Session export: The Flitz: Eos City II

The Flitz: Eos City is one of a series of luxury hotels that have been constructed around Brotherhood space. Each location features an identical build, open to any members of the Brotherhood’s various societies that are passing through the Arx System. Liaisons for the Inquisitorius, Grand Master’s Royal Guard, Shroud Syndicate are often stationed there, with full service concierge and amenities available to guests.

Facilities include: full service concierge, bar, dining lounge, rooms and lodgings, executive offices, a tailor (armorer), a sommelier (medic), and a bathhouse for relaxation in the basement.

As the Brotherhood’s newest initiative kicks off, dignitaries from the Brotherhood’s allies such as the Severian Principate can often be found. This has opened an opportunity for members of the Brotherhood to not only meet Principate personnel, but to also interact with savvy informants from across the galaxy can typical find their way in.

While security is indeed tight, you can never rule out the possibility that spies are among you.

For all of that, always remember the rules of The Flitz:

  • No killing or fighting on hotel property.
  • Respect the staff.
  • Be nice to the dog.

(Meanwhile, at a corner table)

Alk, happy to have united people, as was his duty, promptly barged under the table and rubbed his cheek on Rue’s skirt-shrouded legs. Rue disentangled enough from Brelon to pet him immediately, looking up to the people he’d brought with him. Saffron eyes dropped almost immediately in deference, though his face still held a blush from Brelon’s appreciation. If only he knew how little it was deserved. How incorrect.

How nice it felt, to hear. And so all the more terrible he was, liking it so.

“Mistress Emissary,” Rue demured. “And Master. Hello. This one hopes Alk was a gentlemott to you?”

He did have to check. Just in case any more shoes had been eaten and needed to be compensated for.

<@645466919415054357> <@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

Brelon inclined his head in greeting, still keeping a calm smile on his face until he knew how friendly their new ‘friends’ were.

“I’m Brelon, a pleasure to meet you both.”

Being so close to Rue, he felt Alk’s rump bump into his leg and happily patted and gave scritches under the table. Then he glanced over at Rue, sensing the mood shift, he arched a brow curiously, then sighed softly. It seemed he wasn’t the only one shifting their projected presence in light of the new comers.

The small woman entered the hotel and looked around. She had never had occasion to visit Eos City before now but the life of a politician was, seemingly, never dull. Violet eyes scanned the lobby of The Flitz, lingering on the statue in the center.

Miho smiled as she made her way through towards the desk, her sockshoed feet making almost no sound on the tiled floor. The oddly clear water filled her with a sense of peace, remembering the small pond near her rooms back home. With a shake of her head, she came to a stop at the desk. Politely waiting for the concierge to be ready for her.

“Hello, Rue. Good to see you again.” Erinyes smiled at the humanoid explosion of colour, then at Brelon. “Nice to meet you. I’m Erinyes. This is Orion,” she said, as though they hadn’t met literally five minutes ago.

“Alk was a perfect gentlemott, as always,” she reassured Rue. Then, to Orion: “Rue is Alk’s person.”

<@244244163002892288> <@232396983854301187>

Rue smiled at that, despite keeping his gaze lower. He bowed as much as he was able in his position, which was still quite deeply, as he was shaped to do, touching his forehead to the table and uncaring of the discomfort.

“This one is honored by your presences,” he said, and while his face was in a remotely downward direction, Alk licked it, rump wagging at Brelon petting him.

Brelon finally stopped petting the wagging Alk rump. Instead, he sat up a little straighter and gently ran gentle, hopefully reassuring fingers along the length of Rue’s tail where it still draped over his lap. He glanced over at Rue and offered a warm, genuine smile.

When he looked back up to the newcomers, his smile shifted back to a more neutral one. “So what brings both of you to the Flitz? Working or just relaxing?”

Charon Reddick returned to the lobby and behind his desk. He flashed a bright smile that shone in contrast to his dark skin and thick glasses. “Proconsul, or should I say, ‘Councilor,” he bowed his head. “Welcome to the Flitz. How may I assist you this evening?”

Miho smiled at Charon and tilted her head in acknowledgement of her titles. “Thank you. I am going to be here for a few days and a room might come in handy.”

She paused for a moment and then nodded once more. “And then, I think, it would be time for a meal, yes?” She looked back towards the double doors at the entrance. “Travel always messes with my internal clocks. But, I find myself a bit peckish and a good meal always fixes that.”

Rue released a surprised little mrrp! that abruptly devolved into more purring, and his Excellent Posture for the perfect bow slumped like he was a bow unstrung. who only knew what scratchies could truly do.

He had the wherewithal, at least, to sit up a bit while his muscles jellied, glancing at Brelon shyly and smiling a bit at the smile offered to him. He then gave a much warmer smile to Erinyes than his new friend.

“Mistress is welcome to sit,” he also offered along with the questions.

(Alk, meanwhile, protested the lack of attention by retreating back out from under the table and bullying into Erinyes and Orion’s legs).

“Of course,” The Concierge nodded, hands already working with delicate motions that betray their size. They are not the smooth hands of a desk worker but those of a physical worker of some kind.

A keyboard appears in his hand and he slowly slides it towards the Proconsul. “Room 473, elevator to 4th floor, down the hall and to the left,” he explains. “We are honored to provide an upgraded suite for the Councilor.

There were no hidden opinions or negativity on the Concierge’s expression of any kind of issue with a Jedi Councilor staying on premise, it was non existent. There was no judgment or dissent despite being only a short distance to the Dark Ascent.

‘If you would like to eat before heading up to your rooms, the Lounge and Lobby are straight through here,” he said with a gesture to the left of the desk. “There is room at the bar, or feel free to take one of the available tables and a Waiter will be by shortly.”

As he finished speaking, tow pointed ears came into view around the corner of the desk. Follow by a lean, long legged body of a full-grown charhound. The canine padded towards the newcomer, sat properly and tilted his head curiously, studying the Keibatsu.

“This is Kerebos, he can also show you the way, ” Charon said with a more or less straight face, though eyes crinkled at the edges.

“Oh, please, I’m nobody’s master. Just call me Orion,” he said to Rue, offering a smile. “Alk was very kind and he helped show me how to get here.” <@244244163002892288>

He never liked all the formality he had been around so much since joining Reiden and helping Scholae Palatinae. It just wasn’t natural for him, although a ‘mister’ was usually fine, even if he did prefer people just used his name - first or last worked equally well, he didn’t overly care either way. Some of his clients were quite insistent in the past, likely an upper class kind of thing.

“It’s nice to meet you two as well,” he replied, nodding to the two men. “Work’s been a touch slow lately, so I figured it was a good time for a quick vacation. Kept hearing good things about this place, decided to finally check it out. I like it so far. Calm, relaxing. Inviting, even. One of the nicer places I’ve been to. The bartender seems to know his stuff too, which is always nice.”

“A little of both for me,” she said to Brelon, sliding into one of the chairs. “Meeting people is my job, but it also happens to be fun, so I– oof. Hi, Alk.” She looked down as the mott aggressively nuzzled her, demanding his due, and scratched his head with her free hand.

“As I was saying, I use my work as an excuse to have fun.” Erinyes sipped from her drink. “How about you?”

<@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

Brelon gave Rue another glance, trying to make sure he was alright, then he turned his attention back to the Emissary and her companion.

He nodded at their answers and offered a slightly warmer smile. “I’m here running an errand for my master, but also enjoying myself with making new friends. This place is quite impressive. I’ve only seen a small bit of it, but I’m sure the rest is equally impressive. And I agree, the bartender does know his stuff, though at the moment we were just having some cocoa.”

He brushed his fingers lightly over the braided tip of Rue’s tail, but tried not to let himself get too distracted by the unexpected protectiveness he felt regarding Rue in the presence of others. He doubted anyone here would want to hurt his friend. Though if they did they’d have to get through him first.

Alk snorted happily, weaving between all the people currently here that could give him deserves attention.

Rue, meanwhile, seeming to pick up finally on Brelon’s change of attitude, used his hand to touch the one brushing through his tail so nicely. He carefully looped his fingers around Brelon’s and squeezed them, trying to reassure, if a little unsure if it was allowed.

“Nice to meet you, Sir Orion. And to see you again as well, Mistress Emissary Erinyes. Alk clearly missed you.”

Then he looked between Brelon and Orion and Erinyes, head tilting in question.

“What is a ‘bartender?’” he asked. “Is this the individual who services the bar examination for the becoming of an attorney? This one studied for this from Elly’s books.”

<@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

“Most of the time, a ‘bartender’ means someone who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks. They work behind the bar—that counter over there, where all the alcohol is,” Erinyes explained, pointing to… well, the bar. “A business that mostly serves alcohol can also be called a bar, I guess because it has a bar. The counter kind, I mean.”

<@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

“Oooh,” Rue said. “I see.”

His gaze went to his basket, where his notebook was, then back to his hand twined with Brelon’s.

A dilemma.

He would just have to remember this. At least it was eponymous and relatively self-explanatory.

“This one never did try the drinking, after first we met. Only learned some of the card games. It has not tried since.”

Brelon’s smile grew as he glanced over at Rue when he felt his hand on his own. As their fingers intwined, he gave Rue’s hand a gentle squeeze, thanking him for the gesture. It meant a lot to him at the moment.

“So you and Rue have met before?” he asked of Erinyes.

Then he glanced over at Orion, “What sort of work do you do? If you don’t mind my asking.”

He chuckled softly, “I drink, sometimes more than I should, and it usually gets me in trouble. So I should stick to water and cocoa from here on. The cocoa is really good here, by the way, if you ever want to try it.”

Miho smiled and accepted the keycard for her room. “Thank you, but I think I’ll make my way to the lounge and something to eat.”

She smiled down at Kerberos and flashed him a thumbs up. “Perhaps I’ll get you to show me the way in a little while, hm?”

The small Odanite turned away from the desk and moved towards the lounge, once more taking in the scenery around her and enjoying every last bit of the decor. It was a little more modern than she preferred, but then again, wall hangings from home weren’t easy to come by.

“Maybe they offer permanent suites. Then I can just bring some of my own.” She mused aloud to herself as she stepped into the lounge and looked around. Was that Rue in one of the corners? And was that Erinyes with him?

She stood, somewhat unsure of herself for a moment. She considered Erinyes as more than just an acquaintance and Rue had been genuinely good company. Setting her mind to it, she walked over to the table and gave both of them a soft, unsure smile. “Well, hello again to you both. Do you mind if I join you?”

<@645466919415054357> <@244244163002892288>

“Understood,” Charon bowed his head.

Kerberos’ tail beat an excited stacato ryhthm against the tile floor but he nodded seriously out of respect. He liked this one.

“Miss Miho!” Rue chirped in excitement, half-rising from his melty slouch into Brelon’s side. His braided tail flicked rapidly in excitement in his friend’s lap. “Yes, yes, please join this one! We are having cocoa! And also the drinks. But not Brelon he is only doing water now. This is Mistress Emissary Erinyes, and Sir Orion, and my new dear friend Brelon, and of course–”

Alk stompied his way up to Miho and butted into her.

“–Alk, you know. Everyone, this is Miho. She likes pancakes and steak and is also a friend.”

“I don’t mind at all,” he replied. He took a moment to think of how to best put things. “I’m mainly a bounty hunter, although I’ve been known to do some bodyguard work as well. And then I guess you could say that I’ve been a soldier of sorts for a handful of years. A friend needed help and gave me a call, I came to do what I could, then just sort of stuck around. I can be based anywhere to hunt bounties, and my ship just takes me where I need to go.”

He turned when Rue greeted a new arrival, giving the small woman a nod.

Brelon smiled at seeing his friend so excited, this person must be a good friend. He turned his gaze to study the small woman a moment, then offered a smile and polite greeting.

“Hello, nice to meet another friend of Rue’s. Name’s Brelon.”

Beneath the table where Rue’s tail started flicking happily, Brelon moved his hand up a little bit above the tail tip so he wasn’t restricting its movement, but he was still wanting that connection of touch, though he kept his hand still for now, not wanting to distract his friend or make him uncomfortable.

He glanced over at Orion at his response and nodded. “I see, sounds a little like some of the stuff I do for my Clan, minus the bounty hunting part of it. I’ve never done that. Plenty of rescue missons though.”

Alk snorted and nuzzled happily, evidently very happy with the attention and gentle tones. Rue, meanwhile, shivered slightly as Brelon’s hand moved a bit higher, and then looked at Miho with some concern, frowning slightly. He focused on her a moment, listening to her heartbeat, respirations, and blood flow for any disruption. She showed no other facial drooping, her eyes were both dilating normally for her species, and her speech was not slurred.

“Miss Miho, is your eye alright?” he asked outright after a moment. Perhaps something had gotten in it.

<@645466919415054357> <@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

The mention of a clan caught Orion’s attention. Not that it was an unusual thing for him. It just helped to clue him in to the fact that this was not your average citizen. Then again, this was Arx, and there were many people affiliated with the Brotherhood in some way, so it wasn’t unusual. But normal people lived here too, presumably. Still, a member of one of the clans, or someone that worked for them, somehow that felt different to him. Not that he’d met too many before, at least not outside of Scholae Palatinae. And beside that, he tried not to judge people like that anyway. He let their actions and attitudes speak for them instead.

He sipped from his glass, nodding. “That sounds familiar. I’ve done that myself for a handful of years now, even some rescues or relief missions as well.”

Brelon tilted his head, curious at Rue’s question, but then he remembered the hybrid was skilled in healing. He turned his gaze to the smaller woman trying to see what Rue was picking up, but he didn’t see anything amiss with her.

As Orion spoke, it drew his attention back to the man and he nodded. “I’m with Scholae Palatinae, my master is Rasilvenaira Stormraven. I do a lot of traveling for one job or another. First time being anywhere near this fancy though.”

He emptied his mug of cocoa, then took a sip of his water as he watched the group. He’d felt a light shiver run through Rue, so he moved his hand off the other’s tail worried he might be getting carried away with the petting, and he didn’t want Rue getting uncomfortable because of him. <@244244163002892288> <@232396983854301187>

Miho laughed and smiled, enjoying Alk’s company. “Of course, Rue. There’s nothing wrong at all.”

She sat up straighter but left one hand down in case Alk wanted more headscratches and pets. “It’s good to meet your other friends as well. I apologize for any rudeness in greeting Alk first. I’m Mihoshi Keibatsu, but please just call me Miho.”

The small woman was comfortable enough around at least two of these people, three if one counted Alk which she did, to not worry much about formality. After all, new friends were just old friends you hadn’t met yet.

Erinyes smiled at Mihoshi’s covert—or apparently not so covert—gesture. “I didn’t realise you two were friends,” she said to both the pint-sized Proconsul and Rue.

Then, to Brelon: “Wow, I haven’t heard that name in ages. Ras worked for me on Antei years ago. How’s she doing?”

<@244244163002892288> <@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

Brelon offered Erinyes a warmer smile and nodded, “She’s doing well, she keeps herself busy with her menagerie of critters of all sorts. She keeps saying she’s retired but still frequently gets called in by the Empress for special missions. Sometimes she takes me along, other times she goes solo. I’ll have to tell her I met you. I have heard her mention you before.”

Orion’s eyes widened, unable to hide his surprise. He smiled warmly. “Well that’s quite a coincidence then. Scholae Palatinae is who I’ve been working for as well, although I mainly stick to our usual small group of soldiers. Built up a bond over the years, and we all trust each other. My friend, Reiden, served with them. Then when their unit got disbanded, he kept going to them for missions when they were needed. And he knows your master, too. They met years ago. Never met her myself, though, only heard a story or two.”

He shifted his gaze from Brelon to the small woman. “Nice to meet you, Miho.”

“Orion knows Reiden?” Rue exclaimed, sounding delighted again just like at Miho’s arrival. “He is also this one’s friend! As is Miss Miho, yes,” this he directed more to Brelon, swiveling excitedly to face the redhead, so close their noses nearly brushed. “This one met Reiden and Miho at the Shame Corner for the first time, ah…just a few weeks’ past? We shared cocoa and food just like this and said we were friends so we are,” he finished the regaling. “And this one met Mistress Erinyes at a faire, when Alk wandered off from the petting zoo to find more friends.”

<@142754576863330304> <@645466919415054357> <@232396983854301187>

Brelon grinned, infected by Rue’s excitement. He nodded, “I know Reiden too, he is a friend of Ras’ and we see a lot of him. The others, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting until now. But as I said, friends of Rue’s are friends of mine.”

He chuckled softly and looked over at Orion. “Does seem to be a small galaxy sometimes doesn’t it, when you run into people. Nice to meet another friend of Reiden’s.”

Rue beamed, practically vibrating that so many of his friends knew one another. What delight. He did feel less good suddenly, and wasn’t sure why, but a quick internal check indicated no medical distress or pathology, and so he set it aside for examination later if he could remember. As it was…

“This is wonderful,” he enthused, just smiling at everyone. “Please! Please join us, p-perhaps, if wanted. This one could do your hairs? It braided Brelon’s. There was also hair gel but I do not have many of my own.”

Brelon nodded, smiling warmly. He turned his head this way and that showing off his braided hair and pretty flower.

“Rue also taught me how to braid hair myself, only a simple one to start with but I’ll keep practicing and see if I can work up to fancier styles. I think its a lot of fun.”

Heiken walked through the double glass doors and looked around, definately standing out on the ostentatious lobby before heading over to the concierge’s desk. Trying to be as polite as he could be he asked, “Excuse me sir. I’m supposed to be meeting a Mihoshi Keibatsu here.” His voice coming out deep and calm. “And I do apologize about my attire, I wasn’t informed that the place would be so… oppulent.”

“Of course, Mister Akechi,” Charon acknowledged the new guest with a forward tilt of his bald head. “The Councilor is already in the Dining Hall straight this way,” he gestured beyond the desk.

“The attire is as appropriate as needed, sir. Please let us know if you require a Tailor or any additional services.”

The Concierge smiled calmly.

The small Odanite settled further into her chair, a light smile on her lips as she listened to Rue. She had noticed at the Shame Corner that his voice was actually quite soothing. The hand that hung down ran idly over Alk’s head for as long as she could keep his attention. It felt good to be near animals. The pure emotions of them, the joy, the sadness, the anger, all emotion was pure and without guile. Animals bit you if they were riled, laid content if they were happy.

Miho wished humans were so easy to read.

“I would not mind if you wanted to play with my hair, Rue. But, maybe after cocoa and dinner.” She turned her smile on Brelon and gestured to the Oku flower in her hair, the violet hiding within the black mass of hair. “Flowers are simply a must, yes?”

Maybe a salad? Miho had tried so many dishes lately that picking any one dish right now seemed a task and a half. Her eyes flicked to the man who had just entered the dining hall. A smile and then back to her companions. Listening to them talk was a good way to learn about them.

Orion gave Rue a big grin. “I’ve known Reiden for a long time! A little over ten years now. I was protecting someone and then a guy showed up that wanted to hurt him. Turns out Reiden was after him, so we worked together to capture him. We’ve been friends ever since. We’re pretty much family at this point, really.”

He looked at Rue’s hair and then Brelon’s, letting out a whistle. “That is some impressive hair styling, very nicely done.”

“No sir. I should be fine.” He gave Charon a nod and walked into the dinning facilities. Looking around he spotted Mihoshi with a group of four others and headed over to them, waiting for a pause in the conversation before speaking, “Sorry to interupt,” he paused for a moment before looking at Mihoshi, “but I was told by my contact with Odan-Urr that you requested my presense Councillor. If this is a bad time I can return later.”

Brelon smiled at Orion and nodded. “I’ve been Ras’ apprentice for about six years now. I know Reiden also knows Ras’ other friend Shadow and her family.”

He glanced over at Rue, glad to see his friend being so happy with the reunion of many friends.

He took a sip of his water and then glanced up at the newcomer, wondering what he was all about.

Rue seemed happy at the compliments, and happy Miho had a flower already! He would still give her one though…and one for everyone else. Likely including this newcomer. Saffron eyes quickly dropped, demuring in the face of business, and he focused on Brelon’s knee instead, his previously wagging tail stilling and wrapping more closely around the pair.

“It’s not a bad time. Your colleague’s welcome to join us, Miho.” A chair slid towards the newcomer from a nearby table, coming to a stop near enough that he could reach it easily, without forcing him to sit down.

<@227653769842655233> <@155049895793786880> <@142754576863330304> <@232396983854301187>

Rue gasped lightly at the casual display, unsure who had done it, and glanced at first to Brelon, given he had admitted to being of the Force also. “The Goddess blesses us…”

Brelon relaxed visibly when Rue’s tail wrapped around him more closely. He hadn’t realized the tension that had settled through his shoulders. He gently brushed his fingers along the braided tip, as much to comfort himself as to reassure Rue.

When the chair moved by itself and Rue looked over at him, and he quietly shook his head. He hadn’t done it.

The purring that had briefly stopped resumed, apparently tied to things like tail scratches and cocoa. Rue felt Brelon’s tension ease, and at his head shake, took another glance around the table before focusing a moment.

His mental voice was again sonorous and soft when it timidly knocked at the red head’s mind. Is Brelon alright…too many…people?

Brelon took several slow, deep breaths, and then let out a soft sigh. He smiled lightly when he felt the tentative mental touch.

I’m alright, Rue. Just too many people above my pay grade. I’ll be alright, just a little overwhelming when they all show up one after the other like that. Some of them are also Rue’s friends, I’m okay, don’t worry.

He ran gentle, reassuring fingers along Rue’s tail and across the braided tip, then flashed him a warm smile.

To reply at length would have been taxing, so the hybrid opted for a different sort of silent comfort and linked their hands again, at least the one that wasn’t petting his tail. He squeezed gently, marveling at the very fact that he wasn’t overwhelmed and crying just by virtue of the number of people yet. There had been earlier, but now was fine.

This was progress. It was good.

Emboldened by it, he tried lifting his voice, just the tiniest bit, smiling at Miho and the stranger without meeting either eyes.

“Y-yes, do join us. Any friend of Miss Miho’s…for she is precious also.” He licked his lips, inhaled, chose bravery, “There is food…and drinks and cocoa and this one will braid hair…we are talking. Per-haps games? If wanted.”

<@227653769842655233> <@155049895793786880> <@232396983854301187> <@645466919415054357>

Miho smiled up at Heiken and gestured to the chair provided for him. “Business can wait. Besides, the things I need to collect are on the way back home anyway.”

She turned that smile back to her other companions. It was nice having people to just be around. There had been years where just sharing a meal with someone was a nervous affair. What had changed? It wasn’t her. It must be…

With a smile, she nodded to Rue. “You are precious to me as well, Rue. I’m glad Alk introduced us.”

Whatever had changed, she wasn’t about to pick at it. Life was meant to be enjoyed.

“Yes ma'am.” Heiken took the offered chair and sat down, having spent time with the Jedi the use of the Force no longer surprising him as much as it use to. “And, I do apologize for not introducing myself. My name is Heiken Akechi.” Looking over at Rue, “The offer is appreciated but I don’t have enough hair to braid.”

Rue, having smiled and visibly teared up at Miho’s sentiments, paused for thought at the quandary.

“Whenever my litluns did not have hair, as many did not, I would braid them flower crowns,” he began, glancing to his basket and back with a kind smile, “if Master Akechi would like one?”

As she had pre-calculated, it was pouring. Rain clattered against the pavement in tandem with the clicking of towering heels. Water slid straight off her mid-thigh-long hair that was left loose—as its composition was practically unable to become wet. A slick tail impishly deflected each droplet that neared its tip, keeping itself busy and disconnected from her occupied mind.

Double doors slid open before Aphotis. Any rain that clung to her shimmering second skin washed down onto the floor as she stepped inside. She exhaled through her nose, gathering herself, pleased with the high ceiling and the opulence that greeted her. Everything looked new and clean. The golden light danced on her black suit agreeably, despite its brightness. Petrichor was the only thing she missed as the smell of perfumes, luxury furniture and cleaning products replaced it.

As always there was a chilling aura that radiated from the tall Sith, something unsettling and hungering.

“Lady Aphotis,” the Concierge greeted as staccato*click-clacks* grew louder. He smiled easily, and showed no sign of being offput by the imposing, towering Sith. It was if he were greeting any guest. “It is our privledge to have you,” he spoke calmly, his voice carying easily. “How may I be of service?” he asked, steepling his fingers together on the desk. He met her eyes evenly.

The tall Sith crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head as her glowing eyes scanned the Concierge. Her tail made slow, wide waves behind her. This individual did not emanate strong emotions, and he lacked the emptiness of a machine—it was clear he had been trained well.

Aphotis respired, the corners of her mouth lowering and lifted her chin, she let one arm relax while anchoring the other hand on her hip. There was the scent of souls on him, though not a single speck of star-dust that clung to his essence. In more than one way it made the Mistress feel warm on the inside that she had released her ghosts on a regular basis, or locked their fears away in her Garden of Trepidations.

“Greetings, I had been made aware of the Severian Principate’s presence here, is that correct?” Her tail swirled in small circles as if it took over the gestures of her claws to explain non-verbally.

“These are trying times, as you may already know,” her smoky voice was full of mystery as she tossed her endless raven hair back with a shake of the head, “I might be in search of someone.” She gave a subtle mirthless laugh.

“And I would not mind a layout of the place.” A fang popped out in a smile, pressing down onto her black lip.

“Just Heiken please, I’m above no one.” He gave Rue a slight smile, “But yes, if you would like to make one I have no reason to decline.”

“Yes, Si– Just Heiken,” Rue chirped, smiling, and turned a rueful smile on Brelon. His iridescent brows wrinkled. “I am sorry, this one will be needing these back for a time.” A squeeze and a flick respectively indicated their linked hands and his tail. “But I…liked this.”


“Of course,” Charon replied calmly. “We have two guests by the bar in the dining and lounge that I know are here as part of the good faith communications between the Principate and Brotherhood,” he started. He gestured to his side. “You can find that to the left,” then gestured with his other hand, “and to the right the elevators to the rooms and other facilities. The gallery is by the entrance, and the VIP loungue is currently closed but should be opening later this evening.”

“We of course also offer a la carte services as well.” He glanced down at his terminal and smiled. “And it appears we’ve already secured an upgraded suite available for you already, if that is desired.”

Brelon offered a warm smile and shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry about, I love watching you work. Go ahead. I’ll be right here when you’re done.” He returned the gentle squeeze of the hand and and gave the braided tail tip one last gentle brushing and he let go so Rue could do what he needed to do.

He took a sip of his water, briefly considered switching to something stronger, then thought better of it and just stuck with the water. He glanced around the room again, then back to the group that had gathered at their table. Quite an interesting group of people to be sure.

Rue went to work, picking a few bunches of wildflowers out of his basket to start making into a circlet. Much like when he had braided Brelon’s hair and done his own in the bathroom, it was on display how his tail substituted for his missing arm and hand, holding things in place and helping while he did most of the weaving work one-handed.

“Would anyone else like a crown or braid?” he asked very softly.