Session export: EQ3 Plagueisteers - [Envoy Corps]

Titius was bored.

Not bored by repetitive tasks or by forced attendance to a summit meeting.

No, this poor Quaestor was the level of bored that could only be brewed from the horrendous combination of cramped spaces, overdone checklists and a weapon that was wearing away from the times it had been cleaned in the past days.

Cabin fever thought Titius, groaning aloud. I have cabin fever.

Caladhel leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. She watched the restless Titius with a mixture of amusement and concern as he groaned to himself, clearly lost in thought.

Being new here and not knowing many people well yet, she wondered if this was a regular occurrence. She felt the urge to tease him, hoping that might snap him out of his brooding.

“You look like you need something better to do than polishing that weapon for the hundredth time. You keep that up and it might just disappear on you!” she said with a smirk, hoping she was keeping her tone light in the attempt to lift the tension.

However, although she was teasing him, she did understand feeling restless. It had been far too long since she faced a real challenge. Maybe it was time to breakup the daily monotony!

Titius indeed snapped out of his torpor to glare at Caladhel before huffing loudly and keying up comms. “OH Katrilaaaa, I was promised action not fuzzy plaid and close quarters with mice. Are we there yet?!”
