Session export: Bril/Zxyl #1


The Flitz Arx Minor, Arx System 42 ABY

The Regent of the Brotherhood grunted quietly, but audibly. The Mandalorian General stood with his gunmetal-grey armored arms crossed over one another, staring at the door from behind the safety of his crimson-coated T-shaped visor. It was very rare that he himself attended lower level meetings with liaisons from other corporate entities, even though he was by and far the most hands-on Regent thus far - refusing to leave high level trade and corporate negotiations to others after the demise of it’s public figurehead Rhent Ghosen not long before his ascension to the role - but this meeting was a new avenue of revenue for The Exchange and his deal proposal was already prepared.

If the bloody liasion would ever show his face. The Dathomirian-Mandalorian had been waiting for what seemed like ages, and was beginning to lose his patience. Where was Malfearak to nudge this guy, help seal the deal? It didn’t matter. If the man didn’t show, Bes'uliik would call off any deal and do his best to ruin that supplier into the ground before acquiring them in totality with The Exchange, a better outcome financially in the long-run but would put the Brotherhood’s galactic-facing corporation further into the spotlight.

Zxyl would wait a little longer.

Bril Teg Arga walked into the Flitz with slow, plodding steps. He rolled his shoulders to work out any tension that had built up over the last hour of training. It was the time of year when a new batch of recruits arrived at the Lunar Training Facility on Arx, ready to learn what it meant to be members of the Envoy Society. As an established Envoy, Bril had taken it open himself to run the new recruits through an introductory training module within the LTF’s simulation room.

Things had gone well, for the most part, though this bunch seemed too focused on standing out and making a name for themselves for his tastes. But that would hopefully change with time. No matter. It was time to relax, now. There was a bantha steak and a glass of Socorro mescal with his name on it. He rubbed his hands together with eager excitement while he walked. When he rounded a corner, he nearly ran into a man dressed in beskar'gam.

“My apologies, sir, I –”

Wait a second. Bril narrowed his eyes from behind the eye slots of his helmet. Expensive looking beskar'gam with a horned helmet; a somewhat intimidating demeanor.

“Hold on. I know you,” said Bril while raising his hand to point, “You’re the Regent. What are you doing on Arx Minor?”

The Regent of the Brotherhood watched Arga come around the corner, and nearly run right into him. He didn’t flinch, standing his ground and choosing not to immediately react as the Zabraki caught himself just short of clunking their armored frames together. Clearly the guy was in a rush to get somewhere for some reason, and Bes'uliik chose to give the man the benefit of the doubt.

Zxyl lowered his gaze to the man’s pointed hand, pointing directly at him, and stared at it for a moment with slightly narrowed eyes…

Before his gaze shifted upwards, giving the guy a quick study as his head tilted upwards. The Mandalorian General didn’t recognize the armor for the purpose of identifying its wearer, but he did instantaneously recognize the markings of the Dathomiri and Perideans on its surface.

“I am indeed Zxyl Bes'uliik. Regent of the Brotherhood, the Iron Beast of Mandalore, and Son of Taldryan,” the Dathomirian-Mandalorian affirmed, with a dark, otherworldly ethereal echo reminiscent of other… select Dathomiri mimicking his every word as his vocal cords produced words and his helmet modulated them. The heavily armored Bes'uliik did not immediately answer the Zabraki’s question, superceeding it with one of his own first given his fellow horn(y) dude had nearly walked right into him without introducing himself afterwards.

“And you are?” he asked of Bril from behind the crimson T-shaped visor with zero emotion, the ethereal echo consistently mimicking his modulated words.

“Woah,” replied Bril, though it wasn’t clear what he was more impressed by – the mondo cool effect on his voice or the number of cool titles he had. But Bril had his own cool titles, and even a voice distortion effect in his own helmet.

Bril lowered his head in a bow meant to show the horns that crowned his head, a gesture that Zxyl would no doubt recognize as a formal Iridonian greeting.

“I am Dr. Bril Teg Arga, Starosta of the Dajorran Marshals, Shadesworn of Clan Arcona, and the Virtuous Blade of Fort Blindshot.”

Zxyl nodded, pausing for a moment as he tried to recall where he had heard that name before. So many different names, numbers, and other information crossed the Dathomirian-Mandalorian’s heterochromatic eyes daily. Even when it seemed like the armor-encased man wasn’t working, H.A.L. was feeding him live information regarding the Exchange, its assets, and dealings by the Brotherhood’s various Council-controlled corporations. And then it hit him.

Ah, the child of Peridea who has lost his way.

“A pleasure, Doctor,” he responded, then addressing the man’s initiial question, “I am here for a meeting that seems…” he paused as he took a quick moment to glance around slightly, “To have fallen through. That is of little consequence, however. Marick seems to have set up an operation that is useful for these types of negotiations. That is nice.”

He motioned to a seating area for the two men to sit down.

Bril couldn’t help but feel a touch of pride when someone of Zxyl’s station gave him the respect of addressing him as “Doctor.” Although he typically preferred to keep things more informal in his day-to-day duties, that small gesture of recognition went a long way for the Arconan who often sensed doubt in the minds of those who saw him as nothing more than a child. How could a man barely out of adolescence accomplish so much? Surely favoritism was involved. They were understandable yet nonetheless mildly disheartening questions.

“I think Mr. Tyris has created something exceptional with the Envoy Corps,” commented Bril, “State-of-the-art training facilities, waystations, and most importantly: plenty of opportunities for people like me to make a difference in the galaxy.”

He took a seat and placed his hands in his lap.