Surveying the circle carved out of the trees below, Korvyn flew one more pass around the area. Stormtroopers and scout troopers formed a perimeter well outside the area reserved for the afterparty. The shuttle landed at the secondary landing area. Korvyn had prepared the area for just such occasions. A place private outside the public view where members of Scholae Palatinae could be themselves. No prying eyes to see them let their guards down and enjoy themselves. Trespassers would not be given a warning, the punishment here was execution.
“U8-12, take her up and wait for me to signal,” Korvyn said to his 0-66 model pilot droid. Then sent out the coordinates to the party to the exclusive invite list. Rayne, as the Empress, knew about the site and curated her list of who exactly deserved to be here.
“Affirmative,” the droid responded. Korvyn kept the droid’s personality as basic as possible. The pilot droid’s responses were usually simple and direct unless asked for more information.
From the ramp of the landing area, Korvyn approached two death troopers guarding the entrance to the trail towards the afterparty. They saluted as he walked by them and then rested at ease. Korvyn walked the well-cut path through the woods and emerged in a large clearing. Portable chairs and large bins lay scattered about the area. The bins had been filled with Xen’rgy drinks and cheap beer in overly large green bottles. A large pile of wood was in a giant mound in the center. It would have been easy to just pile up the trees but they had an excess of desks in the monolith. It had taken years to gather all these, including a fresh addition to the collection. Seeing the lights of new transports coming in Korvyn reached down and lit the desks on fire expressing a rare smile.
The newest one still had the nameplate on it:
Kamjin “Maverick” Lap'lamiz, Justicar
Sensing the alert on the her holopad, Elaine looked away from the swinging chandelier man and read the notification.
“An afterparty, huh? That could be even more interesting,” She mumbled.
She made her way out of the gala, maintaining her decorum. Boarding her own ship, Elaine closed the hatch and drew her hand across the fur on Callé’s head as she made her way to her quarters to change into something a little more comfortable.
She changed into the black robes that she would typically wear when assigned to a mission. She elegantly draped her Krayt Dragon detailed cloak over her shoulders and attached her utility belt around her waist, clipping her lightsabers to the belt.
She left her chambers and looked at Callé.
“Alright… ready, Cal?” She asked the Nexu. The feline tilted his head and looked at the young human.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” She stated, moving into the cockpit and taking a seat. She set the proper coordinates into the navigation system and took off.
Sykes looked at his 0-0-0 droid and shook his head. “No this won’t be a time for you or Blinky to be involved. This is a fireside chat with the Empress. I want you you prepared if I call you but I won’t need Blinky around. You will accompany me on this as a translator only if required.”
“Sir, if we need to eliminate biologicals, Blinky would be ideal to bring with.” The black 3PO assassin droid remarked. One could tell the droid was “antsy” with the idea of its Master going to an event in only his robes instead of battle gear.
“It will be fine.” The Anzati Sith remarked as he left the ship. He was in his standard robes with minimal weapons. However the haversack over his shoulder full of bottles of galaxy wide alcohol said the “party” would be less than eventful. He lit a cigarette and motioned for the droid to follow through the wooded area.
As Sykes made his way through the area he entered the clearing of the bonfire and looked around at the various members of the Clan that were starting to gather. For once he was early. “Krffing droids.” He muttered prior to finding a seat where the smoke wasn’t gathering.
Ellac ran a metal finger across the serrated blade of his explosive knife, propping a boot up on a crate near his seat by the growing fire.
The blade retracted back into the square device as he looked around the mostly vacant clearing. He hadn’t gone to the official gala to congratulate Rayne for claiming the throne, but when Korvyn had sent out the invitation to an “after-party”, the former Quastor knew there’d be no excuse for not showing up.
The arrow-shaped blade slid out again, reflecting his perpetually grim expression in the fire light. He wondered who else might’ve dodged the public appearance, with the plastered smiles, and the waving, and the… His thoughts trailed off as he scoffed at the idea of Kamjin preening at the cameras.
Meanwhile, still at the main reception, Kamjin was slowly swirling his cocktail. His…he had lost count how many he had had. It had been a slow burn throughout the evening and instead of that rush towards intoxication it had grown slowly. Like a fire sparked from kindling it never blazed but it glowed as pulsing embers in the hearth.
Sparkle, the Zabrak bartender who had taken care of Kamjin all night continued to shoot danger at Norr. The dark furred Bothan who had grown increasingly agitated by Kamjin’s presence. Kamjin shrugged as he downed the rest of his drink. His eyes starring over the brim at the smooth mocha skin and it’s captivating white tattooed lines. Was there a flaw? He couldn’t tell. Her bald head and it’s tiara like pattern of horns…sparkled, he laughed at the comparison to her name, as she tilted her head. Even her disapproving look at the Bothan failed to etch any lines onto her face.
It was time to act. Now or never. Kamjin placed his drink down on the bar top. Perhaps harder than he meant to but it caught Sparkle’s attention nonetheless.
“Mi'lord, would you like another?” Sparkle asked, her voice was soft but her eyes were darting with concern.
“Yes,” Kamjin replied, after a moment he reached out and took Sparkle’s hand. “No. I mean…”
Sparkle looked at his hand upon her but didn’t recoil. Kamjin thought that was a good sign missing her eyes darting rapidly between his hand and Norr’s scowling face. A scowl that Kamjin noticed as well.
Kamjin started over. “This party is starting to wrap up for those of us…” he didn’t want to say the ruling elite. He didn’t want to come across as arrogant. “Umm…would you like to join us?”
Sparkle’s eyes went wide as her cheeks blushed. She seemed genuinely flattered by the invitation. She scanned the room quickly and, failing to spot Korvyn, nodded.
Xen sighed as the medical droid finished spraying bacta on the wound on his head.
“Probability of concussion ninety-four point four percent,” it said. “That wall was triple reinforced, how you managed to smash a hole through it with your head is remarkable.” While a perfectly polite synthetic voice, Xen couldn’t help but detect the judgy undertone.
“Yes yes. I’m sure someone in the clan can do something better than bacta and a lecture,” he said. His hope was soon answered as a Falleen in white medical gear came running up. Beyond the clan’s logo notice a smaller insignia.
The icon of the Palpatines.
The Falleen gave a short salute. Xen could feel the Force radiating off the man. He tried to get a read on how old the Falleen was. Young. But for a Falleen that was a wide bracket.
“Sir. Medic Kotist Grimrad, at your service,” the Falleen said. Before Xen respond Kotist had extended both of his hands and held them millimeters from Xen’s head. Long, green, and spindly it took but a moment for the healing energy of the Force to work its way deep into Xen’s head.
Healed, Xen stood, as Kotist dropped to a knee, not out of respect but exhaustion. Xen place a hand on the medic’s shoulder.
“The Empire thanks you,” he said. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the Justicar leaning in close with Sparkle at the bar. Rolling his eyes he dashed out of the gala, he had places to be.
Norr, checking on to the exchange had rushed over. “What is the meaning of this?” Norr demanded of Sparkle.
“None of your business,” Sparkle said, taking her hand back and putting them on her hips. She was short, only five feet at the best, and she glared up at the Bothan. Norr took a step back.
“You can’t go with him. Absolutely not. I forbid it.”
“You forbid it? Who the kark are you to forbid me from doing anything?”
Norr’s muzzle snapping shut as he struggled to reply. Kamjin thought he knew what Norr wanted to say. Kamjin stood up, while not a particularly tall man he did have the height advantage over the Bothan. “Sparkle, why don’t you go get your coat. If you don’t have one just mention my name and the coat check droid will find something appropriate. I’ll meet you out front in five minutes?”
Sparkle blushed again before shooting one last contemptuous look at Norr before heading out of the bar. “Come with me, Norr,” and the way Kamjin said it Norr knew there was nothing to do but obey. Kamjin ushered the Bothan through the crowd. Some of the more knowledgeable politicians quickly gave way as they guessed what was transpiring.
Kamjin guided Norr by pointing over his shoulder from time to time as they went through a door to the catering team. Busboys, waiters, waitress, and catering staff were gently brushed aside as they made their way to an exit into the alley.
The night air was crisp on Kamjin’s face. It brought clarity to his addled mind. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? He was married. Sparkle was probably no older than his daughter. He was a respectable leader and this stank of scandal. For a moment he was ready to turn around and walk back in, grab a hot caf, and head home.
Norr failed to recognize that moment. The Bothan shoved the Sith Master barring his fangs. “Keep your hands off Sparkle.”
No sooner than she had taken off, Elaine was at her destination. Her ship slowly descended into the shadows of the forest, a few klicks from the party grounds as she didn’t mind walking.
Elaine made her way to the access hatch, opening her ship up to the surrounding environment.
“Come on Cal,” she said to her companion with a waving of her hand. Both Elaine and the Nexu exited the space craft and made their way to the rest of the coterie.
Kamjin raised his hand in a pinching motion as the Bothan was lifted off his feet. Norr clawed at the collar of his shirt as his feet dangled in the air.
Kamjin sneered at the Bothan. Who was this creature to lay a hand on him.
“You’re…a…fool,” Norr spat as he gasped for breath. “You’re…being…played.”
“I’m sorry. I can’t quite hear you,” Kamjin said, looking up at the floating Bothan. “You think I’m a fool? You decided to throw your junk around with a Master of the Sith.”
“Spar…Spar…kle, is…n’t…”
“Come again?” Kamjin said, pinching his fingers tighter before relaxing his grib. Norr crumpled into a nearby dumpster, ripping his collar to shreds.
“I’m not some love struck child,” Kamjin continued, kicking the Bothan in the ribs with his highly polished boot. tsk, Kamjin looked down and noticed it had become scuffed.
“She doesn’t love you!”
“She doesn’t seem to love you either,” Kamjin retorted. “And who said this was love. Who says this needs to be more than companionship for an evening?”
Norr laughed. “You deserve it. You deserve all of it,” he said, struggling to his feet. There must have been a clarity that came over him. A sense of invisibility as he accepted he was going to die. “You couldn’t save Ragnath. You polluted most of this system allowing your Proconsul to strip mine the planets. You’re not a conqueror. You’re just another petty…”
Norr couldn’t finish his thought as Kamjin, with a simple gesture, had snapped the Bothan’s neck in two. Norr’s head hung limply as his body collapsed to the ground.
“I’ll let Sparkle know you decided to leave,” Kamjin said, as he left to join her in front of the Museum.
“Where were you?” Sparkle said, she was wearing a fuzzy coat made from some exotic animal that was easily several times her annual salary as a bartender.
“Norr and I had a chat. He told me he was frustrated cause he had taken a job off world and had to leave in the morning.”
“Oh, he hadn’t mentioned anything to me.”
“He didn’t know how to bring it up. I’m sure he’ll reach out once he’s settled. Shall we?” Kamjin said, gesturing towards a hover car that approached. The staff opened the door as he led Sparkle inside and they headed towards the after party.
The shuttle landed with a gentle thud. The doors opened silently while the ramp extended.
“Thank you for flying Seraph Air. Buh-bye,” came a voice through speakers.
Xen cringed. He hadn’t taken any form of public transportation in decades. But alas, he had placed to be and his normal private transports were all stuck on the far side of town. So it was Seraph Air or walk.
He exited as quickly as possible while still attempting to maintain an air of dignity.
In the shadows of the woods he rapidly changed out some clothing, much had been damaged in his chandelier escapades. Feeling at least somewhat presentable he made his way back to the trail, and up to the after-party.
Sanguis still felt Shadow’s excitement as their shuttle made for the woods. The minute they had been notified of the after-party’s location, Shadow’s mood had lightened. She had barely allowed them to change into something casual at the hotel, eager to be in the forest where she felt at home.
The minute the shuttle had landed and the ramp had lowered, the half-Sephi bolted out of the ship and towards the tall trees. Sanguis only amusedly shook his head, happy to see his wife less stiff and more natural. Hopefully, this meant they’d be able to enjoy the night more than they did at the gala, not that he didn’t appreciate the history lesson Shadow had given him.
He followed her into the woods instead of taking the designated path, seeing the flickering of a large fire dancing in the gaps between the trees. Knowing Shadow well, she would find a tree and perch there, enjoying the night and observing the festivities instead of joining them. Unlike her, however, he hoped to let loose a bit and socialize like he used to at some Sith gatherings back in the day when he wasn’t busy terrifying novices. It had amused him to watch apprentices keep their distance from him, questioning whether the rumors about his bloodlust were true.
When he reached the edge of the clearing, he saw his wife already sitting on a branch with a soft smile on her lips as she watched the flames. He looked up at her and chuckled, reminded of her fascination with fire. “It wouldn’t hurt to mingle and have a good time, for once. An after-party is about letting loose and having fun without a care.”
She gazed down at him, her golden eyes reflecting the embers in the clearing. “I’m fine here. You go and enjoy yourself.”
“Ro, come on. Don’t be like that.” Sanguis crossed his arms. “You don’t always need to keep that serious facade. This is an after-party. Live a little. This will be a good way to celebrate our return to the Empire.”
“I’m fine where I am, Sanguis. Really.”
The Nagai sighed. “So stubborn. Just promise to come down at some point before the party ends. I’d like it if my wife would join me for a bit.”
Much to his relief, Shadow rolled her eyes and relented. “Alright, alright. I promise.”
“Good. Otherwise, I may choose to find a snack.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Sanguis chuckled. “No promises,” he said teasingly, his Nagaian charisma more evident in his tone. “I’m going to go get a drink. Enjoy your tree, love.”
Sitting down in one the non burning desks Korvyn grabbed the large green bottle of beer and tipped it back taking a long draw from it that lasted several seconds. It was rare that he found himself in a position to just let loose. Tonight though there was no intrigue or hidden agendas. Just his clan mates, an exceedingly large pile of burning desks and various drinks. Supplies of various foods that could be roasted over the fire were in refrigerated supply crates. Meats of suspect origin shaped into long cylinders was the normal but there were some other sliced meat as well. Knowing the members of the clan he knew better than to ask where they came from.
Another long drink from the bottle went down as the shuttles continued to arrive. Korvyn grabbed the ingredients for his favorite snack. It was called S'mores though he never knew why. He set the marshmallow out at the edge of the fire with the force letting it melt. Once the temperature was where he wanted it it went between two sweet crisps with a bit of semisweet chocolate. He crunched the first one down and finished his beer. Perfection.
As she approached the cut out path leading to the bonfire, Elaine sensed two very familiar characters… her former master and her mutilated brother.
She let out a heavy sigh as her body became mildly tense. She looked down at Callé and he met her gaze.
“If it were feasible, I’d let you rip them to shreds,” she said. Though the Nexu did not understand her words, he could sense the emotion behind it due to their bond.
She lifted her eyes from the feline and looked ahead.
“Here goes nothing…”
The pair made their way into the midst of the group that was currently present.
“You can put her down over there,” Kamjin said gesturing to a dark clearing a short distance away from the already blazing bonfire. Sparkle leaned over the Justicar to get a better look. “They like to build them big,” he said, putting a head on Sparkle’s back to support her as the speeder descended.
The fire danced in Sparkle’s eyes and Kamjin smiled. He hadn’t ‘cut loose’ in years. For the next few hours he was just another Palatinae. As the speeder settled he propped open the door and helped Sparkle step out. She may have been in a flattering dress but she had the smarts of a bartender and was wearing flats.
Kamjin popped loose a few button on the right side of his uniform, letting it flap over onto his medals. He instantly felt the cool air jump start his brain. He definitely need a drink to keep the night going.
Noticing the Proconsul, Korvyn, lodging at what appeared to be a desk with a drink he led Sparkle in that direction. “Korvyn,” Kamjin said by way of greeting. “I don’t know if you’ve met my companion. This is Sparkle,” Kamjin said, passing a beer to Sparkle who took it gently from the Justicar. Kamjin took a swig from his beer and turned to inspect the fire. There was something…familiar…
If Korvyn was in any way surprised to see Sparkle with the Justicar he didn’t let his appearance betray it. Instead he slid off the desk he was sitting on and stood up to face the pair. The Zabrak female hadn’t changed out her dress from the Gala, though Korvyn didn’t need any clues as to who she was.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you more formally, Sparkle. It’s a nice night for a bonfire wouldn’t you agree?” The Hand of the Emperor said somewhat in a more diplomatic tone than usual.
“It is a lovely evening.” The bartender replied.
“We had all these old wooden desks just lying around and, well it seemed this was a much better use for them than just throwing them away.” Korvyn highlighted the word desks waiting for the realization to dawn on Kamjin. Slapping his hand on the desk he had been sitting on he continued. “We actually just picked this one up today.”
Still clicking the device in his hand, Ellac turned to see several familiar faces trickling in from the gala.
He could feel Sykes sitting behind him, even without looking back, and he frowned when he saw Elaine and her walking fleabag coming in from across the clearing; He almost lost it when the Nexu hissed at him, but figured he’d have all night to torment the thing, so he resigned himself to simply hissing back.
And then there was him. Ellac stopped fidgeting with his knife when he saw Kamjin waltzing in with a strange woman on his arm, and he reflexively let out a laugh that ended up being much louder than he intended, but he didn’t honestly care. He had never met Kamjin’s wife, but if Komilia was any sort of indication, this woman was definitely not her.
The return hissing from Ellac drew Elaine’s eyes over to him.
I would like nothing more than to cut out his tongue… She thought, her fist clenching as she leaned against a tree and looked into the raging flames of the bonfire.
Kamjin stared at the desk. It looked familiar. Then he noticed the plaque which read ‘Justicar’. His eyes narrowed. “You appear to be sitting at my desk.”
Elaine walked over to the refrigerated supply crate, pulling out a few marshmallows. She suspended one over the fire through the Force and let it turn into a nice, crispy, gold all the way around the fluffy treat.
With a small flick of her fingers, she threw a marshmallow at <@503352868363960336> , the white dessert bouncing off of his head. Elaine then proceeded to feed her nexu a marshmallow as she simultaneously ate the roasted one.
Ellac bent down to pick up the marshmallow at his feet, turning it over as he blew the dirt off it and popped it into his mouth.
Looking up to meet his young sister’s smug smirk, Ellac reached over, retrieving a Xenergy drink from a cooler next to him, popped the tab, shotgunned the whole can in one go, and crushed the can between his hands as he waited for her to throw another marshmallow to her Nexu. And just as it’s jaws opened to catch the snack, Ellac pitched the can into the beast’s mouth, causing it to choke.
Elaine’s eyes widened as Callé violently choked. Before she could step in to assist the Nexu, it coughed up the can, causing it to shoot across in the direction of it’s original sender.
Ellac dodged the metallic object, resulting in it’s new target to be none other <@800517155389046794> himself.
“This desk?” Korvyn said with a rare smile. He feigned an innocent protest, “This couldn’t possibly be the desk from your office on Arx. How would the Hoodrats ever have gained entry into your office numbered 1837J?”
Reiden had stayed at the museum long enough to see Xen swinging from the chandelier, the fall, and its aftermath. The former Emperor was in rare form and it had brought a smile to his face. WIth things winding down, he contacted his friend Orion to get an airspeeder ready and that they’d be going to the after-party that was being organized. He watched as Kamjin spoke with the bartender more and the confrontation with the Bothan and how the two had departed to speak in private. After a moment, Kamjin returned, but without the Bothan. Given what had happened, and the quick tempers and general propensity for violence that many Sith had, especially those in power, he had a pretty good guess as to what had happened. Then Kam and Sparkle headed out the door together. He shook his head, not sure what the Justicar was thinking.
Surely he was smarter than this?
He dismissed the thought. Whether smart or not, or the level of intoxication, it wasn’t really any concern of his. If Kam didn’t mind the possibility of a scandal or word reaching his wife or children, then so be it. He was sure that there were members of the press in attendance, even if not dressed as such or openly wearing credentials. And there was no doubt that there would be some outside still, or those that had set up some kind of method of recording images or video. In any case, it wasn’t worth further thought. He turned and made his way to the exit, heading to the location where Orion had indicated they would meet, then the two set off for the after-party.
The sky above the area was under strict watch but with their clearance codes, it wasn’t a problem. Orion slowed down, looking for a place to set the craft down. Reiden gave his friend’s anooba, Koga, a pat on the head and grinned, noticing that they were above the clearing now, a roaring bonfire below them, some clan members already gathered there. He could sense Shadow somewhere on the periphery, her presence standing out to him more than the others.
“This is fine here. Open the door for me, would you?”
“What?! Are you crazy? There’s a spot right nearby where I can land.”
Reiden laughed and shook his head, motioning for Koga to sit and stay, then opened the door himself. It slid to the side smoothly, barely making a sound. The crisp outside air came flowing in and he smiled. He gripped the door frame and leaned out, then jumped.
Trees rushed past as he plummeted toward the ground, which loomed ever larger. The exhilaration he felt from the surging adrenaline was something else. He had almost forgotten what it felt like, how fun it was. Once he was near the ground, he thrust his arms in front of him and summoned the Force, sending it out in a wave. It impacted the ground and, with nowhere to go, pushed back at him, arresting his fall. He dropped to the ground, one hand touching down for support before standing upright, looking up to find Korvyn and Kamjin.
“I heard there was a party going on here, didn’t want to miss it,” he said with a grin.
“Hoodrats…” Kamjin mumbled under his breath as he scanned the vicinity for them. He couldn’t spot Thran nor Rayne though the fire was giving him horrible night blindness. The Proconsul had risen through the ranks after his departure and he didn’t know if he was one of…them.
Sparkle stood nearby nervously watching the exchange between the two men. As she made to step into the conversation a man came crashing to the ground.
“I heard there was a party going on here, didn’t want to miss it,” Reiden said with a grin. Kamjin wheeled around on him. Recognizing Reiden immediately he grabbed the younger man with both hands, shaking him.
“Were you the one stealing my desks all along? How come my latest desk is sitting here about to be burned?”
As if on cue, a flaming arrow shot between the two men lodging itself into the desk and setting it alight. What seemed to be frustrated curses flew from some yards away among the woods. The cursing was interrupted by blaster fire, then a startled scream, then silence.
Calmly, a figure emerged from the shadows brandishing an E-11D with a red and slightly smoking barrel.
“Apologies, my lords. The aborigines have secret tunnels through these woods that we have not yet completed mapping out. This one should never have gotten this close. The blame is simply on me.”
Asher Muu’ray took an apologetic bow. The ISB agent had been in charge of the security for the area per the Vizier’s orders and there had been no sign of issue till now.
Kamjin dropped Reiden immediately as the arrow twanged in the desk. A fire slowly started to spread from where it had impacted. He had, surprisingly, not brought his lightsabers with him. It was, after all a gala not a battle field. Plus, he was never truly unarmed.
“What’s the meaning of this?” he demanded from the agent. “Who fired that arrow?”
Reiden had blinked in surprise at Kamjin’s actions before his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, the flames of anger welling up inside him. He was about to respond when an arrow shot between the two of them. He glanced from the arrow to the man that approached.
Turning back to Kamjin. He shook his head. “Damn the arrow, we’re not done here. I have not stolen any of your desks, nor do I definitively know who is responsible for it. Lest you forget, you have made many enemies before, during, and almost certainly after your reign. I have served this Empire, faithfully, for over a decade and I don’t appreciate such allegations. If you continue on that path, I’ll be forced to contact K'vin.”
“Oh, and didn’t you hear? It was aborigines,” Reiden added with a sneer. He turned to face the newcomer, not recognizing him. “Much appreciated. Everything settled now?”
Kamjin ignored Reiden’s taunts. He had enough staff lawyers to keep K'vin busy in motions for decades and, with the added bonus, of draining Thran’s funds.
“Aborigines? Who are you ( <@248607477015379987> )? Has the perimeter been swept? If there was one there may be more,” Kamjin’s tone had reflectively snapped back to his military days.
“Maybe the next one won’t miss!” Ellac shouted from his seat, tossing another marshmallow in his mouth.
Kamjin made a mental note to teach Ellac a lesson for his sass.
Reiden couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Ellac’s comment. He turned from the three men and grabbed a bottle from the cooler, popping the top off and taking a sip. He raised it in Ellac’s direction. “Ellac! It’s good to see you again. I’m glad that you were able to come and join us here!”
A twinge of disappointment flickered in Sanguis’ eyes when he saw Kamjin still standing unharmed. Ellac’s remark amused him, and he made a silent toast to both Ellac’s boldness and to the assassin for the attempt. He sensed Shadow’s dissatisfaction as well, hearing her briefly in the Force as she complained how such an easy opportunity had to of course be destined to fail.
However, the taste of the beer when he finally took a sip distracted him from the whole affair. For cheap beer, he still expected something better than what he had just tasted and wished he had something stronger, like Corellian whiskey, to erase the offensive aftertaste on his tongue. Of course, he never had been much of a beer man anyway.
“Sithspit,” he muttered as he dumped the rest in the grass. “Surely, they have to have something better. Like whiskey or mead.”
The Marauder’s complaint hadn’t gone unnoticed as he felt his wife’s amusement at his predicament. He turned and glanced back at her tree, seeing her eyes aglow with firelight and mirth accompanied by that teasing and devious smirk he loved. He rolled his eyes at her in response, grinning playfully.
Sanguis turned his attention back to the party, deciding it was time to be more social. He approached the group, his left eye shining brightly in contrast to the black tattoo surrounding the socket. Putting on his charm, he smiled and spoke, his voice deep and melodic.
“Well, talk about living things up. I’m glad to see everyone unharmed.”
Reiden sipped his beer. It wasn’t exactly what he was expecting, but it was enough for the moment. He nodded to Sanguis and flashed a grin. “No damage here except for all of Kam’s precious desks, and maybe his pride as well.”
With the Justicar distracted Korvyn seized the opportunity. Reaching out with the force he picked him the desk he had been setting on and yeeted it into the fire. It immediately caught fire. The sound of the desk impacting the burning pile of desks however could not go unnoticed. Kam'jin wheeled around towards the sound.
“Where did my desk go?” He demanded.
“What desk?” Korvyn stated with an over exaggerated shrug.
Reiden’s smile only grew as he watched the desk join the pile of others. The sound of crackling, burning wood filled the air, as did the scent of smoke. He took a deep breath, taking it all in, as well as the crisp fall air. “Don’t you just love that smell? It’s always been one of my favorites. Damn, it even smells expensive.”
“It was imported Dathomirian Oak…” Kamjin said, mournfully.
Ellac smirked as he raised another opened Xenergy drink can, meeting Reiden’s toast. “The Rancor Pits are only so much fun!” He said, taking a swing of the drink. It had a tingly sort of acidic taste, but its artificial sweetness made it that much more addicting.
The group erupted in laughter as Kamjin’s desk crackled in the fire, and Ellac even saw Sparkle laugh for a moment before realizing who the desk had belonged to.
“For now,” Ellac said, turning to see the Nagai joining the party “But hopefully we can change that. I take it your Shadow’s other half?”
Orion made his way through the forest, his anooba not far ahead. He was happy for the canine to get some exercise but thankful he wasn’t wandering too far, especially after hearing that blaster shot and some shouting. His hand had reflexively gone to his belt for his blaster, only to remember that he hadn’t brought either blaster with him. He always had his vambrace’s blaster, but that muscle memory was a hard thing to shake in the heat of the moment sometimes.
He couldn’t believe that Reiden had just jumped from the speeder. It was something he would have done as well, but perhaps not when a landing spot was so close at hand. Still, he knew the Force user was likely in a good mood and wanted to see his clan mates. Orion typically stayed away from the fancier events, but felt like the more informal nature of this party could make it a good time to meet some of those people himself. He’d done enough work for the Scholae Empire over the years that it was probably long overdue at this point.
Stormtroopers had approached and questioned him, but with the codes Reiden had supplied him with, they quickly went back to their business of patrolling the area. The smell of smoke filled his nostrils and he saw the glow from the bonfire up ahead, and heard the voices of the people gathered there. He gave a nod to Koga and the anooba bounded forth, entering the clearing and he followed shortly after him.
This should be an interesting night.
Sanguis softly grinned, slightly revealing his sharp canines. “Indeed, I am.”
He offered his hand. “Sanguis Caldiren. And I believe you’re Ellac Conrat. I remember seeing you around when I was Shadow’s personal guard during her reign. It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.”
Ellac looked at Sanguis’ hand for a moment before extending his own. “Back when I had both eyes,” he said with a smirk. “And my arm. Come to think of it, there’s been a lot that’s happened.”
Ellac looked past his new acquaintance to see Shadow perched up in a tree, wistfully watching embers flittering up into the night sky. “It’s been a long time since then… She seems happier now.”
Sanguis followed Ellac’s gaze and nodded. “She is. Our time away did some good for the both of us. Now, she’s happy to be with the Empire she calls home. It’ll be good to get re-established here.”
He returned his gaze to Ellac. “And I’m sure there’s plenty for her and I to catch up on. I’d be more than delighted to hear about what’s transpired during our absence. I’m sure you have quite the story to tell.”
Ellac gave a nod, reaching a metal hand to the cooler next to him, lifting the whole thing to the Nagai. “You’re seeing most of it now. After Shadow, Kamjin took the throne…” Ellac grit his teeth before continuing. “He helped organize our military power, but he also has a bad habit of drawing attention to himself.” He motioned to Kamjin still pouting over his blazing desk. “Which is also why the old man got himself shot.” Pausing to take a sip of his Xenergy drink, Ellac continued. “And then there was Thran, who spent most of his reign cleaning up after his predecessor. He also tried a thing with the lizards.” Ellac’s brow furrowed slightly. “And now we’re here. Long live the Empress.”
Sanguis nodded as he grabbed a drink, this time putting his hope in the Xenergy drink. “I see. I’m curious about the lizards you mentioned. What exactly did that event entail?”
Ellac tipped his can over his mouth, letting the last drips fall before he crushed this can as well. “I think Thran was trying to generate revenue by bartering lizards… I don’t know how it was supposed work, but apparently he had bags of them in the Monolith at one point. Little buggers kept getting loose.”
“What kind of lizards are we talking about?” Sanguis inquired, realizing that it wasn’t Trandoshans Ellac was talking about. “Did they have some sort of special value?”
“Maybe to him. The largest ones I saw weren’t any larger than your hand, but I don’t know where he plucked them from,” Ellac said, realizing that one little fact made all the difference. “Maybe he was on to something.” He didn’t like admitting it out loud, but he had come to understand that Thran usually had a method to his madness, however… eccentric he happened to appear.
Ellac dismissed the thought with a shrug, reaching for a handful of large marshmallows. “When Thran left, the lizards went with him, so now the weirdest thing going on around here are the reporters on our doorstep pressing for a story about Kamjin being a Hutt in disguise.”
Sanguis glanced over at Kamjin, a deep, yet soft chuckle rumbling in his throat. “Is that right? I have to admit, I’d be interested to see what the headlines have to say about something so ridiculous and yet amusing.”
The Nagai took a moment to flip the tab of his drink, taking a quick to sip with an expectation to be let down once more. However, much to his relief, the Xenergy wasn’t bad, and he took another sip before continuing. “And now, the empire has a new empress. Shadow’s former master, no less. I’m intrigued to see where she leads us.”
He met Ellac’s gaze. “And I’m eager to learn more about my fellow imperials such as yourself.”
“Not much to tell.” Ellac smirked, his lone eye meeting Sanguis’ as he tossed a marshmallow into his mouth. “I’m fairly new to the Empire compared to most of the others. Younger too…” He said, placing an arm over the seat next to him. “But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that experience is a better teacher than anything, which is also why I look like this.”
Sanguis held back from a chuckle, memories of various maimed and scarred apprentices coming to mind. It wasn’t too uncommon back then for novices to learn the hard way from their masters either for their failure, disobedience, or cockiness, if not all three. Pain was a cruel but effective master in its own right. He knew it all too well.
“You speak truly,” he remarked. “I just wonder, what lesson did you learn from your experience?”
The ST-70 Assault Ship known as The Punisher came to a smooth landing just outside of the area containing a large fire. The ramp lowered with a whoosh, and Battlelord Vincent Brujah and the Mandalorian Jaz Holden stepped down the ramp, each carrying a case of drinks. As they approached the group, Vincent spoke to Jaz.
“How is it that we were two of the very first to leave the Gala, and yet, so many arrived here before us?”
Letting out a sigh, Jaz responded.
“Well, first, we had to stop to refuel my jetpack… you know… since you conveniently forgot to refill it before returning it to me.”
“Yes, there was that…” Brujah replied.
“Then we had to hover over the red light district until you found someone selling… those…” Jaz stated while pointing to the death stick hanging from Vincent’s mouth.
Smirking Vincent spoke.
“Yes, true… but once we found a dealer, it was very quick…”
“Yes, Vincent. Once you found a dealer you were able to get him to give you his entire crate of death sticks with a simple wave of the hand… but that’s not the point.”
The two continued bickering back and forth as they approached the fire and the other guests.
“Then you had to stop at a convenience store to pick up this ale because you said, and I quote, ‘I bet the coolers at the afterparty are filled with outer rim swill the likes of…”
Vincent quickly cut off the Mandalorian, narrowing his eyes as he looked at him.
“That will be quite enough, Jaz. It seems that you misinterpreted my message. I wanted only to bring the best available drinks for our Clanmates.”
Looking around, Vincent found the refrigerated crates. Stacking his case of ale on top of the case that Jaz was already holding, Vincent spoke once more.
“Be a dear and put those in the crate… will you?”
Jaz, shook his head slightly as he began to make his way towards the crate.
“Wait!” Vincent spoke out as he walked over and ripped one of the cases open, pulling out a bottle for himself. “Now you can put the ale in the crate.”
Jaz scoffed as he continued off. Vincent surveyed the area. This setting was much more to his liking. He found an empty set of seats near the fire and plopped down, nodding and raising his drink to a few Clanmates as he took in the beautiful fire. Sniffing slightly, Vincent spoke once more.
“Is that Dathomirian Oak that I smell? An interesting choice for firewood.”
Ellac held his gaze with Sanguis, studying his amber eyes. “That even the strongest man has a weakness. Even me.” Reaching up with his cybernetic arm, the young Sith removed his eyepatch, revealing the largest portion of the scar that lay where his eye socket used to be. “I’ve paid a high price for that weakness… I’ll probably pay higher still. But every scar, every loss is a lesson learned… And one day, those weaknesses will be gone.”
Ellac replaced his eyepatch, leaning back into his seat. “My destiny is my own.”
A hint of respect filled Sanguis’ eyes, the Sith having learned a similar lesson but at the cost of a dear friend’s life. That, and Shadow had once expressed the same statement to him about destiny back when they were still trying to kill each other. Seeing the same strength and resolve from Ellac was refreshing to see along with the humility. At least, in comparison to most of the egotistical fiends of his past.
He raised his drink to Ellac. “Such a thing is worthy to drink to, friend. To lessons learned and new paths forged.”
Ellac paused for a moment before reaching for another Xenergy drink, surprised by the Nagai’s easygoing demeanor. The Sith he had come to know were a lot less personable than Sanguis, and though a part of him found it refreshing, he didn’t trust the man’s charm. But he did trust the common loyalty to the Empire, and he trusted Shadow… Mostly.
Popping his third can open, Ellac tapped it to Sanguis’. “I’ll drink to that.”
Reiden disposed of his glass and was reaching for a can of Xenergy when a familiar looking anooba came bounding over, a happy rumble emanating from its chest. He grinned and gave him a scratch behind the ear. “Looks like you found me, Koga. Nice to see you being let out for some fun too. Plenty of space for you to explore and a nice fire to keep you warm as well.”
He looked around, not seeing Orion yet and shrugged, popping the can open and taking a sip as he stood by the fire. It had been a long time since he had last had a Xenergy, the taste bringing back memories and perhaps a slight nostalgia of the past. But that was the good thing about a night such as this. You could be with both old and new friends, and without the pretenses of some fancy party where you had to act a certain way, possibly hiding or downplaying who you were. He extended a hand and moved a finger in a lazy pattern, a portion of flame separating from the rest and following his movements.
The Nagai took a swig of his drink after the toast, finishing the drink before tossing it into a bin. “I’ll not keep you any longer. Enjoy the party. It was a pleasure talking with you, Ellac.”
Sanguis looked around, his quest for some good alcohol still very present in his mind. He began to have another craving, but he resisted and chose to put some space between himself and the others. More than ever did he wish he had some whiskey.
However, he caught sight of another beverage being add to a refrigerated crate, and quickly went to investigate. To his delight, he found cans of ale, and quickly plucked one out. “Oh, finally. Thank the force.”
Meanwhile, Shadow watched from her perch, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she watched her husband open the can and enjoy a sip of ale. The look of satisfaction and triumph on his face amused her. Overall, she was glad to see Sanguis enjoying himself, no longer sticking to the shadows as he once did as her personal guard.
However, something else drew her attention away. A desire for s'mores was calling to her, and she was tempted to leave the shelter of the tree. Perhaps if she was quick enough, she’d be able to slip in and grab what she needed before finding a spot far enough from the others to make her treat.
Her fingers gripped the branch hard as she debated with herself. In the end, however, the s'more won out. She slid off the branch, landing sturdily on her feet, and dashed for her target.
Ellac nodded as Sanguis walked away, slurping down another swig of his drink. A momentary twitch of his eyelid gave him pause as he pulled the can away from his mouth, peering in at the red-yellowish liquid inside.
Shrugging it off, Ellac pushed himself up from his seat by the fire. His robes had begun to smell heavily of firewood smoke, but he didn’t mind the musk.
A dancing flame flicked from the fire in front of him, drawing his attention its master.
Making his way over to Reiden, Ellac looked down at the Anooba who was panting at the Elder’s feet. “You seem to be enjoying yourself,” he said, attempting to mask his frown at Reiden’s pet.
Reiden looked at Ellac and nodded, sipping from the can. “Yeah, I guess I am. Rayne has taken the throne now. I always thought she would end up having a knack for it. It’s been good to see her taking on more responsibility over the last few years and now culminating in this. I’m looking forward to seeing where she takes us. We’ve gathered to celebrate the occasion, and then there’s the return of old friends,” he added, glancing toward the tree where Shadow had been perched earlier before finding her once more. “Besides, did you see the look on Kamjin’s face when he noticed his desk? Priceless.”
Callé looked at the anooba near Reiden and sounded a low growl.
Elaine stroked her hand across the nexu’s head, calming it down a little. She reached over and picked up an Xenergy and cracking open the can, a metallic cracking sound followed by a release of pressure sounded from the can. schhh-pffft
She raised the can and took a drink. Perhaps the caffeinated drink would help to flush any remaining effects of the alcohol in her system.
Ellac looked over to see <@679032520699805708> still sulking about his desk while a confused Sparkle hung in his arm. “You’d think he’d start bolting them down,” the Equite said with a smirk.
“Speaking of people taking things that don’t belong to them…” Ellac took a big gulp of his drink. “Where’s my dirt?”
Reiden laughed. “Yeah, that would be a good place to start. Although I don’t know if bolts would help him out any, but it’s something at least.” He sipped his drink and then turned to look at Ellac. “I have no clue what you’re talking about. What dirt? There’s dirt all around us right now.”
“Don’t.” Ellac blinked at Reiden for a moment before turning his can bottoms up, crushing the can as he dumped the contents into his mouth. “My dirt… I dug it out. I set it aside for later use… I will have it.”
Reiden raised a brow at the younger man. “Saving dirt? Well, everyone has different hobbies I guess. But dirt is still dirt. My best guess is someone may have missed its significance and gotten rid of it. Cleaning staff, droids, there’s no shortage of people that may have cleaned it up. But if it’s important to you, I hope you can find it.”
“I don’t have a cleaning staff.”
He raised his hands in surrender, finishing off his can. “Look, I’m just throwing out ideas here. I don’t know where you were or where you put the dirt. Maybe Kamjin took it, or Sykes? Aren’t they the ones usually training you and trying to teach you some kind of lesson?”
Shadow kept her eyes on the group as they chatted, quickly going to the s'more supplies to get what she needed. She got enough for two s'mores at first, only to get more for a third one she would make for Sanguis. Quickly, while making sure not to drop anything, she drew away from her compatriots and found a spot on the other side of the fire. She placed the ingredients on a napkin she had nabbed, and set about finding a stick close by to roast the marshmallow with.
Once she found one long enough, she on the ground and began roasting a puffy marshmallow, humming away. Once the sugary delight was roasted to her satisfaction, she removed the marshmallow and put together her first s'more. Wanting to savor the delicious bond fire treat, she bit into it slowly.
Sweet perfection.
She enjoyed the rest of the s'more, only glancing around now and then making sure there was no one to disturb the flavorful peace. This was heaven, and she wasn’t about to let anyone ruin it for her.
Ellac squinted at Reiden as he considered his words. “You’re right, they would steal from me… Looks like I’ll have to do some more digging… But, what’s that smell?”
Ellac turned his nose to the air, taking in the sweetly burning fragrance of sugar and chocolate as he looked around, failing to find the source. Still, the damage had been done. His stomach rumbled low in response as he realized that he hadn’t eaten for several hours.
His head on a swivel, the young Equite tracked down the nearest food crate, digging out an entire bag of marshmallows and another Xenergy drink from the cooler next to it. ‘This should tide me over,’ he thought, tearing open the bag and stuffing an entire handful into his mouth.
Sykes had felt the can hit his shoulder but he truly didn’t care. He stared into the flames every once in a while taking a sip from his drink or a drag from the smoke between his fingers. His anger was swelling in him as the flames danced before him.
He watched impassively as other members of the Clan chattered amongst themselves. His past was coming back. All the years, all the wars and all the people he had lost. His mind was deep into itself.
“Master? Do you have need of me?” The black 3PO unit next to him quipped up. Sykes shook his head out of his reverie and looked up at the droid. “No Trip. Go into standby. But keep your sensor on in case I need you.”
The droid seemed to go limp and in a power down mode and the Anzat smirked. He looked around at the faces that had joined since he had zoned out. One face in particular caught him off guard. Shadow was on the other side of the flames and he smiled slightly. He raised his drink in salute to her before standing and began to stretch his shoulders. He had sat for far too long.
Reiden watched Ellac, amused. He stared into the fire for a moment, lost in thought. His mind began to wander as he recalled something that was said by a partygoer at the gala. It was regarding the conflict with the Chiss. He was no stranger to such things and they had taken up a lot of his time since joining the Brotherhood and finding his way to Scholae Palatinae. This most recent one was no different. He found himself wondering what would happen next and what it would take to quash that conflict. That Scholae Palatinae would emerge victorious was almost a foregone conclusion in his mind. They would be dealt with like so many others before. Then he shook his head, willing such thoughts away. There would be a time for such things, but that time was not now. Tonight was for celebrating Rayne and spending time with friends and allies…or people you tolerated. Everyone was different.
That was when the smell in the air started to get to him as well. He grabbed the things he would need to make a s’more and floated the marshmallow over the fire. He made sure it wasn’t too close to the flames and slowly rotated it to get a nice, even toasting. After removing it from the flames, he assembled the treat and took a bite. The mixture of flavors and textures was nostalgic and somehow perfect at that moment, proving to be exactly what he needed. He grabbed another beer from the cooler and popped the cap off to take a sip.
The bonfire reflected in Kamjin’s eyes. Somewhere within the flames were the glowing embers of countless desks that had belonged to him since the time he was Proconsul. He didn’t know how he should feel. Was it pride that his clan had created a tradition around him or sorrow that he was thought so poorly of that the clan would find humor in constantly taking as worthless of an object as a desk. Was it admiration or disrespect?
He couldn’t tell. The wind shifted and the smoke forced him to blink. How much time had past? Ragnath had shifted in the sky so it had to have been a considerable amount of time. He had started to sober up and he didn’t care for that. Tonight was supposed to be a night of relative comfort with his clan…his former clan he had to remind himself. He glanced over at Sparkle who’s skin seemed to dance in the firelight. She was off talking with Korvis and seemed to be making the effortless small talk one would expect of a bartender.
Kamjin went to check out the cooler that people were milling around to get a drink. Lifting the lid he rummaged around in the ice and only found various flavors of Xenergy. He wasn’t a twenty something fighter jockey anymore. The thought of mixing alcohol, caf, and who knows what other stimulants didn’t sound appealing. Moreso, the hangover the next day didn’t sound like it would be appealing at all.
He took out his personal holo communicator and keyed in a frequency. The device beeped regularly as it tried to make a connection. Kamjin waved awkwardly to Sparkle as she caught his eye and motioned for him to join her. ‘Just a moment’, Kamjin mouthed as the device chirped that a connection had been made.
“Dad, what is it?” A bleary eyed Rohan asked as the holoprojector sprang to life. The teen had obviously been sleeping.
“Sorry to wake you. I need you to contact my admin. Have them transfer Evant’s old party yacht to your custody and bring it to these coordinates,” Kamjin said, keying in the location of the bonfire.
“Dad, it’s…geez, what are you doing up at this hour?” Rohan mumbled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Rohan, just do it and you can stay when you get here,” Kamjin said, not thinking through what having his seventeen year old son present with this crowd, all the liquor he’d be bringing to them, and Sparkle.
“Fine,” Rohan said, slapping the holo off. A few moments later Kamjin got a request to authorize the transfer of Evant’s yacht, which he approved. Of all his Children he could rely upon Rohan. Consistent and loyal. Not at all as emotional and prone to violence as Komilia. Nor as committed to the dogmatic Jedi teaching as Kai. Hikaru…his youngest, still was a mystery to him in so many ways.
He shrugged, putting away the holo communicator and went to join Korvis and Sparkle.
After some time Kamjin could hear the sounds of the approaching yacht. He smirked to himself as he saw the strobe lights from the former Grand Master’s party yacht trying to cut through the dense forest around them.
“Excuse me,” he said to Korvis and Sparkle and he began to walk towards the spot Rohan was most likely to land. A few moments later the ship crested the treetops. Multi-colored lights danced over the ground as the yacht circled once and then came to rest on the other side of the bonfire.
Kamjin beamed as the boarding ramp descended and he saw Rohan. His middle boy was dressed in black slacks and the sleeveless black ribbed shirt stormtroopers wore under their uniforms. He casually brushed back his sandy blonde hair. Kamjin scoffed, his son had decided to grow his hair long in some childish fashion trend.
“Dad, what is going on?” Rohan asked, no longer tired but clearly confused.
“It’s a party, son,” Kamjin beamed as some of the clan members invited went up the ramp to discover what libations still remained aboard the former Grand Master’s ship of ill-repute. “Come on, help me bring out a crate of some decent liquor before these people loot it all.”
Kamjin put his arm lovingly around his son as he led him up into the ship.
Reiden sipped his beer as he looked around. He spotted Korvyn talking with a Zabrak woman he recognized as Sparkle, the bartender from the party. He still remembered the man from years ago, back when Phoenix was Consul, which itself was not too long before Thran’s first time on the throne, where he earned the name The Usurper. He had seen Korvyn at the gala and had meant to speak with him, but his duties had kept him busy as he greeted guests and worked the crowd. Now, once again, his time was occupied. There seemed to be something between the man and the bartender, but he couldn’t quite place a finger on what it was. He shrugged to himself and decided to let it be for the moment. If time allowed, they would catch up when they could, otherwise he’d need to make a point to do so some other time.
He heard Kamjin speaking, the words catching his attention. He wasn’t sure what purpose bringing Evant’s famed yacht to this gathering served. Then again, maybe it was simply the Justicar showing off his power and status for the woman that was very clearly not his wife. On the other hand, perhaps there was a good inventory aboard, something beyond the beer and energy drinks. That would certainly be more his speed. Beer was an acquired taste for Reiden. He could drink it, and some were better than others, but it was not his preference. He would have made sure to bring along something special had he known there would be an afterparty such as this.
Of course, he wasn’t surprised that one had been put together, but the location was the surprise. But it wasn’t a bad one. He wasn’t sure who would partake of the alchemically aged whiskey from the Brotherhood’s Emissary, but it would have been nice to have some on hand just in case. Which reminded him that he would need to get more from her before long. He made a mental note to restock when he had a chance.
“Now, this is the good stuff,” Kamjin said, cradling a crate under one arm and he held up a bottle of amber liquor. Rohan followed behind carrying an impressively large crate over his shoulder.
“Dad, don’t you need to be getting back to Arx in the morning? You told me you didn’t have time to meet cause you were coming in for this event and then flying right out,” Rohan shifted the crate on his shoulder as he tried to keep his balance on the uneven ground.
“I’ll be fine,” Kamjin said, passing the bottle of liquor to Reiden as they passed. “Drink up!” Kamjin felt like he was back on the hangar deck. Hang over be damned. He was on top of the world. Returning towards the bonfire he put his crate down and, motioning for Rohan to put his near the other crate, pulled out a new bottle of the amber liquor and pulled out the cork.
He took a swig, smiling as he felt the liquor warm slowly warm his body. Sparkle came over and took Kamjin’s arm. “And who is this handsome man?” she asked, taking in Rohan.
“I’m his son. Who the hell are you?” Rohan snapped back.
“This is Rohan, my middle son. He’s currently doing a rotation with the Palatinae stormtrooper corp,” Kamjin replied, having not heard his son’s retort. Sparkle fought to hide a frown. She clearly had heard the youth’s response.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Your father has told me so much about you,” Sparkle said, her voice flowing like honey again as she nestled next to Kamjin.
Kamjin laughed. “I told you he had a wicked sense of humor,” Kamjin said, taking another swig. “Sparkle and I have just been making conversation.”
“Mom wouldn’t like this.”
“Mom tried to kill me once. I don’t this she’d blow up a building cause I’m having a conversation with someone.”
“This doesn’t look like a conversation,” Rohan said, gesturing to the Zabrak holding onto his father’s arm.
“Rohan, I’m just an acquittance of your father’s. Why don’t we have a drink and get to know each other,” Sparkle bent over to pick up a bottle for Rohan. Rohan eyed the woman and gave a knowing and scathing look at his father.
“I’m telling Mom.”
“Where is your Mom? After she picked up Hikaru from the medical center on Seraph she hasn’t bothered to ring me at all. So, tell me, Son, where is she?” Kamjin could feel his temper rising but his inhibitions were cloaked in the liquor.
“She’s doing what she’s always done and kept us away from your bad decisions. Kai never would have survived the Shadow Academy and you knew it.”
“You were barely able to walk when that decision was being made. What do you know about it?”
“I know enough.”
“You know what your Mom told you is what you’re saying. She coddled Kai and now look at him. Off trying to save the galaxy that doesn’t need saving.”
“Boys,” Sparkle tried to insert herself between the two Lap'lamiz’s. “Please, let’s calm down.”
“You’re not my Mother!” Rohan snapped back at her.
His view into the fire was snapped back to reality as Korvyn heard the argument erupting behind him. He shrugged as he turned to go assess the situation. Walking up he noticed the young Rohan arguing with his father. Cases of liqour had been unloaded from the former grandmasters personal yacht. Korvyn sighed to himself.
“Rohan, I would ask why you are not at your post, but I would suspect your father has something to do with that.” Korvyn said in a firm voice. Hopefully his disapproval of the Justicar ordering his troopers around would be properly inferred. “You may remain out of a courtesy to your father but these outbursts are not befitting your position. I would suggest you refrain before i am forced to take… measures.”
The threat was real and while Korvyn wouldn’t physically harm the young man he had the ability to set his progress in the Palatinae army back so far not even the Justicar could repair it.
“Now apologize to MY guest at this party.”
Once again, Reiden had lost himself in his own thoughts as he stared into the roaring fire. The sound of an approaching ship pulled his attention from the flames as he turned to watch it descend. Sure enough, it was Evant’s yacht, in all its glory. Before long, Kamjin had disappeared inside and came out bearing more alcohol, handing a bottle to him.
He looked at the bottle and back at the older man, a brow quirked and a smile beginning to spread across his face. True to his words, this was indeed good. “Kam, you’ve been holding out on us. Thank you.” Reiden opened the bottle and took a quick taste, nodding his appreciation. He sat there, savoring the flavors and how they came together when he heard Sparkle addressing Rohan and the boy’s initial response.
This should prove interesting, he thought to himself. He angled away slightly but listened in, his damned curiosity getting the better of him. The whole exchange played out about how he expected it to. On one hand, Kamjin was getting exactly what he almost surely knew he would get in such a situation. On the other hand, there was a part of him that felt bad for the man. He was about to interject to say…something, when Korvyn addressed the situation himself. It was just as well, as long as somebody said something. And he handled it well, already proving to be a competent right hand man for the new Empress, even with a simple matter such as this.
He turned to face the small group, eager to see how it would turn out. Although he did his best to mask that as simply observing the commotion.
“I’m not going to apologize to this,” Rohan gestured with his hand thinking better of the word he wanted to use. Kamjin and Korvis caught it right away.
“Watch your tongue, Son.”
“You’re an out of line, Trooper.”
Sparkle took her arms off Kamjin and slowly moved behind the two men. She knew when things could go wrong and in situations with the Sith people like her usually ended up dead.
“Who even talks like that?” Rohan asked, choosing to engage with his Father and not his Proconsul. “She’s clearly using you. I can’t believe you don’t see it. You’ve literally command Strike Fleets and you’re getting played by some woman you met at a clan event? You’re better than that.”
“What I do is none of your business. You wanted to be an officer in the Palatinae army and you choose to disrespect your superior. If you were in my command I’d tie you to the post and whip you raw.”
Korvis recognized that things were escalating quickly. “I assure you he will…” Before he could finish his sentence Rohan had already replied.
“Now you care how I behave? Now? You never found us when Mom took us cause you didn’t want to. You enjoyed being free of the obligations of a family. Look at you, old man, trying to flirt with a bar fly like you’re still in your twenties. Admit it, we’re just trophies for you to parade around.”
Korvis looked towards the Justicar for how this would play out. Kamjin took a long, slow, swig from the bottle. “Apologize to Sparkle and acknowledge your commanding officer SP-0831. Now.”
Rohan snapped to attention. “Sir, yes Sir! My apologies Ma'am…Sir!” Rohan said, crisply with a scowl that could melt durasteel. While Rohan had not dove into the Dark Side like his Father it was clear the spark was there under the surface.
Kamjin took another swig from the bottle. “Dismissed,” Kamjin ordered as he turned his back to his son. Korvis could see Rohan fight back tears at being dismissed. The young man kept his face hard as he saluted his Father’s back and turning, withdrew a speeder bike from the former Grand Master’s yacht and left the clearing.
Orion broke through the treeline finally. Some stormtroopers had held him up again and, after showing them his chain code and clearance codes from his vambrace’s holoprojector, he decided to talk with them a bit, even walking along as they patrolled. After their sweep was finished, he parted ways with them. The fact that a yacht had touched down was also a good signal to him that it was time for him to join at last.
He passed by a cooler and grabbed a beer, taking a swig. He smiled as he saw Koga by the fire and joined him, giving the anooba a scratch behind the ears. “It looks like I came at the perfect time, didn’t I, boy?” The canine’s tail swayed slowly and he leaned against the outstretched hand, a low rumble coming from his chest.
Reiden watched everything unfold. He was surprised by Rohan’s bold words and actions, but then he reminded himself who the boy’s father was. This may prove to be a tough lesson for him to learn, but it was one most people came across in their lives. He had seen the boy in action on Venenum. While young, he did have some amount of talent, although in that mission he was also armed with knowledge from and access to his father. Why Kamjin chose to coddle the boy then was beyond him, but after all these years Reiden could tell whether or not someone would be able to cute it. He wasn’t counting out the young Lap’lamiz just yet. This would serve to be a good lesson for him.
His friend’s voice caught his attention and he turned to face him. “Where the hell have you been? You were right behind me when I arrived.”
“I got held up, okay? Those troopers take everything so seriously, but I guess for something like this, I can’t blame them. Anyway, one of them had even heard of me, so it’s all good.” The bounty hunter spotted the case of alcohol and grinned, tipping his bottle in its direction. “And the timing looks like it couldn’t have been better.”
“Korvis, I want to apologize for my son’s actions. He’s a good boy but takes out his mother with his more rebellious attitude.” <@583854106599489557>
“Nothing wrong with defending your mother. In the right time and place. I am sure his commanding officer will deal with him appropriately.” Korvyn was positive that there would be some disciplinary action taken. It would likely just be extra guard duty or physical training. “Commander Strike is a hard nosed but fair. Most likely some extra guard duty and a bit of PT to work out his frustrations.”
Duk arrived to the afterparty once he had finished tending to his wounds. There was more glass to pluck out than he anticipated.
Sithspit. This is why I don’t drink. He held a hand to his forehead wishing it would alleviate the throbbing headache left behind from the liquor and adrenaline come down.
He found himself a log to sit on as the IG-100 droid, Proto, walked up. “This is why mechanical beings are superior to you fleshy ones.”
“Watch it or I’ll let one of the many dangerous attendees here disassemble you. I’m sure there would be plenty of eager volunteers.” Duk replied to the droid.
“Looks like the former emperor has attempted something similar with yourself.” Proto gestured to Duk’s cut up face.
“Go find me something to eat before I decide to take you apart.”
“I’d have taken your tongue for that if you were anyone else, but fine.” Proto walked off mimicking the ridged movements of a 3PO series protocol droid.
“He is…high spirited, and loyal!” Kamjin added after a pause. “I know of Commander Strike. I’m sure he’ll mold Rohan’s energies into more positive applications.” Kamjin looked over Korvyn’s shoulder but couldn’t be sure if Sparkle was still around or not. He noticed the while fur coat that she had been gifted was left on one of the logs that were spread around the bonfire.
“Did you see where Sparkle went?” Kamjin asked, his vision impaired by the light of the fire and his mind addled by the more potent liquor he had acquired from Evant’s yacht.
Reiden rolled his eyes at his friend before turning to Kamjin and Korvis. “For what it’s worth, he seems like a good kid. He’s just at that age when people can get a little angry or touchy, try to test their limits and all that. Look, it’s not my place, but think about it from his perspective for a moment, yeah? Of course he’d react that way,” he mused before taking a swig from the bottle, shrugging. “Still wasn’t right the way he handled it, mind you but still. Anyway, just give him some time to cool off. That plus a little distance, and some discipline, he should be fine. As for your lady friend, I didn’t see anything, sorry.”
Kamjin raised his bottle in acknowledgement of Reiden’s comments. “I’ll drink to that,” he said. “I’m sure Sparkle is around here somewhere. Are you sure you didn’t see anything?”
He shook his head, pointing behind him. “Friend showed up in the middle of that, my back was turned. I can’t imagine she’s gone far, though.”
“I have to imagine she’d come back. I’m suppose to be her ride.”
Whether from the situation, his words, or the alcohol ‐ or maybe some combination - Reiden quickly stifled a laugh that threatened to escape. With the way Sparkle had worked the bar earlier, he was sure she could charm anyone into giving her a ride home. But he opted not to voice that opinion. No need to poke the rancor. “I’m sure she’ll turn up, don’t worry.”
“You’re right. Where could she go?” Kamjin puzzled himself as he looked around again. The evening was coming up a bust. His son angry at him. Sparkle missing. He was beginning to feel the fool. What had he been playing at. He took another swig. Maybe this was all for the best.
As the night began to wind down, Vincent couldn’t help but overhear Kamjin questioning where Sparkle had gone. He chuckled a bit to himself as he tipped a bottle of ale upward, finishing what was left in one big gulp.
“Jaz… get me another…”
Looking around, Brujah noticed that Jaz wasn’t in the general vicinity of the fire.
“Well that’s… odd…”
Shrugging, the Sith stood and walked towards the cooler. He opened it and grabbed another bottle of ale from the case he had brought with him. Popping the top off the bottle and taking a big guzzle, he was a bit startled as he first heard a very loud, very genuine laugh of a female approaching him quickly, and then the sound of something flying overhead. Looking up, he saw Jaz land his jetpack, Sparkle in his arms as they gently landed on the ground next to the fire. Sparkle’s eyes were wide and her grin nearly ear to ear as she looked at the Mandalorian with joy.
“That was… INCREDIBLE!” she said.
“The view is much better from higher up, isn’t it?” Jaz replied.
Squinting his eyes slightly, Vincent walked towards Jaz and Sparkle.
“JAZ! Where were you?! I needed an ale and….”
Before Vincent could finish his sentence Jaz reached to his side, pulling one of his WESTAR-35s and lifting it directly at Vincent.
“Jaz… what are you…”
A violently loud scream of the WESTAR discharging echoed through the woods. The bolt missed Vincent’s head (just barely) to the left and instead hit an aborigine who was approaching the camp with a flaming arrow nocked in his bow. The native fell dead where he stood, much to the joy of Sparkle.
“What a shot!” she beamed.
Shadow returned Syke’s greeting with a nod, the Sith remembering their time together in the Imperial summit. She had always had great respect for him, as well as for the Proconsul, Mauro. A smile formed on her lips, the half-Sephi remembering the meetings and the debates they got into. She even remembered Dek, who had been there i begging her to sit on the throne she didn’t feel she deserved at the time.
Those were the days.
However, her reminiscing was tossed to the side shortly after when the commotion between father and son interrupted her thoughts. Shadow watched with intrigue, listening carefully with her Sephi ears to the ordeal. She never got to know or meet Kamjin’s children, nor did she care to. However, watching and listening to the interaction between father and son piqued her interest.
“I’m not sure I look forward to when our sons are older. Especially Deus.”
Shadow twisted around to find Sanguis behind her, the Nagai sipping away casually at a can of ale. “I don’t even want to think about that, yet. I’m enjoying them while they’re still little.”
She quickly offered him the s'more she had made for him. “For you.”
The Nagai nodded appreciatively and accepted the delectable dessert. “Thanks, and yes I know. However, they won’t stay little forever.”
Shadow’s attention returned to Kamjin and his son, watching Rohan take his leave before Kamjin began to look around for the Zabrak that had accompanied him. “Enjoying yourself?”
“As much as I can. There’s still people I need to get to know properly.”
“In time, Sanguis. In time. And the thirst?”
“…I’m managing.”
His wife looked up at him. “You sure?”
“Yes, although…” Sanguis closed his eyes before looking into the woods behind him. “I might be in luck for a snack.”
Shadow rolled her eyes in amusement. “Eat your s'more first, then hunt to your heart’s delight.”
Sanguis chuckled before enjoying his s'more. When he finished, he tossed the can to the side. “I’ll be back shortly.”
The assassin watched as her husband disappeared into the woods, knowing that whatever poor soul was out there wouldn’t stand a chance. A chuckle of amusement rumbled in her chest before she finally got to her feet. She needed a drink.