Anders had one question. Just one; what is today?
No, that was not rhetorical in the slightest. What in the name of the Force was going on today? It had been an unusual turn of events to say the least. First Evelyn, then Zuza, and now he needed to have a word with Draca regarding the sudden changes that were taking place.
The spaceport was still, as expected, buzzing with the presence of four seperate Clans of the Brotherhood, three of which were making their imminent departure. The smell of grease and oil wafted in the air, sparks erupting from welding equipment fixing broken equipment. At the end of the spaceport was, of course, Anders’ new vessel, the Astral Drake MK II. It was a long, 120 metre long Consigna Class Corvette, salvaged, but usable.
However, he paused as he caught sight of a larger than life woman. Anders recognised her from Kasiya as one of the ones at that table that had laughed at him. She irked him alone for that very reason.
Still, a promise was a promise.
He approached her whilst she was bust co-ordinating Selenian forces.
“Miss. Kendis,” The Chiss cleared his throat. He would have liked to say it was a pleasure to see her again, but that would have been a lie.
Ellisyn Kendis was filled with a sense of dread as she helped coordinate the cleanup efforts in her part of town. She was currently at a spaceport trying to enlist the help of various people in the cleanup effort, mostly to no avail. A small grumble escaped her lips when a vaguely familiar voice graced her ears, forcing her to turn and regard what seemed to be a towering Chiss. The same Chiss that had ruined her last night on Kasiya. Great.
In the dossier Anders had managed to dig up, it was noted that Ellisyn had an eidetic memory and remembered almost everything she encountered, so when she feigned ignorance, he knew she was lying to him.
“That’s me,” she said, pulling on the black t-shirt she had decided to wear for the day. She wasn’t presenting as a warrior that day. Instead, the Firrerreo was a simple citizen trying to help her community. “Who might you be?”
Did Ellisyn have a faulty memory? She knew very well who he was, as evidenced by the grumble that escaped her lips when she heard his voice and the fact she had an eidetic memory.
“You know very well who I am, my dear,” Anders folded his hands behind his back and straightened his posture. “Do not be coy with me. I wish to have a discussion with you.”
Elly’s brow quirked. What in blazes did the Pcon of Taldryan want with her? She crossed her arms and regarded him with a suspicious look. “What could you possibly need to discuss with me?”
“The disappearance of former Taldryan Republic Supreme Chancellor Appius Wight,” Anders was blunt and straight to the point. “My research hassled me to believe that you had intimate relations with his brother. One Darrio Klars. Is that correct?”
“That” Ellisyn said, venom tainting her voice, “Is none of your business. Anders, I know you see yourself as some sort of spymaster who knows all, but some things aren’t meant to be known. And this is one of them. Trust me when I say that you will regret looking any further into this. I promise.”
“Unfortunately, I am afraid that I already have,” Anders didn’t move a muscle, watching Ellisyn for aby sign of deceit. “You see, I made a promise to investigate the disappearance of Appius Taldrya Wight and I intent to keep it. There is nothing malevolent occurring, I simply wish to uncover what you know. Perhaps it will aid me in discerning what happened.”
Ellisyn grumbled and crossed her arms. “I don’t know anything. If I knew something, don’t you think I’d be out there looking for them so I can slap them silly for just leaving us?”
“Regardless,” Anders straightened his posture. Perhaps the threat of being slapped was what made them leave in the first place? It was a benign thought, but amusing nonetheless. “You were one of the last to be seen with Darrio Klars, who consequently went missing at the exact same time. Did he mention anything at all? Any clues as to any missions pertaining to an extended leave of absence?”