The plains between Fort Dooku and Aliso City had been full of hustle and bustle of people for about a week before. Any news about what all the temporary structures, and bright colorful lights, being put up for the past fortnight, was kept hush hush till a the full rotation before. The Quaestors of Tyranus and Ventress sending an announcement out;
**COME ONE! COME ALL!* The Right and Left Hands of Dread, wish to invite all of Clan Plagueis and Aliso to a Summer Festival! Come chill out, have fun, and good luck during in the games we have set up. Don’t forget to stick around for fireworks display at the end of the fortnight of festivities.*
The placement of the tents and stands where food and drink could be found, along with various simple and fun games, was in a semi circle around a large natural amphitheater like gorge. The center of which was set up like a staging area for bouts, concerts and announcements.
TuQ’uan casually walked across the grounds of the Aliso Summer Festival, looking around at the multitude of games, foods and limited edition memorabilia. He nodded to himself in approval, the Quaestors really had pulled it off. As he passed by a booth filled with tacky mementos, he paused, looking at a t-shirt that read “I came to the Aliso Summer Festival and all I got was this shirt”. There was just something about it he couldn’t resist. Grabbing his size from the rack he approached the attendant to pay.
Katrila’s tail swished back and forth as she stepped into the fairgrounds that had been erected without her notice. Even without the clandestine nature of the Summit’s plan, her business often kept her distracted from the daily comings and goings of Aliso.
It wasn’t like her to attend a festival like this. But here, the air was alive with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional cheer from someone winning a game. Bright colorful lights decorated the temporary structures, casting a festive glow over the entire area. It all added up to a certain magical atmosphere she couldn’t stay away from.
She paused for a moment, taking in the sight of the semi-circle of tents and stands surrounding the natural amphitheater-like gorge at the center. Then, as she wandered further into the festival, Katrila’s attention was drawn to a vendor’s stall—specifically, a customer examining a tee-shirt, none other than the Wrath himself. The sight was endearing in its way, a reminder that even the most serious among them could find joy in the simplest of things. She approached the Kel Dor.
“Excellent choice,” she commented with a playful grin, “even without a hat to go with it.”
Tahiri had just finished checking on all the food stores and venders, replying to Titius’ previous message and checking in on his end of things;
💣 Oi, is everything all good to go?
🗡️ I just did the final check in’s with all of the vendors, and made sure they had our contact codes in case anything comes up. So all good on my end. How is the fireworks and stage stuff looking on your end? Do you think you have enough for the finale? I can come help if you need any?
Taking a deep inhale, she quickly checked in on any new messages from the Ventress staff. Noting the several transports already having touched down and that security at the base was set for the next fortnight on a good rotation. Smiling, the petite Togruta felt a nudge as the curve of Zuska’s tail, as it rubbed against the back of her leg. The vornskr was excitedly sniffing and lapping at the air, awaiting the chance to get some savory treats he had smelled earlier, looking at her expectantly.
“Alright boy, if you want to go and explore, here,” she knelt one knee before him and tapped her knee. Zuska turned and sat down in front of her, waiting patiently. Tahiri leaned forward and snapped a collar around his neck. Hadzuska looked down and then up, before huffing.
“I know, I know, you don’t like collars. But not all the vendors are going to find you cute, or give you free treats.” Sighing, she made sure the chip was set to his bio signature, and her own. “So, this will help you get things if I’m not around, or unavailable, alright buddy?” Zuska cocked his head for a moment and then jumped up onto her, bowling her over and licking her face, as if understanding the collar gave him some extra freedom.
Laughing, Tahiri pushed the overly happy vornskr off of her, and shooed him off towards the front festival, “Just stay out of trouble, alright.” Watching Zuska head off to get treats, the Quaestor of House Ventress headed towards the edge of the natural amphitheater awaiting her fellow Quaestors response.
A deep rumble rattled the ground as a trio of ships broke atmosphere high above. The Munificent-class cruisers were not the largest in the Plagueis fleet but dwarfed the watching throngs below. Tahiri received her response as they descended.
Skyflame is go. Make sure the requested deployment area is open for drop. No aid atm. Will join asap.
Two of the cruisers pulled off from their lead, the heavy thrum splitting in tone as they powered back towards orbit. Titius had a reputation to uphold and the flashy display bode well for the nightshows planned.
The Togruta watched the display with a coy smile, and a shake of her head. Between her brothers nonchalant and sometimes interesting entrances, and Titius’ more comparative flashy entrances, there was never a dull day for her. Even though some were more of a headache than others.
🗡️ Checked that earlier, deployment area is set to go per your specifications. See you soon, will meet you near the stage.
She decided to dip out into the crowd, instead of going around the back way. Taking a more direct route towards the stage area.
Hevan, having joined the party in a far more sneaky and subtle way, surveying the surrounding area before entering through a gap in a fences. The main reason was paranoia, but the ticket prices also contributed to the less than normal approach.
He did a quick scan, making sure nobody would see him and ask irritating questions like ‘where’s your ticket’ and ‘Aren’t you the guy that got drunk and tried to shoot a bottle of my brothers head? He got buried last week.’ But, no on presented themselves, thus he allowed himself to step out of the shadow. He did a quick scan of the mass of his comrades, looking for something very near and dear to his heart.
He spotted some familiar faces amongst the crowd, but his eyes focused on the one thing across the field. A most holy place for Hevan, somewhere he felt at home, somewhere he was very familiar with. The bar.
Problem was, the crowd was between him and his refuge, and Hevan had no wish to be sociable quite yet. He hated it, but drunk Hevan… well he was more than comfortable.
“Ah, Katrila, I’m glad to see you made it to the festival! I wasn’t sure you’d make it back to Aliso on time.” He looked at the shirt in his hand and then around at the rest of the gift shops wares. “I’m sure somewhere in this festival we can find suitable headwear to match. Though, if I’m getting a new hat, so are you!”
There was just something about the rolling plains of Aliso that made napping a necessity. Lounging in the verdant grasses just outside the festival perimeter, Kul'tak pulled his hood down further over his eyes as rogue light tried to prod him awake again. Next to him his faithful Vornskr, Shor'kir, rolled around to scratch his inaccessible back before he jerked back around onto his stomach and yawned contentedly.
Satisfaction. Sleep imminent.
The Zabrak smirked as the wave of emotion pushed through the Force connection of creature and handler.
“I suppose we shouldn’t get too comfy, Shor. We’ll hear no end of it if we don’t at least make an appearance at the festivities. Once again not a combat ring in sight, though. Is it really a festival without a little bloodshed?”
“All you care about is sleeping these days. We’ll have to schedule a hunt before you start gaining weight. Perhaps Tahiri would be able to find time to come along, as well.”
At the mention of a familiar name, the creature’s pointed ears perked up considerably.
Query familiar scent
“I would imagine she’d bring Zuska, yes.”
Kul paused in thought, before absentmindedly picking at the shoto-hilt on his hip.
“I feel like I’m forgetting something. Were we supposed to bring something back for the festival?”
The Vornskr did not even bother raising its head.
A sinking feeling began to swell in Kul’s chest. The last time he had forgotten something after returning from a mission, it had taken him weeks to get the smell of decaying Trandoshan out of his ship’s hold. What was it this time? A memory resurfaced as if waiting for its moment to shine. A memory of a certain Togruta requesting a specific kind of imported milk from the Bantha’s end of nowhere. A Togruta Kul had failed to greet since arriving back on Aliso.
“Ohhhh Tahiri’s gonna flay me. Come on, Shor! We’re heading in.”
Creature and handler bound into the festival zone, with several pedestrians having to
jump out of the way to dodge the speeding Vornskr and a few expletives cast to follow in the pairs wake.
“How could I resist the allure of such limited edition memorabilia?” Katrila giggled, emerald eyes gleaming. “…As long as it has ear holes, I’d love a cap endorsed by the Old Hat himself.”
TuQ pulled the vibrodagger from its place on his belt and tossed it in into the air, catching it in a reverse grip, blade pointed down.
“Don’t worry, we can make that happen.”
Titius descended with the cargo needed for his show. Each crate was resplendent with danger markings. Trained eyes would see there was enough explosive to level the festival should the entire batch go off. Leaning against the nearest without care or concern, Titius idly flicked a silver cloud in undulating waves while perusing the datapad in his other hand. I’m glad that defective TK unit overcame their glitches and procured that batch of blue. grumped the Quaestor. The transport shook as it found its perch, laying its ramp down in a blinding maw. Titius’ visor snapped to shaded an instance too slow, leaving a line seared in his eyes. Stumbling half blind, he found his ground skiff to bring him to the main event.
“Enterprising, if inelegant. Don’t we keep milliners around?”
“Ah, but where’s the fun in that?” he chuckled. “Plus, then you wouldn’t be able to say you have a one of a kind hat, customized by the Hat himself!”
“Can I have a hat too boss?” Hevan tapped TuQ on the shoulder, evidently coming from the bar once he saw him.
“Hevan!” TuQ cried out, clapping his apprentice on the shoulder. He hadn’t seen the Human enter the fairgrounds, though he could tell the slight inebriation was making the man a touch more social than normal. “Of course, are you truly a Plagueian if you don’t have a hat?”
Katrila laughed at the Proconsul’s playfulness. It brought out her love of puns. “I guess you do have a point,” she said, gesturing at the vibrodagger. As Hevan came up, she put her hands behind her back and stood silently to the side.
Hevan grinned, his eyes alight with glee. “Question for the ages sar!” He tried to step to shake Katrila’s hand, but with luck so typical with him, slipped on a wet patch of grass and fell to the floor
While waiting for her fellow Quaestor to arrive, Tahiri awaited just off to the side of the stag area, trying to answer a few messages from friends after being accosted by some of the attendants asking about the final preparations for the announcement.
The stage was situated almost back against the mouth of the small gorge, lending the gorge itself and the plains it opened up to as the natural backstage. She watched a few of the staff workers and droids getting the final preparations done for the wrestling ring that was put between the stage and almost natural stone stands. Glancing up to the semi circle of the tents, where most of the clan and populous where playing games, getting food and haggling with vendors on merchandise, before scanning the stands as some people had already chosen seats as the loudspeaker blared out a message:
“I hope Titius is here soon,” she sighed to herself before a staff attendant came over with a cup of dark liquid. “Ah, thank you. I’ll take Quaestor Osseus’ drink. Well, he better get here before it gets cold.”
TuQ listened to Tahiri’s voice come through the speakers spread throughout the festival grounds. He was eager to see what the two Quaestors had in store for them. He extended his hand towards Haven to help him back up.
“What do you say we make our way over to the stage?”
At the far end of the festivities, Titius was sampling the local dirt. The droid piloting the transport had overridden its safety directives per his orders to unlock faster speed. This unfortunately meant proper stopping was also nullified as evidenced by the smoking wreck along one wall and a Quaestor sized hole in the side of the nearest tent.
I really hope this wasnt farm pasture previously the freshly anointed shovel thought. Pushing himself upright, Titius checked that all teeth were still present and began the spitting journey to the stage.
Nora strolled through the grounds of the Aliso festival as she heard voices through the speaker. Thankfully her ship made it here on time, but it was a close one. As she made her way towards the stage, she spotted many familiar faces. She’d have to catch up with folks later. As she passed Haven, Nora noticed her previous office neighbor, ex co-Quaestor, now Proconsul, TuQ, nearby. She made her way to his side.
“Of course you would buy a new fancy hat for your new job. What is this? Number 207?”
“208 to be precise. One of my jobs under my master is to carefully count each one and place them in sealed containers.” Hevan seemed to be getting more comfortable, laughing as he shook Nora’s hand. “Though, there was that one that got burned half off. So… 208 and a half?”
Finally spitting the final grit from his mouth, Titius made it to the stage. Looking down his front to the grassstains and dirt streaks, the Quaestor shrugged. “Ill be getting worst than that on me tonight.” A floating pair of welding goggles wobbled up to shoulder height, a silvery mist leaking out along Titius’ hand as he grabbed them out of the air. “Should we have some fun, Ripley?” A delighted buzz warbled from his arm, the silver film wiggling in excitement. “Lets do this then!”
Tahiri managed to stifle the giggle, but not the smirk as she shook her head, holding up a hand as she cleared her throat.
“Hold up there Titius, we got exactly,” glancing at her datapad. “2 minutes before we have to hit the stage. Here, I had a cup of coffee made for you. This is a blend from beans grown on the plains of Shili.” Offering her fellow Quaestor the cup of dark steaming liquid, the Togruta flashed her signature sincere fanged smile and continued, “I told you I owed you a coffee, so I hope this blend is to your satisfaction.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Nora responded back to Hevan, laughing as she shook his hand. Noticing most folks heading to their seat, Nora gestured towards the stage. “shall we?”
“I can only assume we shall!” Hevan laughed and slipped a bit but standing back up and brushing himself off with feigned care. He let TuQ walk ahead with barely a fraction of a bow. “You first ser!”
**Zuska didn’t like having to have a collar on, but it was nice when he had found the food he wanted, and instead of being immediately yelled or shooed off like what he was used to, the vendors would greet him warmly. Since he had never left his Alpha’s side while she had met with and helped ensure every well picked spot for the food vendors, they all knew him.
After quickly figuring out how to communicate with the vendor his desire, he would politely sit and raise his head so that the vendor could scan the special credit tag. Then after receiving his food, the sleek Vornskr would give a polite bark, before going off to an area between the tents to enjoy his treat.
After visiting another vendor for a different type of food, his ear perked at hearing his Alpha’s voice and then watched as many people started heading in one direction. Deciding to take his food to go, Zuska followed, but then cut off the to edge of the crowds to a corner of the upper stands. As he walked he caught a familiar scent, one he hadn’t smelled for a long long time. Curious, he slowed and followed the scent before stopping, cocking his head at seeing another male vornskr, and the tall cloaked figure who accompanied him.**
TuQ walked ahead of Nora, Katrila and Hevan. Leading the gaggle to Plagueians towards the arena seats. What does one call a grouping of Plagueians? A litter? While Kat might like that, it didn’t feel right. What about a murder? Hevan and Nora might like that one but it still wasn’t right. A plague? That was the one! TuQ guided the plague across the fair grounds, excited to see the show.
<@629429326290485286> <@772511861085700126> <@585955949743964170>
Titius gingerly grasped the drink by its rim, examining its depths with corvid-like enthusiasm. Satisfied that the liquid was indeed the offered stimulant, Titius guzzled the lot. Eyes went wide as his mouth fell into a quivering frown. “Well its hot at least.” he squeaked through gritted teeth. “…good thing I dont intend on tasting anything this week.”
Katrila traipsed behind the motley plague toward the arena. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind, under conscious thought, she was relieved a group of Clan Plagueis members were not referred to as a litter. Kittens were not in her future any time soon. And it was the Summit’s job to take care of these kittens. Kat might just devour some of them…
She eagerly awaited whatever show the Quaestors had arranged. It was sure to entertain…
The Ventress Queastor’s own eyes went wide as she watched the man gulp down the offered beverage in one go.
“Hmmm, next time I think I’ll cool it a little more before you do that,” she shook her head, before taking the cup and turning to give it to the same attendant who’d brought it, nodding to them. “Or just offer it when we have more time to enjoy it. Please have another cup ready for after our speech.”
Smiling coyly, taking off her cloak to set to the side, “Well, now that you have some extra energy, you ready to get this show officially started?” Adjusting her shirt, she added with a tone of seriousness, “You did get all the bugs worked out of the beginning show, correct? We don’t need to set anything on fire just yet.”
As Titius went to assure that everything was ready, a loud pop echoed from the stage. All eyes turned as a B1 with a sparkler star stuck to its hand ran out frantically waving in terror. The erratic movement only lit the pyrotechnics further, illuminating the droid in stark relief as it wailed “getitoff meeeeeeeeeee” .
The Elder couldn’t help but laugh at the antics of droid, even as her left hand connected with her forehead.
“By the stars,” still laughing, the petite Togruta dipped into the flow of the Force around her, reaching out to pull the droid backstage. Unfortunately, as she felt the tendrils of the Force wrap around the droid, she found she wasn’t fast enough in holding it back as it fell forward off the front of the stage. In its frantic attempt to get the sparkler off, it hadn’t watched where it was going. Hearing the sickening clang, before a couple stage hands and droids quickly grabbed the wayward droid and getting it out of sight. There were murmurs and several in the crowd laughing at the display.
“Welp, that took care of itself in way, I guess,” Tahiri chuckled, getting herself back in control, just as upbeat music started. “Shall we?” Motioning for Titius to join her, as she prepared to step out onto the stage.
Following the Plagueis group to the stage, Nora took a seat in a nearby chair, waiting for the festivities to start.
The petite Togruta sighed as she saw a bit of hesitation in Titius’ body, giving him a reassuring smile, “Let me do the talking, you just wave, smile and push the button for the starting show.”
Winking, she then hooked her arm in the crook of his, and pulled him up onto the stage as the music hit it’s high point. Waving to the crowd, as the twin overhead displays switched on to show the two Quaestors.
Tahiri’s voice boomed over up the natural amphitheater as she greeted Alisoans and Plagueians alike to the festival. She quickly thanked everyone, both patrons and venders alike, for coming to the event. Keeping her speech short and sweet, keeping to the big details, “There will plenty of games to play, food to eat, and entertainment, including arm wrestling and full on dual type wrestling matches right here in front of the stage. Also don’t miss out on the fireworks happening every night, and the grand finale fireworks display on the last night of the festival, that has been graciously and painstakingly taken care of and set up by no other than our resident pyrotechnic, Quaestor Titius Osseus!”
Motioning him to take a bow, which he did with surprising grace and a rather well pleased look on his face. Before releasing him and everyone else, Tahiri ended the assembly with, “Please let us know if there are any issues at any time throughout the festivities, as both Titius and myself will be around the grounds and available if any wish to talk. Have fun, eat well, and have a wonderful festival everyone!”
Waving, she and Titius exited off the stage to the backstage area, as a few booms went off and the early evening sky erupted with a couple pops of brightly colored fireworks.
Crooking an eyebrow as they walked back, Titius muttered, “Ill be available to talk? Since when…” A poorly timed detonation drowned out the rest of the protest followed by enthusiastic Oohs and Aahs from the festival patrons.
Nora sit patiently, waiting for Tahiri and Titius to finish their speech. She got to hand it to them, the festival was incredible and well put together. It didn’t compare to the lavish events TuQ and her put together, but nothing could top that. As they finished up their speech, and walked off the stage, loud booms in the sky went off. Nora looked towards the sky, and noticed bright colorful fireworks illuminating the sky. Nora watched for a few seconds, before turning towards her fellow Plagueis members. “Well guys, what should we do now?”
<@629429326290485286> <@772511861085700126> <@379840612788076544>
“Get me another one boyo!” The booming voice of a thick and bearded fellow rang out. Gruuvan Shaal Kebabs were delicious. A delicacy found on Batuu. A place where J.C Riggs, the Spacefarer often visited.
Somewhat a new addition to Clan Plagueis. He liked to think he walked outside the laws of the land. More parallel to them than anything. While he liked to think that. It wasn’t true. He was blissfully enslaved by the Dread Lord. Not with shock collars, but credits. He had a family to provide for and Selika Roh paid handsomely for a man of his talents.
Static crackled in the comm-link he wore in his ear. The sweetest voice he knew came through.
“What the frak, Dad?!” Ahh, the voice of an angel. “You left without me?” His daughter Luna, while young. Was a prodigy when it came to hacking and slicing tech. After the death of her mother, Riggs began teaching her the family trade, delinquency and sass.
He turned off the ear piece as the Aleena chef popped up with grilled meats.
As he went to take a bite, he tried to, but couldn’t ignore the look in Deeva’s beady little eyes, his Corellian Hound. “fine…” he sighed as he tore a chunk from the stick and tossed it to her. “Gotta put some meat on those bones, ya runt.”
The group stayed together to watch the fireworks. Nora was impressed with the display. Tahiri and Titius definitely did their research and found someone with expensive, loud and colorful fireworks. After it was finished, everyone clapped. The group of Plagueians Nora was with decided to split off and do different activities. Nora decided to check out some booths. She wanted to support everyone as best as she could.
Wandering through the food and drink section, a fruit juice stand caught her eye. Waiting in line, Nora ordered an iced sparkling juice. Taking a sip, she sighed as the refreshing and cold liquid filled her mouth. She hadn’t had a cold drink for a while, so she could feel the liquid moving down her throat. It was a neat experience.
Taking her drink, Nora decided to go over to the game section to check out what they had. Most were silly games, but what intrigued Nora the most was the arm wrestling at the front of the stage. She watched as patrons moved in a single file line, trying to beat the Arm Wrestling champ who stood smugly with a crew at his side. Nora did not recognize him. This was a good thing. Nora loved games, and was super competitive. One thing better than winning at games? Winning because someone underestimates their opponent, which is exactly what she hopes this man will do.
Grinning, Nora made her way to the back of the line.
A few moments later and Kul found himself slipping into the backstage area where it was nice and dark. He could hear the Quaestors giving their final words, but not before he saw that they were locking arms. Kul felt a twinge of jealousy and pushed back the rage always on the cusp of replacing his sanity. This last mission had been much longer than anticipated, and he was eager to see his mate again. He reeled himself back…
“But that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun.”
As Tahiri and Titius made their way further backstage, a thick cloud of pure darkness enveloped them both. The area was just large enough for them and the third hooded figure who neither could see. Kul stood before them, his arms crossed disappointedly.
“I leave for one mission and I find you here holding other men already, Ta. Tsk, tsk.”
Titius was quick to place a hand on his blaster, but Tahiri blinked suspiciously before her eyes went wide in shock and she waved a hand searching in the blackness.
Usually where there were explosions, J.C’s wookiee pal Worbie, was the one causing them. The smell of the powder was all too familiar as the Corellian preferred slugthrowers. They came in handy, especially against the Force cults. They were all the same to him. Sith, Jedi, Disciples. Weirdos who were more concerned with Galactic affairs than they should have been. All the wars started in the name of the Force. He scoffed but sat back in his chair and watched. Buck, his sawed off scattergun rested in his lap. His most reliable friend.