfect. Other people are easy to step past, but confronting them and building social bonds is more difficult. For instance, this is the first time I’ve left home in months…” She thinks for a moment, and then slowly looks over as Esen, her eyes narrowing slightly.
Rue listened intently, pleased the understanding of underpants was shared – the clothes lessons had been difficult, for him, moreso because Elly had long seen he and Hunyi’s outdoor lifestyle as inadequate, given her “city upbringing.” Remy seemed to have quite the system. Perhaps he should be so organized…
“I see,” he commented simply, then, “Then this one is honored to meet you Miss…ehm, just Remalia, on your first outing in such a time. If I may, I recommend going outside more. The sunlight is wonderful, as is the rain on one’s skin, and the breeze. Plants are wonderful also. Try laying in the grass.” He smiled at her, and then looked to Esen again, leaning over the table and their food to peer at her scalp inquisitively.
The chimerical hybrid’s examination was so close that he was speaking nearly into Esen’s gel-crunchy hair as he poked curiously at it with the fingerpads of his only hand, stone nails extremely gentle.
“This one – I…am still growing used to such casual address. This– I will try to only call you Esen and Remilia if that is your preference, but it is easier to be at least somewhat polite and say Miss or Sir. If one was ever so improper to a Master or Mistress back home, punishment would be severe. An insult to the Masters is an to God Himself. But it has become this one’s understanding that while to some such respect is expected, to others it it a discomfort. I do not wish to cause discomfort. Rue is adequate for this one. I am not worth any such titles. Oh.” He lightly poked her skin, peeking at the clear-whitish residue that came off, tacky and floral smelling. “What a strange texture. It is somewhat like sap. For what purpose? Why does Miss– er, Esen, like it?”
<@267489687902486530> <@147021450706944000>
As Esen watched Remy put two and two together, realizing her plan, Esen not-so-innocently smiles back at her. Her ear and face darken, eyes squinting shut and a big toothy grin plasters on her face.
“We both need to get out more, Remy. What better place? A luxurious Hotel, meeting wonderful people.” She gives a slight nod to Rue, before tucking in yet another loose strand behind her ear.
“I- uh.” Small noises were heard, as Rue poked about, before she finally quieted down, letting him see and experience.
“I use it in attempts to keep my unruly hair under control. Though it seems I need a stronger one, being as my hair keeps falling out, regardless of it.” She states head still angled slightly down towards the table for Rue to experience to his hearts content.
“Would you like to try some?” She says as she tries to keep her head as still as possible for Rue, yet moving her arms to grab her bag. Unzipping the zipper and digging through.
“I usually keep extra with me for situations like this. I just haven’t had time to fix it yet- Aha!” She pulls out a small, round, green container, with a screw off lid. “So you’ll probably want to be around a sink when you apply it, to wash it off your hand afterwards. Just take a small amount on your hand, and run it through your hair. Like I said earlier, after you have your hair looking how you want it, it will dry and stiffen with time.” She pulls out a small mirror from her bag, handing both over to Rue. “There’s probably a bathroom around here somewhere, if you want to give it a go.” Smiling sweetly.
“Oh my god, it is her,” Bray’ami nearly bounced in place, but tried to keep calm as she finished her drink.
“Settle down,” Nekora gestured, but he too seemed to be doing his best to blend in with the bar itself and not draw the attention of the Emissary. And was that…? They had heard rumors, whispers.
“More strikingly, I’m pretty sure that’s the Deputy Grand Master,” the dark skinned man added calmly.
Bray'ami made a bit of a internal whine of excitement. She was fascinated in the Brotherhood’s command and structure. The Principate was neat, orderly, and logical, but this “Brotherhood”? Fascinating. “We are too low on the totem pole to attend those meetings, but I’ve seen the ‘minutes. He used to operate their commerce as…Regent I think they call it? I guess that’s their version of the Triumvir of Steel.”
“Please. Two, actually.” She tilted her head towards Thane.
The Deputy nodded his agreement. Stiffer the better, what with his biology.
“Yes. Those two…” His words drifted off as Thane found himself with a faraway look. Staring into what would be middle distance, the man was haunted by visions of…previous encounters.
Derryl was already moving and handed each councilor an encrypted datapad that was dressed as a digital menu. On it were a breifing on the latest movement with the inventory and lost goods and shipments interupting the Principate’s trade lines. There was also a report on everyone currently checked in, or expected to check in, to the hotel, including some information on the two Principate members off to the corner.
Rue, content with his inspection of her follicles for now and unsure if he should inform her of the dermititis on her scalp or not because it could just be the gel, sat back and fumbled to hold both items, his tail coming up to assist in taking the hand mirror. He considered a moment, not greatly liking the sticky texture her hair had had but not wanting to disappoint her. Also, he liked how his hair was already.
-# “okay.”
He unfolded from his seat and scuttled upright, revealed then to be even taller than Remy, though he hunched whereas her posture was ramrod straight, and he was willowy, nearly paper thin, where she was solid. He was very careful not to touch Remy at all as he moved around her and her cane hooked on the table, and then whistled for Alk so they could find a refresher.
It seemed best to ask. Perhaps the Concierge?
The elevator hummed quietly on its way down. A Zygerrian with a bobbed haircut and neat blunt bangs tapped impatiently on the carpeted durasteel with her boots.
’That gamble did not pay off.’
Her rather large hand was flipping a single credit chit between her fingers.
A sharp pain ran up her pink-tipped nose as she walked into the metal doors before they had opened.
“Sithspit!” Zag sneered with a high-pitched squeak.
By the magical swearword, the doors finally did decide to open up. Her emerald eyes desperately searched for the bar as she massaged her nose.
The Concierge smiled and offered a warm greeting to the Zygerrian. “Afternoon, Miss Umangi. Lounge and bar are right through here,” he gestured.
“Thank you, mister Concierge…” Zag muttered through her hand with a nasal tone, her cheeks flushing.
She’d introduce herself with her name, but was too embarrassed to. Instead she was going to spend that credit chit.
‘Where’s my credit chit!’
‘Guess I’m going to have to forward the account number again…’
Rue was making his way towards the Concierge desk again when his sensitive montrals caught the soprano squeak of pain and the collision noise from the elevator. He turned sharply and saw a person rubbing their nose with eyes blurred by pain.
“E-excuse me, Miss–” he stuttered before making it a Mistress, “are you alright?” Does your face need healing?“
“Oh, hello,” Zag waved with the hand that had just held her nose, “I’m guessing you either saw, or heard that?”
She looked at her palm as she let out an exasperated sigh, but didn’t see any redness.
“Uhm, does it look bad? I think a strong drink will help me more, but thank you for your kindness.”
Brelon ate his meal, enjoying every bite of it. As he ate, he listened and watched as much as he could without giving himself away. Sometimes his long hair came in handy, allowing slight side glances without really looking like you were side eyeing anything. He heard mention of the brotherhood, and their familiarity with the Emissary and Deputy Grand Master made one brow raise briefly.
He gathered now that the two were Principate people, and more mentions of another Triumvir. His master would find this very interesting. And he got a really crazy idea in his mind. But thankfully, due to his master literally beating it into his head, he no longer foolishly gave into the impulse of such a brazen idea. Still, he gave a small side glance toward the Principate pair, it was so tempting.
He finally finished off his meal and sat back in his chair to sip his water, considering the possible consequences of his idea if he gave in and followed his instincts.
“Thank you.” She paused to skim the datapad as though it were actually a drink menu. “This is quite the selection. Don’t you agree, Thane?”
Not wanting to be sober any longer, Zag bolted straight for the bar. For the time being, she ignored everyone around her as she hopped onto a barstool. It spun just the right amount to come face to face with a man also blessed with emerald eyes such as herself.
“Uhh, bartender? I have this card over here, and would like a good, strooong drink, please. By the way, your eyes are pretty,” Zag’s voice was silvery and smooth, even surprising herself a little.
The Bartender - Derryl Wint - managed to maintain a professional mask, as the only response after locking eyes with the Zygerrian was the crinkling at the corners of his own and a very faint smirk of knowing. “Thank you kindly, miss Umagi. You of course look stunning as always,” he replied easily, then slid an ornate looking counter coaster with the Envoy Corps logo on it towards her.
“What could I get you this evening?”
Underneath the coast, which was lifting up off the counter ever so slightly, was a credit chit.
Rue had opened his mouth to say it looked like it could definitely use some healing, at least to help the pain likely radiating out and lacrimal trauma causing her eyes to tear up…but she was already running away off to the bar. His shoulders slumped.
-# “Oh…okay, bye.”
He turned back to the Concierge, whispering to the ground.
-# “Pardon this one, Master Sir, where is the restroom?”
Charron gestured to a set of doors next to the concierge desk. They had a “universal” icon on them, designating the Refreshers were species and gender agnostic. “Right this way, Rue,” he replied carefully, keeping a very calm and friendly smile and air to his words.
“I would, eh, uhm, errr, like a-uhm…” Zag paused and seemed to be distracted as he seemed to know her.
The stress was clearly getting to her, but, with that hair-mask the dark-haired Mistress had given her, at least the gray hairs were kept away. She fiddled with the Envoy coaster until she noticed the gift. Of course instead of actually processing the familiarity of the bartender, she figured out what to get as a drink.
“A good ol’ Port In a Storm, please, bartender!” Her voice was already higher pitched.
First, there was a mechanical wooshing noise in her head, building up and slowly going down. Then there was a familiar ticking or buzzing noise, much akin to ancient crunchy hardware. She tried accessing another ‘drive’, and there was this clicking sound that arose from the read/write actuator, like the disk-head had to actually move correctly and be able to confirm that it was correctly tracking data within her brainpan. No matter how much her brain wracked, she had no idea why the emerald eyed gentleman gave him the credit chit.
The kind demeanor helped. Rue bobbed one of his bows and scurried on in, Alk trotting after at his heels. Inside was a really nice bathroom we won’t make someone describe, with all the fancy amenities and even some you’d not think of. Faint orchestral music played from ambient speakers. Dark marbling. Shiny faucets. Cloth towels, not just flimsi ones. Miniature disposable cups with pump-able mouth wash. Lotion. Soaps. Warm compresses. A glass cooler of water suspended with cut cucumber with more tiny cups. A first aid station and product dispensary. Was that a weapons rack?
Rue scuttled up to one sink while Alk nosed into a stall for a toilet paper treat, slowly monching on the roll and walking around at the same time, leaving a paper trail behind him as the holder rattled. Rue didn’t look in any of the mirrors as he set down Esen’s mirror and gel and then began to painstakingly undo his extremely intricate braid which had taken some hours but been very pleasant watching a holo with Sulla about two small baby animals who were best friends and went on adventures together and then humming to her while she took a nap with Lektra after.
This was going to take some time.
The Bartender was already in motion, prepping a glass, grabbing for ingredients, combining them. Spiced rum, ruby port wine, then the ginger liquer and lime juice which he twirled. He added the ginger beer last, then used a long stirring spoon to spin it, planting the lime garnish at the same time as sliding it back towards her.
He smiled, and felt a bit of guilt as he could tell Zag was trying to think really hard about what was off about the bartender. His eyes glanced around, and realized that he’d have to figure out a different way to let her know somehow.
The thrum of the engine, the whooshing of air whizzing past his helmet, the nearly drowned out sound of music blaring through speakers, it was an immensely comfortable vibe for the Hapan as he skirted along the edge of lanes and traffic laws alike. His top speed dragging as he sat up from an intense lean. He shifted his weight to the side and tugged the Hoverbike along with him to pull off the highway to come humming down a smaller street. His speed waned further as he progressed towards the hotel, but he was still coming in hot.
With a practiced motion, he swung the rear of his bike around, using the repulsers on it to thrust back against his momentum. With some flare, his momentum stopped around the middle of the entrance patio. The high octane music could be heard, pumping through headphones that were carefully wrapped around his neck under a large collar.
Jackson Nash dismounted his glowing hoverbike smoothly, pulling a set of keys from the console as his other hand tugs his helmet up and off. He throws his head back, making a show of the mess of glowing hair that was subsequently flung through the air to somehow land quite neatly. Bright amber eyes flashed with artificial light as he grinned at the nearest person that looked like Valet.
He hooked the helmet on the handle of the bike and tossed the set of keys their way, already on a line past them towards the doors. “Have fun, yeah? Oh - Don’t forget the helmet, it’s important!” He shouted over his shoulder, turning towards them so his back made contact with the door to the hotel. He shot a finger gun their way, seemingly at the last moment noticing the aura of sound that was following him inside. He click the headphones down a few notches to a more reasonable level that could still be heard from yards away.
Kerissa had shuffled along the bar, creating space for people moving in and out and paying attention to faces important and seemingly not so that filtered. A Zygerrian was panicking or.. probably just confused at the bar. The two from the Principate were cooing over the Councillors.
She took a generous drink from the glass, leaving the water behind and enjoying the burn of the booze.
Remys eyes follow Rue as he leaves the room, silent for a moment before speaking quietly enough that only Esen could hear. “There are two paths for one bearing chains. They either break them themselves, or bear the weight forever. The latter tend to wear on my patience. Some of my Siblings are the same way.” She turns back to the pink woman, eating another petal. “But what, exactly, was your plan here exactly? Just to… speak to random people and hope they’re potential allies? And did you tell Lt. Breeze I would be here? To my knowledge most rooms here are for one person each, and the shuttle doesn’t have a cabin. Not to mention the security issues if this job is more serious.” <@267489687902486530>
Zag took a big gulp from her ‘Stormy’ as she called it, getting a nice, faint buzz. It helped grease the mental cogs a bit and made the next exhalation warm and fuzzy.
“You did good, I needed that.”
The Valet moved on reflex to catch the keys. That would be the third time today someone had casually thrown keys at him. Not that anyone noticed or thought much of it. He was just the hired help, after all. And a Weeqay, at that. Sure, lady Ness'arin Ohnaka was the Director of the Inquisitorius, which did well for their reputation, but most denizens of the galaxy still took one look at his leather skin and thought: pirate.
He had just passed his thirtieth birthday. Not many people had come, or cared, but the few other hotel staffers had managed to make him feel not totally alone.
`# “Not a problem sir, have a great day and enjoy your stay at The Flitz, concierge is right inside-”
His quiet voice was cut off as he caught the helmet, bobbling it, but managed to clasp it tightly to his chest so he didn’t drop it. He exhaled slowly and went to mount the bike and take it to the valet garage. The job was solid, fortunately, and if he kept it up, he’d soon have enough to afford his own speeder…and maybe enough to get himself off Arx to see more of the galaxy.
“Of course. Here…” he also took something from the back kitchen adjacent to the back of the bar. It was baked bread of different kinds. “Special shipment from a bakery on Port Ol'val. I know a guy,” the Bartender spoke softly, his voice expertly only reaching Zag’s pointed ears, breaking character for just that moment.
The moment passed and he glanced down the bar towards the Kessurian hybrid. “Another drink, miss?” he called out.
Despite already being magnified by the intricate eyeliner, Zag’s emerald globes lit up, “snacks! Just what I needed to go with this, you got some dips, some butter, some of the tasty stuff?” Her head bobbed up and down in excitement.
Following the bartender, she noticed the incredibly pretty, Kessurian? She wasn’t entirely sure what she was, but Umangi had seen some enigmatic mixes before.
Kerissa glanced down at the remaining dregs in her glass, shrugging as she knocked them back and walked down to be within polite distance of the bartender and the patron hed just served.
“Go on then, after all what can I say, it’s a delicious mix.” She smiled, placing the glass aside and settling to lean against the bar again.
“I didn’t know they did snacks at the bar.” She commented to the Zygerrian, offering a warm smile.
Zag fixed her transparent skirt as the hybrid approached, “I’ll be happy to share if ya want a taste?” She ripped a small piece of bread off, “oh, goodness me it’s warm and soft! Can recommend!” There was a big grin on her face as she took another sip from her drink.
The Bartender grinned, and was already plating some butters and spreads. “You never asked,” Derryl said with a neutral expression. He gestured. “Help yourselves, compliments of the house,” he explained. He then went about making a new drink for Kerissa, replacing her old one with it in a bit of deft sleight of hand.
Kerissa took it, thanking him. And had to stop herself from giggling at Zags wording.
“Soft and warm huh?” She grinned, waiting to be offered before taking the small piece of bread and dipping it into one of the many spreads now in front of the pair.
It was tangy in a surprising but delicious way, “Well, I’ll trust your recommendations going forward, wow. I’m Kerissa, by the way.”
“Ohhh, why thank you strangely familiar but very pleasant bartender, I think I’ll stick around for a good while,” she stared with a ‘hint-hint-nudge-nudge’ look at the almost empty glass, “one, more, thing!”
“Great right? Nice to meet you Kerissa! I’ve already completely forgotten the misfortune that carried me here,” Zag’s voice had more energy and the high-pitch was gone, “the name’s Zag, or Zaagnika Umangi, but that’s a mouthful, better just Zag.”
The Bartender actually grinned, but it was masked very quickly as he nodded patiently and set to fixing the Zygerrian another drink. He had been out drinking with her and her Mistress enough to know how to properly balance the drink, and had been tasked with making sure she remained…safe.
The Bartender feared very few things, but tall, recently empowered, latex-clad Sith semi scared him.
“It’s not that much of a mouthful really, Zaagnika is a pretty name. Though, Zag does have a good ring to it too.” Kerissa sipped her drink, smiling still.
“Was it only misfortune that brought you here? Not the party or anything?”
Having finished his meal, he decided to go through with his crazy idea, just to see what would happen. He rose from his table, assuming the droids would clear away the dishes. Then he turned and walked over to the Principate couple. He through his arms around them both, pulling them in close, flashing his brightest, most charming of smiles.
“Hello, friends, so nice to see you here tonight.”
The woman stiffened beneath his arm, the man took a step to the side and shoved his arm away with a huff.
“We don’t know you, we’re not friends.”
Brelon feigned looking hurt, “Oh come on, sure we’re friends. You don’t want to start a fight in here do you? It would get very ugly, very fast. I’m sure we can have a civil conversation, can’t we?”
He withdrew his arm from the woman’s shoulders, but stayed standing between them. He motioned to the bar tender.
“My friends and I would like some drinks, something with a little bite to it, but surprise us, please.”
Then he turned to the couple, “Why don’t we all just sit down and have a little chat, hm? We can enjoy our drinks together.”
Nekora and Bray’ami exchanged looks, as if to say: “Just go with it?” mixed with “I have no idea what’s going on”.
“Sure…friend,” Nekora smiled, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses–at least that’s what they appeared to be. “Could we start with your name, perhaps? I’m Nekora and this is my friend Bray'ami.”
The Bartender approached. “Another pair for you two?”
“Yes please,” Bray'ami suplied a response.
The Bartender nodded and then shifted his eyes to Brelon. “For you, sir?”
Brelon flashed another cheeky grin, “The name’s Brelon, a pleasure to meet you too, friends.”
He settled on the stool lately occupied by Nekora, leaving the end one on his left for Bray'ami, and one on his right for Nekora. He hoped to separate them just for the fun of it, to see how they responded, unless they both decided to shift to his right.
When the bartender came over he grinned, “Surprise me, something with a bite to it, please.”
Then he turned his attention to the pair, waiting to see how they settled themselves, “So, what brings you two here? Business or pleasure, or maybe both, hm?”
Nekora and Bray'ami both exchanged glances again. When in Arx…?
They watched as the Bartender nodded to “Brelon” and went to make him another drink. They both took a sip of their own.
“We are…members of the Severian Principate,” Nekora started. He didn’t seem to mind the proximity of the redheaded man near him, but it was hard to tell what his eyes were looking at behind his tinted glasses.
“We were asked to come visit this location on your lovely planet,” Bray'ami added. She didn’t seem to mind but her eyes kept obviously angling towards the women at the bar. “And to see if we could learn more about the Brotherhood’s ‘Envoy Corps’.”
The Bartender slid a new drink to Brelon.
Brelon nodded as he took in the information provided by the man. Then he simply shrugged and lied.
“Ah, well good luck. I can’t help you on that. I’m just passing through on an errand for my mentor.”
He smiled when the new drink arrived and took a sip. He made a happy noise as he downed the first couple of sip. “Ah, yeah! That’s definitely got a bite to it. I love it.”
Returning his gaze to Bray'ami, he smiled, “This place is amazing, isn’t it? Never been anywhere this fancy before. I’m just a simple pilot going where people pay me to go.”
He glanced further down the bar where Erinyes and Thane stood. “Looks like some bigwigs from somewhere are visiting.”
Bray'ami seemed to nod along, distracted by getting to focus over towards the Emissary.
But Nakora narrowed his eyes, the action only notable due to the crease in their brows. “Some bigwigs? My ‘friend’, you definitely know that those are two members of the Council. We might be knew, but we work for the Triumvir of Words, which oversees Galactic Diplomacy.”
He did smile slightly, not to make Brelon feel bad, but he wasn’t one to be lied to.
Esen places her hand on Remalia’s shoulder, “Remy, Remy, Remy. Relaaaax.” She pauses for a moment letting her arm go slack, still gripping Remy’s shoulder.
“Yes, of course Lieutenant Breeze knows you’re with me, and yes of course he secured a room with two beds.” She plastered on a big toothy grin. Holding the smile, muttering through her teeth as if an exhale of breath, “-hopefully”, her eyes roll to the side and downward before she takes her hand off Remy’s shoulder and starts picking at her nails. “Look. You and I, but mainly you, need to get out more. So, I took the liberty in ensuring a one night mini vacay.” Drawing out the words ‘so’ and “vacay” slightly.
“-But before you say anything, it’s still for work. We are still getting a package for Lieutenant Breeze.” Looking up at Remalia now with her big, full, deep blue eyes, twinkling in the dining room lights.
“This place is beautiful, and the staff are nice. Look there’s so many people you can talk to and meet.” Gesturing to all the people at and around the bar. “Why don’t you go mingle? I’ll see if the server droid will see to getting you your hot chocolate, hm?” She nods once again to the people at the bar.
“Or you can stay here with me, while I wait for Rue, and I’ll drag you to meet the people at the bar later?” Her eyebrows perk up slightly, awaiting the response.
After quite a bit of time to undo his waterfall braids and the braided flowers of hair topping them, as well as pull the actual flowers out, Rue had finally gotten to work with the gel. He tested a bit on one length of hair, an experiment, and continued testing until seeing how much was needed to make a shape, how it felt, dried. He decided with certainty he did not like the feeling on his skin, and prayed to the Goddess that Esen would not be disappointed or angry or sad that he had not used it to scrape all his hair back like her style.
Rather, by the time he emerged from the refresher (and chased Alk in circles to clean up all the toilet paper he’d trailed after himself while eating it) the hybrid experiment had most of his copious amounts of hair loosely braided and bundled up into something of a bun atop his shoulders, while a magnificent gelled flower with sharp-tipped and sculpted petals fanned out in layers overtop. It was somewhat REMYniscent of the magnolia he’d given Remalia, but not exact; it was actually intended to look like a lotus flower.
Upon re-entering the dining hall, he saw the girl with the hurt nose seeming to elect self-medication via the alcohols with her, and some other occupants. When he approached the table, he held back a moment, noting that the women were deep in important conversations. While he could have heard them from across the room thanks to his montrals, it was polite not to interrupt. He waited to be acknowledged, bowing and holding the pose.
<@267489687902486530> <@147021450706944000>
“Why thank you, I’ve never really been a fan of my name, though, but I guess you don’t get to pick it yourself, yours is infinitely better, I think!” Zag ran a finger through her bangs as the pitch of her voice went up in tandem with her heartbeat.
“I uh, got here to gamble, and I did! But today the Force was not really with me, hehe,” she swallowed and felt a wave of sadness pass over her like a cold, cold shadow, taking a sip from the newly presented drink, “party? What party? Misfortune it is!”
“I did always seem to come back to this one.” Kerissa tilted her head, smiling and listening while enjoying more of the drink.
“Just a bunch of fancy people showing up, not a huge deal I don’t think.” She chuckled, “The Force comes and goes, maybe this is the up after.. whatever you gambled.”
Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say.
“I haven’t gambled in years, I may have cheesed a few rounds here and there. Don’t tell anyone yeah?”
Remys face doesn’t change, but her scent goes wild for a moment as she stares back at Esen for a moment. “I was… not prepared for this. I can assure you I will not forget this deception, and it will be repaid.” Despite the grim words, her scent settles on anxiety, strangely. Closing her eyes and performing a small mind-clearing exercise, she attempts to reach out and Sense the room, only to be jarred out of her already strained calm by the wave of power behind her. Standing and whipping around, she sees Rue bent over. “To bow in such a way will injure your back and knees. Any who demand you do so are enemies.” She turns back to Esen, releasing a now bent spoon from her grip and stinking of nervous energy. “My body has confused this… novel experience with a battlefield. I will consume depressants to regulate my breathing and heartrate.” Grabbing her cane and hooking it under her coat, she walks almost robotically to the bar counter. <@267489687902486530> <@244244163002892288>
“This one can h-help regulate breathing and heart rate!” Rue called after her, somewhat stunned by the sudden departure and also stern a…delivery of advice?
He shuffled back into the booth across from Esen, Alk joining her, and looked down.
“This one is sorry. Bowing is…normal. Here is your gel and mirror back. Thank you. Apologies.”
Brelon kept his face neutral, not betraying his surprise or frustration at getting caught in a lie. “Must have had too much to drink, blast it all,” he thought to himself.
“Look, I’m a nobody on an errand for my mentor. Who am I to know who the bigwigs are, I’ve never seen them before.” He shrugged. “So you’re both basically diplomats, that’s very nice to know. Haven’t run into many diplomats in my travels.”
Knowing he wouldn’t get anything else from the pair now, he rose from his seat and turned to leave, “Enjoy your evening.”
He headed back over to where Rue and Esen were, thinking he’d spend a little more time with them and hopefully the adorable Alk as well.
“Who’d I tell? Nah, I won’t. Besides everyone karking cheeses their games in some way. Usually when I do win, it tends to piss off the wrong folks. But it also feels real good to see them blow a tantrum.” Zag’s voice became softer.
Zag seemed to be drifting off, the drink really seemed to be pressing that nostalgia button hard. Being this gloomy was making her think of a certain high heel wearing person.
“What a sad loaf of bread…” The Zygerrian groaned as she slumped forward, dipping the piece of bread slower than ever, as if her hand was numb and the slice weighed a ton.
Zags comm pinged from one of her pockets.
“` Message: You okay? Did you eat something? Your texts last night were…not out of character but just wanted to check.
-Z 🔧 ”`
Bray'ami and Nekora blinked a few times but offered amiable waves as they watched Brelon depart. They each exchanged a shrug with one another and resumed their casual discussion as they observed.
“Ask for a water on the side!” Despite the anxiety running through her, from Remy’s response, she still wanted Remy to be careful.
Turing her attention to Rue,
“Don’t worry Rue, she’ll be fine. How was working with the gel?-” She gasps shocked, “-Oh Rue, it’s absolutely wonderful!” She examines the intricate working he’d done, the first time he had access to hair gel.
“Honestly, Rue, it seems like this gel would work better for you than I. If you want it, its yours, though its fairly inexpensive to buy, and you could get a brand new one.” Absolutely baffled and amazed by the style, she had never done or saw anything done so well with hair gel before.
Rue perked slightly at Esen’s compliments and cheer. He rarely got such reactions, save from Sulla. He peeked up and smiled shyly, cheeks flushed, touching his hair.
“Thank you, Miss,” he whispered, then shook his heed. “I do not, um, like how it feels very much, but it does make quite the nice points. I cannot make such sharp petals with braiding alone. Perhaps, indeed, I will do the purchasing of some eventually.”
He paused, then glanced over.
“Would Esen like her hair done?”
Brelon walked over to the table where Rue and Esen were, and saw Rue standing and offered a bright smile and a warm greeting.
“Hello, would it be imposing too much if I were to join you two? And Alk of course.” He added the last quickly when he spotted the mott beside Esen.
“I’ve had my dinner and a bit too much to drink, so I’m just missing some good friendly conversation to wrap up the night before I call it a day and head to my room. If I wouldn’t be interrupting the two of you, that is. I don’t want to disturb you.”
“So long as there’s a way out, a tantrum isn’t a real problem.” Kerissa spoke agreeably, noting the initially steady and then sudden drop in Zag’s mood. She raised an eyebrow, plucking another piece from the sad loaf to dip again.
“It’s only sad looking because we’re enjoying it.” She tried to reason, finishing off her drink to focus properly. “Warm and tasty, remember?”
Knowing that she is trapped in a hotel with possibly a dozen strangers and Esen on a mission, Remy all but stomps up to the bar, mechanically putting both her arms on the counter and waiting to catch the barkeeps eye. “What do you have that has the highest alcohol to filler ratio?” <@189568236201705472>
The Bartender turned smoothly, peeling away from the Kessurian-hybrid and dark haired Zygerrian. His mustache curled as he smiled slightly, remaining professional and calm and taking the request seriously.
“I could fill a highball with Bothan Bacardi 151, Ma'am,” he said just on the edge of being coy. He smoothed it over instantly though. “But for taste, I’d suggest a Jet Juice.”
“Flavor is irrelevant, I am medicating. I am also larger than average with an artificially enhanced metabolism, do you need to take that into account?” Remy moves only her face, otherwise ramrod straight and completely motionless.
“That’s okay if you do not like the feel of it. When you go shopping for more, there are different types, with different scents, or no scents, with different strengths of holds. This one is a rather strong hold, so it is on the thicker side. There is always hairspray as well, you might enjoy that better. I would love to have you make my hair, if you would like to! However, it is filled with gel at the moment, I’d need to wash it out. Which by the way, forgot to mention, that the gel is water soluble. Perhaps in the morning? I-If you’re okay with that, that is.” She smiled still gawking over Rue’s wonderful gel style.
The Bartender seemed to take in the patron, but if he was put off by the almost…demanding tone, it did not show on his calm features. “Of course, ma'am, I will adjust accordingly.” He bowed his head and then set to making the drink.
He reached for the middle shelf and pulled an ornate looking bottle of Bourbon Whiskey and set it down. In a collins glass, he poured the other ingredients: chile liqueur, açaí Liqueur, some white grape juice, and a splash of lemon juice. He then uncorked the whiskey, poured, and was careful to add an extra count, by the patrons request, to top it off.
He slid the glass and the red, vibrant colored drink inside it towards the patron. “First one is always on the house, ma'am. Enjoy.”
Remy grabs the drink and through force of will downs the entire thing in one go, face red when she is finished. “Another, if you would. Although I know it is bad manners to treat an artisans work like common food so I promise to take more time.” She turns to let out a small, choked cough, “Ah, this time with… extra grape juice.”
The Bartender grins faintly. “Coming right up, with extra grape juice.” He went through the same motions again, the movements precise, no wasted movement. Yet the face remained perfectly calm.
After a few moments, a new drink replaced the finished one. “Extra Grape Jet Juice,” he bowed his head and then retreated to attend to the two Severian Principate researchers at the end of the bar, talking softly with them before going about fixing them another round.
Nash stood proudly in the entrance of the Hotel, fists balled on his hips as he beamed a smile at those just inside.
He realized quickly by the looks he was receiving that something was off about him. Was it the Boots? The various belts strapped around numerous parts of his body? The chains that danged from him? The obviously punk fit that clashed hardcore with the dresses and suits around him? The hair?
He reached up and clicked the headphones around his neck off, instead smoothly transitioning to a small earpiece that would more subtly assault his eardrum with rapid beats.
Now that he was Incognito, he swaggered further into the hotel. After a few minutes of wandering And being told more than once that an area was for staff only he finally jiived his way into the bar. He didn’t Know this is where he’d find his mark, but he suspected it was the best place to start. His intuition proved true, as the familar hair, tail, and horn combo was spotted from across the room.
With no open seats next to Kerissa, he decided he had to make due with what was available. And what was available was a single seat, smack between two women.
Well, if he had to.
Nash slipped into the seat next to both Remalia and Erinyes, giving them both a once over and a friendly smile. With Erinyes being busy, he turned his attention upon the poor Remalia. “Hey, sorry to bother. I’m looking for someone, think you could help me real quick?” He didn’t bother hiding his voice. Unless Kerissa was busy, she’d likely make him pretty quickly.
<@645466919415054357> <@147021450706944000> <@432543120635461643>
“You said you would give me the first one, not the Jet thing… everybody is lying to me today.” Regardless, she claims her drink and faces forward, looking down until Nash approaces from behind. In response to his question she turns slightly to look at him, now blinking more often than is strickly normal “I don’t know anyone here unless you are looking for Esen. That is likely the point of me being here in the first place.” Remy makes a small, rhythmic sound not unlike hiccups. She stops, startled. “I… apologize, I don’t know what that was.” Thinking the interaction ended, Remy faces forward again, slightly swaying.
“Oh, welcome back, Master Brelon. Please, you are most welcome, please.”
Alk certainly agreed with this sentiment. He hopped down and greeted the man again, taking as many pets as he would be given.
As Esen went on, the hybrid had begun taking notes in his notebook about hair gel and holds and sprays when she arrived at her question, causing him to look up.
“Oh! Um.” Rue considered. It was not terribly cold outside, but it was not very soft – all marble and concrete and lights off the surrounding city. He looked worriedly to Alk, and then turned a hopeful, terribly shy smile back to the Zeltron. “I would be honored to spend more time with you, M– Esen, and to do your hair and perhaps have the h-honor of becoming friends. However, this one does not live here. I can camp outside alright until morning, but I would ask the favor if Alk be allowed to stay with you, since Miss has a room? I would rather he be comfortable and safe.”
“Oh. That’s okay! Some other time, hmm? Here let me get you my holo pad contact code. Maybe we can meet up sometime when we both aren’t busy.”
She reached into her bag pulling out a small, yellow notepad, and a pen. Uncapped the pen, scribbled her contact code, and handed it over to him.
“Are we not friends already?” She pauses for a moment, contemplating.
“I only give my contact code to those I see as friends. You’re a friend in my book.” She gives a nod of approval and a slight smile.
Brelon smiled at Rue, “You can just call me Brelon, not a master of anything yet.”
When Alk jumped off the seat and came over to him, Brelon was happy to give him a little hug, then started in with the petting and scritching of ears and horn and under chin. Finally, he got up with one last pet on Alk’s head.
He took the seat beside Esen, flashing her a charming grin. “Hope you don’t mind me sitting here, do you?”
Then he looked over at Rue, noticing the change in hairstyle. “You’re hair looks wonderful, Rue.”
‘Warm and taste, warm and tasty, that’s right’
She grabbed another piece and sipped from her drink with a big smile on her face, it seemed to be working.
“Stale bread is sad bread, this ain’t sad at all. Especially not when buttered up properly!” Zag had a determined look on her face and her voice radiated with confidence.
“I could probably teach someone a thing or two about gambling, but eh, can’t teach luck.”
“Well. Not normal luck.”
Kerissa laughed lightly, raising her empty glass into the air with a performative flick of her finger and having it land within easy reach whenever the bartender was back again. “Ill take another whenever you’ve got a minute, thank you.” She spoke when he glanced down with a questioning look.
She looked back to meet Zag’s gaze with a sly smile. “Well you’re doing a fine job of buttering. You’re an expert, really.”
Her smile that froze in place at a familiar voice behind her. She resisted the urge to look but a flicker of panic surged through her.
When Thane excused himself for an urgent holocall—Deputy Grand Masters doing Deputy Grand Master things—Erinyes turned to the bartender, glancing up from the “specialty menu”. “This is quite the selection. You must have an incredible supplier.”
Rue shyly took the number, torn between disappointment that they would not spend tomorrow also seeing each other and happiness at being considered a friend. The latter won out, of course; new friends were a blessing from the Goddess Herself.
“Thank you, Esen. I am honored to be your friend and will guard your contact code with my life,” he swore solemnly, teary around his bright smile. That smile then turned to Brelon as Alk was pet and the man slide in beside Esen. “Thank you kindly, just Sir Brelon. Would you like to have yours done similarly? Or if you do not like the hair gel, this one is also quite good at braids.”
He easily brushed the dismissal off as if it didn’t happen. “No no, see, she’s about this tall” he threw his hand into the air, palm down to indicate a height. “She’s got this bright hair, and cute little tail that’s way more ticklish than she’ll admit. You’ll know her if you’ve seen her”
He leaned back on the bar, turned on his side to face Remy. “Don’t know an Esen. But let’s see, what else.” He faux contemplated for a moment before he snapped his fingers. “Ah, she’s got absolutely terrible taste in music. Listens to some trash called Pulse or something. Oh maybe you saw her carrying a book around? She would show up at a place like this and find a corner to read in.”
Across the room, with his keen hearing, Rue’s breath hitched in a hiccup, and he briefly hid his tears by wiping at his eyes and tilting his head so his bangs distracted.
Whoever this person was to be lucky enough to be close to Kerissa…it indeed sounded like her.
Remy turns back, thinking about how silly and useless these descriptions are, and makes another sound, managing to note it sounds similar to what she has heard others call laughter. Stilling herself, she responds. “I don’t listen to music or know what you would classify as ‘cute.” Trying to remain composed, she turns to the woman on her other side of her and taps her shoulder. “Apologies miss. This… respectable… person is looking for someone, but I just got here. Could you assist?” She struggles to keep from giggling again as she tries to find polite descriptors for the man she might call a “thug.” “I am beginning to feel a bit abnormal, but I don’t wish to simply leave him… hanging?” The casual phrase felt abnormal, and she gave a small snort. <@160141735354171394> <@432543120635461643>
The Bartender bowed slightly. “Only the finest at the Flitz,” he recited the company line.
“So I see.” Erinyes resisted the urge to raise an eyebrow. She’d have to have someone look into who this bartender was, and whether he could be persuaded to work for the Brotherhood more often. Good help was hard to find these days.
“Mind if I take this with me to look over for later? I’ll have a Rodian Splice with whiskey in the meantime.”
Overhearing that was well, which was more concerning than it was another emotional blow to the heart, Rue briefly glanced over while he waited for Brelon’s answer. Remalia said she felt poorly, but was…over there. He could not just go over, and shouting would be rude…and also disrupt the one person he was seeking to leave in peace.
Also Alk was good at fetching and delivering now but not with things on paper. Those were always just food.
With a concentrated effort that beaded sweat down his back and underarms, the hybrid focused on sending a short message to the magnolia woman. His mental voice, rarely used, was less a timid whisper than his physical one, with a stronger “accent,” like a sonorous susurrus of a spring breeze through sweet, tall grasses.
Hello Just Remalia this is Just Rue Also of Clan Kendis. If you feel abnormal I can heal you or help regulate your symptoms if described to me. Okay, thank you, apologies.
Brelon smiled warmly at Rue, arching a brow at the wave of emotions he saw flicker over Rue’s face. Hoping to make Rue feel better, he nodded. “I don’t care much for Gel in my hair but you’re welcome to braid my hair if you would like to, I don’t mind.”
He held a hand out to Alk, so the Mott could come back over and get more petting under the table if he wanted to. He also took a casual glance around the room taking note of where everyone was. It had gotten surprisingly crowded since he’d first come in.
“Of course I don’t mind. The more the merrier.” She slid farther into the booth, making room for him to sit, dragging her plate of salad with her.
“How was your dinner?” She said before taking another bite of her chicken. Peaking around him at the bar, keeping tabs on how Remalia is doing. Seeing as she was talking to others and not *just * the bartender, was a good sign. She sighed in relief. Not only was she talking to others… was she… giggling? Esen’s eyebrow quirked.
As Esen scooted over and began to eat and Brelon spoke, Rue blinked back into focus at the table, tension dropping from his body with the connection broken. He smiled and wriggled at Brelon’s acceptance, happy to have a Thing to Do and (hopefully) Be Good At.
“Okay!” chirruped the hybrid. Reminded by Esen eating her salad, he shoved a few bites into his mouth to chew before standing up to move behind Brelon.
“Pardon, this one, Sir,” he murmured before reaching to handle the hair. His touch was ever so gentle as he pulled at locks and then used his tail to compensate for his missing arm. Despite that, he braided quickly, smoothly, and intricately, humming all the while. Obviously, all the movements were extremely practiced, indicating the injury to be at least somewhat old and the braiding to be habitual.
“Does Sir Brelon like animals very much? Esen also does she says. Everyone loves Alk.”
As Rue moved over to work on his hair, Brelon sat up straight, though he was still able to pet Alk as the mott pushed his head into his lap. He smiled happily.
“I do love animals. My master has a whole lot of them, all different kinds, including a pair of Motts. Her home is almost like a Zoo, but all the animals are well loved and cared for. Some of them I’d say are almost spoiled, especially her Voorpaks that stay with her almost everywhere she goes, unless its somewhere dangerous then they stay home. Have you ever seen a Voorpak, Rue?”
He was content to chat away while Rue worked, and he tried to be a good hair patron by keeping very still unless Rue directed him to move his head a certain way.
“If it isn’t too personal a question, what planets do you two call home? Feel free to tell me to mind my own business if you aren’t comfortable answering, its fine. Master Rasilvenaira tells me that all the time.”
He chuckled softly, trying to put the two at ease.
Rue shook his head, though realizing Brelon would not see, answered aloud as he made a delicate hair rose at the intersection of the lamboid and sagittal sutures of the man’s skull.
“No, Sir, this one has never seen a creature called a ‘voorpak.’ Or, I do not think so. I know more flora than fauna. It is pleased though to hear of more Motts!” He was quiet another moment, then supplied, deciding that since they were friends it was alright to give such information: “This one lives on a planet called the Selen. It is very nice there. Almost always there is sunlight. And the ocean. It is nice, to feel these things on the skin. Where is Brelon from? Is Brelon’s Master…kind to him?”
He glanced at Esen, then back over at Remalia. She called the Lieutenant Breeze her master, but Master Sulvir Remalia’s, but then they did not like the titles…which was correct?
Brelon listened, then smiled. “Selen sounds lovely, so much nicer than where I come from. I was born on Coruscant, not sure if you’ve ever heard of it or not. It’s basically just one giant city, the whole planet. Too much duracrete and steel, and too many people. It’s why I left when I could once I was a teenager. I snuck onto a ship and never looked back. Still to this day haven’t gone back there. and I don’t miss it at all. Now I live on a world called Seraph. That’s where Ras lives too, my master. I call her that out of respect, for all that she’s taught me over the years. She’s firm, but kind in her own way, though she seldom admits that.”
He chuckled lightly, “Well, best way to describe a Voorpak is a ball of soft fluffy fur with eight long spindly little legs, the adults are about the size of an orange, then babies are much smaller. About like fuzzy grapes when they’re little. I think you’d like them, they’re very friendly creatures.”
He tilted his head at Rue’s direction and continued, happy to chat while Rue worked on his hair.
“Ras has two Motts, a male and female pair, Taaku and Resha. They’re bigger than Alk, but just as friendly and they love ear scritches and the male likes belly rubs too. I think she’s going to have a litter of Motts soon, last I heard the female was expecting again.”
“Of course, Lady Emissary,” the Bartender responded easily. He then moved through the practiced motions of pulling the ingredients. Coffee liqueur went first, then the cream liqueur, and finally a pour of whiskey in a short glass.
He carefully slid it towards the Zeltron.
“Thanks, friend.” Erinyes raised her glass to freedom in salute, reminding herself to leave a tip later, then turned to survey the rest of the bar’s patrons as she sipped.
Kerissa took a long drink of her new cocktail and slowly turned her head. She offered a smile to Remy, before narrowing her eyes at Nash.
“Well you’re in luck, you found him his target.” She pointed a grey-purple finger toward the punk, “And you don’t need to worry about calling him respectable, though are you okay? They serve water too if they poured you something too strong.”
Remy absentmindedly takes another drink as her eyes flick down to the tail in question and nearly does a spit-take as she thinks on Nashs comment. “Do not worry, I had intended to… this, hehe. Although I had expected to be more resilient, I will take this opportunity to practice retaining control under influence of foreign materials.” As she elaborates, she waves a placating hand at Rue from across the room. She then looks over her shoulder at the man with too much frivolous flash for anyone. “But should I be worried about him? He wears his headphones like a… like… I worry he will disturb the peace.” Remys mind seems to be slowly becoming more muddled, and she has to devote more of her focus to retaining full control. <@160141735354171394> <@244244163002892288>
The butter knife skills were improving her mood and turning it away from melancholy, but after some sips from her drink she did the buttering a lot more aggressively.
“What is in these drinks?!”
“Oh how exciting! A litter of Mott’s eh? I hope they grow up to be big, strong, happy, and healthy.” She ate another bite.
Occasionally peering between Rue’s work and Remalia at the bar. Trying not to look too much at Brelon’s hair to hopefully avoid making Rue nervous under prying eyes, though the work did look absolutely fantastic.
Swallowing her bite of food,
“Oh, uh. Sorry. To answer your question from earlier, I’m from all over. But currently I reside on Port Ol’Val. Minds a bit preoccupied at the moment. I do apologize.” Before taking another bite.
“Typically alcohol, ma'am,” the Bartender quipped, his professional, calm mask slipping for a moment.
“Ahhh, now I get it, it all makes sense!” Despite the effects of her drinking, Zag checked her pockets to see if anything was missing, just in case a certain kleptomaniac decided to ‘trade’ something again.
“So, I guess I haven’t been Wynning much these last few weeks, but I had no idea you baked this well,” there was a sense of assertiveness in the Zygerrian’s voice, “what’re you researching this time, "bartender”?“ Zag made quotation marks with a gesture, her emerald eyes glimmering as she studied him.
“He already did.” Kerissa spoke dryly, though not without amusement as she looked between the two women on either side of her. “I’d say its a height thing but..”
She straightened enough to make it clear she wasn’t that much taller than the other two women.
Knocking back the rest of the glass, she placed it back down onto the counter and shrugged with a small grin. “Well, I’m feeling fine and I’m not far behind Zag here on drink count. I might’ve had more practise though it seems.”
Rue very much liked the sound of the voorpak. It sounded nice and cute. He would like to see one. Also the Motts. Alk had never been around his own kind.
Could they have a playdate.
His thoughts here were turned by Esen’s answer, to which he exclaimed, “Oh! Esen! You are on The Oval? That is by Selen! We are neighbors.” He leaned down around Brelon so that he could look at her, again very serious. “Esen. Listen. If someone tries to do commerce with you for medicine. Do not do it. You do not have to take the medicine. It is called ‘Street drugs’ and they can be fatal. Please be careful.”
With that warning gravely delivered, he went back to finishing the braid, tying off the end and returning to his seat with a, “Okay, done!”
Brelon flashed Esen a bright grin when Rue declared he was done. “How’s my hair look now?”
Then he turned his gaze back to Rue, “Thank you, truly, my hair feels great. I expected the braiding to make it feel heavier but somehow you made it feel lighter, I love it.”
He arched a brow at the grave warning Rue gave to Esen, then added his two credits. “Yeah that stuff is horribly common on Nar Shaddaa, I spent a few years stuck there, worst place to live, ever. At least it was for me. I was very glad when I met Rasilvenaira and she showed me a better path.”
Then he glanced back to Rue, “Where did you learn to do the hair braiding so well?”
Wyndell Tyris: Golden Envoy, realized he had let something slip and almost winced. But his eyes sparkled as he kept his act up, thankful for the prosthetic mustache and the time he took to make sure it was authentic and not a rush job.
“No research, Miss Umagi,” he replied. “Just doing my part as a humble servant.
He managed a quick wink before turning to attend to other patrons.
One of Erinyes’ ears twitched at the conversation between the bartender and the other patron, the momentary blaséness and the emphasis of words that sounded like a pun. She glanced in that direction to take in the scene over another sip of her drink. It seemed the barman was talking to… Zag, was it? Alaisy’s snack-loving Zygerrian pilot. That must be who “Miss Umagi” was. It wasn’t a surprise that a bartender at the Flitz would know everyone by name, but there was definitely something odd about this one.
The silver-haired Echani watches as the doors slide open at his approach, tentatively stepping inside as his blue eyes scan the interior and its inhabitants behind the red glasses. There’s a clear trepidation in his slow steps inwards, but his eyes speak to curiosity as they dart about the various items decorating the innards of the building.
When he inevitably steps far enough within and enough decorations have been examined, Azler’s focus eventually turns to the man behind the desk, then immediately the sign behind him. A conflicted feeling crosses his face once more as he reads it, clearly in doubt, but he tears his gaze away to view one of the display pieces as he approaches it, seemingly examining the art as he attempts to relax.
The Concierge glanced up from his desk at the new commer, but remained in place, watching from behind thick rimmed glasses.
After examining the target for a bit, genuinely seeming to admire the craftsmanship once his thoughts allowed it, the Priest begins a slow pace circling the room’s half without bystanders. While the interest on his face is clear, so is the slowness of his movements from one to the next. For better or worse, however, the room is only so big and time does whittle down its size until the man finds himself approaching the desk.
“A wonderful entrance your lot have set up here, the details I had heard before coming here did not do it due justice,” the Echani praises as he approaches. “Quite a number of people would be afraid to have such work on display at the very front of their households, a bit further away from the dangers of the outside, but I suppose that’s the reason for the sign?”
While Brelon, Esen, and Rue chatted about silly things like braiding hair – of which he had none – and not doing drugs, kids – which were not tasty unlike leaves and shoelaces – Alk elected to resume his diplomottic duties. He had already greeted most everyone in the dining hall, and now trotted back out into the lobby.
(Thankfully, still in Rue’s sightline, back at the table.)
Spying another new person, and also the canine fellow like Savi’s, the small, tuxedoed Mott trotted up and inspected one of the Echani’s hands, giving a sniff and snort of greeting. He also made a noise towards the charhound that meant hullo in fourlegs.
<@161700228347461632> <@189568236201705472>
Charron smiled easily. “Eos City is very low on crime. Something about our… proprietors oversight, I’d care to wager,” he speculated, likely referencing the proximity to the Dark Ascent, seat of power for the Brotherhood and the Grand Master himself.
“The facilities are open to all members of the Brotherhood and guest. May I be of any service, Mr. Wilder?”
Remy closes her eyes tightly for a second, like shes trying to clear her head. “Well I’m sorry I’m not in the habit of poisoning myself regularly for recreation.” She turns around, chuckling again at the very idea of alcohol before speaking back to Nash. “She says she hates you and that your hair looks like the galactic standard for general color of plant life, and that repeatedly stabbing yourself for the purpose of decoration is simply fool-” She breaks and drops her head down on the counter, shaking with silent laughter. <@160141735354171394>
Azler’s eyes flick to his side, then down to the small creature now standing next to him. “Oh, hello there,” he says with a soft chuckle. He holds his hand a bit more deliberately out for the critter to sniff more if he wished, but also at such an angle that if it wanted pets, it could easily rub against it.
Glancing back to the man at the desk, he tilts his head slightly in curiosity. “It seems you have me at a disadvantage, am I expected or something Mister…?” Azler asks, a slight tinge of concern in his voice.
“Reddick. Charon Reddick,” he bowed his head politely. “Head Concierge for the Flitz line of hotels, sponsored by the Envoy Corps.”
“Ah, that explains a bit,” responds the Echani, eyes downcasting in thought for the briefest moment before flicking back up to the man. “Well, a pleasure to meet you Mr. Reddick.”
His gaze again returns to the sign behind the man. “Believe me, I have no intentions of breaking any, this universe could use more places like this, but I have to inquire - how well enforced are these rules, how often do they get broken? You see small attempts at ‘neutral zones’ and ‘peace communities’ scattered about, but most either don’t last long or get devoured by more violently intentioned organizations.”
Alk rubbed against the offered hand graciously in greeting, accepting more pets while the two talked.
Charon nodded thoughtfully. “All good questions,” he thought over his wording for a moment.
“The Brotherhood has operated in the shadows of empires and republics alike. Our wars have spanned the outer rim and unknown territories, with influence spreading even into the Core worlds. Our home, here on Arx, was attacked and invaded but we endured and faught back. We’ve been challenged by rival organizations, made new allies and enemies in the process, yes.”
He idly adjusted the sleeve of his suit jacket. “Violence in our history and perhaps in our nature. However, the Envoy Corps was founded with the altruistic intention of being better. The Brotherhood is not an organization to be feared, but to be respected and sought after. That, Mister Wilder, is why we are here.”
He gestured around. “You can also see the resources at our disposal. The Grand Master himself backed the Envoy Corps’ foundation, and we do aim to ensure that these facilities stick to our standards.”
As he shifted, Azler didn’t need to look hard to see that the humble concierge was built like a holoball athlete, broad shoulders, strong jawline, and attentive eyes. Former special forces, perhaps?
The Echani chuckles and rubs the top of the beast’s head, ruffling its ears as he listens to the well-dressed man.
Kerberos tilted his nose up, but knew enough to hang back as the other helped greet the guest. He had rounds to do, anyway. The Charrhound padded off and disapeared stealthily from the Lobby.
Alk, watching the friend go, tried to pad after. However, his vision was Not Amazing according to the holonet and one zoology friend.
His nose, though, was quite good, and he circled around the lobby, trying to follow the charhound’s smell.
His body language visibly soften at Charon’s words, an almost relieved look on his face. “Honestly, that is possibly the best news I have heard. Last time I was in the proverbial neighborhood, the brotherhood was still back on Antei. Fighting and backstabbing was the name of the game, and if you didn’t victimize someone else, well, then you were surely to be the victim,” he says with a tired tone. “I had heard of this Envoy Corps, but admittedly figured it was, shall we say, a sweet fairy tale to dream about.”
The Echani shifts his footing and glances about again, taking note once more of how well established this establishment was presenting itself to be as the man had indicated. “How long has this monument to cordial talks been here? There have been more Grand Masters than I care to count, and I do not wish to presume you mean the current without certainty.”
“About two years, now, but more chains will open as business continues to grow. The Envoy Corps’ mission is to foster operational teams consisting of the best of the best across the Brotherhood- regardless of clan, rank, or histroy,” the Conceriege spoke, his voice calm, but proud.
Nash was beaming ear to ear, not even the slurred rudness from Remalia could dent his bright defense, he even laughed at the same time she broke out in silent giggling. “Hey now, I didn’t do all this stabbing by myself. I hired a very talented artist to make me suffer for a few hours.”
He then flipped his hair dramatically, the glowing strands falling into neat place. “It’s like they say, Fashion takes suffering.” He cast a wink over Remalia to Kerissa, then looked back down at the drunk woman.
“Would you mind asking her if she’d be alright covering my room at the hotel? They were very hard to get a message to” He didn’t really bother to check if his compad was set up correctly, and the poor receptionist that took his call only got wind and the growl of an engine in response to her inquiries. But naturally, it did not stop Nash from showing anyway.
“Fashion is wasted effort and art is a distraction for the mind,” she said, somehow with the air of both dry recitation and pomposity. Remy pulls herself back up and has a slight look of confusion. “Why are you asking me? She’s right there, unless…” She straightens, bowing her head, the sway more noticable now. “I didn’t realize you were hard of hearing. She did not say those things, I just made them up because she was being negative and I thought you could hear her, so I overexaggerated because… was that supposed to be a joke?” She frowns at herself, and then realizes she’s frowning and smoothes her face again. “I see now you are also hard of sight, accounting for your… not seeing her in the first place. Maybe you should consider another artist, your current one might be using… lead, or… another toxic compound that is dulling your senses…” Remy finally seems to notice that she has almost completely lost her composure and is now focusing as hard as she can on regaining it. <@432543120635461643>
“Good to know.. though I usually stray away from things like that.” She ponders off before snapping back to the conversation at hand.
“Ah yes, Selen… I resided in Selen for about 18 months or so. Originally I went to Selen for a trip.” She laughs shaking her head.
“Loved it so much I ended up joining the Dajorran Military.” She takes a sip of water, not too eager to elaborate further.
As Rue finished up Brelon’s hair, “Oh my goodness, it looks amazing, Rue. Have you considered taking up a job as a hair stylist? Brelon you look rather dashing.” Nodding enthusiastically before taking another bite of her meal.
“I literally have super hearing you goof.” Kerissa said, leaning forward onto the bar again and sticking her tongue out at Nash, though there was a strain to her expression. Her gaze flickered from him to the room behind them. Erinyes standing with the Deputy Grandmaster only a few paces away.
This was not a safe place. Not truly.
The strain that faded into amusement at Remy’s tussel back and forth with herself. “Do you want a water or something? I think we should get her some water.”
She looked down the bar for the surprisingly swift man.
Remy pounds he fist down on the counter, “No! If I cannot overcome such a common poison than I do not deserve my position and must return to serquerstering my…” Despite her decleration, she stumbles and falls into another giggle fit at tripping over her own tongue. <@160141735354171394>
“Miss Esen! Is also on Selen? This is wonderful. Perhas we really can meet again to do the hair.” He beamed and blushed at the compliments. Shook his head, eyes dropping. “This one has never thought of being… anything. It is very much still just to be a ‘person.’ It is so difficult.”
Without his permission , his gaze flashed over to Kerissa at the bar, to her laughter. To the one who had most raged that he was a person.
“Everyone gets… Very upset, very quickly, at this one’s…ways. It is trying to relearn. It was very good before. But not in the Outside. It still does have questions,” he acknowledged Esen’s earlier remarks, choking back the grief and hurt again, “but it is learning. Perhaps, one day, a hair stylist is a possibility.”
A lie. A sin. But one he had learned, by example, was considered better. Kerissa did it. Elly did it. Not telling things. Not telling intentions. ‘Little White lies.’
“…This one never considered it. I only want to heal people. And for the litluns to be happy. So, perhaps.”
He wobbled a smile, then sat back down on his side and kindly touched Esen’s hand.
“You are worried about Miss Remalia. You keep looking. You should go join her. Do not feel burdened to stay with this one. I will eat these things and sit. Sir Brelon, you also can go, if you want. Or this one can tell you of the braiding.”
Brelon listened to the conversation, not wanting to interrupt. But when Rue mentioned him leaving, he shook his head. “No, I’ll stay here. I want to hear more about the braiding, please. Besides that, when Alk comes back he’ll probably want more petting, so I can do that too.”
He turned to catch the eye of one of the serving droids and waved it over. “Could I get a glass of ice water please?”
Once the droid acknowledged his order, he turned back to Rue, “I don’t think I’d be any good at braiding, but I’ve always liked how braids can look. You’re hair looks wonderful, with or without the gel. So you are very talented.”
Another shy smile was drawn from the strange hybrid at Brelon’s excessive praises and attention to Alk. Obedient to his word, he picked at his salad and mumbled another, “thank you,” blushing so hard his eyes squinched.
After some rapid chewing, he commented, “This one is sure you could do very well. It is not special. This one merely has many decades of practice. It has been braiding all its life.”
The words might seem odd, given Rue looked no more than in his late twenties to early thirties, if that, having a certain agelessness about him and his colorful features all the more enchanting.
“It…was difficult, to relearn, with only one hand. But also this took but practice, with my tail.”
Orion Gale stepped through the doorway of the Flitz Hotel. Glancing around, he was surprised by what he found. The decor gave it a classier vibe than perhaps he was expecting, but not in an overly done manner - it was just enough. It was impressive, beautiful, even. It definitely wasn’t the type of place he was used to. He’d been in all kinds of establishments, some quite nice, and maybe at this level or close to it. But sadly it was usually when he was on a bodyguard job back in the day, before he had made his way to join in on things with Reiden. Never for personal trips. He always told himself that he’d find some time to stay at such a place one day, but that day had never come. He made a mental note to make it happen, for real this time. He’d wanted to travel around some more lately, so maybe a vacation was due. Of course that left one question: would he be able to slip away?
Probably. He did have some good connections, and surely he wasn’t needed all the time.
He had to be on Arx for a little business with Reiden, so this was almost like a mini vacation for him, and he had even booked a room. He was going to enjoy this.
The faint echo of his steps sounded in his ears as he crossed the floor. Keen eyes swept the lobby. He noted the decorations once more, where people were, possible exits. Up ahead, he spotted someone speaking with the concierge. He angled that way to check in, pace slowing slightly so as to allow them their time. He was in no rush.
Brelon tipped his head to one side as he listened to Rue. He found Rue completely fascinating. He was sure he was a hybrid of some sort but he couldn’t figure out of what, but it didn’t really matter either, aside from idle curiosity.
At the reference to his missing hand, Brelon nodded, but didn’t want to make Rue uncomfortable asking anything about it. Nor did he want to make him self conscious so he only briefly glanced at the shorter arm before glancing back to his glass of water.
He took a sip, enjoying the cold of it. “Well I could try to learn, I think it would be fun to do something different with my hair sometimes. I probably need to get it trimmed again since it’s been getting unruly again. You know, I never thought about it, but I should also ask my master. Ras often braids her hair, though nothing as fancy. She just does it to keep her hair out of her way while working.”
Then he seemed to remember something, and pulled out a small datapad from his pocket and keyed in a few things then slid it over to Rue. “That’s one of Ras’ Voorpaks, so you know what they look like.”
“Would you like this one to teach you?” Rue offered, still rosey with flush and speaking softly. Though, when Brelon showed off the datapad and he saw the picture, he immediately sat forward in his seat with a trill.
“It is adorable!” he all but squealed, clearly enamored with the creepypasta bug demon floof critter.
The Priest gives a surprised look, but then nods. “As long as the people running the place know that infinite growth is impossible, that does sound like aa good goal.”
Azler takes a few steps to the side, incase others wish to approach, but also giving him a bit of movement to think. He never did ‘sit’ still very well. “Honestly, you’re selling me on the notion pretty well. I’m not certain of how well I could do at a hotel, but your boss may get a job application from me soon,” he says with a chuckle. “What brought you into the fold? From your tone, my guess would be at very least that you have some reason to hope it succeeds, but I don’t think the benefits and retirement plan were what sold you on it.”
Alk had circled the lobby several times, but had not been able to discover where the charhound went to. Defeated, he clopped back to the podium, towards Azler, only to catch another familiar scent– that of a friend!
As Orion waited, he soon found himself greeted by a Mott trotting up expectantly in a tuxedo and totally double monocles that were always there with a sash and Envoy broach made out of carefully folded yellow ribbon to mimic one of the gold medallions. A snout sniffed at Orion and headbutted his hand.
Brelon grinned at his new friend’s reaction to the Voorpak. “I thought you’d like it. Wait till you see them in person.”
He pulled a small datacard out of another pocket. “Here, this has my contact information on it. If you ever want to get a hold of me that’s how you can. And if you ever get to Seraph, let me know. I know Ras would love to meet you too, and she’d be delighted to talk critters with you. She does love her critter family.”
“Also, if you would like to try teaching me, I would be honored to learn from you.”
Rue took the card carefully, with the same solemnity that he had Esen’s comm code.
“I will write you messages, if this is wanted by you also,” he promised, and tucked it away in his journal as well. Then he rearranged his things, juggling his basket of flowers and his satchel and setting them under the table so that he could scoot over. He gestured to the seat beside him, his tail settling. “This one can show you if you like. I have taught many litluns.”
Brelon nodded, smiling warmly, “I would love to get messages letting me know how you’re doing, feel free any time to send me a message.”
He waited for Rue to get everything situated, then obediently switched seats to sit beside Rue. He chuckled softly, “Well, then just call me a slightly bigger litlun then.”
Taking in a deep breath, he settled himself to actually focused on what Rue was going to teach him, taking it seriously since the offer was made so sincerely. “I’m ready,” he said, glancing over to Rue.
The droid returned with the water as requested. It hovered, waiting to see if anything else was required by the patrons.
He looked up and thanked the droid for the water, then glanced over to Rue, “Did you need or want anything else to eat or drink?”
Charon considered the words of the Priest and seemed to calculate his response with a rehearsed ease.
“I’ve served the Brotherhood for many years in different capacities. When I saw the offer to put skills I had…not been able to utilize in my former line of work, it did not take much persuasion from the former Voice. Lord Tyris and I worked closely together before, and his trust in me means more than perhaps I can share without breaking a few…non disclosure agreements.”
“All of that to say, it is my privledge to serve in this position.*
“Um.” He looked at the table. He was still eating his salad and needed to try the chocolates. “Perhaps…the cocoas now?”
With Brelon next to him, the other man was close enough now to see the gradient of his scales and their floral shape, the patterns of four petals, and the way his eyelashes and brows were the same gradient as his hair and tail, all metallic, glinting in the lights around them. Said tail timidly curled up between their thighs, and the tip with its long, sleek hair, laid for Brelon to mess with; said hair was a little longer than his own locks.
“P-please, um, please d-do no-not pull, on, um,” his voice suddenly shook badly as he touched higher up his tail, indicating the body of it. “But! T-this is fine. So. Take the strands like this…”
He demonstrated how to cross strands over one another to make a plait.
Brelon nodded and smiled as he looked back to the droid, “Two hot cocoas please.”
His warm hazel eyes studied Rue a moment, then he shook his head. “Rue, you are my friend. I would never do anything to hurt you. I won’t pull your tail. I promise I will be careful.”
He focused attention on Rue’s instructions. Carefully he picked up the strands of soft hair and laid one strand over the other as Rue showed him. He kept on until he had succeeded in braiding all the hair in the end of Rue’s tail. Some of the strands were a little crooked or coming loose, but most were passable.
Finally finished, he looked back up to Rue. “Well what do you think for my first attempt?”
Rue, tense a bit, seemed to relax mildly at the reassurance. While they braided together he hummed a tune, and as Brelon finished, he beamed at him.
“That’s just wonderful, Brelon!” Rue chirped, lightly touching his arm. “Just like that! Over and over with the strands and plaits. You can make many numbers of plaits to make more complex braids. And there are several styles…but this is a start. You can keep practicing if you want on your hair, or mine.”
His newly-braided tail flicked happily at the tip.
At Rue’s cheerful praise, Belon grinned brightly. He felt quite accomplished to have finished and not accidentally pulling any of the hairs too much.
“Thank you, your hair is so soft. It’s so easy to work with. I don’t think my hair is this soft.” Then he tilted his head, thinking a moment before looking back to Rue. “Are you sure you don’t mind me taking it all out and starting over? I wouldn’t mind trying again while we wait for the droid to bring our cocoas. Maybe I can do it without you showing me this time?”
He chuckled softly, “I don’t think I’ll be up to doing anything too fancy like you can do, but maybe I’ll at least master the basic starting point of it, hm?” <@189568236201705472>
“I do not mind at all. And your hair is quite soft. It was pleasant to braid.”
His tail lifted just enough to lay in Brelon’s hand, a clear go ahead as to taking the braid out to redo.
The droid nodded and disappeared to fulfill the order.
Brelon laughed lightly. “I’m glad you enjoyed working on my hair, it feels great after you worked on it. I’ll have to start wearing braids more often.”
When Rue’s tail lightly moved to lay in his hand he nodded. With careful, gentle fingers he took his time to work through each plait, undoing each one and lightly smoothing out the hair strands afterwards. Once he finally had all the braids undone, he gently brushed his fingers through the silky, soft hair. Then he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled as he began to separate strands and crossing them over and back like Rue had shown him.
While he might not be good at everything, one thing he’d always prided himself on was his learning abilities. He had always been a quick study on everything he encountered in life. It was something that had more than once saved his life. But this was also soothing on some level he’d never considered before. He knew there was a fragile trust with a new being he called a friend. But still they hadn’t known each other more than a few hours. Rue was trusting him to not harm him, and he was trusting Rue to share his knowledge.
While he slowly but steadily worked his way back through each braid, the rest of the hotel faded to background noise. He soon found himself humming softly, barely loud enough for anyone but Rue to hear. Finally, he brushed a few stray hairs into place, then looked up to Rue and smiled.
“How did I do?”
Nash copied the tongue sticking out motion back towards Kerissa before looking down at the struggling woman between them. “Darling, no one can withstand this standard poison. It’s why it’s so commonly used, it’s effective.” His bright grin didn’t fade, entirely unaware of the seriousness of the situation around him.
To further accentuate this, his amber gaze was cast around the room, and he wonder aloud (quite loudly) “This place have a Microphone system?”
Rue’s humming changed when Brelon started, harmonizing to match him. They made quite the peaceful little corner of the room, just soft tunes and soft trust, braiding hair and sharing space. It probably didn’t fit the typical atmosphere of The Flitz. But it fit them in that moment.
“Absolutely lovely again,” Rue praised effusively, smiling. “You are… This one believes the expression is, the natural? You learn quickly. A much larger litlun indeed.” He recalled that in a way, he had not answered Brelon’s original question. “My grandmother taught me a long, long time ago, when I was very small. She would be pleased that now you know too.”
Brelon grinned brightly. Honest praise of his efforts always made him happy. It was one reason of many he liked his master. He could always count on any praise from her to be honest, and thus, deserved. Rasilvenaira never sugarcoated things, nor did she believe in random praises for half efforts. She had always been firm, but fair.
“Thank you, Rue. If you think she’d be proud, then I’m glad I was able to learn it.” He sighed softly. “I never new any grand parents if I had them. My parents both died in a shuttle accident when I was seven. I got passed around to a few families but by the time I was ten I was on the streets because no one else wanted to take me in. But I think I turned out alright.”
“The droid should be back soon with our cocoa, been a while since I’ve had it, I’m looking forward to it.” <@189568236201705472>
“` The droid returned and placed the cups of cocoa down carefully. They were in ornate looking mugs with little spoons.
"Enjoy, patrons.” “`
Rue was about to ask Brelon a few questions and express his sympathies when the cocoa was set down. Not only did cocoa always draw a gasp of delight from the hybrid, but today brought something else new: little spoons. Strange ones, with fanciful shapes and decoration. Rue found the tiny, shiny object in his hand before he knew it, a mrw! leaving him and his gaze briefly fixed on it.
“I want this,” he whispered, fervently, to no one, not even aware he was talking. (Hunyi would have been so proud; here he was, unconsciously beginning to want things). He looked up then between Brelon and the server droid for guidance. “What is it? For what purpose? Can this one have? It?”
Brelon grinned when he saw how excited Rue got about the cocoa and the little spoon that came with it. He picked up his own and looked it over.
“It’s a special little spoon for stirring the cocoa I guess. And, I’m sure they wouldn’t miss one or two. You can have it.”
His tone and the brief glint in his eyes suggested he was more than happy to fight anyone who tried to say otherwise. If it made Rue happy, what was one little spoon to a place like this that probably had hundreds of them?
“Be careful when you take a drink, sip it slowly so you don’t burn yourself.”
He took his little spoon and stirred the cocoa then took a spoonful and sipped it,“ mmm, its really good.
“You just said you don’t commonly poison yourself, it isn’t a badge of pride.” Kerissa shook her head at Remalia’s stubbornness but as she fell into another fit of giggles focussed her gaze on Nash.
Grey eyes narrowed and she leaned back to catch his hand and pull him so he was standing behind Remy. Her fingers dug lightly into the back of his hand, “No.” Her tone was too firm to be answering the question he actually asked. “We should talk.”
As Orion appreciated the decorations and thought about how nice it would be to have a little relaxation time, he was already planning on making a trip to the bar. The question was, what drink would he get? On one hand, he could keep it simple, stick to the classics. On the other, maybe they had some kind of cocktail program. Those could be fun to experiment with, especially since someone usually put good thought into those.
While he mused on it further, he was surprised by the nudge against his hand and glanced down, spotting a dapper and distinguished creature. His brain vaguely recalled that it was a mott, although the size was smaller than he expected. He smiled and gave it some scritches.
“Well, hi there. Aren’t you a friendly one? I didn’t know there would be a greeting party here today.”
Rue clutched at the spoon, Brelon’s reassurances enough for him in that moment (though he might have a crisis over it later, since Stealing Is Wrong). It was promptly transferred to the grip of his braided tail, holding it close as if it could be taken at any moment. His then-free hand took to his cocoa, inhaling the warmth.
“It is always very good,” the hybrid chirped, not minding the heat, preferring it, even. He was still careful not to burn his mouth, as he had done on several occasions, though it always healed quickly as everything else done to him did. This particular cup was decadent, sweet and thick in a way he had not yet tried, with a different sort of chocolate flavor. Deeper. More bitter but rich? “It is very good.”
He hoped Misses Esen and Just Remalia liked them too. And that they were happy over with everyone else and the drinking the alcohol. And that they were healthy. And that they got to see just how wonderful Kerissa was, and know her, and know about her life and that she was happy and safe, he hope so badly.
“…thank you, Brelon,” Rue whispered, whipped cream on his lips and nose, tears welling in his eyes again. He wiped at his face, sniffing, then reached down and pulled a flower from his basket. “F-for staying with me. And being a friend. This is for you.”
The sprig he was offered was a hue so vibrant it shamed other colors about them, even Rue himself. The bell-shaped flowers opened wide on one side of the stalk into six septal petals, star-like, and the fragrance was notable, sweet and strong and subtle at once.
Alk lifted his head proudly to be recognized as a diplomott. Greeting was indeed part of his duties. He took the scratches and gave a good headbutt and lick in turn, making sure the Reiden-smelling friend was sufficiently slobbered before lightly gripped at his fingers in his mouth and pulling. He let go, trotted towards the dining hall, then paused and looked back at the man expectantly.
Brelon took another careful sip of his cocoa, then smiled as he watched Rue stash his little spoon. He chuckled when they both ended up with whipped cream on their noses. But he arched one brow slightly as Rue started to tear up.
He started to ask if Rue were alright, but then he saw a flower being withdrawn from the basket. He tilted his head curiously, but then offered a warm smile when the beautiful flower was presented to him.
“Oooh, Rue…thank you, so much. This is a lovely flower, and truly I’m honored to be your friend.”
He took the flower and neatly tucked it into his braided hair so that the flowers just lightly brushed against his right temple.
“How does this look? Do the colors of the flower and my hair clash or is it okay?”
Rue turned to look at him and smiled, all color and daylight.
“You look beautiful,” he said earnestly.
Brelon’s smile grew brighter at the compliment, especially knowing that with Rue, it was sincere. He could tell that Rue was not given to empty flattery like so many people he’d known over the years. Slowly, giving Rue a chance to move if he did not want to accept the touch, he reached over to place a gentle hand on Rue’s shoulder.
“You are beautiful too, Rue. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Not just in looks either, you have a beautiful spirit and a good heart.”
He nodded, smiling warmly as he finished speaking.
“I hope you get a chance someday to come visit me on Seraph, so you can meet Rasilvenaira. I know she’d like you too. She loves having someone to talk to about all her critters.”
Rue gave the slightest flinch at the touch, but didn’t move away. Rather, he pressed back into the hand, a little purr in his throat, eyes fluttering briefly. His blush returned af the compliments, as did the shy and bright smile.
A thought occurred at the reocurring mention of Rasilvenaira, and Rue tilted his head, looking up through his lashes at Brelon.
“Are you staying here at the hotel, Sir? Or is Brelon going back to Seraph tonight? This one could accompany you, if you wished.”
He withdrew his hand, not wanting to make Rue uncomfortable with too much touching. The little purr made him smile all the more though.
“Hm, I do have a room here, but I could probably check out early and head home tonight. You’re more than welcome to accompany me if you’d like to. I wouldn’t mind. I just know you and Ras will get along well, especially if she sees Alk in his little tuxedo. Do you know, she was putting sweaters on her Voorpaks to keep them warm this winter. It was adorable.”
He took another sip of his cocoa, “There’s no rush though, enjoy your cocoa first. There’s plenty of time to work that out later.”
“You don’t need to miss having the room here to-the-night. It seems very…nice, here,” Rue demured. He grinned a bit at the idea of the voorpaks in sweaters. Perhaps he should find a sweater for Alk. It was not needed on Selen, but it would be nice to have for colder climes. “When we do meet Master Ras, Alk will be his best dressed, as will this one.”
He sipped his cocoa, then licked his lips. With the barrier of touch broken, his posture was looser now, and his long tail flopped over Brelon’s legs on the bench, braided tip flicking occasionally.
“Earlier…Brelon mentioned that he lost his parents young. This one wanted to convey sympathies. It is very familiar with such loss. Also, to ask why he was ‘on the streets.’ Is this literal or a colloquialism?”
Brelon tilted his head slightly as he listened to Rue, then shrugged. “Were you not planning to stay the night? Honestly, the room I have is so big, you could probably fit five people in there and still be comfortable. I would only need to run back up there to grab my pack that I left in the room. Then I’d be fine to check out early. I really don’t think I’d miss that much, and I can always come back here some other time.”
As the conversation turned to his past, Brelon sighed softly. “Thank you for that, it is a hard loss to get over.”
Rue’s next question brought a smile back to his lips and he found himself absently, very gently stroking the tail draped over his legs, much as one would pet a sleeping cat.
“To be on the streets means you have no home, no where to go. I was alone on my own on the streets just trying to survive. Begging where I could, scrounging in trash bins, sleeping wherever I could find someplace safe enough. Eventually I met other kids like me, in the same situation, so we started our own little family, looking out for each other, sharing whatever we got. It made life easier but it was still not much of a life. I wanted more, my dreams were not on Coruscant. I left when I was sixteen, stowed away on a freighter.”
Nash glanced around, then leaned in a whispered. “I thought we were”. Despite the fingers digging into his hand, his thumb gently brushed against the back of Kerissa’s. Her behavior wigged him about a bit, but other than a brief waver in his smile, nothing showed of it. He instead shrugged flagrantly and flipped his hair with a toss of his head.
“If you need to talk, go for it, I’ll listen, you know that.”
Remy turns on her stool, effectively joining the huddle, her voice as low as the other two. “If you choose to talk right here, it seems I will have to listen as well.” She looks up at Karissa, her face struggling to stay fixed. “Judging from word choice and,” she looks down at clasped hands, “body language, you don’t seem to hate him as much as you let on. Three lies.” She spins back around on her stool, once again set off on a fit of strangled laughter. <@432543120635461643>
Rue shook his head at the question of staying the night; he was not a guest, he had no room. He did know he didn’t want Brelon to miss out on anything, even if thinking it wouldn’t be much, certainly not on his account.
The absent petting caused a continuous, soft purr to rumble in Rue’s chest, a quiet accompaniment to Brelon’s story of his childhood. It sounded unpleasant. He knew from Elly’s defense attorney work that things could also be bad in the Outside, but it all seemed so much nicer, still, than home. Comparison was difficult. It was not as though he was comparing straight and smooth muscle; more akin to a fibia and a lymphatic gland. Entirely different cell types and purposes and pathologies. Made of the same base elements atomically, indeed, but…
“I am sorry,” he murmured, “that it was so difficult and that you were alone for any time. Do you still have that family? Do you still dream or did you find those?”
Brelon gave a little shrug of one shoulder, then shook his head.
“It is what it was, I don’t dwell on the past, but it’s what made me who I am, and I turned out alright in the long run. I lost touch with the group I used to run with when I left Coruscant. I never really looked back. I kept dreaming, kept moving forward. I still do dream. Ras encourages it. Something she’s always said, is that a person isn’t really old till they’ve traded in their dreams for regrets. So I’m not old yet, won’t be for a long time, I reckon.”
His fingers idly toyed with the soft braided strands in the tip of Rue’s tail, still proud that he’d learned how to braid, even a simple braid. Then he glanced back over to Rue.
“Well if you’re not staying the night, and don’t have to be anywhere in particular, then why not go see Rasilvenaira? I’m not in a hurry, mind you. We have time to enjoy the evening a while longer. Maybe we could order another cocoa for each of us?”
He grinned and as if to make his point, finished off his own cocoa, “They are really good.”
“What lies?-” Kerissa blinked at Remalia but the woman turned around to delve into another giggle fit. She loosened her grip on Nash’s hand, curling her fingers to hold it properly rather than appearing as if about to yank him away.
A thousand speeches ran through her mind. But some revealed too much, some too little. Some placed it obviously on Nash that he was clueless and could put him in danger whereas others, while would work publicly, wouldn’t make much sense to him. Her tail twitched, a breath was released and she glanced over the room pointedly.
“You shouldn’t have followed me here. If you did. I’ll explain properly later. I’ve got a room.” Kerissa’s voice was low enough only their huddle-mate would be able to overhear.
An eyebrow arched as he glanced around the room, returning the conspiratorial whisper. “What, are there cops here? I don’t think I have anything out for me here.” He stuck his tongue out at her, obviously not anywhere near as stressed as she was about the situation.
Remy raised an eyebrow at the drama worthy of holovid unrolling before her. “On the run from the authorities and towards a bedroom. Are you the type of criminals I should be worried about?” <@432543120635461643>
“Only if you’re worried about handcuffs” he cast a wink to Remy before gently tugging Kerissa’s hand, urging her a step closer so he could meet her eyes with his own.
“I…” her eyes narrow in confusion, “wouldn’t you two be the ones in cuffs?”
The seriousness he attempted to regard Kerissa with was splintered by the further questioning by Remy. His mouth opened, but shut quickly. His lips pressed tight against each other as he was obviously holding back a laugh. He calmed down somewhat, and with a mostly straight face he asked. “Both of us? That sounds like a hazard. Which of us do you think deserves them more? Me, or Miss three times liar here?”
Kerissa made a choking noise. Covering her mouth with her free hand she took a moment to stare at the ceiling and hope her cheeks weren’t getting as flushed as it felt like they were.
“We’re not criminals. Or-” Kerissa paused, then shook her head, “I need another drink.”
She glanced over to the bar to see if that suspiciously helpful tender was still around.
Remy turns all the way back around, realizing she is a part of… whatever this is now. “Oh no, I meant three lies for three liars. One lied to bring me here, one lied about my drink, and one lied about her feelings toward you. As for the rest…” She turns and more scrutinizing eye across both, nothing the anxiety in Karissas face. “The purple one is quieter, more composed, and so is more likely to be more bad and get away with it. But you seem more likely to cause trouble, while she seems more likely to accept her fate if you were both caught. Although of course, I would prefer to restrain both, regardless of hazard.” Remy turns to set her glass down, but remains otherwise engaged. “Regardless, I seem to be surrounded by criminals quite often, so unless you two are secret crime lords or something…” She looks at Nash, and her calm is almost broken at the thought of him being a crime boss. <@432543120635461643>
“More cocoa sounds excellent,” chirped Rue, and smiled shyly again, leaning slightly against Brelon’s side. His purr rumbled into the other. “I only have to get Alk home safely, and tell Hunyi where I will be, and then I could go to meet Ras if you would like. In the meantime, we can do anything Brelon wants.” He tilted his head. “What do you dream of now?”
Brelon smiled warmly and waved to the serving droid to order more cocoa and maybe some fruit for a snack. When Rue leaned into him and he felt as well as heard the soft rumbling purr, his smile widened and he let out a small, happy mrrr of his own.
“We can certainly do that, just tell me where we’d need to go, I don’t mind a small detour on the way home. Alk is welcome to travel with us, I’m sure Ras would love to meet him too, and he’d be safe there, Ras would see to it, definitely. Especially since he is an important diplomott.”
Rue’s question had him humming thoughtfully, then shrugging lightly. “Mostly right now my dream is to further master my Force abilities. I walk a different path in that than Ras does, but she’s not a typical Sith either so don’t judge her by that. I’m a little more neutral in most cases than she is.”
Rue stiffened against Brelon at the mention of Sith. His grip on his cocoa suddenly became white-knuckled, his tail tightening too around the limb it was nearest – Brelon’s arm instead of Rue’s own calf, as normal. For a few seconds, he didn’t breathe at all.
Then he exhaled slowly, and with a bit of a stutter back in his voice, said, “A-a-alright. This one will n-not judge her. It is not its place. To ever judge a M-Master.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to swallow and think, but she was so close, and to feel her again, hear her so close but so, so far out of reach, and to be reminded of such things in concert with that…
But Brelon had been so kind. And he said he was more “neutral.” And that Ras was good and took care of her animals like Alk.
But also he had only just met Brelon. Was this the “stranger danger” Elly spoke of? To never go with someone you had just met and did not know to another location. But that was fine with Hunyi so long as he told her where he was going so that she could know he’d be safe if anything were to happen. But…but…
He didn’t know what to do.
And if he could not trust Brelon because he had just met him, even though they were friends, did that not also mean both Esen and Remalia fell under the same criteria? He recognized the Emissary Erinyes, but they were not friends. Besides Alk, there was no one here he knew– or at least, no one he could go to. He was alone. With friends? Or with danger?
The rules. There were rules. If he ever needed help, he called Hunyi or Elly. No matter what time it was. So he would do that. Yes.
“E-e-excuse this one. It was. D-distracted. Um. Apologies. Sorry, sorry, it’s sorry, B– Sir,” Rue stuttered, holding very still in case moving was the wrong thing to do. “Um. W-what does. Sir study? Abilities?”
“` The same Butler Droid appeared with a second round of drinking cocoa. Placing the mugs down. And a small note placed on the table between them.
It was a receipt, or a check, with itemized list of what had been ordered.
At the bottom, it simply said in red aurabesh letters: PAID ”`
Brelon instantly felt Rue stiffen beside him and looked over at his new friend. He could see the change in him and heard the uncertainty and was there… fear in his voice as well?
“Rue? Did I say something wrong? I would never suggest anything that would bring you harm. We’re friends, aren’t we?” Honest concern colored his voice.
Then he considered what he had said that could possibly have caused such a change in the hybrid. He’d mentioned Ras was Sith…he silently cursed himself. He had been too open too fast again. He knew how many people viewed Force users and especially the Sith.
“Rue, there’s nothing to be sorry for, please, I’m the one who should be sorry. But Ras isn’t like a typical Sith at all, really. An I’m not a Sith, I just know how to use the Force, I want to get better at healing others. I’ve gotten pretty good at healing myself, but not so much on other people. I hope that doesn’t make you afraid of me, if it does I’m sorry.”
He glanced up when the droid came over and idly nodded and thanked it before turning back to Rue. “If you’d rather not come with me, I understand. You could ask one of your other friends to come with too if you would prefer to do that. I don’t mind.”
Orion watched the mott walk off and tilted his head slightly in curiosity when it looked back at him. He shrugged and followed, giving it an appreciative pat on the head as he made his way further inside. He was surprised by an animal just wandering around, but at least it was a friendly one and seemed well behaved enough. And he was willing to bet that the creature belonged to someone nearby anyway.
He looked at the lounge, noting tables scattered around. He eyed the bar next. A decent group of people was gathered there. Giving the mott some more scritches, he headed over, angling for an open spot at the bar.
“Thanks for your help,” he told the mott, smiling.
“I–” his voice cracked. His vision was blurry, and he shook as he wiped at the tears. “I’m s-sorry. Sorry. You– are– very– kind.”
Each word was a hiccup.
“I, uhm, I don’t. Know. I’d li-like to go. I think. I. I don’t. Have. Anyone here.” He inhaled, then blew a breath out. “Sorry. Not. Not a-afraid of you. A-and Ras could be. Lovely. This one a-also has. The gift. Just. Where I c-come from. That place. The Masters, and God. These are also what Outsiders call. Sith. And they– they–.”
He cut off, shook his head, ducking it. Normally he would be hiding in his hair this way, but the gel that held it in the lotus shape also held it back from his face. Such as it was, he was exposed as he cried in absolute silence, not making a sound despite his shaking.
“This one is sorry. It. It is trying to be. Normal. But it st-still is learning.”
As Brelon watched Rue, struggling with his own emotions, and obviously things from his past, it tore at his heart. Such a precious and special being shouldn’t know pain or fear, and it hurt him that Rue clearly had suffered.
When Rue finally stopped speaking, Brelon couldn’t help himself, he reached over and pulled Rue into a tight but gentle hug. Then he let go, realizing that might not have been what Rue needed.
“I’m sorry, Rue, so sorry for whatever you’ve been through in the past. I know my word doesn’t mean much right now you’ve only just met me. But I swear on all I hold dear that I would never allow any harm to come to you or Alk. Ras isn’t like that. She’s old and a little sarcastic, but she’s not a bad person. She loves her animal friends, and I know she would love to meet you and Alk because you’re my friends.”
He swallowed, then sighed softly, “It doesn’t have to be this time. Take your time, maybe I could come visit you where you live? We can become better friends first if you’d prefer that. Or you could have someone you trust come with you. You have my contact information, that won’t change. I don’t plan on changing either. I want to use my abilities to help others, not to hurt them.”
Rue curled into the hug while it was there, seeming to find comfort in it. He didn’t pull away, staying close while Brelon spoke.
“That is… Likely better. Yes, yes, of course you can come to Selen. It is very nice. And I can see you and Ras also. And message you.” He mustered a shy smile, wiping tears away, and gestured at the flower. “This one believes you, Brelon. You are…kind. That is freesia. It symbolizes freedom, friendship, trust, thoughtfulness and innocence. These are things that I think suited you, from our time here.”
Nash gives a faux look of surprise in an attempt to suppress a grin. “Is that so? Have you been getting away with being bad, Kerissa? Our friend here seems to think you do.” He followed the glance towards the bar, then glance down at Remy.
“Well if we’re both to need cuffs, we’re going to need a little help putting them on, won’t we?” Nash gently nudges Kerissa with an elbow, obviously enjoying all of this far too much.
Brelon smiled warmly, glad that it seemed Rue was calming down. Since he hadn’t pulled away or tensed at the hug, he held one arm out as an invitation for another hug if it was wished.
“I thank you for the flower, I am glad that you thought it suited me. I think it does too, I love it. Yes, I would love to go to Selen first if you’d like that. I don’t mind, I treasure your friendship, Rue. I want you to be happy and comfortable with things. I move fast when I get excited about something, so I’m sorry if it felt like I was rushing you into anything. I’ll tell Ras about you when I get back home, that way she’ll know to expect your visit when you’re ready to come. Maybe by then the Mott babies will be born.”
“I would like that,” Rue murmured, and ducked in for that offered hug. “Please do not be sorry, for you did not do anything the wrong. This one still gets scared sometimes. And sometimes things have happened that make its friends fear for its safety, so there are rules in place for strangers and dangers and suchlike. I got excited, too.”
Alk snorted happily, raising his proud head and stomping in success for his diplomottic moves in escorting Orion to Erinyes. Who, speaking of, he once more approached to say hello to, butting her hand.
“Well, hello again, Alk.” Erinyes smiled and scritched the dapper diplomott’s head. “Who’s this you’ve brought me? I’m Erinyes,” she said to the new arrival, setting her drink aside and extending a hand.
Orion was amused by the happy-seeming stomps and watched as the mott interacted with the woman at the bar, not at all surprised that it had friends here. It was to be expected for such a good diplomott. He grinned and shook her hand. “I’m Orion. Nice to meet you, Erinyes. So this is Alk? Very helpful, this one. Friendly, too. Is he yours?”
Brelon happily hugged Rue again, then loosened his hold so Rue could pull away when he wanted to.
“Alright, I can make sure you get back to Selen safely. Does Alk live with you or somewhere else?”
He listened to Rue and nodded. “I guess its easy to get excited when you make a new friend. And its good that your other friends care about you and check on you. They should. I would be happy to meet your other friends too, so they can get to know me as well. You’ve been through a lot in your live. I can understand that. I’m here for you anytime you want to talk or to send me messages later on, I’ll always reply as soon as I can.”
He chuckled softly, “We can save the meeting Ras part for later on, once you’re more comfortable with it, and me.”
“Nice to meet you, Orion. And no, Alk is very much his own mott. I’m sure his person is around here somewhere, though.” Erinyes couldn’t recall whether she’d seen the humanoid explosion of colour earlier—she’d kind of been in a rush to catch Renatus before he got bored and left—and, belatedly, perplexed herself at how she could’ve not noticed someone that flamboyant.
“What brings you to the Flitz?”
Rue remained tucked in, apparently content to be there, now allowed. His tail grabbed his cocoa refill for him with an impressive deftness without him having to even sit up.
“Alk lives with this one; or rather, I live with Alk and Hunyi. We camp in Selen’s beaches and forests. It is our preference,” he stressed this part, now, after having had to go through such pains for Elly to understand he liked it outdoors and didn’t like being told not having a roof was incorrect. “Alk is Hunyi’s. She is a Wookiee. She found me when I first committed sin and ran away from the Masters. Helped me very much. She taught this one Shiryyywook, which is what Alk knows commands in. Otherwise, he will not listen unless he wants to.”
Idly, saffron eyes searched the room until they spotted the diplomott with Erinyes. Safe and sound, then. Though they were not yet friends, she had been a friend to the Mott.
“I would be happy to introduce you to everyone. I also live with Elly part of the time– I am an adopted uncle to her wonderful children, Sulla, Lektra, and Lektra, and take care of them when she works. She is a defense lawyer.” He turned enough to peer at Brelon, their faces quite close. “Is Ras your Master only or also friend or family? Do you have other friends, this one could…perhaps…if it was wanted, also also meet?”
Alk (his very own Mott 👌 ) continued to wait for pets.
Since Rue seemed content to stay close, left his arm comfortably draped around him. Brelon looked into those mesmerizing saffron eyes when Rue met his gaze.
“That sounds wonderful. I haven’t had a chance to meet a Wookiee yet. I love the outdoors, nature fascinates me when I have the time to enjoy it. A lot of my work takes me to places that don’t have much wilderness left, like Nar Shaddaa. But I prefer planets like Seraph where I live and I’m sure from the sounds of it, I’ll love Selen too.”
As Rue continued, he smiled. “Ras was my master formally because she was my teacher. But she’s become very much a friend and mentor to me over the years. I also have another good friend, Tivran. He’s a Nagai, a little shy sometimes but a good friend. There’s also Ras’ friend Shadow and her husband Sanguis and their three children. They’ve also become my friends since we’ve known each other a while now. Small list, but I know I could trust any of them with my life. I’m sure they would all enjoy meeting you.”
Not wanting to leave the very good diplomott out, Erinyes continued scritching Alk’s head, as was deserved.
“They all sound absolutely wonderful,” the hybrid commented. His tail tip flicked shyly, a little less wild when braided, but no less expressive if one was used to reading similar cues (such as from felines). “This one would be honored to meet them. And it is exciting Brelon also loves nature!” His chirrupy tone was back. “What is Seraph like? What is Brelon’s work?”
“Well, I found myself in need of a little bit of a vacation recently. People are always saying that you shouldn’t work all the time, you know? I usually like to keep busy if I can, though. Keeps me active and the credits don’t hurt either. But taking a beat to refocus sounded good, and I’ve heard good things about this hotel, so I thought I’d finally check it out. How about you?“
“Oh, a little of this, a little of that. You know, seeing the sights, meeting new people.” Working as the Emissary had given Erinyes more practice in talking a lot without saying anything. “Get a drink? The bar here is fantastic.” Erinyes waved to the bartender, then resumed petting Alk.
<@244244163002892288> <@189568236201705472>
Alk happy stomped.
Brelon smiled as he gently ran his fingers along Rue’s tail where it draped over his lap. He started to carefully undo the braids he’d done earlier until he could lightly comb through the soft hair at the tip.
“I’ll make sure you get a chance to meet everyone, and I know they will all like you. Tivran is pretty quiet, but very kind. He’s pretty much my best friend on Seraph. Hmm, Seraph has a lot of natural beauty. There’s oceans and forests and mountains. Of course there’s cities too where the people have settled. Some smaller towns are actually fun to visit, less crowded so you can actually enjoy the atmosphere.”
He absently started re-braiding the tip of Rue’s tail with gentle, deft fingers. “As far as my work, I do a little of everything. I’m usually sent on missions for my clan. That’s a large group of people who work together to hold onto our place on Seraph. Sometimes its a mission into enemy territory to gather intel or rescue someone who’s been captured. Sometimes its just delivering food and medicine to people. When I’m not on clan missions, I do my own work to help people where I can, learning to heal better is one of my goals. Ras says I have a natural gift for it, and that I should use it instead of my knack for getting myself in trouble.”
He laughed lightly. “I guess I’m good at that, but I’ve been lucky enough to get myself out of it most of the time. But seriously, I want to do good for people who need help.”
“A drink sounds great,” he replied, smiling. “My dad had a trick when traveling that you get settled in your room then go get a drink to help you relax and get into the flow of things. There’s something I’ve been meaning to try, a label called Dark Elixir. I wonder if they’d have that here?”
“Nash!” Kerissa scolded, heat rising in her face more so than the alcohol had summoned so far. Speaking of, the drink she’d quickly ordered while lamenting these two’s chaos had arrived and she knocked it back without much hesitation.
“No secret crime bosses here, so no cuffs needed. Especially being as we don’t know if you’re not a criminal.” She gestured, wavering in place as she did and the world seemed to twist with it. Oh. To save the stumble, she reached out to grasp a solid presence and try to disguise it. Unfortunately, her hand landed on <@147021450706944000> ‘s shoulder.
She straightened back up as quickly as possible but Kerissa’s cheeks had quickly descended into an even deeper shade of purple as the seconds passed.
Remy is both more solid and less drunk than she first appears, her arm snapping up to steady the tall woman by her other arm. “I am a criminal, but not in this space, and not for anything most would care about. Are you alright? You almost took a nasty spill there.” Remy continues to hold her steady, looking into her eyes… to look for tremors or signs of other injury of course. <@160141735354171394>
“I would love that very much so. Being so close I’m sure it won’t be an issue! Just send me a holo pad message and we can work out a scheduled time and place.”
Finishing her meal, while side eyeing the bar, grabbing the gel and mirror off the table. Placing them back in their spots in her bag, and zipping it, slightly nodding.
“I think I should check in. Thank you for chatting with me Rue and Brelon. It was very lovely to meet you. Enjoy your time here.”
Sliding out of the booth. She slings the longer strap across her shoulder, the bag now hanging at her hip. Turning to give the two another smile and a tiny curtsy; a final good bye. She sets off to the bar. Approaching Remalia and the other two, who are lost in conversation, she waits for a time to speak,
“Hey Remy, you doing alright? I just wanted to check in with you. I’m glad you found some-“
Looking Nash up and down for a moment before finishing her sentence, a small almost scared smile appears,
“-lovely folk to talk to.” Holding a much more sweeter smile than her initial.
“I- I was thinking of going to the bath house for a bit. You’re more than welcome to join me if you want, or you can stay here. You have ways to contact me if you need more support… I just need a key to the cabin so I can grab my swimwear from my bag in there.” Producing the smallest of small grabby hands, asking for the key.
Nash glanced between the two, with remy staring into Kerissa’s eyes. He pressed his lips tight and mumbled out a “Maybe it’s You two who need a room, eh?”
As Esen approached and stared him up and down, he struck a small pose, chest puffed out and collar freshly popped. A bright smile flashed her as he tilted his head towards Remy. “You two are friends? And do go on about this bath house, I haven’t been to one of those in ages.”
<@147021450706944000> <@432543120635461643>
Rue purred continuously again at the gentle handling of his tail, enjoying the sensations while he listened.
“Seraph sounds lovely. And the things you do sound familiar. Much like the missions of the Envoys here, this one thinks. It grew familiar with them by happenstance and disaster, but has found them good helpers. This one also only wishes to help and is gifted by the Goddess with healing. Perhaps I could help you also, helping others, at times?”
Remy breaks off her stare to look up at Esen, momentarily confused. “Ah, yes. Here.” She reaches into a chest pocket under her coat and pulls out the shuttles archaic looking set of metal keys, handing them over. “I suppose I could go with you, but I must remind you that I have only what I wear, as I was deceived to be brought here. Not that I have bathing suits anyway.” She waves her hand and turns to look side eyed at Nash, “I must remain here to continue to squeeze these two. Return when you have collected your things and I will join you then.” <@160141735354171394> <@432543120635461643>
“Yep, I’m the one who brought her here. She’s one of my closest friends. Isn’t she lovely?” She interwinds her fingers, flipping her palms down, fingers still merged together, extending her arms, locking her elbows, sweetly grinning, as her eyes close for a moment. She takes the key, Remailia had extended, returning a muttered, “Thank you, I’ll return it when I’m done, as far as your swim attire, I know you don’t have any silly, or I’d have packed you some. I did however pack you an extra set of clothes. You could always just swim in your undergarments, oooor you could just be there and look pretty as always. I’m sure this place would be able to wash your clothes afterwards, if you did decide to go swimming in them.” Before pocketing the key and turning her attention back to the new friends.
“Indeed, there’s a bath house. I saw it while I was researching this facility… for work purposes of course,” Squinting and side eyeing Remalia slightly.
“Esen Dulle, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Extending each of her hands to Nash and Kerissa.
“Would you both like to join us? I need to just pop out a moment to grab my swimwear. I got a little carried away before bringing our stuff in.” Giggling slightly.
A twinkle crossed Erinyes’ eye. Orion was clearly a man of taste to be ordering Dark Elixir. “They have everything here.” She flagged the curiously helpful bartender. “One Dark Elixir, another Rodian Splice, and your best celery garnish for my diplomott friend.”
Charon Reddick left the front desk and entered the Dining Hall & Lounge area. The retired Grand Inquisitor’s presence was easy to miss as he moved quietly–deceptively so. Until he cleared his throat, and everyone in the room was able to hear it.
“Patrons. I have spoken with our Exarch, and have been instructed to offer all current guests complimentary access to the facilities bath house on the lower floors. This will be a private area with only minimal staff present, but we wanted to thank you for your patronage and spread the word of your experience to other potential Envoys and allies of the Brotherhood.”
He bowed at the waist. “Anyone interested may follow me. Otherwise, you can reach it using the lobby’s main elevator.
He looked around. "Of course, all guests are welcome to continue to enjoy the lounge as well.”
Rue glanced at Brelon following the announcement. His tilted head seemed to ask, were you interested in this thing?
The Bartender nodded, and was already in motion as the Emissary placed her request. He deftly grabbed bottles, poured, counted mentally, and added garnish and ice.
Both drinks slid over to Orion and Erinyes with a small bow. “On the house, for our Lady Emissary of course,” he explained.
Orion grinned once more, taking hold of the glass. “Thank you, both. There’s something special about a place that has a wide range of offerings at the bar. I was hoping this would be one of those and it looks like I haven’t been disappointed. A friend told me about this and said it was really good, so I’ve been dying to try it. Of course, he has some of his own, but it’s usually gone by the time we get together, or he’ll say he’s saving it for a special occasion.” A small huff of air passed his lips. “At this point, I feel like I should take it personally.”
Brelon nodded, finishing the last braid and smoothing hand over his finished work, then lightly ran his fingers along the tail itself rather than just the fluff.
“Seraph is a pretty planet. Does Selen have snow in winter? There’s some spots on Seraph where the lakes freeze over and you can skate on them.”
He smiled warmly as he considered the rest of what Rue was saying. “I wouldn’t mind the help, maybe seeing other approaches to healing can help me figure out mine better. I would like that, and I’m sure the people we help will be grateful as well. Thank you.”
He glanced up at the announcement, then over at Rue and shook his head. “I’m fine right here.”
Rue smiled back, nodding quietly. Then here they would stay.
Away from…
He breathed through the grief, focusing instead on Brelon’s chatter, and of course Alk across the bar monching on leafy celery greens with Erinyes and her associate. Perhaps he should call them over…?
“The Selen does not have snow normally as far as this one knows; not in the equatorial regions where the majority of the populace homes, at the least. This one saw snow once during a blizzard on the planet Kasiya. It thought it was ash from a massive incinerator at first, but learned better. What is to skate?”
“Much obliged.” She took her drink, raised it in salute to the bartender, and leaned down to provide Alk with his celery stick. The mott happily crunched on it, then—to the Emissary’s surprise—trotted off a few paces, before looking over his shoulder at Erinyes and Orion as if expecting them to follow.
“I guess the diplomott is back to work,” Erinyes said to Orion. “Care to join us?”
Alk trotty trotted in place expectantly, as if peer pressuring Orion with his cuteness.
“Well, I bet it is still lovely without snow. Seraph gets snow where we live, though not huge amounts. The best snow is further north where the lakes freeze. And skating is kind of like dancing, but on the ice with special shoes. It can take some time to get your balance on them, but once you do it is a lot of fun.”
He paused to take another long sip of his cooling cocoa. Even starting to cool down it was still so good.
“Did you want to go see the bath house with the others? I don’t want to keep you here if you did. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
The idea of skating suddenly seemed very intriguing. He loved dancing with the litluns. But he did not have special shoes, only shoes, sometimes. Hm. Something to study, then.
To the question, Rue gnawed on his lip, drawing blood that sealed over just as quickly, and shook his head. His tail and hand both tightened their grip briefly.
“No, that is alright, Sir, ah, Brelon. This one…cannot. There is. There is…someone who this one cannot be near. Its presence is unwanted, so it will not inflict itself upon them. And they seem to be going. So.”
He mirrored Brelon and took another drink of his cocoa, letting the chocolate be a balm to the still-bleeding wound.
He began to ask another question when he noticed Alk was stomping their direction. He called instead in Shiryywook, vocal cords producing an admirable if higher pitched growl, “Alk! Come, bring friends!”
<@645466919415054357> <@232396983854301187>
Orion took a sip of his drink. The taste that greeted him was different from any he had tried before. Nuanced flavor, mellowed by the aging process. He now knew why Reiden, allegedly, kept it to himself. Unless, of course, he just liked it so much that he really did finish whatever he had on hand. He could see either of those things being true.
He smiled and gave a faint shrug, smiling. “Sure, why not? I didn’t really have anything planned yet, so I can just wing it and see what happens.”
Then the telltale growls and noises of Shyriiwook caught him off guard, not expecting to hear it. Not that he knew what was being said, but it was a distinctive language, after all.