Session export: The Shame Corner: 007

It was another normal day at the Shame Corner, for the most part. As normal as working retail and service at a station ever got, anyway. Chaos, then more chaos, a marathon and a sprint.

But, things were good. Good food, good merch, good company.


Today, a tall, thin figure with iridescent hair that shone and glinted under the lights like spilled sunset jewels peered at a particular display. They sat up front around the registers, nearly arrayed to be the first thing newcomers saw, and they were loaded with pink and red boxes and bags containing chocolates and sugary suchlike. They were all also…oddly shaped.

Rue frowned to himself, tilting his head curiously. “This is incorrect. A heart does not look like this.”

Beside him, the infamous gentlemott, Alk, merely kept chewing lightly on Rue’s tail, uninterested in confusing anatomical inaccuracies surrounding the commerce of confections.

Miho disembarked from the vessel she had arrived in and stretched as though there wasn’t room for someone of her stature to do so for some time - which was obviously untrue.

She looked around at the Shame Corner, with an odd smile. She had spent a fairly significant amount of time at this place. She had enjoyed the food of the Golden Griddle, the faire they offered at the food lines, even the freshers.

Maybe it was time to give the bar a try and then some fudge for the trip home. Lucky for her she had managed to actually ditch her two constant shadows for a time. If she was lucky, they wouldn’t even notice she was no where to be found.

The small Odanite stopped as she entered and curiously watched the man and his…friend(?), also wondering about the heart-shaped boxes the pair surveyed. Their appearance was also something of note, specifically, small mott that chewed on the person’s tail.

The large wide doors to the Shame Corner slid open once more, allowing a cargo transport speeder of a figure to walk in. They had to duck slightly, rolling their shoulders down and tilting to the right to fit their bit larger, height and width, than his species’ average size. Also, so not to hip check the Zabrak those who weren’t solely staring at the girthy Herglic would see walking beside him.

Paumgun Lfin wore an off-white tank top with dual leather shoulder holsters strapped over it that brought attention to not only his thick dark blue-grey rippled and white spotted biceps, but a bulky belly belying coiled muscles beneath. Custom-made grey slacks with grease stains and a rip in the knee were held up with a thick arse belt, the amount of leather not competing though with the immensely large combat boots for flippers of feet. When he walked, it was more a lumber. A low central gravity kept each step laden and low, practical and with a purpose.

And that purpose suddenly halted, seconds before nearly bowling over a very short lady.

Haaumm,” Paum exhaled through his airhole in mild exasperation and self-consciousness, a sigh. He carefully picked his away around the woman. His large copper eyes caught sight of blinding color, another being and their pet, which drew his attention to the candy, seasonal display. The Herglic paused, a rare thought crossing his giant neckless head as he considers.


While Rue was certainly more focused on trying to divine this deliberate anatomical anamoly and what the purpose and meaning could be, Alk had no such silly distractions. He had diplomottcy to be done! Which meant saying hello to new friends. Like the little person. And the really big wide huge person and the red pointy person.

But first the little person because they looked like tasty leaves.

The Mott abandoned Rue’s tail in favor of the new kind of chewy long thing, Miho’s kimono ties. He trotted over and tasted them, mönching happily.

Fortunately, Rue was well versed in what those little tippy taps of toe twoed feet and the lack of gnawing on his person or thigh-length hair meant. He whirled in time to lunge for the Mott, faceplanting (per usual) and getting dragged on Alk’s hindquarters for a good step.

Also fortunately, he had spent so much time in the last year physically dragging Alk away from every plant he wanted that Rue knew was toxic that, with all the extra meals – two a day! Two! – he had developed enough muscle that Alk no longer took him all the way across the store when he went trotting off. Now – with great success! – Rue managed to scramble and hold him mostly back.

“Alk!” the hybrid warned, then in Shirryyywook, “no, heel, come back!”

Alk snorted, obeying the command…but looking longingly at Miho with his glittering black eyes.

“Psh, wait a couple of weeks and you can get most of this kriff half off.” The crimson female Zabrak standing beside the large Herglic curled her lip as she glanced at the price tags. “I’d wait. Unless you plan on using the discount.” It wasn’t like she paid her tab regardless. The rule of ‘pay what you want’ might have well said ‘pay nothing’ as far as she was concerned. She knew Paum was more likely to be a sucker, however.

Vreva was dressed in worn clothes as well. Having returned from a routine patrol, she did not have time to change out of her grey and orange flightsuit. She put her hands in her pockets and continued toward her favorite spot in the Shame Corner - the bar. Though she had an easier time of navigating the crowd, she paused to allow for her companion to pass as well. It allowed her time to check out what was on sale, and what she might want to get for herself. Her gaze did linger on the sweets for a bit longer, but she turned away. She glared momentarily at the loose animal, but it was allowed on the station so she simply avoided it as she walked.

“Hungry, Paum? Maybe we should snag a couple burgers before heading over to the bar. Shouldn’t drink on an empty stomach, right?” She had already swerved in her path toward the opposite side of the station.

Mihoshi smiled down at the mott and his companion, crouching slightly to be closer to his - their- level. “Oh, hello there.” Her soft, musical lilt was softened even further to a tone she only used for animals and children. “You seem to be a long way from home as well, Alk was it?”

Violet eyes lifted to focus on the man attempting to restrain the jubilant creature. “A friend of yours?” She gave Rue a smile that was like the sun coming up as she held a hand down towards Alk in greeting. “I know a thing or two about being away from home.”

“This one is his friend, yes,” Rue managed, easing up once Alk redirected his attention from chewing clothes to greeting the female’s hand with slobber and love. “And yes his name is Alk, Mistress. He is very wonderful. He merely wishes to say hello and perhaps eat any snacks. But he is only allowed certain snacks.” This was stressed towards the Mott, who nuzzled Miho more before stepping back and snorting at Rue, nosing him.

Miho smiled at Rue as she ran light fingers along on the top of Alk’s head. “Your friend is right, dear Alk. While my clothes are flower colored, they aren’t good for you.”

She rose to her feet and held a hand towards the man, “My name’s Miho, not Mistress. I’ve never been a big fan of formality unless I absolutely have to.”

Her voice dropped to a friendly, conspiratorial whisper. “And even then, I try to avoid it.”

She winked at Alk and grinned again. “Lettuce find something suitable for such a gentlemott to snack upon.”

A slender hand raised quickly, “My treat and I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll even feed you as well so Alk doesn’t feel like I’m ignoring his friend.”

The look of Alk’s person clearly said the man had missed far too many meals. She wasn’t exactly a charitable person most days, but even she felt no one should ever be hungry.

“Of course, Mistress Miho,” Rue said with a bow over her extended hand, forehead dipping almost to it but expertly not making any contact. “Er. Miss Miho, if ma'am wishes fewer formalities. This one will try to respect her preferences.”

While he would not have answered no besides her order not to say no, he did feel the need to point out that Alk was not being starved.

“This one carries many leafy greens for Alk, so if the diner salad does not serve, he will be well.”

Marching through the Shame Corner felt off to Race. He had been here once before with Korvyn on one of his snack runs. This time was different. While Korvyn took a bit of a vacation, as if he actually stopped working, Race was given some Away with Leave time. He honestly didn’t know where to go as his entire life had been centered around the Imperial Military and the Stormtrooper Corps.

His discomfort however wasn’t about the leave. He felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb. Some things were so ingrained in him he did them out of habit. Like purposefully marching to his intended destination as he was doing now. Couple that with being out of uniform or his Chromium plated armor had him feeling out of sorts. He did have a blaster pistol at his side and a dagger in his boots which eased his discomfort slightly. At least he was armed if things went bad somewhere.

As he strode into the Seven Sins bar he looked around for a place to sit. Instinct still took over as he decided on a spot at the far end of the bar. He would have a good vantage point of the entrances and less chance of someone sneaking up on him. He glanced around at the selection of drinks behind the bar, then perused the menu for food as he waited on the bartender to notice his arrival.

Another day, another trip to the Shame Corner, Reiden thought to himself.

He watched his ship drop out of hyperspace and make the approach to the familiar fueling station, settling into a berth. He was glad that they had room for ships of all sizes since he had taken his newer one. He preferred more space to move about when on longer missions, so that’s how he had made the decision. Although the other ship needing some kind of repair tipped the scales as well. Not that he knew what, exactly, was wrong with it - the mechanic was not at all specific or helpful about that. Which reminded him to speak to the man’s supervisor later. Surely someone that incompetent shouldn’t be employed by the Scholae Empire. Then again, maybe he was just frustrated by it and it was best not to jump to conclusions. Besides, the work wouldn’t begin until well after he made his way back. By then, he could even get a second opinion. It didn’t hurt to cover the bases, right?

Once landing procedures were finished, he made his way down the ramp and let out a quiet sigh. He was fairly certain that he’d need to get some fuel for the return trip, but he’d take care of that on his way out instead. He knew there must be other refueling stations to stop at, ones that were more convenient to get to, less out of the way. But the Shame Corner provided an extra level of security because of its backing from the Envoy Corps, although he was sure the staff there were capable enough in their own right. He could tell just from being in their presence, even if they didn’t say anything. There was a calm power there, the likes of which he’d rarely encountered before. Not to mention the fact that the service was always good.

That reminds me, I wonder who’s on duty at the bar, he mused as he made his way inside.

Paum sighed and raised a large hand to wave off the offer. Those more familiar with the species might have seen a hint of a sheepish smile. “No, point taken.”

He followed along, only pausing slightly to stare in awe at some of the widest store aisles he’s seen in a long while. A chuff escaped him at the Vreva’s decisive redirection, knowing already the choice was made before his input. The Herglic’s deep voice rumbled with mirth. “I could do burgers. Better than that sawdust of a protein mix this morning.”

The pair made their way into the Golden Griddle Diner, Paum ducking his head and shoulders down to enter through the opened double doors. More blessings. “They…there’s a table we,” I, “can use in the far corner…” Don’t cry, don’t…

She found this being’s quirks, well, quirky. Standing slowly, she beckoned for both he and Alk to follow. Miss Miho? Well, it was better than mistress. Or any of the other titles she had. She drowned in formality every time she waited attendance on Kaltani so just “Miss” was wonderful.

“I have no doubt someone who cares so much for their tiny friend would have ample snackems for him to munch.” She said softly as she led the way towards the Golden Griddle. “An extra salad for the gentlemott wouldn’t be amiss though.”

Mihoshi tilted her head slightly. “I’m sure he still eats quite a lot despite being small, hm?” A look from the corner of her eye and a smile. “And what would the name of Alk’s friend be?”

Reiden slowly walked along the corridors of the familiar way station. He knew the entryway well enough by now. The advertisements, the shops and stands along the way. Ahead was the stand for fudge, a constant at the Shame Corner. He made a mental note that he’d have to grab some when he was on his way out - whenever that would be. He felt like he was in no rush, which was nice. No upcoming meetings, urgent or otherwise. No missions or alerts needing his attention.

Finally, some free time.

Naturally, his mind began to think about a common activity when he found himself with spare time on his hands: visiting his nephews. It had been a while since he saw the twins and their younger brother. He always missed them, even immediately after leaving the house. He couldn’t explain it. But their time together was always special, and the boys were so happy to see him. He could never say no to them. Well, maybe not never, but it was very hard to do, of course. Another glance to the fudge stand.

I should pick some up for the boys. I bet they’d love it.

As his eyes moved, he caught sight of two figures, both of which caught his attention, and for different reasons. One was a small woman with long hair and flowing robes. The other was a thin figure, long, bright hair in multiple colors trailing down their back. Interestingly, there was a connection between the two. The former looked like someone he had spotted at the festival the Emissary had put together during the fall. The latter, he had run into at the one during the summer.

What was his name again? Rue?

Rose color suffused Rue’s lavender cheeks at the compliment, muddling the contrast of his saffron-buttercup scales. He bowed his head to the queries.

“Yes, Miss, he eats quite a lot each day, and constantly. Roughly some one hundred pounds of vegetation– grasses, leaves and branches, roots, fruit, fungi,” the hybrid reported, his tail swaying and casting colorful sprays of the overhead lights reflecting of of the fur, just like his hair. “And this one is called Rue. Erm. That is, my name is Rue, Miss Miho.”

Meanwhile, though Alk did trot along happily with them, he was never off duty, as a diplomott, and did notice another slightly familiar passing person. He veered off, trotted up to Reiden, and butted his head against the Human’s thigh.

Rue, once again clued in, but a little too late this time, and turned beside Miho to sigh after the Mott.



Lost in thought for a moment, Reiden stopped in his tracks as he was caught off guard by the feeling of something against his leg. He almost apologized out of habit when he realized that there was nobody near enough that he could have bumped into, and surely a running child wouldn’t have escaped his notice. He looked down and saw a small mott beside him. Yet another familiar sight in the Shame Corner this time, although he wasn’t sure if he and the mott had interacted with one another back then.

“Oh, hello there,” he said, reaching down to give the creature a gentle pat on the head. Hearing Rue speak, he smiled at the mott. “Oh, Alk, is it? It’s good to see you, too.” He turned to Rue, lifting his other hand in greeting. “It’s fine, don’t worry about him. You’re Rue, aren’t you? I’m Reiden. We met at a festival that was held on Arx during the summer. It’s nice to see you again.”

The hybrid flushed even harder, recognition a strange and scary thing. Particularly recognition that came kindly, with a hand raised that did not then fall in a strike. Rue had shied, a tiny flinch, at the gesture, but deliberately uncurled his shoulders when the Human spoke to him familiarly, kindly petting Alk.

“H-hello, Master Reiden,” Rue returned. “Yes, this one I am Rue. And this is Miss Miho, and Alk.” His hand lifted to his mouth, teeth lightly gnawing on one knuckle, tail curling close now in shy posture. He could do this, he told himself. He could handle socializing with two new…or new and previously met…people at once, all by himself. He could. He tried to remember the face and the festival and came up with: “Ah! With Miss Savi. And the other people also. You helped teach this one about the card games.”

His expression fell a little, and he bowed low.

“This one apologizes, Master, Sir. It does…not remember the game very well. It has not had the chance to practice since then.”


Mihoshi watched Rue for a moment, concern in her features. She turned those eyes on Reiden, someone she had seen around before, and they hardened slightly. Perhaps he was one of those that wanted people to bow and scrape.

The small woman had met the kind before. Been owned by the kind. But, her brothers had made sure she learned her manners long before she was a slave. With an incline of her head, Miho smiled at Reiden, hiding her feelings behind a carefully crafted mask. “Greetings…friend of Alk and Rue. We were just about to explore the offerings of the Golden Griddle.”

She smiled down at Alk. “I believe with enough credits our small friend can enjoy an all-he-can-eat salad trough.” Violet eyes flicked back up to Reiden. “You are welcome to join us. I think I might like to hear about those card games as well. You can refresh the rules for Rue and explain them to me.”

“Hey, yeah! Those are some big tables.” The Zabrak glanced up and noticed a bit of a far-off look to Paum. Concerned, she waved a hand before his eyes to bring back his attention. “Pom-pom? Somethin’ the matter? Do you need to sit down?”

Taking note of Rue’s reaction, Reiden lowered his hand and gave him a smile, shaking his head slightly. “Please, Rue, you can just call me Reiden. There’s no need for titles, least of all ‘Master’. That’s something only my student calls me, and I grudgingly allow it, mostly out of tradition,” he explained with a slight laugh. “I’ve never really been big on formalities and titles and all that. I’m just a regular person, after all. And yes, the card game, that’s right! That’s okay, nothing to worry about. I haven’t had much chance to practice either.”

He felt the small woman’s eyes on him and turned to her. It wasn’t the first time someone sized him up. Given his work and the situations he found himself in, he was sure it wouldn’t be the last, either. Truth be told, he had often done it to others as well. It had usually served him well over the years, especially when it came to staying safe.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miho,” he replied. “I’d be happy to join, thank you. I’m afraid I don’t know too much about the game myself, but I’ll do my best.” <@244244163002892288>

The hybrid eased somewhat, smiling shyly and taking his hand from his mouth to instead tuck a free strand of hair separate from his flower-filled braid back. That little smile angled towards the ground, and as Alk returned to his side, he seemed quietly happy.

“Okay,” Rue whispered. “Thank you kindly, Miss Miho, Sir Reiden.”

With that settled, the quartet, lead by their second-tallest member (oh, to only ever be taller than either children or the four-legged) approached the Griddle. The host on duty, a golden Shistavanen with enormous ears, smiled broadly at them.

“Hey, y'all! Welcome in, welcome in. And welcome back. Oh I remember this cutie!” Her voice jumped an octave as she crouched down to pat Alk, who immediately received the attention with a delighted snort. “Oooh, hello, heweo, yush, hewwoeoeoeo. Oh gosh, I love you, I could just– yes hi.”

“Claire,” called the server coming up behind, rolling electric blue eyes fondly. Ray smiled at them too, but held back from getting distracted. “Our guests?” He looked directly at Rue, and recognition was clear there. His tone softened. “Hey, again. I don’t know if you remember me? I’m Ray. Rue, wasn’t it? Good to see you again. You guys can take a seat anywhere, if these are your…friends?”

He seemed guarded, and his bright gaze was a searing lightning strike on the other two. Reiden earned another look of familiarity – Ira’s newest catch, right – but the other he wasn’t sure. Dark hair and gem like eyes…hopefully not another one of those Kadnikovs.

“Um,” squeaked Rue under the attention. He shrank a bit again, but nodded to Ray. “Yes, Sir, this one remembers Sir Ray. Sir was very kind to this one and his friends.” He glanced at Miho and Reiden. “T-this one does not presume to be co-c-considered friend of Miss Miho and Sir Reiden, b-but we were hoping to have a salad trough for Alk and play a game a-and…”

His voice grew very small.

-# “P-perhaps s-some cocoa?”

Miho smiled at the man and stood beside Rue placing a hand on her chest. “Not yet, perhaps. But anyone who cares for someone like Alk so well is definitely on their way to being classified as such.”

“I think a booth would suit us today, don’t you think?” She turned that smile on her companions and Alk, but didn’t really expect an answer. “A booth would be perfect. And pancakes.”

She tapped her lower lip for a moment, thinking. “Pancakes and steaks and all the green leafy things dear Alk can eat.”

She nodded once to herself and began to walk towards one of the open booths, humming tunelessly to herself. “And don’t forget cocoa for Rue, please.”

A smile and a wave to her companions, Miho took up residence on a bench seat just sort of expecting Rue, Reiden, and the gentlemott to follow.

Reiden watched as the Shistavanen woman went straight for Alk. It was the kind of thing he had seen before, though not often, at least not in person. The holonet often had such videos, however. It was always nice to see the pure affection that most people held for animals. The happiness that Alk showed in return was, of course, another good thing. Sensing eyes on him again, he looked towards the man, catching his discerning gaze. He merely smiled and nodded to him before making his way to the booth as well.

“I’ll just have some caf for now, please. It’s been a long journey.”

The freshly retired Aedile stood infront of the ramp door of the cargo bay of a medium sized shuttle. The ramp groaned as it shifted, hydraulics whining as the metal slab slowly began to lower. The single golden eye of the towering Shistavanen watched the gap between frame and ramp widen, waiting till it reached about level to reveal…

To… reveal…

It was stuck.

Doon’s lips raised, flashing teeth in a snarl as an ear flicked out of annoyance. He glanced over his shoulder towards the inside of the ship where a distant bleeping sounded the error stalling the ramp. A growl rose from him like a starting engine as a voice yipped from the unseen pilot console. “Sorry! Sorry!” There was a clutter of metal before the sound of Percussive maintenance rang out between words. “Been” BANG “meaning” BANG “to” BANG “fix it!”

The final words were spoken as the cargo bay lurched, the hydraulics once more hissing to life. “Got it!” The triumphant voice shouted out as Doon faced forward again, watch as the ramp-



The hydraulics gave out, rods slipped against casing and released the entire ramp to smash against the ground. No doubt gouging a small scar in the metal surface of the dock, and as Doon warily eyed the ramp, noticeably twisting the disembarkment apparatus.

There was a few moments of silence as the sound echoed, broken as a salt and pepper Shista head poked into the cargo bay from a doorway. Sharp Orange eyes scanned the room over for the source of commotion and widened as they saw what happened. “Ah, yeah… I’ll get it fixed.” The fox head then quickly vanished around the corner before a response could be uttered from the larger Shista.

With clenched fists, Doon carefully walked down the ramp that creaked under his weight, but didn’t give out. It seemed partially embedded in the floor. He ignored anyway wayward stares, and for those that stood in his way gawking he only glared at in response as he passed. It was high time for a drink, and it was one of the few places in this station Doon was familiar with.

Ray nodded along, clocking each item mentally as he “guided” – Miho was really seating herself, which was fine – the group to a booth. He set down a pile of menus and silverware just in case and went to fetch a bowl for Alk. “Be right back.”

Alk snuffled under the table, licking the floor (which was clean, as the Shame Corner was excellent, but being a diner floor, even clean meant magically there is a spot of syrup or ketchup somewhere and two crumbs as soon as the mop moves). He bumped the top occasionally, causing shakers and silverware to rattle. Rue followed Miho’s lead, scurrying into the opposite bench and fully folding up into its far side. It was a bit like watching a cat or a cricket, the way his long, willowy limbs and spine practically collapsed in on themselves somehow so that he could be smaller, perching on the bench seat. Reiden was left with either option of sitting beside.

<@232396983854301187> <@227653769842655233>

“We bill for anything we can’t buff out,” Avalon drawled at the retreating Shistavanen’s back. Just last month they’d had some Sith type crash land too, Vincent Brujah. The skid marks were a work in progress.

But as Doon continued, he was met with the welcoming dark, plush atmosphere and ancient neon of the Seven Sins bar, just like the armored figure before him that had settled. A figure with citrine eyes and golden locks spilling everywhere atop sleek black, shaved sides presided over the alcohol today. They moved with liquid grace, shimmying this way and that while pouring drinks or exchanging glassware and chatter.

“Gentlefolk,” they greeted, syrupy, to Krovyn and Doon. “Welcome in. What can we get you? Save everything you could want.”


Glancing up at the bartender Race couldn’t help but notice the bartenders large golden eyes and hair. He had intended on just drinking caf but before the words formed in his mouth a different order came out, “Gamorreon Ale if don’t mind.”

He wasn’t a big drinker and duty usually steered him clear of alcohol. Have to be ready at the drop of a hat had conditioned him to just ignore it. But he was leave and this was the first time he had one in ages. An ale or two sounded like a good idea for once.

Reiden wasn’t so accustomed to such friendliness from strangers before, at least not so readily. No, that wasn’t quite right. The employees at the Shame Corner, whether at the bar, stands, or milling around were always helpful and kindly - even Ira, although she was perhaps a bit more rough around the edges than the others he had interacted with before. Then again, they were in customer service jobs, but still. Someone outside of that, however? Well, maybe that spoke more to the places he found himself in than the people there.

He made note of the man’s name tag, as well as the one on the Shistavanen - and slid into the booth beside Miho. This would ensure that Alk had easy access to Rue. He didn’t know what either would be like without the other, so it didn’t hurt to be cautious.

“Thank you, Ray,” he replied. “And you as well, Miho.” <@244244163002892288> <@227653769842655233>

Doon sauntered up to the bar, about two spaces from the other man to give him ample room from the bulky Shistavanen. His lips twitched into another snarl, and a frustrated growl was cut off by a clearing of his throat as sharp metal claws scratched at his jaw. “Corellian Reserve.” His deep voice rumbled.

He was dressed simply, a grey tunic style too with dark red leather padding her and there. His shorts were similarly baggy, to give his fur covered body enough room to breathe that he would not be uncomfortable. It also had the obvious effect of revealing how unarmed he was. If one could consider a giant wolf man with metal capped claws and rippling muscle unarmed.

His head hung slightly, his only eye boring into the bar top as he took a few deep breaths. He was not calm, what various stresses that ailed him only added onto by the now broken shuttle ramp he would no doubt have to pay the repairs for, both for the door and the dock flooring.

A large glass of the requested amber ambrosia appeared in front of the wolf man, and attached to it was the bartender, supple limbs and jewelry positively everywhere, a ring of some kind on each finger, studs and earrings and piercings abounding. They smiled at him, peering at his good eye.

“What troubles you, hmm?”

Race also received his drink, served in a massive tankard fitting of a Gammorreon.

Doon’s eye followed the drink as it was delivered to him, his metal claws making soft tink noises against the glass as he delicately pulled it closer. To the question, he grunted and glanced up to the server. “Too many things to spill with polite company.” He grumbled out, then raised the drink to lap sip from it. After the taste that he let sizzle across his tongue and down his throat, he set the glass down to continue addressing her.

“Life changes. I grow older. And it remains the same.” He slowly turned the glass, spinning it with careful claw movements. His other hand idly brushed a drop of reserve from the greying fur of his chin. His gaze lazily trailed over their various shiny bits and bobs. “But I think you’ve heard plenty of old men Lamenting over a drink.”

“I grow older and it remains the same,” the tender replied, smirking, sibilant. “Old men lamenting, indeed, and young, and all in between, woes and worries and dramas. To hell with polite company. Take what you like, friend.”

Rue was quiet as he glanced up through shimmering, multicolored lashes at either of his tablemates, not quite meeting their eyes. He set his notably heavy satchel – with papers and plants sticking out of it at the seams – on the bench beside him, uncurling from around it, and returned back to nibbling on his knuckle while they waited.

It wasn’t a long wait at all – not even time to start conversation before Ray was immediately back from behind the counter and placing mugs down. He poured caf for Reiden at the same time he dexterously lowered a bowl of water down to the floor for Alk, which the Mott immediately began lapping from (and spilling, so much spilling, why). He looked to the other two as a small saucer of fresh cool creamer and sugars were set from his tray.

“Caf for either of you while you wait? Or waters? Your cocoa will be right out,” he assured Rue.


Rue shook his head, smiling shyly, to which Ray smiled back.

“Hey, Zeva! Wait up, please?” Ro was grabbing a shoulder and locking up the shuttle he had borrowed, as the little Twi'lek-Togruta hybrid girl was skipping and bouncing from him towards the double doors of the Shame Corner.

“But papa, I wanna see this place!” squealed the tiny 5 year old, wearing a simple blue dress.

“I know. But Zev'aven, you need to listen to me here. And what have I said about running off without me?” The tall Togruta folded his arms over his chest and sternly looked at the young girl.

She paused at the use of her full Twi'lek name, knowing that she would be in trouble if she didn’t behave. “Yes father,” she put her hands behind her back, swaying and twisting in place as she looked up at her father. “You said that with my uniqueness, I need to stay close, or else someone may try to take me away.”

“Yes, and I don’t want to loose you,” Ro’s face softened and he got down on one knee, beckoning Zeva to him with open arms. She came to him and hugged him, seeming to understand his apprehension. He hugged her back, before taking her shoulders and holding her out in front of him. “Now, stick close to me and we’ll have a wonderful time. If you can be a good girl, like you are at home, then I’ll get you anything you want. Especially since it’s your birthday tomorrow.”

The girls bright, deep purple eyes lit up, as she seemed to vibrate in place, shaking her head fervently while her smile spread from ear cone to ear cone. “Yes, papa. I promise. Do you really mean anything I want?”

Smiling, Ro took her hand and stood up as best he could, still partially bowed over due to how small she was, “Yes, I mean it.” Sighing, he had a feeling he was going to regret saying that, but it seemed to impress upon Zeva to stick close. As they walked up to the double doors, Ro’s other hand searched his pocket for the tracking fob, double checking for the umpteenth time that it was the correct one, before putting it back, satisfied he was as prepared as he could be.

The double doors of the Shame Corner opened up, the smells of food and the isles of merchandise renewing the tiny girls energy, as she began to pull him over to the display of cuddly stuff animals.

He rumbled, then took another sip before shaking his head. “This is no place for therapy.” Another sip was accompanied by a snarl at the burning sensation.

“I’m missing something.” He paused “A few things. Lessons that I did not learn, I suspect. If I did learn them, I would be where I am supposed to be, would I not?”

He takes a few moments to drink a bit more from his glass, careful to not grip it too tight. “But I find myself here, bumming a ride from an acquaintance on a barely functional ship. On leave, with no home other than the one I just took that leave from.”

The Punisher made the jump out of hyperspace. Inside the ship, where there would usually be a string of expletives being shouted back and forth, instead there was laughter. Vincent Brujah sat in the cockpit of the ship, where the pilot would usually sit, though the droid DT-A1 had full control of the ship. The ship was headed back to the Unknown Regions, more specifically Seraph, but needed to stop for fuel after making the trip to Jedha.

Catching his breath from a fit of laughter, the Sith spoke.

“This is the best trip we’ve taken in years, DT.”

The gruff droid brain spoke back at the Quaestor.

“Oh hell yeah! Those skritons had no idea what was hitting them!”

The droid mocked the sound of one of the screaming crab-like creatures and then made the repeated sound of the ship’s rotary cannon blasting, bringing a huge, arrogant smile to Vincent’s face.

“Those dumb bugs will think twice before attacking you again!” DT-A1 continued.

Vincent cocked his head to the side, like a puzzled canine.

“You mean we left some alive?”

The ship fell quiet for a moment before the droid responded.

“Well… I mean… the women… and the children…”

Unable to hold it in any longer the droid let out his own laugh.

“Nah, I’m just messin’ with you. We wiped them out!”

Smiling a satisfied smile, Vincent pointed toward Station 0H40-S0.

“There it is, DT. Let’s get down there and get some fuel. And if it’s not too much to ask… could you land the ship normally this time?”

“Oh, ha ha! I told you last time, we would have had plenty of fuel if your Mandalorian friend hadn’t insisted we go around the asteroid field. Where is Jaz, anyway?”

“Taking a break from you.” Vincent said as the ship came to a soft, almost perfect landing at the station. “You know, he has half a mind to put a bolt from one of his WESTARs into your main processing unit.”

“I’d like to see him try!” the droid brain responded. “Skritons aren’t the only thing these cannons are good for. I’ll whoop his a…”

“Yes, yes… of course you would DT. For now, just worry about keeping the ship warm while they refuel us and I grab a few drinks.”

The ramp dropped with a hiss. Vincent hooked his helmet to his belt and made the trek into the station.

Miho smiled at Ray and nodded. “Caf would be wonderful, thank you.”

She turned to Reiden and shrugged at his thanks. The knocking from the underside of the table kept her on the verge of giggling - we aren’t calling it giggling - and the tight little ball of Rue stuffed into the corner of his bench seat made her curious, but it wasn’t a story to ask about today. Maybe tomorrow.

“It’s no trouble, Reiden. Large groups are always fun. And besides, Alk seems to think you’re a friend.”

-# <@244244163002892288> <@232396983854301187>

“And where are you supposed to be, little wolf?” drawled the figure, whose name plate – not a tag, like others, but a gold metal plate sewn into their vest – read Avaritia. “That you. So. Clearly. Are. Not.”

Each word accompanied their fingers tapping across the bar until tapping on his glass, a warning for his grip to loosen.

The similar layout of the Shame Corner greeted Vincent, if with more chocolate heart sales right up in his face this time. Avalon spotted him and lifted silver brows.

“Speak of the rancor…” she said to herself, then, “Oh, you again. Welcome in. You know, the scratches you left last time haven’t come out.”


Meanwhile, the little half breed girl indeed found plenty of plushies she could coo over. Ro-Tahn found himself in a maze of aisles full of toys, plushes, coloring books, even bubblegum dispensers– anything one could think of.


“That they are,” Reiden agreed, smiling. He reached below the table to give Alk an appreciative pat. “Well, I’m glad to be considered as such. I’ve always been a fan of animals, but my schedule is busy at times, so having any of my own can be difficult. Although a friend’s gizka found me one day and then wouldn’t leave. Luckily he likes exploring and the people nearby know to offer him food and water if he needs it, or shelter if the weather turns.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I’ve tried to keep the little guy contained, but somehow he always manages to escape.”

He paused for a moment as he added some milk to his caf, giving it a stir. He still remembered finding the gizka in the air vent of his quarters. The odd noises coming from within warranted investigation. He had sent one droid in. But there was no luck. The next one, a Seeker droid, bore fruit with its camera picking up tangled wires and signs of chewing. One carefully laid trap later, and the gizka was caught.

“My friend has an anooba and he couldn’t ask for a more faithful companion. Something tells me that the same could be said of Alk, here.” <@244244163002892288>

“Alk is most faithful, brave, and true,” Rue spoke up from his tucked up spot. He had picked up a napkin to fidget with, small, bloodied holes in his knuckles scabbing over before one’s eyes from his chewing, and was intently folding the white flimsi fabric without meeting either of his compatriots’ eyes. “He is this one’s ‘best friend.’”


His lip twitched at the little wolf comment. The glass was released however, his large hands pressed into the bar top with a middling growl underlaying his words. “If I knew, I’d be there. Not here, moping in a bar.” His metallic claws twitch, a mental effort obviously keeping them from marking the bar.

“And you, is this your place? Do you know this is where you should be?”

After several minutes of running around the isles and carefully studying every shelf she could see at her height, she had chosen a small variety of puzzle like toys, a couple coloring book (one that was droid specific, and another that was animals), along with a blank art paper pad, and a few essential art supplies.

Now the young hybrid was currently engrossed in the biggest decision of the moment, choosing between a dark iridescent green Tailring plushy or a purple furred Nexu plushy. Looking up at her father, her tiny face twisted in a determined face.

“Papa, which do you think we should get?”

“Well, they’re both really nice. Which color do you like better?” Ro chuckled a little, while juggling the things she had picked up. Watching as she carefully looked between the two plushies again, he glanced around for a basket, finding an empty one to place all of her things in before purchasing.

“Both colors are my favorites. One is like you, papa, and one is like mum,” the tiny girl kept staring between the two. The hybrid gently set down both plushies next to each other and then carefully began investigating the shelves.

Ro’s eyebrow raised at his daughters comment, wondering how the plushies could be anything like him or her mother. Setting down the basket, he picked up both plushies, staring at them both, before looking at Zeva.

“What do you mean by that these are me and Aola, tunguma (daughter)?” he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Zeva turned and pointed to each in turn, first the Tailring and then the Nexu, “You and mum. I cannot choose between the two, so I want to find one with both colors and features.”

Ro looked confusedly between the two, “We might be able to find one of these in both colors. But we’re not going to find any plushies of these two creatures mixed together, it’s just not possible.” Shaking his head, he was about to speak again and explain, but Zeva interrupted him.

“But father, you and mum are different. And me, I am like both of you, put together,” her left hand reached up to her Montrals, before slowly tracing down the length of her Lekku, it’s tip wrapping slightly around her finger. Face falling slightly, as she peered up at Ro-Tahn. “If I’m possible, then couldn’t we find a kitty with wings?”

Ro stared incredulously at his daughter, and was at a loss for words. He didn’t think that a child her age could even understand the difference, let alone make connections or similarities between other things as well.

“Umm. Oh well. Oh, oh, I know what you’re looking for. Well then, we can take a look. But, hmm, that’s going to be a rare find indeed,” he flashed a cocky grin and winked at her, quickly standing and looking over the shelves, hoping that she’d go along with it. “How about this, if we aren’t able to find a… kitty with wings, you don’t have to choose one or the other. You can get both, okay?”

The tiny girl’s face brightened, nodding her head with determination, and started to look harder. The tall Togruta sighed with relief and then looked between the two plushies in his hands again.

“Very much so,” purred Avaritia. “Because I decided it was so, mine sisters and I. Picked this place, carved ourselves into its mould, wrapped our corpses in its burial shroud. Cursed children, all of us, with less than nothing. No home. Full of sin. Does that stop us? No.”

One of their fingers tapped his claw, pressing it into the woodgrain with a flex of the digit.

“Try asking yourself, what do you want? Obviously not the ‘home’ you took leave from.. Obviously not a stranger’s shoddy ship. Obviously not a bartender’s very good advice. So…? What’s answer’s at the bottom of that glass, hmm?”

Again, the Shistavanen’s lip twitched, flashing his canine and auxiliary teeth he watch the metal tip of his claw make a minuscule mark in the wood as its tapped. His other paw clenched, then grip his drink and gave it a swirl. “I’m don’t know.” He peered into the dark amber alcohol “but I intend to find out.”

In a smooth motion, he downed the remainder of the glass. A rumble rolled through his chest at the burn, teeth and eyes clenched shut. Once he had taken a steady breath, he opened his eye to peer into the glass again. “Family. Legacy. Peace.” His eye then trailed up to her, and he blinked. Or was that a wink? “Or some sad sack of Kist that would love a refill. It’s hard to tell.”

“Why not all of the above?” suggested the bartender, and poured more whiskey. “So, family isn’t the same as legacy?”

Doon lifted the glass, giving it a swirl. His tongue ran along his teeth as he watched it swish. He rumbled out a contemplative noise as he gave it a sniff. “Family is more than blood. It is.. wider. A pack can be found, created. Legacy is.. direct. What I leave behind.” He sips, then sets it down and leans back slightly, both paws pressed claw down into the bar top.

They tilted their head, gold eyes meeting his singular one, regarding. “Family is more than blood, yes…but if you create it, choose it, isn’t that what you leave behind? Isn’t that all we leave behind, when we die? Those that will miss us?”

Miho watched for a moment as days of healing happened on moments. Violet eyes slid towards Reiden for a moment before returning to Rue. Her smile never faltered and her tone never changed, making any confusion or surprise. “He seems that way. I think he might consider you in the same regard.”

She thought back to the scene before she had interrupted and Alk had transferred his drool-y attention to her own clothes.

“He seems like the best friend someone could ask for, I think.” She turned to face Reiden. “Wouldn’t you agree?”

The wolf grunted, glancing around the bar before meeting her gaze again. “It’s similar. Not the same. A family is close. A pack is the same. But a legacy is direct. Immediate responsibility.”

He trailed off for a moment, frowning before taking another long drink. He set the glass down half empty and sighed. “I am not good at explaining. Not in standard speech.” He winced and clenched his jaw, cinching another rumbling growl in his throat with the tightening of his jaw.

“Ah,” Avaritia went, and then, in canting, soprano growls, Shistavanen, “Would this be easier for you?”

His ear flicked, eye narrowed. A stranger speaking Shista is not common, but seemed to intrigue Doon. In bassy rumbles and growls that could rattle loose bottles he responded. “Yes, very. I am still conflicted how best I can word it to you, but in short…” he took a breath, seemingly visibly preparing. “A family, a pack, something that is my own. I have one already, I suppose. But perhaps greedily, I want more. Or perhaps I only want to connect with them more.

He lifted and drank again, eye shutting as the burning liquid was downed. With another grunt he set the empty glass down and scratched along his jaw. “A legacy, what I understand it to be from how I was raised. A lineage. Not now, I am.. still recovering from something. I lost what I wanted, horribly. And I am not yet ready to move on.” he ends with a rumbling growl.

What I want, only I am at fault for being unable to attain.

It was apparently time for Rue’s blush to return, red and pink carnation blooms over the flower fields of his freckled, scaled face. He made a quiet chirrup of happiness, and followed the conversational direction Miho steered, glancing briefly through his lashes at Reiden too.

Just about then, though, Ray returned, bearing a small saucer that just fit a large, wide mug. It was piled with whipped cream and chocolate drizzles that wobbled when he set it down in front of Rue. A plastic basket, likely for fries or the like, had been repurposed to hold a ridiculously large pile of plain salad, which he set down for Alk.

“Your steak and pancakes will be right out. Anything else?”

Meanwhile, Rue had given another, brighter chirp and twitched towards his mug, only to arrest in movement. He glanced to Miho, seeking permission.


At the word greedily, the bartender smiled wide and sharp, showing pointed teeth that hinted at whatever lineage let them growl the language quite so well. Their chuckle was low and rich, contrasting the horrific loss the Shistavanen spoke of.

“Then be greedy, O'wolf. It is the best of sins. Want hard enough and you can drown anything. Grief. Loss. Fault. Inhibition.” The smirk eased then, and they poured him another, then tapped his claws again with painted nails before covering his hand in a gentle gesture. “You will move on only when you are ready– indulge a bartender their wisdom. It’s better not to fault yourself for what you are unable to do; only what you chose to do or not do.”

Syrena gazed down at the bustling port of what was commonly known as the The Shame Corner, from the glass window of a delivery ship. She paused to collect her belongings, just as the transport’s door slid open.

“See ya later! Good luck on all those deliveries,” Syrena quickly called over her shoulder to her companion, the space trucker known as Frenek Mausma.

A pair of shimmering silver wings unfurled from her back, fanning out to their full span. In one swift movement, Syrena glided down to the main deck of the station, landing lightly on her feet. Her wings lowered, pale pink hair swept to the side over one shoulder as her bright silver gaze took in her surroundings.

“I see this place is as lively as ever…” Syrena couldn’t help but remark, a smile tugging at her lips and an eager skip to her step as she made her way inside.

Reiden’s eyes flicked down to Rue’s hand. It was rare to see healing like that, especially so quickly. But Rue was entitled to his privacy and it didn’t seem right to pry or call attention to it.

He couldn’t help but think of his friend Orion and his anooba. They seemed the closest of friends when he saw them together. Then there was his own relationship with the bounty hunter. Close friends, strengthened through fire. They were like brothers, something he had always wanted when he was younger and never thought he would get, at least at first.

Although there had been another before, but that had ended very differently from how he ever would have wanted it to. A tinge of sadness touched his eyes at the memory. He could still hear the blaster going off. Feel the warmth on his hands as he tried in vain to stop the bleeding.

He shook his head slightly, burying the memory for now. Instead, he merely smiled at Rue and turned to Miho, nodding. “Yes, I think you’re right. They definitely have a very close, strong bond with one another.” Upon Ray’s return, he replied, “Nothing for me, thank you.” <@227653769842655233>

Miho shook her head with a smile, “Thank you, Ray. I think for now steak and pancakes would be perfect.” Her eyes flicked back to Rue as he made a movement towards the cocoa. Curiously, she watched the man wondering at his actions.

Memory showed her the same behaviors she had developed herself when she herself was a slave far, far away from here. Mihoshi smiled at Rue and gestured towards the mug. “Go for it, Rue. I’m sure it’s as delicious as it smells.”

-# <@244244163002892288>

Ray nodded and went off, though he was keeping a close eye on the quartet.

At Miho’s permissive gesture and direction, the hybrid surged forward, faster than either of them would’ve seen him move yet, like a striking cat. He grabbed the mug and drew it close, right up to his chest, purring at the heat and about to dive in.

But then another hesitation: a bloom of sadness from the man across from him, a mourning flower. Saffron eyes went softly now to Reiden, finally looking him full on as understanding creased his colorful brows.

“Sir Reiden,” he began, a kindly, steady tone, an old, old pain in his look that was soft and smooth as a river stone. He extended the mug, offering. “This one, I, have found that the hot chocolate cures any sadness, at least for a little bit. Would you like some?”

<@232396983854301187> <@227653769842655233>

His golden eye shifted about her figure, noting the shiny bits and bobs. The golden plate. Avarice. The sudden realization rose a grumbly chuckle from him, breaking whatever veil of sadness had settled over him. He looked down at her hand that had settled on his softpaw, then slowly turned that paw so her hand rested in his overly large paw. He gently closed it, claws carefully clinking against the set of rings on her fingers.

I understand now. Rapacity. Avarice. Your embodiment.” he lifted her hand, curiously inspecting the rings themselves before carefully releasing her. He picks up his glass and takes a hearty drink of it, the subtle buzz starting to fuzz the edges of his mind.

With another rumbling chuckle he set the glass down, once more eyeing her. “Certainly an interesting bartender. Perhaps I shall be greedy.” his golden eye shined as he watched her over his glass.

He watched the change in Rue, hearing his words. But he met his gaze and smiled. A shake of his head.

“You are very kind Rue, thank you. But I couldn’t take any from you, not when I know you were looking forward to it so much. But you’re right, it does help with sadness.” A pause as he added some milk and sugar to his mug, a slow smile spreading as he gave it a stir. “Having my caf like this does the same, actually. It reminds me of my old home and my family. Of better times. Now that’s not to say times now are bad, or aren’t better. They’re just… different, I guess. I have found a new home. Made new friends. And even a small family, of sorts.”

Avaritia seemed perfectly content to let him handle their hand, humming lightly and then smiled widely when he correctly identified complimented their name.

“Rapacious is my middle name,” they teased, laughing lightly and not at all shying form his look. Their bright golden eyes flicked away briefly to check on other customers before switching back. “Just kidding. That would be rather the mouthful even for me, and I’m quite insatiable. See where the evening takes us, hmm, o’ wolf? Or shall I call you something else?”

Glancing around the Shame Corner, for a moment Syrena found herself pleasantly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of various assorted merchandise. She reached out eagerly towards one of the shelves of goodies, though shook her head to herself, regaining her sense of focus on the task at hand– An important task at that.

“Excuse me,” Syrena began to speak in a soft tone, spotting one of the workers. “I’m uh… Well you see, I’m in need of purchasing food. I need about…. three hundred pounds to be exact. And high in protein, if possible.”

Pausing for a moment, she took a deep breath, as though to settle her nerves while cautiously glancing to either side. A look of concern faintly shimmered in her light silver eyes.

“Oh! And the food isn’t for me…. Goodness, I certainly can’t eat that much. It’s for my animal. My companion,” Syrena quickly added. “And I must warn you… When you see my animal, please do not be startled. Her name is Zephira. I have a license for her and everything. She is a kind soul, but… Her kind is greatly misunderstood,” She continued to explain, with a sigh of dismay at this particular matter.

“Now, Zephira has a few… Concerns we are working to overcome, but as a whole, she is very sweet and well tempered despite the hand she’s been dealt in life. If you could point me in the right direction of where I could bring her and give her some food, I would be much obliged,” Syrena finally finished, gazing up at the worker through a set of wide, hopeful silver eyes.

-# <@244244163002892288>

The woman in question, though she bore no apron or name tag, was in fact one of the employees – probably revealed by the fact she had been directing another employee and sent them scurrying off. She turned, and bright red irises met the Zeltron’s liminal silver, a single studded brow quirking. Her tanned skin was revealed by her comfortably revealing clothing, and coincidentally, the deep, black ink tapestry that swirled over her impressive biceps, shoulders, and back showed various animals, many with bared teeth or tortured, feral maws. The woman cocked her head and hip and smiled lazily at Syrena, showing fang behind ruby lips.

“A tough case, eh?” the woman asked, reaching out to nudge the Zeltron. “Easy, there, kitten, you look like you’re gonna fall over…or start begging. I’m sure your girl – Zephira? – ain’t nothin’ I ain’t see the like of before. And it’s a big karkin’ asteroid. We got space for Destroyers, we got space for her. C'mon. Pet section is this way. Most of the feed we carry is dry, we got pure protein sorts for the strict carnivores. Or is she omnivorous?”

The woman beckoned Syrena to follow her, waving over to Avalon at the front in signal and then turning on her booted heel. She strode along, pantherine. “I’m Ira. What’s your name?”

Doon chuckled again, not missing the intention behind her words. “I believe we will see indeed.” Another gulp of alcohol down added another soft layer of fuzz to his perceptions.

I do not care particularly what I am called. ‘The Hungry Wolf’, might be apt for your… taste. I am named Doon, however.” The rumbly Shistavanen’s eye shone with some level of amusement over their conversation. He had leaned back in over the bar as they conversed, his nose twitching as if he was trying to pick up a scent. Behind him, his large tail made agononizingly slow progress swaying back and forth.

A look of intrigue began to dance across her features as she took in the tall woman before her, particularly when it came to her unique tattoos. Though Syrena sported none herself, at least not yet, she had always held a great deal of appreciation for such a form of art.

“Tough case, I suppose you could say that,” She said with a soft laugh, beginning to feel a bit more at ease thanks to the open minded nature of the woman before her.

However, Syrena’s datapad began to rapidly buzz with several frantic texts from Frenek, regarding the current state of Zephira. Drawing a deep breath, despite the concern that she felt, she managed to center herself just enough to establish a mental connection between the two of them.

“You have to sing to her, Frenek. That will help put her at ease. This is the longest I’ve been apart from her since her rescue. Her favorite songs are Pink Rancor Club and Princess in a Battle,” Syrena managed to relay to him through the telepathic link.

She quickly directed her attention back towards the woman before her, and thought a moment on the question. “I’m… not sure yet, to be honest. Probably pure protein! But she might like some veggies in there too for extra flavor. Plus, they always add a rather delightful crunch.”

Her datapad buzzed once again, and upon a quick glance at the message, Syrena breathed a sigh of relief– The singing was proving to be a success when it came to calming Zephira.

She eagerly followed after the woman as she introduced herself. “Ira, what a lovely name! I am Syrena, pleasure to meet you… And I am most grateful for your help in this matter, Ira.”

-# <@244244163002892288>

Ira seemed nonplussed with what Syrena was doing as she paused to have a telepathic conversation – obviously she was used to such things herself. When things seemed settled, they started walking again.

“Back at you, Syrena. So, business– what’s Zephira? We don’t have any animals in the relief area right now besides ours, so it should be fine to bring her around the bay.”

Ira led the Zeltron all the way across the store, going right rather than left towards the bar and into another exit clearly marked as the Animal Area. The swish of double airlock doors gave way to a much drier, muskier smell, the air warmer and dehumidified and sweet-dusty with hay scents. Turf lined the ground here rather than duracrete like outside or tile, and the wide space, though walled, was open at the top, like a stadium. The surrounding starscape could be seen through the enclosing transparisteel glass of the station far above. There would be clearance for flying critters or smaller ships like frigates to land here, and docking bay sized stadium entrances along one wall indicated where creatures could enter and exit if escorted in from outside.

Several amenities seemed available: structures to climb and play on, wide range for walking, straw paddocks for a rest, collapsible gates, etc. Troughs of water and for feed. A separated area that looked like it could have been a locked and blasterproof armory was instead used to house pet feed, biometrically locked, with a hover dolly or two available for service.

“So you can bring her here directly from above or from the landing pads…is she not doing well in transport?”

Listening to Ira’s words, Syrena gave the small nod of her head in response, considering the best way to respond to the question. “Well, you see… She’s…”

She hesitated for a moment, gazing up at Ira. Despite the reputation of malice and savagery that seemed to constantly follow Zephira’s kind, Syrena simply viewed these creatures as misunderstood. If it weren’t for the illegal fighting pits and dark dungeons that these beings were so commonly caged in, perhaps they would lead much different lives. Letting out a deep breath, Syrena prepared to answer the question.

“She’s… A Rancor,” She finally stated. Gazing at the animal area of the station, Syrena was relieved to see that there was certainly a vast amount of space– Zephira would certainly need it.

“She’s new to travel… And this is the longest she’s been away from me since she came into my care… Which was about a week ago… But she’s a sweet girl, and she loves music,” Syrena quickly continued to explain to Ira, her silver gaze softening as she spoke about her newly acquired, beloved Rancor.

Just then, a loud roar suddenly echoed from the landing pad area. The clawed hands of the Rancor slowly came into view, each step its own quake as the massive creature began to approach them. The Rancor’s scales shone in shimmering hues of pink and lavender under the light, predatory eyes gleaming with gold. Finally, the massive creature stopped before them, letting out another loud roar before lowering her head.

“Aww, there’s my pretty girl!” Syrena cooed softly to the creature, a warm smile lighting her face. “I know she’s… A bit loud, but that’s just her way of saying hi!”

-# <@244244163002892288>

While his daughter looked around he kept glancing between the Tailring and Nexu stuffed animals, Ro’s mind still boggled by what Zeva had said. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to find any plushies that were a combination of both.

Kora (father), can you see if there is one on the top shelves, please?” Zeva asked, pointing up at the shelves she couldn’t reach or see enough of.

“Sure, tunguma,” quickly setting both of the plushies into the basket, he obliged her request and looked around the top shelves. He shook his head in response to the unspoken question in her eyes every time she looked up at him. In the process of looking for the unique one she wanted, he found two of the exact same ones she had already picked out. An idea struck him as he carefully moved the two plushies to a side of the shelf, out of Zeva’s view, but easy enough for him to grab quickly later on.

“Well Zeva, have you found anything?”

“No. Have you found it?”

“No, I haven’t. Sorry kiddo,” he noticed the slight drop in her shoulders and the droop in her Lekku. “Hey, like I said before, you don’t have to choose. We’ll get both plushies, okay?”

She sniffled a little before nodding her head, smiling and turning away from the shelves to give him a hug around his legs. Ro gently placed his hand on her head in the curved between her Montrals and rubbed the soft flesh. Then he heard a soft gurgle come from her tiny body, and another rumble from his own. Both father and daughter paused and looked at each other, and then busted up laughing.

“Sounds like you’re hungry, kora,” she giggled.

He chuckled back, “Aye, and you sound like you’re hungry enough to eat a whole Thimiar yourself. What say we go pay for what we’ve found so far, and then get something to eat. We can look around some more after we eat.”

Zeva shook her head and went over to the basket, picking up the two plushies with both arms, and waited for her father to pick up the basket. Ro-Tahn grinned as he picked up the basket and motioned for her to follow him up to one of the main counters to pay.

Ira didn’t even blink when Syrena said rancor, which was probably more revealing about her than anything. She just nodded and smiled a bit at the Zeltron’s descriptions. The manager still didn’t blink when the rancor’s roar ruffled their hair and clothing this close.

“Hi, Zephira,” Ira drawled, and then, staring directly up into the beast’s eyes with her own red gaze, lifted her chin and lightly squared her muscular shoulders from their at ease slouch. To Syrena’s training senses, she felt a sudden void open and yawn next to her, an immense and unfathomably hungry darkness. “Heel.”

Casting a sideways glance towards Ira, she felt a sense of relief that the tall female before her didn’t seem phased by such a task. Clearly, she had come into contact with the right person at the store.

Sensing a wave of darkness emanating from the woman beside her, Syrena’s expression shifted to that of curiosity. However, she chose not to pry— Perhaps some questions were better left unanswered.

Instead, Syrena fixed her gaze on her Rancor once again, extending a cautioning hand. Though the large beast had already lowered her head as a sign of submission, she let out a soft, rippling growl.

“Zephira, I know you’re hungry… But if you want to be allowed into fine establishments such as this one, establishments that are plentiful with food, then you need to learn to listen,” She explained in a more stern tone to Zephira.

The Rancor gave a slow nod, shifting her large head and fixing her golden gaze upon the red eyes of Ira. Zephira crept a bit closer, in a more cautious manner, and rested her massive form upon the ground. The Rancor let out another growl, this one holding a soft upwards lilt, signifying a greeting as a more friendly expression danced in the creature’s golden eyes.

-# <@244244163002892288>

Miho had leaned back in her spot of the booth, happily waiting for someone to bring out her meal. Rue’s behavior seemed odd to her, but still understandable. She listened as he listed off those he had chosen as points of happiness, curious about his skin’s ability to mimic strong emotions.

“I only recently got reunited with my own family. Before that it was just…dark.” Her voice held no emotion to it, not sadness, not happiness. Just a statement of fact as though it had happened to someone else. “But, now I have mat different friends who make the days much more exciting.”

She gave Reiden a look from the corner of her eye and grinned. “And now I have three more. Reiden, Rue and Alk.”

Ira gave an approving growl at the submission and lifted a hand as the rancor crept closer with head held low. She patted over pink scales and then moved her hand in a quick swoop to the hinge of a large, wide maw, scratching expertly. A fond smile twitched around her fangs.

“One of her kind was a companion of mine, once,” she idly informed Syrena. “Carried me into battle well. Her name was Pleyvetu.” The way the word twisted implied some ancient dialect of some language. “Or I suppose in today’s Basic you might say…Peyton? Something like that. You’ll be obedient for me, won’t you, Zephira?”

Another scratch was gifted before the hand dropped. She turned to Syrena, utterly ignoring the rancor.

“So, she’s pretty recently freed, you said? I see she’s got some scarring. What, some Hutt’s prize pet? We’ll get her some food. What music does she like?”

Reiden sipped his caf and watched his two companions of the moment. Rue’s mannerisms were unusual, but nothing seemed overly amiss. The healing and flashes of color, however, were a mystery to him. But he chalked that up to biology or the Force, possibly both. Miho’s words didn’t seem strange at first thought, but the matter-of-fact nature with which they were said was a bit different. Still, the fact that there was a reunion was always a nice thing to hear, provided relations were good. And then there was the mention of new friends.

A smile began to spread as he set his mug down. He looked at them again. His mind went back to when he had met his friends. And then to the people he had met more recently. “It’s always good to be able to make new friends.”

<@244244163002892288> <@227653769842655233>

Rue’s face lit up with another of those enormous sunshine smiles, and tears gathered and spilled in his eyes as he chirped, sitting forward. Reiden’s confirmation only seemed to bolster him, tail standing up straight.

It had only been a few minutes, but still–

“We are friends now?” he asked in confirmation, hopeful and happy.


“Pleasure, Doon,” Avaritia replied, careful to properly growl over the pronunciation in the wolf’s language. Golden eyes wrinkled in mirth at his sniffing and the fwap of his tail. “What are you sniffing, there? Is my bar clean enough for you?”

The bar was, in fact, as clean as it ever was, as anything else in the Shame Corner, though Ira’s little personal slice in it always seemed to have smokey and rich scents so deeply absorbed into the woodgrain that the general citrus of cleaners never quite permeated.

Vincent smiled a half smile as his eyes met with Avalon’s.

“That is quite unfortunate.”

Reaching to his belt, he opened one of the pouches attached and pulled out a stack of credits. Picking up the stack of them, he dropped them one at a time into his hand, counting them. With a satisfied look, he handed the credits to Avalon.

“I hope that this will help with the resurfacing… but, if you find yourself in need of more funds to fix the damage, feel free to send the bill to the office of the Regent, care of Thran Occasus.”

The Sith smirked and bowed his head towards the Manager.

“If that covers everything for now, I think I’ll head to the bar for a few drinks while the ship is refueled.”

Doon’s nose halted twitching when she brought it up, and he raised a paw to gently touch the side his scarred snout as his gaze fell down to his drink. his ear flicked back against his head “It is not intentional, my apologies. It is plenty clean, yes. I can only catch traces of scent, things that are more obvious.

He swallowed another taste before meeting her gaze again. “I am curious how you speak Shistavanen so well. How did you learn?

Avaritia’s nose crinkled, and she shook her head, reaching out to brush a finger along his scarred snout.

“I was just teasing, didn’t mean anything by it. Sniff away. We do.” She chuckled and withdrew. “I’m older than I look.” They ran a hand down their body with a raised brow, as if to dare him to question them on their implication that they looked young. “I have had much time to practice and known several Shistavanens. Have you met the triplets? I knew their family…quite well.”

A gentle, growling laugh accompanied the statement.

His large head tilted slightly into the touch, the rough Lichtenberg scars offsetting his usually soft fur. Another flick of his ear accompanied his gaze shifting away and to the doors of the bar. He cleared his throat and turned towards her, attention again on her. and the way she gestured to herself. Again, his nose twitched and his tail made a soft whumf as it swayed once. “I may have met them before, but not enough to piece together their relation.

With a perk of his ear, he leaned in again over his cup, seemingly nursing it now that he felt the buzz. “How well?

There it was, another change. Where Rue was once guarded and cautious, now he had relaxed some, no longer folded in on himself. The posture, his tail, the tears and smile, it all pointed to his happiness. It was practically infectious.

Reiden’s smile grew as he turned to Rue, nodding. “Yes, we’re friends.”

The bartender snorted. It was a wonder anyone couldn’t tell, the girls all worked at the same time often and they were nearly identical. Nevertheless…

Avaritia gave a crooked grin, waggling their ring-coated fingers at him. “Well at least one of these is for one of their grandfathers…divorced his ass, but still, PRETTY well.”

It was like a superconducting loop of smiles. Rue generally radiated happiness at this. Under the table, Alk had finished his first course and moved on to licking the empty bowl, pushing it all over the place. Ray returned then to deposit a steaming plate before Miho, stacked triple with pancakes, butter, and syrup, and another with a steak cooked to her perfect specification. He also placed down another mug of cocoa off his tray, another bowl of greens for Alk (bless), and a plate in front of Rue that had shaped tipyip nuggets.

“If I remember right, you and your other friends ordered these?” he suggested with a friendly smile, obviously looking out extra for the hybrid. Rue chirped.

“The ‘dino nuggies!’ Yes! These are Sulla and her Uncle Koda’s favorites.”

“Oh, my bad. Do you like them?”

“This one does, Sir Ray, yes. The only things this one does not eat is meat,” he informed, cheerfully biting into a nugget.


The Rancor quietly huffed a sigh, though her eyes closed upon being pet by Ira, in a way that was relaxed. A warm smile came to Syrena’s face at the sight.

She listened to Ira’s words, her gaze warming as the woman spoke of her own Rancor companion. “Pleyvetu, what a beautiful name… It is a joy to meet someone else familiar with Zephira’s kind.”

At the mention of the mere spoken word of Hutt, a soft growl rippled through the Rancor, her golden eyes narrowing. However, the large creature remained curled up where she was, the growl shifting to that of a whine.

“Shhh, it’s okay Zephira… You’ll never have to go back to that terrible place again. You’re free now,” Syrena spoke in a soothing tone to the Rancor, reaching out a hand and gently petting her shimmering scales. Looking back over at Ira, Syrena gave a slow nod. “Yes, she was… Kept in chains. Her and I have that in common when it comes to our pasts.”

“But on another note… Perhaps I’ll play her favorite song now, and for you as well, Miss Ira!” Syrena quickly added on a more optimistically, not wanting to dwell on the past. She drew out her seven-string hallikset, pausing to tune her instrument. The rancor gently rested her head on her paws, looking up at Syrena expectantly.

He nodded, eyes once more roaming her various jewelries. He made a mental note for the next time he eventually ended up at the station. “This Grandfather, he was a Shistavanen?” He again sipped casually at his reserve.

Avaritia nodded, as if that was self-evident. “Just as furry as you, friend. About where the similarities end, though, aside from hunting for tail in the bars.” They winked, taking some bite from their words. She tapped the counter. “Be back.”

The rapacious tender went off to see to other customers for a bit, gathering orders, mixing drinks, and such. They moved with the same liquid grace, always chatting and glittering in the dim lights, gold and silver and all sorts on their hands, arms, inlaid or pierced into skin, face, around throat, scalp; jewelry or cybernetic cosmetics, it was hard to tell the difference in some spots.

While they were away, the door behind the counter swung, and out popped one of the very triplets themselves. This one kept their mane in a short tail– Paige, her name tag read. Avaritia smiled at her when she came out, quickly bumping shoulders and touching muzzle, licking between the other woman’s eyes. Paige groaned and batted at her, but seemed to endure the affection. Even Doon’s muddled hearing could catch mutters of, “Grammy, c'mon. We’re at work.”

Lower growls and grumbles followed, a private conversation, and even a gesture in Doon’s direction after other patrons were looked over. Paige eyed him with recognition, frowning slightly, and yipped at Avaritia, who only laughed in response.

They parted, Paige going to put an apron on over her big huge enormous ears and trotting off into the store proper. She made a noise like a sneeze-scoff as she went by Doon without looking.

A few more customers later, Avaritia eventually circled back, quirking a brow at him. *“Need another yet, or you thinking of slowing down? Maybe a stout?” *

Miho looked from Rue and his dino nugget with the head bitten clean off, then to Ray who seemed close to having an apoplexy (or a panic attack) and the horrid truth fell into the bottom of her stomach like a rock of foreboding.

If he didn’t eat meat, why in the name of all the gods ever created was Rue eating what could only be meat judging from Ray’s expression. “Oh.”

She raised an eyebrow at Rue and then, smiling, she pushed her pancakes covered in syrup and melted butter across the table. “You should try the pancakes, Rue. They’re one of my own favorites and I like to share them with people.”

Rue perked, quickly disappearing the rest of the dino into his mouth and reaching enthusiastically instead for the pancakes. At least he went back for silverware before just grabbing.

“I love pancakes!” he chirped, cutting a triangle. “This one even learned how to make the batter, because they are one of Sulla’s favorites also. But not the cooking. Elly still does not want me to use the stove. Which is acceptable to this one.” He shuddered briefly. “It does not want the fire.”

But as quickly as that quicksilver flash of tired grief and sick horror came, it was gone in buttery drenched syrup goodness. Rue mrrrp’d happily, his tail flicking now, all but vibrating in his seat.

“Thank you, Miss Friend Miho!”

Ray, who had lingered, seemed to be coming to a moral precipice. He sighed softly, then leaned in and reached slowly for the plate of nuggets.

“Hey, sorry, I didn’t know you were non-meat. Let me get you some veggie ones. These are made with meat, usually, unless they say otherwise.”

The fork in Rue’s only hand sagged.

He blanched slightly, but bolstered by new friends, cocoa, and pancakes, managed to swallow his bite of fluffy breakfast joy. His hand started to shake much harder, and he set the utensil down with a sharp clatter, flinching minutely into himself at the sound. He stared at the plate Ray held and then a spot the table, swallowing conclusively as one would to keep from vomiting. Three times, four, and then said, “O-oh.”


Doon’s ear burned and flicked as he was discussed. He hunched closer to his drink, and as Paige passed he flinched inwards, eye staring down into the bar. He waited a few moments until she was out of ear shot to down the remainder of his drink. A whine rose after the liquid passed and was not so subtly cut off by a growl.

He set the glass down and slid it back across the way as Avarita came around again. His eyes remained on the wood, and he used two claws to tap the wood by the glass. “One more. A double for the road.” he mumbled out, eat flat against his head.

“Oh, leaving already?” Disappointment was clear in the growling tone, tinged with a whine, as was the language prone to, when Avaritia replied.

He was silent for a few moments as he thought through the fuzz of his previous drinks. “Yes. I have a ship that lost control of its cargo ramp. Put a dent in the landing pad. I need to make sure it gets taken care of.

His eye didn’t move quickly, it only drifted to the empty glass. “On second thought. Do you sell bottles?

“Oh…” Though he didn’t see it, Avaritia’s shoulders slumped, a break in their so far bright posture. They assured, “It will be fine. We buff out most things. You wouldn’t believe the regular damage here. And no, not the liquor– you can get beers and boxed wines from the coolers though.”

He nods, letting out a gruff sound as he gestured to the glass. “A double then. Then I’ll get out of your fur.

His other paw went to his chest, pressing on a spot through his tunic that would have made him flinch if he wasn’t inspecting the sharp pain that it caused. His eye closed for a moment before he opened it and sat upright again, back straight as he looked ahead.

Realizing she wasn’t so welcome anymore, Avaraitia just nodded rather than keep pressing or dropping a comment that he didn’t know yet if she had any fur. “You got it.”

The Shistavanen’s glass was refilled, and placed with it a napkin with a comm code jotted down– just in case the turn in mood was more the alcohol. It wasn’t as though he had to take it. Then the tender went off to check on others again.

Pathetic, aren’t you?

Doon growled as he downed the freshly poured drink, hoping the liquor or the growl, or both, would suppress the voice he felt tugging at him.

Moping about like a lost pup.

The Shista set the glass down and stood, eye boring into the paper with such intensity that it might have caught fire if he had two. Claws clenched and unclenched, opening and closing a few times before he stood and pushed away from the bar. He dragged his claws over his face, dragging at his eye before he turned and walked out in a… mostly.. straight line.

Gold eyes glanced over to watch the Shista go, and then down to the napkin still on the bar.

And things had been going so well.

Avaritia sighed, trying not to let their ruined mood show, and put on a smile for the next guest as she quickly took the napkin and trashed the shame (like the corner).

Hrumph,” Paum grunted. A large three-fingered hand swiped at her waving one, which easily evaded the half-hearted attempt. “ ‘M, fine, Vreva. Just wasn’t expecting a place to sit. So…” He cleared his throat and shook his, well, shoulders and thus his head. “Come on, I’m starving.”

The Herglic sat down onto the large bench, thanking it for his knees and embracing the security of something that should holds his weight. Grabbing a menu in one hand, he busied himself peering over it. “Fish bake mm looks good. Jumbo fish patty, found what I’ll be having. What about you? ”

A small shuttle from a likely much larger ship skated in on tiny thrusters, proximity alarms chirping as it navigated to its designated parking slot. After a few seconds of practiced navigation, it touched down on four stubby landing legs with a pneumatic hiss and a small groan. As a series of latches and airlock mechanisms give way, a cheery prerecorded voice plays inside, loud enough to just barely be heard from outside.

“You have arrived at the The Shame Corner, ” the voice that was of a generic yet pleasant woman switched to that of a grumpy and tired middle aged man when listing the name, “Please ensure to carry any personal belongings and return to the shuttle in one hour to continue your journey with us through the stars. Thank you, and enjoy your stay.

Finally, the doors of the shuttle open, revealing a mostly empty cabin that only held Remalia, who quickly stepped out and consulted her datapad before looking at the local signage and moving to the nearby shop. Moving at a brisk pace, she hooks her cane on its loop under her coat and begins to walk the aisles, half-lidded eyes studying the shelves intently.

Esen strode from around the corner, through the front doors, where her pace slowed, opening to the wonderous view this place had to offer. To her left were a giant place of shopping, to her right… more shopping. Each side containing either the grill or the bar. So many items to look at, so many feelings to feel. Most of the feelings she felt were happiness, excitement, bored, no doubt probably from some of the employees, but also… Sadness and guilt.

She shook her head, You’re off duty, Esen, remember, you need to take a day for “me time” She thought to herself. Shaking her head once more, trying to brush off the feelings she could sense.

Being a Zeltron had its ups and downs, one that seemed to ride that line, was being able to feel the emotions of others.

She continued snake her way through the aisles, pausing occasionally, as some of the exotic goodies peaked her interest, before placing them back where she had picked them up. Still, like a tickle on the back of her neck, she felt that feeling of sadness. She couldn’t shake it, and was having a rather difficult time focusing on what she would potentially like to buy…

She placed the item she had been looking at, back at its home, on a lower shelf, and stood up from her crouched position. She made her way around the building, gradually going closer to individuals, and then farther when they weren’t the one she was looking for, following that tug of emotion, until she found the source: a slightly inebriated, very tall, Shistavanen. She approached him at his side, standing in the path where she wasn’t taking his full line of sight, yet enough for her to be seen in his peripheral view of his non scarred eye.

She tugged on the tight crew cut collar, of her white shirt, yet her boots were planted firmly in the ground, shoulder width apart.

“Um, hello. You seem… troubled. I know we have never met before, so quite honestly it’s aokay if you don’t want to talk, but if you’re comfortable with it, I am more trained in the medical field, though I have been a sounding board for many.” She plasters a small sweet smile on her face, blinking a few times. Though uncontrollable, she does give off a slight soothing effect.

“Hey there,” an Echani woman in a relaxed red shrug-sweater greeted from the main counter as the new arrival began perusing the front shelves. She had tucked away Vincent’s payment information to one Thran readily and waved him on to the bar. Now was the next customer. “Welcome in! First time? Can I help you with anything?”

Remalias eyes roll to the side before identifying the one who spoke. She then turned forward and straightened to her full height, holding her datapad close to her chest and putting her hand behind her back like an officer preparing to give orders. “Good day. I am looking for medical supplies. I presume the more advanced materials aren’t available, but gauze, antiseptic and burn salve will suffice for now. As such a large waystation, I assume at least some can be gathered here?”

Silver eyes just blinked at the woman’s militant demeanor, used to all kinds coming through. She kept her smile small and brief and didn’t offer too much chitchat. “Yeah, we have a whole bunch of the basics, and a first aid station, actually. People have accidents or conditions sometimes, and all. Are you alright? I can call our healer if you need.”

Remalias left eye twitches, the first involuntary movement she has made so far. “The medic on my ship has told me to stop bothering local doctors with self inflicted wounds, and ever since I tried to make off with some bacta he has been calling ahead-” she shakes her head and gives a small, dissmissive movement with her hand, “but no, I am in no grave need. Just training wounds. My master has told me my methods are considered extreme, but a burn or cut every now and again is worth the gain.”

Doon’s eye slowly slid towards her. There wasn’t much of an expression on his face, and he knew that. So either this person was exceptional at reading body language or -


A rumbling sounded from his chest as he let out an annoyed growl. He didn’t like it when his mind was read, and his emotions being scanned wasn’t too far of a step down. Still, at least in this case, she couldn’t really help it. “Im fine.” The simple words rolled out past sharp teeth as his paws clenched, metal claws pressing into his palm pads as he looked back at the shelf next to her.

Now, frustration, embarrassment, and a slight tinge of fear came off the Shistavanen. “Do not read my mind. I do not like it.” His large tongue did its best to roll out of the way of his words.

Avalon, as her plated name tag read, scrunched her eyes in concern.

“You know, I have been around a long…long time. And we see everything through here.” In her experience, the people who downplayed things to just a ‘burn or cut every now and again’ were actually the worst, making serious to minor injury so habitual they really didn’t care they were hurting themselves. “Believe me, it’s not a bother.”

“I am a- I am not one to be so arrogant as to not accept aid for dangerous injuries. If I was damaged enough to impede movement I would have already approached the ship medic about it. He simply wants me to stop using the ship cabins for training at all and thinks that I will ‘learn’ by being allowed to stew in the pain. Instead he teaches me patience and pain tolerance.” She seems about to move on, but her eyes open fractionally like she realizes something. “But, ah… thank you… for your concern. I have been told my manner is cold to most, I hope I haven’t offended.”

The Echani frowned, more concerned by the moment, maybe for that medic too we well as this kid, but…well, she’d do whatever she wanted to do.

“You’re fine,” Avalon replied calmly. “Cold isn’t much to service workers, believe you me. We have stories. First aid supplies will be down that way, fifth one down, near the first aid office. Look for the sign. If you hit the outdoors supplies and home goods, you’ve gone too far.”

She pointed to the right.

“Be right here if you need anything else, dear.”

“Your employment shouldn’t lower your standards for common decency, nor should it embolden others to do the same. But my thanks for the assistance, Miss Avalon, and good day.” Remalia turns smartly and walks down the aisle she was shown, looking up and down the shelf before beginning to tap on her datapad.

Vreva crinkled her nose at the idea of a fish burger, though she of course wouldn’t question Paum’s tastes. She sat down in the oversized booth and looked over the menu herself, chewing her lip as she did so. “Hmm, yeah… I think two of the double bantha burgers with fries.” It was around a full pound of meat, but she felt like she could put it down without a problem.

The red Zabrak glanced around the diner for a server in the hope that she wouldn’t have to get up again to make her order. She let out a sigh. “Guess I’ll go take up our order. I need a drink anyways. Get you one?”

“I can recommend some drinks.” An Umbaran man seemed to appear from nowhere, grinning, wearing one of the diner’s yellow aprons over black clothing. He wore a thick leather collar choker, armbands and bracelets, and plenty of piercings, blue-purple hair a flurry around his face. His name tag red Mato. “And that was two double grazin’ Mooers and a whale– eh, uh, sorry, buddy, don’t mean nothing by it, I swear, just the jargon for a jumbo fish… That’s not better, that’s still speciesist, I’m so sorry actually I’m going to stop talking now and go recommend a change.”

<@227960499948486666> <@244244400488710155>

Following his line of sight to the shelves beside her, she turns her head. Turning her gaze back to him,

“Oh please, I cannot read your mind. Nor would I want to.. that sounds too invasive, for not just you, but for all parties involved. In a persons mind is where they can be themselves, a place where they can think freely, and I do not wish to take that away from anyone. Your thoughts are indeed safe from me, Mister Shistavanen.”

She interwinds her hands together, “Others emotions around me, they’re amplified to me.” Noticing his paws clench, nodding slightly to it,

“I do not mean to overstep, it was not my intention. Though, many do go to bars to find temporary release from mental anguish, and being as you smell faintly of alcohol. It is not difficult for the average lay person, to put two and two together that you might be upset in some form.” She pauses for a moment, before continuing.

“When people say "I’m fine” it usually means, they are in fact not fine, but do not wish to talk about it. How about I offer you this Mister.“ She extends her hand to shake.

"I’m Esen, it is a pleasure to meet you.” She states very genuine and calmly.

Doon met her gaze again, his sole golden eye narrowing slightly before he shifted. A large paw enveloped her hand, the warm grip firm and the fur surprisingly soft. He shook it once, then twice. “Doon Sulvir.” He responded, then released her hand. He stood straight, taking a breath to offset his drunkenness.

“Do you talk to drunks often?” His paws close again softly, not clenched this time. His rumbly voice lowered to a casual tone, shedding some of the weight of defensiveness he had previously spoken with. His eye scanned her over once more, focusing for a moment to properly take in her appearance.

Doon would see that she’s wearing dark combat boots with dark green tactical pants bloused just above the ankles. She wore a white T- Shirt tucked firmly into the waist of her trousers. Her hair that normally had too much, yet not enough gel, still held its classic low military style bun, though a few strands of her bangs had popped out. She smelled of fresh and crisp, with slight hints of floral.

Repeating her statement once more, as they shook hands, addressing him properly this time. Placing her other hand atop his, as he shook her already extended hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Doon Sulvir.” Said with a slight nod. Releasing his paw.

“I talk to all sorts, including drunks. Take care of them too at times.” She sighs slightly.

“Though you don’t seem like a drunk to me. You seem far too cognizant. Though I much enjoy conversations with those more sober. Really drunk people tend to need babysat.” Again another slight sigh.

“Care to sit with me at the Golden Griddle Diner? I’m famished.” She taps the sides of her ribs.

His nose twitched, his gaze drawn from her and over the aisles of goodies to the diner across the way. His jaw clenched, but after a moment, a growly “Alright. Diner.” He confirmed.

The Shistavanen led the way, massive tail swishing twice through the entire journey towards the diner. He glanced over his shoulder at one point, ensuring his large digitigrade legs were not carrying him faster than his rather short companion. He stopped once at the Host desk and set two metal claw tips down as he rumbled “Two. Please.”

The smiled that greeted him wobbled a bit at his demeanor, but stayed professional and cheery. It was one of the triplets, though not Paige. This one had glasses and her hair up in two cute buns behind each big huge large enormous ear.

“Hey, sure thing,” Claire said, and waved them in. With a glance to Ray, who gestured, she lead them to a corner booth closer to the counter, well away from the table where Rue, Miho, Alk, and Reiden all were. A few tables over in the larger accomodations section were Vreva and Paum.

“I’ll get you some waters, but Mato will be right over to get you. Need anything else until then?”

She smiled, enormously floofy tail swishing.

<@267489687902486530> <@160141735354171394>

Doon’s eye was quite focused on the ground as they walked, even after sitting, his gaze bore into the table. With clenched jaw, he muttered. “I am fine.” He made a short gesture to Esen, incase she wanted something

Soon enough, the Rancor was met with a large serving of food, much to Syrena’s relief. The massive pink creature tore into it without a moment’s delay, a more relaxed look shining in her beady golden eyes.

“Ah, I knew it… You were just hungry, weren’t you Zephira?” She cooed softly to her Rancor with warm smile. “I’ll be back shortly… I’m going to go play your favorite song. Enjoy your meal, and please try to behave yourself!”

She turned her attention elsewhere, knowing that her pet would be more relaxed now that she had a giant heaping of food. Syrena made her way back into the central area of the Shame Corner, already spotting the familiar faces of Miho, Reiden, and Rue.

She stepped up to a small stage in the room and threw aside her white Jedi robes. Now donning a short dress shimmering with an array of magenta and silver crystals, metallic pink stiletto-heeled boots, and a matching wide-brimmed hat, Syrena took to the mic and slung her seven-string hallikset over one shoulder.

“Hello there, Shame Corner! Everyone having a wonderful night out there? I sure hope so, cause’ we’re just getting started!” She chimed enthusiastically into the mic, casting a dazzling smile towards the crowd. “Some of you might be familiar with this song, made popular by the Holostar, Naor Lleppahc…”

Under the pale glow of the fluorescent lights, instrument resting against her hip, Syrena leaned in close to the mic with a playful twinkle shimmering in her silver eyes. She swayed to the music as her voice carried the melody in a dreamy mix of soft charm and flowing notes, the heel of her boot lightly tapping to the beat.

“Stars, what have you done? You’re a pink rancor girl, and you dance at the club, Oh mama, I’m just havin’ fun, On stage in my heels It’s where I belong, down at the Pink Rancor Club, I’m gonna keep on dancin’ at the Pink Rancor Club, I’m gonna keep on dancin’ in West Tatooine, I’m gonna keep on dancing at the Pink Rancor Club, Pink Rancor Club…”

The Zeltron walked closely behind the large Shistavanen, focusing on her footing, trying not to step on his feet or bump into aisles as they walked. She was used to keeping up with others taller than her, making sure to take larger strides and step more. Although his slight gesture of ensuring she was with him, didn’t go unnoticed, and she gave him a smile and a slight head nod.

“Just the water for me, thank you,” she said to the hostess as she slid into the booth. She watched the hostess leave before asking.

“So tell me Mr. Sulvir, what is it you do for a living? Anything fun and exciting?” She cocks an eyebrow, turning her head a fraction in his direction, as she fiddles with opening her bundle of utensils. Organizing them on her napkin.

Claire gave a smile that was perhaps even MORE awkward and slightly sad at how Doon wouldn’t even look at her before she nodded to Esen and headed off.

Aside from one of the servers trying to, briefly, stop the woman from just jumping up on stage only to withdraw in the “eh fuck it” way of an employee that sees something already too late, it seemed the performance was rather well received. Many Shame Corner residents bopped and bobbed along to the song, some few with tears in their eyes– it was the nature of this station that people who empathized a great deal with this particular number ended up here, their place they belonged.

The large alien cringed at the server’s backpedaling. Paum likely wouldn’t have noticed and associated the word either if Mato had continued on and not stressed about it. He could feel the likely nearby eyes turning to look towards the platitudes, even if they were no louder than a normal conversation. Raising his three fingers off the table, palm still flat, to wave it off, he rumbled lightly, “It’s fine…Do not worry of it. What were those drink recommendations?”

“Eh heh… Right, sorry.” Realizing he was making things worse, the man cleared his throat with a cough and rubbed at the back of his collared neck. “Well, how strong do you like yours? And flavor?”

Pointing over to the Golden Griddle, Ro told Zeva to wait on a bench by the doors for him, while he paid for her trove of items. After paying what he thought was a reasonable price for everything, he leaned on the counter a little, keeping Zeva just in sight, motioning for the clerk to come a little closer.

“Hey, would you happen to know of anyone here, like one of staff, or in another section of the station, to umm errr…” he struggled for a moment as he didn’t do much of it himself, except for simple mending. “To, you know… umm sew something together?”

He looked hopeful at the clerk as he pointed over to his daughter sitting with her new stuffed animals.

“Would it be possible to take the wings of a iridescent green Tailring and put them on the purple Nexu? I found a second set of those, over on that shelf,” he pointed to the shelves, the twins of the plushies his daughter had right on the top shelf. “I’ll pay full price for both of them and a little more for the time it takes to do it, if it’s possible?”


Before a server could come, Doon’s grip fisted to keep his metal claws from scratching the table. He couldn’t be here right now, with more reminders just a few feet away. He stood, just managing giving a short growl of, “Excuse me. Goodbye.” to Esen before he departed, shoving and slightly stumbling his way back out of the cafe and back towards a crashed ship that wasn’t his.

“P-pardon, this one,” Rue managed eventually to Reiden and Miho, swallowing convulsively still. “Please. Continue.”

Then he rose and skittered from the booth, intent on bolting to the nearest refresher as his stomach turned and heaved. The scent of charred flesh filled his scenes. Ash coated his tongue.

The babies were screaming–

A little figure appeared in front of him that was not from his memory, despite looking perfectly fit there. He remembered all of them. All his children.

“Oh!” the hybrid exclaimed, and thankfully, managed to swallow his bile rather than upend it over the litlun he nearly stumbled over as he pulled up short. “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetpea. Are you alright?”

Saffron eyes glanced around, but didn’t immediately see a recognizable biological parent. Or even any adult that appeared to be looking for their child. Just the empty area. The diner was full of guests and strange, beautiful music from the beautiful dancing Zeltron woman, but none looked to be missing a child in there, either.

Carefully, Rue crouched down, totally focused on the litlun. He smiled gently and spoke softly, patiently.

“Hullo there, litlun. Are you alright? Are you alone? Do you need help? My name is Rue. What’s yours?” He gestured with his tail, flicking it in a way that always worked to distract the young ones, the colors of the hair at the end glittering as it whipped in a little circle.


Meanwhile, back at the front, Avalon nodded to Ro-Tahn, smiling to show she didn’t mind his cute request.

“Oh, we’ve got a few people I know can sew. If my husband was working today I’d grab him, but he’s at home. Hmmm…” Her silver eyes drifted as she considered the current shift’s roster. “We can try Mato, maybe, if he’s not busy.”

The little hybrid’s bright purple eyes looked curiously at the person that stopped in front of her. She smiled, switching both stuffed animals to her left arm, and then did a small curtsy with her dress, just as her mother had shown her to do.

“I’m alright, sir. No, my father is over there paying for my gifts,” she pointed over to the counters. “ He told me to wait here. Pleasure to meet you Rue. My name is Zev'aven Drakon, but you can call me Zeva.”

She giggled a little, her eyes glancing between his tail and his face, her voice was bright and cheery, “You are pretty.”

Ro smiled and sighed with relief that his request wasn’t denied or sounded too ridiculous.

“Thank you. I appreciate it,” he looked over at where Zeva was and saw her talking with someone.

His body instantly wanted to go and pick her up, but something about the person she was talking to made him stop. The Togruta didn’t know why, but something told him that she was alright with the person she was talking to. So he decided to finish getting her surprise birthday gifts settled before he rejoined her.

Pulling his data pad out, Ro-Tahn pulled up a few pictures of the dresses she had pointed out on the holonet, “While I have you, would you know if any of the shops would have any of these style of dresses? My little girls’ birthday is tomorrow, and I wanted to get her some new dresses, and well the stuffed animal too.”

Rue beamed, bowing back to her curtsy. He was relieved to hear she had a father and that he was near and that he was kind and did not hurt or burn her.

And she looked healthy.

His eyes misted, and he blinked the tears freely as he smiled wider and wider, flushing with gold again.

“Thank you, Zeva, that is very kind. You are very pretty also. And very well spoken, for one of your age, I would think. Your stuffies there are very lucky to have you.” He squinted at her briefly. “Allow this one a guess, Zeva. You are…surely…at least of the eight years old!”

It was a silly little lie. One to make them feel bigger and better. He used it with Sulla, too.

But here, Outside. Here is could be true. Here, it seemed as though almost every child was healthy and made it past their infancy without deteriorating.

It was…

“Wonderful,” Rue praised.

Avalon peered at the screen, smiling faintly as her brows furrowed. “New parent, I’m guessing? Or new to a girl?”

She browsed a few as he let her touch the screen.

“These are good. That one might be a bit chilly, with the lower back. Of course it depends on what her favorites are.”

She sighs, fingers still fiddling with the utensils, her posture slightly deflated, “Oh okay.” Said with a slight soft smile, watching him walk away, and through the doors. Once he was out of sight, her gaze drifted to the seat in front of her where he had just been sitting. She let out a sigh, pausing for a moment, before standing up. She had brought up the Diner, as a way to hopefully indirectly influence him to eat, if she had also gotten something.

You can’t help everyone, Esen. The words replayed through her mind over and over.

Wiping off her pants and shirt, though nothing had gotten on them, this was her way of mentally picking herself up. Placing a tip on the table, combing back her hair, she starts to walk toward the door. The trek seeming to take forever under the burning embarrassment, but she eventually reaches the doors, exits, turning the corner, in the opposite direction she had spotted Doon leaving moments before.

With the same long, black, latex hobble-dress that she had warped and constructed from her alchemical skin at TuQ’uan Varick’s ‘party’, Aphotis let the staccato of her bladed heels echo throughout the halls of the familiar station. There was a cold, dark energy radiating off of the tall, masked woman, who kept herself concealed behind a single shouldered hooded cape, made of the same shiny ‘living material’.

One who was more accustomed to the Mistress’s ways may have noticed that this was how she rid herself of the curses of the dead, slain and afflicted. The Shame Corner was utilised by her like a convenient graveyard to lay the souls to rest, so that they did not follow her home. Aphotis had already tasted and collected their fears—only agony could come of it if she let them cling to her any longer.

Not all that she eliminated on her journey had this honor bestowed on them. Some souls deserved worse, being locked away in her Garden of Trepidations as a continuous font of power to draw upon. Or parts of their spirits, so they could never become whole again, taken piece by piece as curses lingered—a good example of such individuals were the recipients of Aphotis’s gifts. These worked both ways of course, her blessings were theirs, and her own strife was theirs also. Sometimes these locked away beings became important to the tall woman—gaining a voice, be it temporary or permanent within her mindscape.

Besides the hiss of her mask, passersby could hear the near-unintelligible muttering of her setting these invisible essences free. Spirits often clashed with the living as they passed through their bodies momentarily, sometimes feeling the beating of their hearts and the warmth of their blood—before they passed to the next world, the Force, or the ones in between.

One day Aphotis hoped to see one soul fight hard enough to possess the living. Her chilling electric-blue gaze always stayed on the look out for an extraordinary reaction.

Zeva’s cheeks turned a darker shade of orange, as she smiled back and hugged her plushies closer, her Lekku curling slightly at the ends, as she rocked from side to side a little.

“Oh no, I’m only 5 years old. But I’m turning 6 tomorrow,” she smiled proudly. “Father, wanted to bring me here and get me a few gifts, before we go to visit mother at the medcenter. She’s not doing very good.” The hybrids smile faded only slightly before she then remembered the other comment Rue had bestowed upon her stuffed animals, and quickly brightened as she changed the subject to introducing them.

“And Thank you, Rue. I just got these stuffed animals. This one is like my father,” she held the green Tailring up slightly higher. “And this one is like my mother,” holding the purple Nexu up further. “Unfortunately, there wasn’t any kitties with wings, that could be kinda like me. I haven’t chosen names for them yet though.”

Ro-Tahn rubbed the back of his head, his nervousness coming out a little more.

“It’s that obvious, huh?” he chuckled, before clearing his throat. “More than less a new parent, didn’t know I even had a daughter till she showed up at my threshold. To be fair, I hadn’t even seen her mother for years, after I helped her get off Nar Shaddaa.”

Sighing he quickly looked over to check on her before turning his attention back to the datapad. He flipped past a few dresses, and slowly showed her the few he had picked out.

“I’m no stranger to girls, or women. I have an older sister.” The Togruta then preceded to show Avalon a few more dresses. There were a few simple summer type dresses, as he explained to her that Aliso was more of summer - fall type climate, and then there was a layered skirted dress. He paused at one outfit that was a simple blouse and skirt combo, but he explained that the shirt also had shorts attached to it.

“I’d like to try and get a few of these as well. So that it’s easier for her to play and run around without worrying about anything being… well seen,” his smile turned awkward for a moment. “I want her to be comfortable, and knowing how I was as a kid, she’s already proving to be as wild as I was. Although much better mannered for her age.”

“You are very articulate for a five year old,” Rue commented, and then, when about to question what was troubling her mother’s health, paused as she changed subjects. “It is my honor to meet them both. Naming is very important – my grandmother named me, and I named all my litluns. For what it is worth, I think you are perfect just as you. Where I come from, they combined many things to make us. Like wings, and kitties, and…” He struggled for a moment to recall species of fauna he knew here in the Outside so the analogy could continue. “…and fish, and motts, which are little horned creatures that walk on four legs. And sometimes it…hurt. To make all those things be together, when they were okay on their own just as they were. I think you are a miracle. And even if you do not have a stuffed animal that matches you just so, you have your father and mother who love you very much.”

As he spoke, Rue had begun picked all of the flowers in his hair out of it. He slowly but expertly worked them into a crown between hand and tail, and offered it to Zeva when he was done.

“It is not very much, but here! A happy birthday to you. Six is so very wonderful.”

So few of his children had ever grown so old.

Avalon smiled to Ro-Tahn encouragingly.

“It seems like you’ve put a lot of thought into this. That means a lot, even if you’re new to it and just finding out about her. I don’t think you need to be so worried. She’s a little girl. She’ll love anything you give her for her birthday because it’s you giving it to her. And any of these would be cute and workable for what you’re describing.”

With a silver wink, she also added on, “You know, we’ve got a large clothes section. Swing through there with her, let her run around, see what she lights up at or grabs on to. Texture is really important with clothes. They might look cute but you don’t know how they’ll feel.” She nodded to the datapad. “Try seeing what your daughter touches and likes, touch it yourself too so you learn the right ones, then shop for similar things on the holonet.”

Zeva twisted in place as she listened to Rue, hugging her stuffed animals every now and then, blushing at his compliments. Then she stared in surprise at the flower crown he was offering her.

“Oh! Thank you, so much Rue,” turning quickly she set her stuffed animals down on the bench behind her, and then turned back to Rue. Bowing her head to let him place it upon her head. Since he was still down at her level, she came closer and held out her arms. “May I hug you?”

“It is very kind of you to ask. I would love a hug, yes, thank you!” Beaming at her, he held open his arm and half arm.

Ro smiled back, thankful for the advice. He nodded and then stowed the pad back away.

“Thank you for everything, I’ll do just that after we get something to eat, umm,” pausing he looked for a name tag. “I didn’t catch your name, ma'am?”

The silvery woman smiled at him, offering her hand. “Avalon. I’m one of the three managers and owners of our little gem here. Pleasure to help you, Sir…?”

Zeva gently, but tightly hugged him. As she did, she opened herself up a little, something she didn’t do very often, but it was one of the reasons she knew her mother wasn’t well, and the things she had felt and seen led her to find her father. Feeling Rue’s aura, his emotions and feelings in the moment. There was something strange underneath the overwhelming feeling of adoration, similar to what she had been feeling from her father all the time now, and then other emotions, happiness, a little bit sorrow, and gratitude mixed in as well.

While still in the hug, she rubbed his back and whispered, “I bet you are a wonderful father. Thank you.”

“Avalon. A pleasure to meet you,” taking her offered hand, he firmly but gently shook it. “I’m Ro-Tahn Drakon. My little girls name is Zeva.”

Rue went rigid in a moment, his breath freezing in his chest. It was a blow, far more painful than any other physical punishment or experiment he had ever been dealt. His throat closed. Tears spilled down his cheeks, and he clutched the kind little girl a tiny bit tighter, oh so careful of her.

“T-t-thank. Y-ou. Ze–” he choked out, unable to finish, and just existed in the undeserved hug and words.

Meanwhile, Avalon nodded. “Well welcome to the Shame Corner, Ro-Tahn, and to Zeva too. Kids always get free reign here. Bring her anytime.”

Zeva felt his hug tighten. She tightened her arms around him and for a long moment, just held him there. It felt similar to when she had held her mother whenever she wasn’t feeling good. The tiny hybrid knew that a hug, no matter how simple it was, helped people, so she planned to stay in it till Rue either broke it, or her father came over. She hoped he wouldn’t come over too soon.

“Thanks.” Ro nodded and then he quickly glanced at Zeva. Seeing the man now hugging his daughter he started to move in that direction. He waved at her, as his daughter had positioned herself so as to see in his direction. She waved back and gave a quick little thumbs up (their agreed symbol for all was ok), and then continued to hug. Pausing, the Togruta thought for a moment, and decided to take the opportunity she gave him. The moment she turned her attention back to the man, he quickly went over to the shelves and grabbed the two stuffed animals, returning to Avalon.

“Here are the plushies,” he set down the animals and then few more credits for the custom order. “We’ll be in the Golden Griddle for a bit. When would you like me to come back here to pick this up? Or if you want to, you can bring it in to her?”