Session export: Vizsla Great Hunt VII Tie In RP: Shootout on Zsoldos

Zsoldos was a relatively wild planet. Home to a variety of different climates and land structures. The people who lived there came from all walks of life but had one thing in common. They were a hardy people. They were survivors. Many of them had fled conflicts throughout history or governments they disagreed with. The planet had not descended into anarchy but its residents valued their independence. So it was with great reluctance that they called upon Clan Vizsla to solve an ongoing issue.

The Clan and residents of the planet shared a common enemy; the mercenary pirate Priv Din. This being had a sizable number of associates, some of whom were currently causing trouble for the planet. The marshals of the various frontier towns had repulsed several attacks from these speeder riding ruffians. But ammunition had begun to run low and medical supplies had been used to treat those brave lawmen and volunteers wounded in combat.

It was this situation that the members of Clan Vizsla had responded to. Using personal or clan transports the members traveled to the frontier town of Freeplains in order to aid the beleaguered townsfolk and put an end to the speeder gang.

The town was composed of a variety of structures. A battered marshals office had withstood the assault. A tavern covered in blaster burns stood in the center of town. A variety of houses dotted the street, some with fenced in fields containing live stock. A general and provisions store, an animal store and vet, a doctors clinic, and a mechanic‘s garage composed the remaining notable buildings.

The town almost looked deserted as Vynn walked the short distance from his ship to the entrance to the small town. The Freeplains were just that a massive expanse of open plains where small settlements composed of local rules and government had sprung up on Zsoldos. People who were disillusioned with the galaxy at large tended to comprise most of the populace of these towns.

Vynn hated the idea of interloping in the area. Sometimes even the best of intentions ended up destroying relationships with these types of people. But the local leaders had sent for assistance and the order had been given to help. Vynn had arrived a little earlier than the rest of the team to scout the small town and gather some information.

Ikarri smiled as he finished offloading the brand new Cantonica Zephyr GB-134 Speeder from his ship and threw his leg over the speeder to sit down. The engines thrummed to life beneath him as he tested the throttle.

“Activate security protocol, lock her up,” the command activated his Star Courier’s onboard systems to seal the ship and activate the Sith War Droid to patrol the immediate area and ensure the vessel was left unaccosted.

“Let’s see what you can do,” the Epicanthrix grinned as he shot forward, the speeder beneath him purring with power as he began making his way to the town they’d been given coordinates for. Though not typically his wheelhouse, the idea of using the new speeder in tracking down and eliminating the ruffians attacking the locals.

As he shot through the Freeplains, he opened the engine fully, allowing it to roar to life as he sped across the open expanse en route to the town.

Kanal half stumbled out of the Risky Nerf, the local watering hole. A bottle of Spotchka in his hand. The bright blue liquid went down very easy, a little too easy lately. His blaster and beskar spear were with him and his ID10 Droid on his back. “I wish people would stop blowing holes in my ships,” he mumbled to himself. The recent confrontations with the Children of Mortis and other enemies of Vizsla had gotten to Kanal. For the first time he was not fully sober, and he rather liked it. This didn’t make for a good state of being if a fire fight started up. He walked up to his rented speeder bike, he never did replace his old one, and leaned backwards against it as he took another sip of his drink.